Saturday, 4 August 2012

War the ultimate judgement of God

Sunday Blog!
War the ultimate judgement of God!

If lord lucy, the Egenicist and Misanthrope, was not held in check by God there would be continuous war. WW3 would have broken out in 1962.
With a short glance at History HIS STORY, it will soon become apparent that war and judgement are closely linked.
In 1917 the Virgin Mary warns the world through the three little seers from Fatima Portugal, Lucia, Jacinta and Francesco, thatalthough WW1 Will soon end, there will be a far worse war UNLESS there is a great returning to faith in God accompanied by Prayer and repentance. This obviously did not take place and 20 years later and even more horrendous war broke out. WW2.
Then barely another 20 years, 18 to be more exact and Kennedy andKruschev were within an inch of Nuclear Holocaust.
Many people including myself believe that because of the efforts of one Roman Catholic Priest, Father Patrick Peyton, who organised large gatherings at Crusades around the USA and around the world of the masses offering up the Rosary Prayer to plead for God's mercy and forgiveness, WW3 was averted.
Now nearly 70 years have passed without the horrors of a World War and frankly the situation in regard to morals and a great falling away from the faith is now far worse than ever. The murder of the unborn, the collapse of the family, and a general disbelief in anything spiritual is one of the main reasons why WW3 is inevitable.
If you do not believe me just wait and see.
Wars are a Hellish wake up call.
Satan, the destroyer, thief and murderer is allowed by God to carry out his campaign until people generally wake up from their trance and start crying out to God.
I used to have an uncle who was one of the Marshals on the beaches of Dunkirk when the allied forces were stranded and at the mercy of Hitler's war machine. Bad weather prevented the evacuation and it looked like game set match to the Germans. To my uncle's great surprise, all over the beaches soldiers who had never prayedbefore were to found in groups among the sand dunes on their knees calling out to their God to save them. He did, and the bad weather miraculously changed and the small boats from across the Channel were able to come over and nearly all of the soldiers were lifted off to the comparative safety of England where they were able to regroup and to go on to win the war.
I believe that the world has arrived at such a place again.
Very soon we will see China and Russia challenge the NATO forces in an all out Nuclear war. This could be as soon as October this year.
What can we do about it?
Wake people up and PRAY the ROSARY!!
Please remember that war is HELL ON EARTH!!!
If you do not believe me it is because you have learned no lessons from History HIS STORY!

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