The devil is very smart but God is far smarter!
Discouragement and then encouragement!
A couple of days ago I looked up into the blue sky only to be super duper annoyed by the pattern of Chem trails which had crisscrossed an otherwise perfect late summer's day.
What the Hell is going on?
Watch this and you will see Michael J Murphy's well documented and researched presentation trailer.
Also very interesting just go to the end of this 2 hour video and hear what he has to say.
"Why in the World are They Spraying?" Official Trailer
By Michael J Murphy!
GLOBALISATION... That is the name of the game.
When you research this you will find that the Globalists are trying with all their might, not only to control the weather but to take over all of Agriculture. Just like they have been trying to take over every other aspect of our lives... Control is the Name of the Game!!!
Small businesses and small farms and family businesses must go.
Families are out and slaves are in.
Only super monopolies owned and run by the Mega Banks will be allowed to survive and make money and thus control the diminished by 90%, population.
Now there are many reasons for Chem trails and let me state that none of them are good!!!! Only extremely evil !!!!.
Let me explain one of them.
Monsanto with its genetically modified crops is determined to take over all seed production and the selling thereof.
The Chem trails excreting large quantities of Aluminium and other substances, Berium and Strontium, are being dumped all over the world to destroy the normal and natural seeds and so the solution to this problem will be the Monsanto Genetically Manufactured seeds with an anti Aluminium component and thus their seeds will work while all others fail.
For these Satanic Eugenicists there is a further pay off..Humans after devouring this vegetation will not be able to reproduce after the second generation. So vast numbers of the human race will be slow killed.
The Eugenicist elite have admitted in their documents that they want over 90% of the world population to die out.
These genetically modified seeds together with war...Nuclear war...Civil war...The use of Bio and Chemical weapons alreadydeveloped and maybe other methods not here mentioned will be used to destroy the Middle Class and thus leave the Super Eliteof 13 Families and 6000 hangers on to subdue and rule over about 500,000,000 as opposed to the 7,000,000,000, on the planet today. Just enough to do all the slave labour needed, and controlled by giving them just enough food to eat if they obey and do all that they are told. There will be no more families and children will be taken away from their parents and brought up in a communal factory like environment where they will be brainwashed to serve and obey the elites.
If you do not want this to happen, then wake up and start your own investigating and stop believing all that is being provided by the so called mainline and main stream media:: the presstituteswho know exactly how to hypnotise you.. HELP!!!!!!
Be a whistleblower.
Now I have investigated and found out that the Roman Catholic Church, in spite of its corruption even in the first century, read the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Book of Revelation, is the True church. All those other 38,000 are not really the TRUE Church but!!!! Wait a minute!!! God has allowed this to happen. I would dare to say that 99.9999% of all those 38,000 beleive in a simple salvation by simple faith in Jesus Christ and what is written that can be easily understood in the Holy Bible... Now there are many passages, as brought out by John Martignoni in the last Blog I sent you called the True Church, which are very difficult to understand and then it suddenly dawned on me that Romans Ch 8 v 28 still applies and that in the world wide take over by satan and the banksters, the Rcs will be easy meat as their Churches and their organisation is world wide and centrally run from a a very corrupt Vatican. Corrupt, only in so far as money is involved and not by doctrine. I believe that the Apostle's Doctrine is whistle clean from the beginning until this day. But now imagine how the A/C will try to take over all these 38,000 denominations and their tens of thousands affiliates. That is going to be some task and for the first time in my life I could see plainly as to how Romans Ch 8 v 28 could so easily apply in this situation.
Hope you enjoyed that and please get back to me.. It seems to make a great deal of sense and once again satan's plans have been foiled by a God who outsmarts him at every turn. TYJ!!!GBY and KGFG!!!
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