Monday, 17 March 2014


IN THE SYNDROME OF (MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS)....WHERE ARE WE NOW.?? THIS IS HOW I SEE IT... I HOPE I AM WRONG...MAYBE ONCE AGAIN THIS SITUATION CAN BE GLOSSED in the past....I hope that it can.. FIRST... It is important to know how our enemy works.. We do not really know all about it, as he is incredibly clever and deceptive.. John ch 10 verse 10.......always refer to this verse for his agenda.. We have to go back to his aims and goals... DESTRUCTION.....MURDER.....ROBBERY or in other words from the KING JAMES BIBLE... to kill.....and to destroy....  That is his aim in jealous anger against his CREATOR.....THE FATHER GOD...THE SON JESUS CHRIST....AND THEIR UNITING SPIRIT OF LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND LOVE FOR HIS CREATION....THE H O L Y SPIRIT....3 in 1 and 1 in 3.... The real enemy seems to be Russia... The largest land mass country on earth....a thorn in the flesh of THE BANKSTERS AND THEIR CHIEF...THE ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY.....said to be worth five hundred trillion pounds sterling....all fiat meaning without any substance to back this huge sum up.. It is an invented sum pulled right out of the thin air by this money controlling family...lead by their lord lucifer is more than half the money in the entire world..... The banksters started their latest campaign with their attack on Iraq after their false flag attack on the WTC 2001 sept 11th...Russia under Putin was not particularly worried but then Libya and then Syria.. Now in Syria the old Russian bear was more interested as he had a naval base this did not fall so easily, and the war there rages to this day.....BUT NOW ON THEIR BACK PORCH....U K R A I N E ......THIS IS NO JOKE... That old bear is not going to take this one lying down...That is WHY THE SITUATION TODAY 17th MARCH 2014.....IS SO DANGEROUS....I BELIEVE THE ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLERS actually want WW3..... NUCLEAR this could be it....since 1973 we have been predicting this and each time there was a postponement. Let us all hope and pray this can happen again....BUT MAYBE NOT...SO HANG ON THIS COULD BE IT...A LIFE CHANGING TIME OF TRIBULATION THAT THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE..... Just around the corner but but but we must try and find the missing airliner.... This is important... This decoy orchestrated by the NWO IS WHERE WE SHOULD BE LOOKING....That is exactly what lucifer wants.... THIS DISTRACTION IS THE PLACE WHERE WE SHOULD BE LOOKING.. HOWEVER WHY BE CONNED BY THE NWO.....WHY NOT CALL HIS BLUFF AND KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING...JOHN CH 10 v 10 ALL OVER AGAIN.....REMEMBER TO ALWAYS GO BACK TO THIS VERSE A WORD SPOKEN BY JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF...A RED LETTER WORD OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE..... SO THAT IS ALL FOR NOW.. HOPE THAT WAS A HELP... JUST AS A SHORT SUMMARY... TODAY WITH THE SITUATION IN THE UKRAINE ON THE BACK PORCH OF THAT GREAT NATION RUSSIA THE WICKED WEST IS TRYING SO HARD TO PROVOKE THE AWESOME BEAR INTO ACTION... WILL THEY SUCCEED.??? THE ANSWER MAY Well BE UP TO YOU AND ME...WILL WE PRAY AGAINST THIS COURSE OF MOMENTOUS AND CATASTROPHIC DESTRUCTION????

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