Friday, 14 March 2014


WHY AM I ON FIRE FOR JESUS CHRIST AND SO MANY OF MY CONTEMPORARIES ESPECIALLY MY OLD LEADERS IN THE CHRISTIAN WORLD ARE SO DEAD???? There is a reason for this and I am going to do my very best to tell you my secret.. I have tried to touch on this previously but today after watching a Christmas greeting from the leadership of yesteryear and yesterdecade it became even more clear...IT MADE QUITE SICK TO WATCH IT... Every day my wife and companion in The Lord go out witnessing... Did I say every day?? YES EVERY GOD BLESSED DAY WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS... OF COURSE THIS IS GOING TO SOUND...SELF-RIGHTEOUS....AND LET ME TELL YOU PLAINLY YES IT IS BECAUSE I AM A HUMAN BEING BUT IT IS ALSO. THE T R U T H ... Witnessing is a daily hourly minute by minute DEATH TO SELF....let me give you some examples and you will see why.... So off we go to where the people ARE, the fishing spots and we say..Excuse me may I ask you a question?? Now quite a few people take that bait and stop and ask...?What is the matter? What can I do to help you?. Or,....I am not from here but I will try to give you some good directions or advice... DO YOU LOVE JESUS CHRIST?????.....I To make this short... Maybe a whole hour will go by when I stop quite a few people say 15 to 20. And they will all reply...sorry no time for I do not....go get a job a proper job and stop pestering people like me....NO...NO TIME SORRY.....or ....YES I DO BUT IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS...IT IS A PERSONAL MATTER.....or....YES I DO AND I GIVE MONEY TO SOS KINDER DORF AND I JUST LIT A CANDLE IN THE CATHEDRAL...OR I AM A MUSLIM...A BUDDHIST...I GO TO DAILY MASS AND I PRAY ALL THE TIME....I AM A CONVINCED ATHEIST AND I HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE TALKING TO YOU.... NO WONDER HARDLY ANYONE....MAYBE ONE IN A MILLION.???...wants to witness...just say that I had a good and miraculous day yesterday when I did meet really interesting people who wanted to talk and share their hearts and even give a small donation for a home made wooden beaded rosary..we even made enough daily cash to pay for all our bills that day but now today is another day.. So here we are today the 14 th of March 2014 and in one hour from now we will start our daily job again... The victories of yesterday already seem hollow. THE MEMORIES OF BAD TIMES LOOM LARGE...WE TRY TO PUT OFF THAT MOMENT OF TESTING AND TRIAL...HOW ABOUT A CUP OF COFFEE FIRST.?? Or any other excuse to prolong the PEACE AND QUITE OF SELFISH AND COSTLESS INACTION... When I first found the family of the COG the children of God, I was already an odd ball.. I loved to witness and give out tracts and pray with people to ask JESUS into their hearts. From my very famous church in the city of London called Saint Helens bishops gate I had found a companion who was as crazy as me.She was twice my age and her name was Nancy.... We had JUST met SOME extremely on fire early members OF THE was summer 1972 and they asked us to meet them in Hyde park...they said you will easily find Nancy and I set off that Saturday afternoon. Sure enough we found a group of Christian youth sitting in a circle... Very drippy and they were mainly signing to themselves...Nancy said....this must be!! ,,,,, horror I replied. If that is them I want nothing of it.. We waited a few moments and then from the other edge of the park came a madly on fire singing waving and guitars blazing...OH IN THE SKY IN THE SKY IN THE SKY, JESUS GOIN TO COME AND TAKE US WAY UP HIGH....... WOW. THIS WAS IT...LIFE WITH A CAPITAL L..FAITHY, MIGUEL AND HUNDREDS OF TAGGERS ON JUST COME TO WATCH THESE PEOPLE BURN...THAT WAS IT AND THAT IS WHAT IT STILL TAKES..THAT IS WHY IN SPITE OF ALL DOUBTS AND FEARS SOWN BY OUR ENEMY, WE CAN RUN CIRCLES AROUND YOU AND OTHER HAS BEEN LEADERS INCLUDING PETER AND MARIA AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO CHALLENGE US... HOWEVER WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERE IS HOPE...LUKE CH 14. Verse 33. FORSAKE ALL AND JOIN US BY DOING THE SAME...GET YOUR WEARY BUTTS OUT THERE AND START TODAY WINNNG THE LOST..IF AN OLD FART LIKE ME AGED 75 CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU AND YOU WILL BE BLESSED SO THAT YOUR DARKEST MOMENTS WILL BE LIKE THE MIDAY SUN. CHECK OUT ISAIAH CH 58... Verse 10 through 12 Sent from my iPad

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