Saturday, 29 March 2014


REDISCOVERING THE SECRET OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD... in the late 1960s and early 1970s a group of on fire believers stepped out by faith and faith alone to spread the gospel throughout the whole world. It was a crazy idea but was exceptionally Scriptural... This is what the early Christians had done 2000 years ago... Now in the late 60s and early 70s it was being done again. THIS TIME BY DROP OUTS FROM THE WORLD's system....MAINLY HIPPIES AND SURFERS AND DRUG USERS...Without money, without visible means of support, this movement spread all around the world. How did they do this? They simply trusted in the red letter words of Jesus Christ...It worked like a treat. When the group first came to England I excitedly joined them. It was exactly what I was looking for. Just by a simple childlike faith in Jesus Christ, AND HIS RED LETTER WORDS, IN THE HOLY BIBLE, we were able to circumnavigate the world with the good news of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST...."Jesus Christ loves you and he died for you on the cross of Calvary. Come and give your life to HIM... He will lead you and guide you and help you to take this message to others. You will be able to go to scores of countries all around the world without having to worry about money and support. As long as you are faithful to give out the good news, AND SIMPLY ASK THOSE YOU MEET AND GIVE OUT GOSPEL LITERATURE TO HELP YOU WITH A DONATION....MATTHEW 7 v 7.Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you..." If you solidly witness you will always win. You will not only win enough money to live but you will win the favour of God himself. David Berg and his four children set out to lead this movement. It was a roaring success. Especially for the first 5 to 10 years TO 20 years... It was extremely simple and childlike and it worked.. I joined this group in 1971 in England Bromley Kent. I was one of the very first English disciples. This was exactly what I was looking for to dedicate my life to. I had tried many of the mainstream denominations, and found them really boring.. To me they were just bench warming Christians going to church every Sunday. As I read the Gospels I knew that this was not really Christianity as it was meant to be. BUT HERE WERE THE COG DOING THE VERY JOB OF THOSE EARLY CHRISTIANS.....After this initial VERY SUCCESSFUL Push, sadly because of human frailty and human sin, the group along with its leadership started to go wildly off track.. It took another 20 or so years, to pretty much fizzle out... However the good news is that there are many of us who have been solidly touched by the HOLY SPIRIT, and we will never be the same again... At the age of 75, I am beginning to find many of those like myself who want to rededicate themselves, to this simple vision. We are living in extraordinary times and it will take extraordinary faith and dedication, to be able to survive successfully through the days of GREAT TRIBULATION that lie ahead. My cry to you is this... Let's go back to the basics that we learned in the 1960s and 1970s and 1980s FROM THOSE SIMPLE WORDS OF JESUS...and start all over again. This time we are wiser and older and we don't have to make the same mistakes. The secrets of living by faith in Jesus Christ and in him alone... Are still exactly the same as 40 years ago.....AND 2000 YEARS AGO... Let's go for it shall we??? God bless you and I hope this will be an encouragement for you... I very much look forward to hearing from you... What do you think about these my observations written above?? Michael Jaffray King, your brother in the Lord... Sent from my iPad

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