Tuesday, 8 September 2015


My really last shot AT GETTING YOUR ATTENTION, except of course PRAYER.... 

I remember how you were there to help me at the gypsy church when I was distraught over my kids.. I will never forget how you helped me and I will always be in your debt. I have not forgotten and I'm sure you haven't either.

This is so important and thank God many are waking up.. Including scientists with PHDs (piled high in dung)

It's like chem trails again a Rothschild demonic plot to pour poison over the earth. 

It's like every war...the demonising of Hitler and the adulation of Churchill and Rosevelt....the bay of Tonkin....

the wickedness that is going on with the today refugee crisis and the demonising of sadam Hussein gaddafi and now Assad and of course Vladimir Putin and all the hell and destabilising in Ukraine where I lived for nine years..

These people are no angels but their regimes were much better than Mossad and CIA sponsored Isis? ISIS.??

Putin is the only Leader in the world who is promoting Christianity and Christian values. 

Same sex marriages and millions of innocent babies murdered through abortion is your and my countries contribution, and order of the day...

We blame one leader Obama and before him we blame Bush or Clinton and their lies of Monica  Luinski or weapons of mass destruction, not knowing that these leaders are like Hollywood actors just reading from scripts. 

If they deviate, they get assassinated through either direct murder as in the case of Kennedy or in rigged suicides or car crashes or or or.

Our education system is based on memory of facts and not teaching people to question but rather to blindly obey their teachers who have been taught to blindly obey their teachers before them..A very clever Rockefeller plan from the early 1900s

The new God of pseudo science must never be questioned ...

Copernicus and Galileo both luciferian Free masons and one a Jesuit like our present Pope Francis a wolf in sheepskin clothing.. Immensely popular with the bought and paid for main stream Rothschild controlled media. FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD.
And that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.

This pseudo SCIENCE. The new replacement God WHICH cannot be questioned. 

Evolution...and this crazy ball earth spinning at 1000 miles an hour at the equator.. What about the atmosphere above the earth?? Does that spin too?? And if it does because of this amazing discovery of pseudo science gravity, when does the spin ware off?? How high do you have to go where the atmosphere is not spinning.??

Planes take the same time to fly East as they do west.

I keep trying TO SHOW AND HELP YOU because you have been a good brother and friend and have even sent me donations.. But I swear this will be my last effort outside of direct prayer.  

Don't you believe the very precious and Holy Word of God??? Matthew ch 7 verse 7 states .....If you ask Him he will answer....

if you search in HIS NAME you will find and if you in HIS NAME, with confidence and trust in HIM,  KNOCK on doors they will open if they are good for us..

I have known and tried to serve the Lord Jesus Christ for fifty years and although I have let Him down on countless occasions, He has never ever failed me..

And I can include His Holy Word,  The King James Version..King James, who is actually my ancestor, not a very good king at all, but with the exception of his authorising the KJV...
Does the fact that I am directly related to the so called pseudo elite numbering about a mere six thousand who control seven billion humans on earth, make me more special than others? 

No but it takes one to know one.. I come from this very wicked luciferian class. I'm sure I've told you my first cousin once removed sits in number 11 Downing Street, a very deceived Robin Hood in reverse character who steals from the poor to feed the rich, for the last eight years and went to his seventh Bildeberger  meeting this June in Austria and is hell bent on bringing in the new world order and the mark of the beast and and and which dear brother is just around the corner...

if this doesn't get your attention and do the trick then I give up on any direct contact. 

Of course it makes me sad that you are so brainwashed stubborn but as in Ezekiel 3:19 I have done my best to warn you so bye and over to prayer alone for you and for all the other goyim and useless eaters as the Jewish zionist cabal call you and me and they call the military..quote Henry Kissinger ..stupid cannon fodder.

Bye dear brother I commit you and your family into the hands of Our LORD  and Saviour Jesus Christ the true son of God ....

My wife IRMGARD sends you lots of love too. She is like me convinced on what I have been discovering..
MAT77 phone number from THE GREAT GOD OF THE UNIVERSE....

Your brother in Christ 
Michael Jaffray King.

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