1. The earth is not a spinning ball...
It is as flat as a pancake, surrounded at the circumference by an ice wall..Antarctica...What lies beyond the ice wall is a jealously guarded secret.. We can only speculate...the area is very heavily guarded...there is no South Pole only a north pole which is in the centre of the map of our world which just happens to be portrayed very accurately in the UNITED NATIONS FLAG..check it out..
There is no curvature and this can be demonstrated easily with simple experiments..
2. NASA is lying...no one ever went to the moon...there is no genuine space station...just one massive hoax...there are no satellites in orbit...
3. Science with a capital S is a hoax to make money off the goyim..
To keep us in a constant state of fear...The sun is not 93,000,000 miles away but around 3000 and is only about 30 miles across. The moon is the same and is not a ball but a luminous disc.
4. 9/11 was an inside job just like 1000s of false flags through history..
5. All the earths leaders are playing roles in a huge reality show run by the Money suppliers and the Money controllers.
6. Money itself is an enormous hoax and is 100% influenced by the whims of the private banksters who run all the central banks and continental banks and world banks.
7. Behind this conspiracy we find the Rothschild family who have been in control for over 200 years.
8. All wars are bankers wars.. They serve two purposes..one to control the so called surplus population and Two, to fill the coffers of the various Military Industrial Complexes around the world.
9. One race of people stands out as the controllers..The Jewish race.
10. The Jewish Zionist plan is to very very soon establish a one world government run on Communist lines..
11. The family unit is being broken up on purpose so that by dividing and conquering, the New World Order vision can be more easily implemented.
12. 6000 approx so called elite control through propaganda and manipulation and brain washing, approx 7,000,000,000.
13. So called elite are outnumbered 1,000,000 to 1(one)!
14. God, the true loving almighty God will only intervene when we as a people turn to HIM and to His Son Jesus Christ and to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
15. God allows evil to make sure that we have free choice.. With no evil alternative, we would all be goody goody two shoes robots..
16. If you want to do your own research, the Internet is full of info. Of course you need common sense to distinguish the truth from the red herring lies.
17. A very good place to start is just taking the following verse of the New Testament seriously and literally..
Matthew 7:7. ...chapter 7 verse 7... Just look it up....
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