Sunday 12 August 2012

Sunday blog New World Order 12th August 2012

Sunday 12th of August.. 2012.
My Sunday Blog!
Maybe you do not believe in God???
Maybe you are a very weak Christian??
But surely you believe in GOOD and EVIL!
There is good and evil in me too.
My faith in an outside power helps me to to good most of the time and not evil.
I have an advantage simply because I have received Jesus into my heart...Gospel of John, Chapter 1 verse 12... "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name."
If you have not received Jesus into your heart, then please do that right now by simply praying the following short prayer..
Now that is a first step prayer and needs to be followed up by studying your Bible and especially beginning in the Gospel of John.
That is where I began to read some 45 years ago and slowly, in fits and starts my life is changing right up to this present day. I have in no way arrived but I am a work in progress a WIP and I love every minute of it. Every day I learn something new about God and about His adversary the devil.
I am really turned on!
I am excited!
We live in amazing times!
The Internet has helped people all over the world to wake up from the Propaganda and manipulation of their minds by the New World Order CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA.
When I was a kid, I like most others, believed everything that was on telllliiiiieeee
or in poipersssss.
Radio and TV and papers were believed as Gospel Truth and for those in charge this was an easy way to control the Hoi Poloi.. the people.
That was a fact of life and that is how EVIL has controlled the world since for ever.
Now all that has changed and that is why evil is stepping up his programme. Before, he introduced his wiles and wicked ways incrementally, but now he is galloping toward the finishing post. He has very little time and he has already been defeated by GOOD at the Famous Battle of CALVARY fought and won by Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago So he is fighting an all out, last ditch effort before the soon coming return of Christ to take over our world and rule it with a rod of iron.
What is lord lucy's aim and goal?
To take over the world and control the population.
He has some very ardent followers consisting in the main, of 13 families and then about 6000 people in all. Outnumbered one million to one, they control everything or almost everything.
How do they do that?
By being in charge of the money supply.
They literally invent large sums of money and with these mega sums of cash they control crises...commodity prices...politics...nations and eventually their goal is to take over the world.
Being luciferians, of course they hate the creation of God who is their enemy.
They hate people and are Misanthropes down to the last man of them.
They plan huge Eugenics programmes to literally cull us and make us ill and make us spend every last penny on medical protection so called.
They love war and death and disease. They promote abortion and anything that will destroy the human race. Birth control and killing babies is their speciality.
In short... their agenda is to STEAL,KILL AND DESTROY. Just as our Saviour Jesus Christ proclaimed in St John Ch 10 verse 10. Read it for yourself.
Now that we understand a little more, what can we do about it?
Learn to say and mean the following words..
Jesus Christ, I trust in YOU.
I trust in YOU no matter what the circumstances.
Whether I am being tortured for my faith or living in comparative luxury.
I also need to learn to pray..
The prayer that Jesus taught us called the Lord's prayer, is extremely effective.
Our Father,
Which art in Heaven etc..
In in 1917 Our Lady the Mother of Jesus appeared to three little shepherd children in Fatima Portugal.
This is well documented and even Communist atheist Newspapers covered this event.
She, Our Lady, told the three children that the still raging World War known as WW1 would soon come to an end and that if people in the world, would not in a general fashion, turn to God, then a far worse war would soon break out. This happened in 1939 just 22 years later when I was 1 year old.
Now there has not been a World War but sadly countless very unjust wars to fill the coffers of the various Military Industrial complexes around the world, for nearly 70 years and I and many others are predicting WW3 soon to start involving Nuclear weapons and has already in fact begun in the Middle East.
Soon Hell will be let lose for all to experience and not just a selected few in 3rd world countries. Famine, Civil unrest and civil war and on top a Nuclear war is just around the corner.
OK so you do not believe me???
Just wait and see!!
Better still start praying a prayer that takes 20 minutes of your day and you can learn on you tube how to do it... the Rosary prayer...
In one week you will cover in your meditation all the major points in the life of your Saviour. At one 25 minute session you will say the Our Father, Lord's prayer six times and mention the name of Jesus Christ 66 times minimum. That is the name that every knee will have to bow to.
Start today and please pray too for all these mislead children of lucifer because they too can be won over to Jesus Christ.
GBY and keep one eye on the closing ceremony of the Olympics tonight as their could be a really great firework on world display that could help usher in the New or rather very old World Order.
If it does not come to pass as some have predicted it will, then it shows that when the general population wake up, this effects the wicked with their wicked plans for our extermination.
very much looking forward to your comments!

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