Sunday 7 April 2013

cornered money talks and bullshit works

Cornered!!! Money Talks and Bullshit walks!!! Stupidly I have always taken the position that if enough people would wake up. We can turn this atrocity around... How many people will be prepared to take the real answer to this End Time problem? How many people will be able to stand up to the temptation of keeping their LIFE temporarily in tact. Accept the antichrist plan and live a little longer. The question is??? Do you want to be Bullshit OR Do you want to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? The latter will cost you your life. Your life on this planet will be cut short violently but your life in eternity will be assured. We are fighting against the biggest scam in HIS STORY. MONEY... not real money but invented money out of thin air. One family is purported to have 500,000,000,000 pounds sterling.. That is more than half of the world's cash. They might just as well have said Five hundred quadrillion...500,000,000,000,000... They never earned one penny of it.. They just made it up and we like stupid sheep believe in it. They own all this counterfeit cash and we own pathetic little fractions of it. Perhaps you have 300 million...300,000,000. That sounds a great deal and for one person it is but placed against 300,000,000,000,000,000... it is only a very tiny fraction. One part of one billion or as a fraction 1/ 1000,000,000... Do you see what I mean? I am glad that AJ has woken me up from my hypnotised state. But his answer will not work. Yes these wicked puppet masters are outnumbered one million to one. BUT they have the cash and the power that goes with it. The so called checks and balances that are meant to keep these banksters under control just do not work. In my last letter I suggested that you ask Jesus Christ, the creator of the Universe and your creator too into your heart. Put your TRUST in HIM. He will never fail you and will keep you through the total hell that is upon us. It started with the violent death of Abel slain by his jealous brother Cain and has continued up to the present day. Today,The 8th of April is a day of decision... Who will you choose? Join the enemy and live for a few more days and live for eternity cut off from your loving and wonderful CREATOR.... OR.... Give your heart to Jesus???? There are no further options and remember the famous quote that I keep using... MONEY TALKS and BULLSHIT WALKS..Will you be BULLSHIT or will you be a disciple of the CREATOR...Pray for me and I will pray for you...

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