Thursday 6 November 2014


THIS HAS BEEN AN UNUSUAL AND A VERY GOOD DAY..let me tell you why. 6th November 2014 TRAIN STRIKE...SO GETTING TO OUR INTO ALL THE WORLD SPOT, took 3&1/2 hours instead of 1&1/2 h WHY BOTHER TO GO.?? Stay home and chill for a change.. After all you go out every day of the year so taking a day off would be fine!!?? YOU KNOW WHAT.? WE GET SUCH A GREAT KICK OUT OF STOPPING PEOPLE AND ASKING THEM...."Excuse me!!! Do you love JESUS??" Then we take it from therE.....Well armed with our little story and our picture and our simple prayer.."dear JESUS...please come into my heart...forgive my sins... Fill me up with your love...and give me the free gift of eternal life... Of course it does not work straight forward like that with every person but in three hours with about 25 each so fifty in a day between two of us... THEN WE WIP OUT OUR ROSARIES WHICH LOOK DELIGHTFUL IN THEIR COLOURS TOGETHER WITH THE BROCHURE..CHECK OUT THE PICTURES.... AND HOPEFULLY WITH AROUND FIVE EURO OR THREE FOR STUDENTS AND FREE FOR STREET PEOPLE WE MAKE OUR SMALL INCOME PROVIDED ENTIRELY BY OUR Lord and saviour friend and master JESUS Christ himself. So today we started off in a bus to OVERATH..about half way then we had thirty minutes to wait for the next bus when we both recognised a familiar face of a rather poor street man.. He recognised us and said he was waiting for his mother to drive him to his beggar spot outside the DOM...we could come along too. This guy is not young so we waited for an old lady his mum to pick us up.. She was old but wow!!! Could she drive!!! With only one hand on the wheel and overtaking everything on the freeway, IRMGARD and I were praying for all we were worth making surreptitious signs of the cross all the way.. When we eventually arrived safely, after about ten minutes witnessing to the lost and hurting world, we already felt that our exciting long and dangerous journey was worth it. Now after 2&1/2 hours we needed to get back so down to the bus station where we met a really unusually nice bus driver called Stephan...When I told him I was a missionary he put his arms around me and immediately started calling me brother.. He was a Brethren denomination really love the WORD... Nice!!! While he drove his bus, he was full of questions and then he took us during his break pause and asked us more and more really honest questions.. JESUS really anointed us and as we got off the bus and said goodbye he thrust an envelope in our hands with a super generous donation doubling our quota!! Amazing!!! That's right simply amazing and abundant proof as to how much the Lord loves and mercifully blesses us.. When we got home the kids had cooked us a yummy Russian dish called pilmenia.... Takes ages to make but delicious to eat... God is good....He lives...He loves you and me...we can sing this crazy song in English, Russian and German. Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers and remember when you witness you always win....... THE APPROVAL OF GOD SOULS AND CASH TO LIVE ON...NOT TOO MUCH AND NOT TOO LITTLE EITHER.

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