Monday, 22 February 2010

Apocolypse... What does it really mean???

Apocalypse!!! What does it really mean?
Sequel to the Ramblings of a Sinner! Vino Veritas!
There is a very good talk by my very own favourite Father!! Father Robert Barron and he says what I am going to share with you much better than I can. I will try once again to find it and send you the URL.
However one of the main reasons that I like to share new thoughts and ideas with you when they are hot off the press so to speak is that they then become ingrained in my own mind. Have you noticed that every time you teach something or share something then it become much more real and applicable to oneself.
If you were to ask people what does the word Apocalypse conjure up in their minds, I think most people would say that it has something to do with the end of the world... The end time.. Actually it means in Greek, The Uncovering..Uncovering and Revealing of secrets..Hence our own word in English... Revelation..
For one to be able to really appreciate Jesus and all He has to offer, one has to uncover the wicked cover ups of Satan.
Satan lulls us all into a false sense of security and this was brought out beautifully in Father B's talk. For example he explains that if we had been born in the 3rd century at the time of Roman dominance of the world and someone had asked us how long did we think that this Roman Empire would last, we would be excused for believing that it would be for ever. The same would apply at the beginning of the 20th century when the British Empire was so strong Ruling Waves and Waiving Rules! Now the the USA holds the world dominance but this time we can be a little smarter than
those who tell that the only thing we learn from History is that we never learn from History, we too can tell that the USA's days are also numbered. Our very lives here on earth are numbered.. Everything is so transitory. Even our Universe will one day start contracting and implode on itself. Even the Universe is temporary. So buildings, people, countries, dynasties, families, properties, firms and businesses, and yes our very own lives on this earth are all very limited.
I remember well when my mother and father explained to me just after I had become a Christian that one day I would come to my senses and then they would be there to welcome me back. They would stand like one of those everlasting bastions landmarks which stand around like the Pyramids or Stone Henge and always be there to welcome their wayward and crazy son back into the fold. Well of course they both died within one month of each other which was the mercy of God as they were so dependent on each other and their house and property today belongs to another.
So what am I really trying to say?? Do not be deceived like most of this sad and hurting world into thinking in terms of your immortality and your being around for ever in this world. Only Jesus is eternal. Only His Kingdom will last for ever. This was promised in Old Testament prophecies. The kingdom of David would go on for ever and it does right now through the Roman Catholic Church and the Gates of the kingdom of Hell will not be able to stand against it.
Having come to ones senses about the transitory nature of things, then it is so wise to put all your eggs into the basket of the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord and Creator and finisher of our Faith.

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