Saturday, 20 February 2010

What can I give HIM?

What can I give HIM?

Now this is a very good question??
Sooner or later and actually in a very small portion of time when one considers the very big picture, we will stand in front of Jesus!
What will we tell Him to gain His approval?? What will we say to get His Love?
Jesus I have been a sacrificial Missionary for over ¾ of my life. I have done this in Your Name and I have done that in Your Name etc. etc. etc.
Will He then look at me with great approval on His face and say “Yes son you have done a great job.. Thanks for telling me all about it!”
To gain the unconditional love that Jesus offers us it would be much better for you in my opinion just to offer Him your sin which he took away on that awesome and horrifying tree on Mount Calvary. Offer Him that sin which we never seem to get the total victory about. Failing and getting up again.. failing and getting up again..failing and getting up again...
“Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me!”
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a miserable sinner!”

1 comment:

  1. This is very good!
    I believe the same way.
