Dear Jesus please come into my heart!
As a Protestant street Missionary and door to door Missionary and an office to office Missionary we Missionaries must have prayed with thousands of people to say this little prayer.
Having got the person to stop we would say something like,
“I really want you to repeat this little prayer out loud with me here on the street.” This would have to be said with conviction as not many people want to pray out loud on a busy street for fear that someone would tune in and make this very very embarrassing. Having got their attention, I would say
“Dear Jesus!” then I would hold onto my ear as a gesture for them to see that they were meant to repeat, “Dear Jesus!”...
“Please come into my heart!” By that time they had usually caught on and so they too repeated, “Please come into my heart!”
Now it was becoming rather interesting, what would I be asked to repeat next, they might think?
“Forgive me for my sins!” “Forgive me for my sins!” Now that was daring.. I have to admit that I am a sinner and that my sins need forgiving.
Next... “Give me Your Love!” Yes I can agree with that as I am sure I would like to have Jesus' love. “Give me your love!”
And now the clincher... “Give me the free gift of Eternal Line!” “Give me the free gift of eternal life!” “Amen!” “Amen!”
What a way to begin a walk with Jesus! I have noticed especially one time in Brazil, which is very Catholic that Irmgard and I prayed this prayer every day with scores of people. We prayed this with someone at the beginning of our tour in Sao Paulo and then three years later unknowingly we met the same person again. We did not recognise him and asked him to repeat this prayer. He refused and when we asked him why, he told us that he had prayed with us three years previously and that Jesus was now in his heart.
On another occasion we prayed with 6 young men in a crowded 4 seater car. They all prayed the prayer except one. As they were leaving I explained to the ones I had prayed with, that I would see them again one day in Heaven.
The car zoomed off and then suddenly stopped. The next thing it was reversing fast backwards down the road to where we were standing rather surprised.
The Young Guy who hadn't prayed then humbly asked me to pray this prayer with him too so that he could meet me again one day in Heaven.
For the last few months we have been praying this prayer with nearly all the people we meet here in NRW. We know the prayer in German, French and Russian and it never ceases to amaze the people to realise that Jesus has indeed mercifully come into their heart.
There are some people who point blank refuse to say this prayer. I argue with them and explain that they have nothing to lose but then they just cannot say it. This only proves that the prayer is real and the enemy Satan and his demons do not like it at all.
Now as a thoroughly convinced Roman Catholic I realise that salvation is a process which continues until the time of death and departure and that he that endures to the end will be saved. However think about it! What a way to begin! What a way to be brought to ones senses and to start thinking about Jesus maybe for the first time in one's life. Try it with your non Christian friends and even with nominal Christians. It is in my opinion a great way to make your first step.
If you have found this helpful and if Jesus touches your heart, Please..........
As I have told you before, we live from very small donations and during this very cold weather we have been spending a great deal on Gas bottles at 17 Euro a time. Maybe you would like to fold 5 or 10 or even 20 Euro and pop it into an envelope between a note of writing paper and send it to our address in
Michael Jaffray and Irmgard King
Bech strasse 55
51674 Wiehl
God Bless you and thank you
Life is such an exciting Battle!!! What is my goal?
Thank God for the Battle. Thank God for the Battle that faces us every day. We need these battles to keep us active until we eventually drop and go off on the inevitable and incredible journey into spiritual eternity.
I love to write down what I am experiencing and then I send it out to 150 of you and get about 1 or 2 or sometimes 3 replies.
Whether it is Michael Moore and his uncovering of the wickedness of pretty much all politicians! And let's face it all of us too. We are all tainted with original sin and all of its effects!
Whether it is the tremendous spiritual help I get through everything Father Robert Barron is putting out on the WWW!
Whether it is from The Philokalia and the Way of a Pilgrim.
Whether it is about my own personal failures over the battle on the Camping ground against the Bandits of whom only the little guys have been caught.
Or whether it is about this new letter that I am writing on Friday the 12th of Feb 2010.
The thought that I wanted to share today is about my goal and the attempt to reach it.
After much trial and error in so many experiences and attempts to find peace and happiness, I can tell you with all seriousness exactly what my goal is.
I want to be a Saint with a capital S. A small s would do but let's shoot for the stars and then if we hit the ceiling, we can say that at least we made it off the ground.
My first discovery is, that the closer I try to approach God, the more I am aware of my imperfections which is a polite way of saying SIN,! Yes! That's right SIN!
You see if you walk a long way behind the ONE you are trying to follow. You lose touch and soon your Yardstick is comparing yourself with others. I must be pretty good because I did not murder anyone! I did not lose my temper for one whole day. Look at so and so he does that all the time. Father B shared a very good thought, one of many, in his “Three Paths to Holiness, UNTOLD BLESSING” about the very Holy Apostle Paul. He is a king among saints and this is what he wrote after 25 years after being knocked to the ground on the road to Damascus to persecute the followers of Jesus.
Romans Chapter 7 verses 18 For I know that there dwells not in me, that is to say, in my flesh, that which is good. For to will is present with me: but to accomplish that which is good, I find not. 19 For the good which I will, I do not: but the evil which I will not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that which I will not, it is no more I that do it: but sin that dwells in me. 21 I find then a law, that when I have a will to do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I am delighted with the law of God, according to the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, fighting against the law of my mind and captivating me in the law of sin that is in my members. 24 Unhappy man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Now the answer 25 The grace of God, by Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, I myself, with the mind serve the law of God: but with the flesh, the law of sin.
The point is that he did not reach some state of sinless perfection but was after 24 years still fighting.
We have to continue to fight even when it seems hopeless. Even our blessed Pope JP2 expressed on his death bed that soon he would not even be able to sin any more.
So what do we have to do? The answer is quite simple... Will it... Yes! Just will it. Want it... and keep trying and always say sorry when you fail because fail you will just like saint Paul but keep trying...Never give up!!! That is the only way that Satan can win... If you give up like so many all around us have.. That is the tragedy... They have given up. Let's try and encourage every one no matter how bad they are or how good they think they are to keep fighting for this achievable goal. It is like “Praying without ceasing!” I always thought that was just a silly scripture and unattainable until I started to repeat the Jesus Prayer over and over in every spare moment and now I have not yet attained unceasing prayer but it is there and I pray a great deal more than I ever did before. I just have to keep trying and not giving up and so do you too. Have fun.. Yes it is fun and a lot of hard work which is also fun.
Watch out for 2 effects!! 1). disappointment when you fail which will discourage you and encourage you to give up and 2). Success which will feed your ego and help you to sin with the sin of Pride.
Have a great day and if you would like to put a few Euro in an envelope and send it to the following address wrapped between a small message of encouragement or whatever, that would be great and we need all the help we can get....We live from the smallest donations!!! a 5 Euro note or a 10 or even a 20!!!!! Ha!!!Bigger than that it is better to put it in our Postbank account which I can send you on demand.
Michael and Irmgard King
Bech strasse 55
51674 Wiehl, Bielstein
BRD Germany
Thank you and God bless you!!
He who is without sin continued!!!
What am I for and against!
Maybe there is some confusion over the things I am against. Let's take Birth control of all shapes and sizes and excluding natural rhythm method which is allowed by my Church.
In the opinion of My Church and myself all forms of interfering with God's amazing system is wrong. Now just supposing you do not agree, but by force go along with my beliefs, then that would be a loser from the start. It has to be a heart thing from the heart. The same with Catholics and Protestants. I sincerely believe that everything Protestant is second best to the Church that Jesus instituted in Matthew 16 v 18. If you go along with me against your will then nothing good has been achieved. I am against the second best. Often the second best is the worst enemy of the best. I am very much against my being overweight. I am disgusted about it actually. The fact that I am so weak and unable to put this right means that I still do not have enough conviction about it. This is born out by the fact that I do not lose weight. God help me!
Righteousness which is enforced does not change hearts. God wants us to get Victories in spite of the fact that there are so many opportunities not to get a Victory. Then the Victory when attained is real.
People who do not want lots of children and prefer to keep dogs and cats, I really believe are missing out. Kids are a great deal of hard work and cause lots of pain with their antics but I wouldn't swap any of them for all the tea in China.
Hope this clears it up a bit more in your mind.
For me, and surely not necessarily for you, to miss one Holy Mass would be unacceptable. You could offer me a great deal of cash, something that I need right now and by the Grace of God even though we need some more of those Euro notes, I just would not do that. If you do not feel the same way then that is your own free choice and I would not even want to judge you over it
I would really like to hear from you about these things and please enrol in Michael Moore's website and become a member of his group.
My job as an ambassador for Word on Fire and Father Barron is still very much my first responsibility and way up in first place and I would not give that up for the World.
Yes I am against the wickedness of sending young men off to fight fruitless wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. I am really upset that Christians were protected under Sadam Hussein and are now having their Churches burned down and are being killed and turned into refugees.
I am very sad that the USA and GB court Saudi Arabia where Christianity and any form of proselytising is outlawed and their human rights record is abysmal. Just shows what those people who are at the top really believe in CASH and lots more of it.. What they do not realise is that very much sooner than later they will arrive at the fearful and dreadful judgement of God at the point of death when all their assets will be left behind and their sins exposed.... Ow!!!!!
God bless you!!!
The Big Lie Exposed.!
We all buy into this one from time to time or even most of the time!
When I am making mistakes and on the wrong track...... Then God does not love me... Yes maybe a little but He is not head over heels Loving me like when I am on the right track. When I am being a “good boy!” then He is really crazy about me but when I am being a bad boy..... Now that is a different matter.
I have many friends like this. I have to sadly admit that I am like this too. It just shows how far away from God I really am. I don't want to be and neither do you???? Hopefully???? Am I right????
This came to a head recently with my great interest with Michael Moore. I think he is a fascinating character!
I watched his documentary on the American Health care system and OK he put it over in an extreme way, but to make a point one always has to use extreme examples as otherwise no one pays any attention.
This Michael Moore Character really causes big waves of either Hatred and vilification against him or admiration for his courage to stand up against the Great Society!
I am trying, many many times quite unsuccessfully to be a committed Roman Catholic Christian. Yes!!!! I am a convinced Catholic and would like to put myself fair and square in line with all that the Catechism teaches and all that B16 says and the Tradition and the Magisterium and I would not want to be, like dear Tony Blair, thinking that I know better than these long established Land Marks and Bastions of the splendour of truth.
For example I am totally against the war in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Killing radical Muslims will not solve problems. Pope B16 and Michael Moore would totally agree with me. Now watch out!!!! My dear red white and blue British and American Patriots who call yourselves Catholic Apologists if you do not agree.
I have a hot and cold friend who is just such a person. He cannot bear to hear anything against his red white and blue country. Michael Moore is a Hypocrite and a Liar and just about every bad name in the book and so am I when I do not hold his views. This guy knows exactly who he is and let's face it sadly we are all like this many times too.
I think a great deal of 9/11 was staged and was a very wickedly a convenient way of hyping everyone up to hate Muslims and get rid of those weapons of Mass destruction.... Arsenals full of them hidden by Sadam Hussein in many secret places all over Iraq. None of which have been discovered yet... But just wait they will be....
B16 my earthly leader is also against these wars!!!!
As a Bible believing Christian I also believe that the broad way which is full to the brim is the normal worldly way and leads to destruction!!!! This way can wave a hammer and sickle or a red white and blue flag. Both are broad ways, but Yes I would prefer the lesser of two great evils in choosing the red white and blue one. Winston Churchill, who was no great Christian and rather the opposite so I hear, was said to say very much the same. Democracy is not perfect but it is the best of a bad bunch! The narrow way on the other hand and which I am trying desperately to hang onto not without many a struggle, is the correct way and leads to LIFE.
So do not be swayed into thinking like wicked and evil human beings with untamed hearts which are desperately corrupt and deceitful Jeremiah Ch 17 verse 9. into thinking that the Love of God is anything but UNCONDITIONAL. I hope you feel better, because I do! Michael Moore I hope you do too.
Legislating Righteousness!!
How does one legislate righteousness??????
That is a very good question???
I have not given this very serious thought up till now. Watching Michael Moore in action with his movie Sicko has got me thinking.
I am against abortion... Why? It is murder. That is why! However how does one legislate it? So you make a very unpopular move, which no Republican has dared to do because he would lose votes, by outlawing it. Does that eradicate it? I will let you answer that one.
I am against condoms and birth control.. How does one legislate it? Have TVs watching everybody in the sexual act? Please answer that one.
I am against the revolting behaviour of the homosexual act. How does one legislate that one? Will the legislation of that work? Why don't you answer that one too?
We have a very charming friend of our children who is a practising Homosexual. Shall we forbid him to come over and sleep at our place? We have told him about what we think about it and we have to leave it at that and do something really powerful!! Do you know what that is???? Pray in the name of Jesus and to His Holy Mother in the Rosary. AND to love him and welcome him. Does our love for him give him the right to make his bad choices? Yes it does. We cannot legislate the choices he makes.
My mother told me when I was a teenager that if I got a girl into trouble, that she would still love me and welcome me home and try to work something out. I never did because my mother's trust on that one was preventative and held me back. Many of my closest friends were told that they would be thrown out if they got pregnant. They were particularly promiscuous.
Do we really believe that killing radical Muslims is going to stamp out terrorism? Now that is a good question? I think the answer is so so so so so obvious. Tell that to Politicians and the Armaments industry. They love war. They love to control the population through fear. God bless Michael Moore. OK he is a millionaire!! Are you jealous? Yes, I am a bit to be honest... Are you honest??? Please answer that question your self!
Now I am really going to shock you....God is pro choice!!! I really believe that!!! He gives us the choice to be good or evil. If we choose evil then we must take the consequences. God does not want Robots!!! He wants Saints who have chosen Him by free choice and not by the LEGISLATION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
I wrote something recently about Alcoholism. It is pointless keeping Alcohol away from an Alcoholic. He will find it and drink it when you are not watching. He has to learn to hate it and then when he sees the bottle, he walks away from it in disgust.
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