Saturday, 20 February 2010

How does one legislate righteousness?

Please watch Michael Moor's new contribution documentary called Sicko! It will show you that there is so much in this world that is totally unfair especially in the USA with their private medical insurance whose job it is to throw out as many cases as possible allowing thousands to die so they can make a profit. This is as bad as abortion in my opinion.
Legislating Righteousness!!

How does one legislate righteousness??????
That is a very good question???
I have not given this very serious thought up till now. Watching Michael Moore in action with his movie Sicko has got me thinking.
I am against abortion... Why? It is murder. That is why! However how does one legislate it? So you make a very unpopular move, which no Republican has dared to do because he would lose votes, by outlawing it. Does that eradicate it? I will let you answer that one.
I am against condoms and birth control.. How does one legislate it? Have TVs watching everybody in the sexual act? Please answer that one.
I am against the revolting behaviour of the homosexual act. How does one legislate that one? Will the legislation of that work? Why don't you answer that one too?
We have a very charming friend of our children who is a practising Homosexual. Shall we forbid him to come over and sleep at our place? We have told him about what we think about it and we have to leave it at that and do something really powerful!! Do you know what that is???? Pray in the name of Jesus and to His Holy Mother in the Rosary. AND to love him and welcome him. Does our love for him give him the right to make his bad choices? Yes it does. We cannot legislate the choices he makes.
My mother told me when I was a teenager that if I got a girl into trouble, that she would still love me and welcome me home and try to work something out. I never did because my mother's trust on that one was preventative and held me back. Many of my closest friends were told that they would be thrown out if they got pregnant. They were particularly promiscuous.
Do we really believe that killing radical Muslims is going to stamp out terrorism? Now that is a good question? I think the answer is so so so so so obvious. Tell that to Politicians and the Armaments industry. They love war. They love to control the population through fear. God bless Michael Moore. OK he is a millionaire!! Are you jealous? Yes, I am a bit to be honest... Are you honest??? Please answer that question your self!
Now I am really going to shock you....God is pro choice!!! I really believe that!!! He gives us the choice to be good or evil. If we choose evil then we must take the consequences. God does not want Robots!!! He wants Saints who have chosen Him by free choice and not by the LEGISLATION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
I wrote something recently about Alcoholism. It is pointless keeping Alcohol away from an Alcoholic. He will find it and drink it when you are not watching. He has to learn to hate it and then when he sees the bottle, he walks away from it in disgust.

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