The mainline Presstitutes are waking up and are publishing the TRUTH...
It sounds too good to be TRUE!!
Watch AJ today on youtube...
THE FBI EXPOSED IN THE new york times...
Remember though,,,,, this is a very wicked Chess Game!!
However this proves that if enough people wake up then even the Presstitutes have to start publishing the TRUTH!!!
Truth and Freedom are both still popular!!!!!
Uploads by Astonisher2
By Astonisher| 229 videos
Watch All
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Friday, 27 April 2012
Never Give up
Never Give up!!!
Are your depressed about the NWO???(New World Order???)
Are you just wishing that all this bad news would go away like waking up from a bad dream?
Are you giving up and saying, "What can I do??" I am just a very small cog in the wheel?
Surely it would be better to not think about all these things and just get on with my life?
Do you wish that the defence of Liberty and Freedom would become law???
Well!!!!! It can!!!
By you waking up and most important... most important...most important...SPREAD THE NEWS TO YOUR MAILING LIST AND ON FACE BOOK, AND IN CONVERSATIONS WITH THOSE YOU MEET.!!!
The moment you get on the offensive....the moment you get on the offensive... you will stop feeling depressed...
The following links will help you find the truth and more and more truth.
Every day on the following link you will learn modern History and you will learn what is going on..
this is live every day, with one day old Prison Planet and Info Wars broadcasts..
Yes!!! It will make you mad at first but then as you start sharing the TRUTH, then you will get out of all depression and you will join the fight against Tyranny and for LIBERTY.
If you have not expressed your love and loyalty for Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour and Lord of this world, then just repeat this following prayer...
First say it yourself and then encourage everyone you meet to repeat the following prayer...
Even if that is all you say, it is something...
That will not take more than a few seconds.
I can promise you that when that person dies, and die he or she will sooner or later, they will remember that prayer and that can get them into ETERNAL LIFE!!!!
That makes you a MISSIONARY just like me and my wife.
Yesterday my wife and I prayed this prayer with approximately 50 people from all over the world at our local International shrine Cologne... Every day we pray with at least 25 people from all nationalities. You can do one or two a day.. It is hard the first time but it gets easier and easier as you do it more and more.
God will be so proud of you. He will not be ashamed of you when you eventually arrive at that first second after death.
My mailing list is only 140 people, but if you do your part and get this message out then this can go viral and you will make this drop in the Ocean into the Ocean itself.
This is my personal blog spot and you can read all the various blogs that I have been posting.
GBY and KGFG and
Never ever ever ever ever GIVE UP!!!!! mjk
Are your depressed about the NWO???(New World Order???)
Are you just wishing that all this bad news would go away like waking up from a bad dream?
Are you giving up and saying, "What can I do??" I am just a very small cog in the wheel?
Surely it would be better to not think about all these things and just get on with my life?
Do you wish that the defence of Liberty and Freedom would become law???
Well!!!!! It can!!!
By you waking up and most important... most important...most important...SPREAD THE NEWS TO YOUR MAILING LIST AND ON FACE BOOK, AND IN CONVERSATIONS WITH THOSE YOU MEET.!!!
The moment you get on the offensive....the moment you get on the offensive... you will stop feeling depressed...
The following links will help you find the truth and more and more truth.
Every day on the following link you will learn modern History and you will learn what is going on..
this is live every day, with one day old Prison Planet and Info Wars broadcasts..
Yes!!! It will make you mad at first but then as you start sharing the TRUTH, then you will get out of all depression and you will join the fight against Tyranny and for LIBERTY.
If you have not expressed your love and loyalty for Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour and Lord of this world, then just repeat this following prayer...
First say it yourself and then encourage everyone you meet to repeat the following prayer...
Even if that is all you say, it is something...
That will not take more than a few seconds.
I can promise you that when that person dies, and die he or she will sooner or later, they will remember that prayer and that can get them into ETERNAL LIFE!!!!
That makes you a MISSIONARY just like me and my wife.
Yesterday my wife and I prayed this prayer with approximately 50 people from all over the world at our local International shrine Cologne... Every day we pray with at least 25 people from all nationalities. You can do one or two a day.. It is hard the first time but it gets easier and easier as you do it more and more.
God will be so proud of you. He will not be ashamed of you when you eventually arrive at that first second after death.
My mailing list is only 140 people, but if you do your part and get this message out then this can go viral and you will make this drop in the Ocean into the Ocean itself.
This is my personal blog spot and you can read all the various blogs that I have been posting.
GBY and KGFG and
Never ever ever ever ever GIVE UP!!!!! mjk
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
A child's guide to the NWO!!!
A Child's guide to the New World Order!
I am a child!!
I am 73 so how can that be?
Well I am a child of God..
So here is my take on the plan of the New World Order.
First this is not a new plan but satan, whose name I refuse to put in capital letters, has had this plan since the garden of Eden.
He wants to completely and utterly take over the planet Earth and all that remains in it.
First he wants a leader.. Just one leader which is really an incarnation of himself.
He will have control... Complete control.
Just one government..
One financial system..
One military..
One police force..
One business system..
One fairly large slave force who will be controlled and disciplined severly for any breach of his plans..
One example that is sticking out right now is the subject of Chem Trails..What is happening??
Actually there are many connections but a good way to find out is to FIOLLOW THE MONEY..
Monsanto wants to control the world vegetation and food supply.
Monsanto is a Global Corporation and has been genetically modifying seeds to stand up to Aluminium
The NWO Elite have been very busy upping the Aluminium levels, by spraying for nearly 25 years now through Chem Trails, in plants and water and earth so as to destroy existing natural vegetation. Once it is reduced and not giving the yields it should be giving then Monsanto will have a monopoly of providing seeds that will stand up.
This is a typical...Causing the Porblem and then coming in as the Saviour and saving the problem which was caused by them the first time. This plan is a sold as the hills.
Side effects are also very good(evil) not only for BIG AGRA but also for BIG PHARMA as many will get sick with cancer and aluminium and metals diseases so the population will be paying frequent visits to the Doctor and will be prescribed drugs to help them..
This also helps the Eugenicist programme of reducing the world population by 90% which is their target.
When rats are fed GM food they stop reproducing in the second generation.
As all of the so called main line presstitutes have been bought up, you will not hear this on their media but onloy on the Internet.
Of course there are 1000s of other plans but this is just a current example.
What can we do??
1. Wake up! 2. Pray! 3. inform others as if enough of us do wake up then the mere 6000 Elite who are already outnumbered by a million to one will have to abandon their plans. GBY and KGFG
Sending this off without really checking the grammar as I have to work hard to feed my family today of 9 persons. Ha! But I love every moment and Jesus is a marvellous boss and friend and Lord and Saviour too. Please try Him out by asking Him to come into your heart. He will do this immediately when you ask Him.. But you have to ask... He is already knocking, see Revelation Ch 3 verse 20!
I am a child!!
I am 73 so how can that be?
Well I am a child of God..
So here is my take on the plan of the New World Order.
First this is not a new plan but satan, whose name I refuse to put in capital letters, has had this plan since the garden of Eden.
He wants to completely and utterly take over the planet Earth and all that remains in it.
First he wants a leader.. Just one leader which is really an incarnation of himself.
He will have control... Complete control.
Just one government..
One financial system..
One military..
One police force..
One business system..
One fairly large slave force who will be controlled and disciplined severly for any breach of his plans..
One example that is sticking out right now is the subject of Chem Trails..What is happening??
Actually there are many connections but a good way to find out is to FIOLLOW THE MONEY..
Monsanto wants to control the world vegetation and food supply.
Monsanto is a Global Corporation and has been genetically modifying seeds to stand up to Aluminium
The NWO Elite have been very busy upping the Aluminium levels, by spraying for nearly 25 years now through Chem Trails, in plants and water and earth so as to destroy existing natural vegetation. Once it is reduced and not giving the yields it should be giving then Monsanto will have a monopoly of providing seeds that will stand up.
This is a typical...Causing the Porblem and then coming in as the Saviour and saving the problem which was caused by them the first time. This plan is a sold as the hills.
Side effects are also very good(evil) not only for BIG AGRA but also for BIG PHARMA as many will get sick with cancer and aluminium and metals diseases so the population will be paying frequent visits to the Doctor and will be prescribed drugs to help them..
This also helps the Eugenicist programme of reducing the world population by 90% which is their target.
When rats are fed GM food they stop reproducing in the second generation.
As all of the so called main line presstitutes have been bought up, you will not hear this on their media but onloy on the Internet.
Of course there are 1000s of other plans but this is just a current example.
What can we do??
1. Wake up! 2. Pray! 3. inform others as if enough of us do wake up then the mere 6000 Elite who are already outnumbered by a million to one will have to abandon their plans. GBY and KGFG
Sending this off without really checking the grammar as I have to work hard to feed my family today of 9 persons. Ha! But I love every moment and Jesus is a marvellous boss and friend and Lord and Saviour too. Please try Him out by asking Him to come into your heart. He will do this immediately when you ask Him.. But you have to ask... He is already knocking, see Revelation Ch 3 verse 20!
Chem Trails... What in the world are they spraying??
What in the world are they spraying???
I heard about chem trails quite some time ago.
I would tell people that this was something very sinister.
We see them every day for the last 25 years.
When I was a kid which is some 60 years ago there were no chem trails.
Jet aircraft or high flying aircraft left a white trail behind them which almost immediately disappeared.
Now the trails turn into clouds.
They...The very wicked THEY... Satan and his disciples...Those that we have allowed to rule over us are doing what???
Go to this link and you will find out.
Dad you are so strupid..Many would say..
After watching this will you still say the same like my kids?
Let's let you be the judge..
Look forward to hearing from you alllllllll.
I heard about chem trails quite some time ago.
I would tell people that this was something very sinister.
We see them every day for the last 25 years.
When I was a kid which is some 60 years ago there were no chem trails.
Jet aircraft or high flying aircraft left a white trail behind them which almost immediately disappeared.
Now the trails turn into clouds.
They...The very wicked THEY... Satan and his disciples...Those that we have allowed to rule over us are doing what???
Go to this link and you will find out.
Dad you are so strupid..Many would say..
After watching this will you still say the same like my kids?
Let's let you be the judge..
Look forward to hearing from you alllllllll.
Saturday, 21 April 2012 lauran08's channel for april 20th 2012 This is the greates lauran08's channel for april 20th 2012
This is the greatest find ever on the Internet yet..
SUNDAY blog 22nd April 2012!!!!
I have been sending you so much stuff that I am quite sure that it is too much and that if you read it at all you just skim through it.
Life is a progression for those of us who are seekers.
As I look back on my life I can distinctly see steps all involving shadows of Truth but in the main, always progressing.
Today Sunday the 22nd of April, I have made my greatest discovery yet.
How can that be?? Surely asking Jesus into your heart back in 1965 was the greatest step???
It was the most important FIRST STEP.. But it does not end there as some people erroneously believe. Life is full of exciting further steps, which continue right up to our last breath breathed in that final gasp before leaving this earth for good.
I am so thankful for every step up the mountain.
Without the first second third fourth steps, we would get stuck and many of us do, so that is why I am continually exhorting and encouraging you to ask The Lord and Creator, Saviour of the Universe to grant, and free gift you, with an enquiring mind as to what is the depth of TRUTH.
If I was not continually asking for more, I would still be stuck with Father Barron of Yesteryear and then Alex Jones of Yesterday. There is nothing really wrong with these gentlemen but Why get stuck??? There are Oceans to swim in with unplumitable depths.
My German President of the Legion of Mary group has been trying to encourage me to listen to and read what a lady called Maria is posting frequently on youtube. No 2,000,000 hits here just a few hundred....???Why???The way to God is not the popular way, not the broad way but the Narrow way full of obsticles.
TODAY THE 22ND OF APRIL 2012 IS A DAY OF A VERY GREAT STEP AND THAT IS WHY I AM SO DETERMINED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU. This lady is posting very frequently her exhortations coming from Heaven to us.
First she wisely asks us to pray a simple prayer to make sure that what we are assimilating is coming from God and not just wishful thinking,. Then she lets us have it in more ways than one!
By going to the above link you too can make your first step in this final direction of the world and its course towards the second coming of Jesus Christ. Satan is desperately trying to divert and distract us as he is in his final wicked last ditch effort to Steal and to Kill and to Destroy all of us. Oh How he hates God's beautiful creation of you and me.
Please do your very own research and as I learn I will try to help you too and please if you get ahead of me then help me too.
Sunday blog 22nd April 2012.
Uploads by lauran08
By lauran08| 343 videos
Watch All lauran08's channel for april 20th 2012
This is the greatest find ever on the Internet yet..
SUNDAY blog 22nd April 2012!!!!
I have been sending you so much stuff that I am quite sure that it is too much and that if you read it at all you just skim through it.
Life is a progression for those of us who are seekers.
As I look back on my life I can distinctly see steps all involving shadows of Truth but in the main, always progressing.
Today Sunday the 22nd of April, I have made my greatest discovery yet.
How can that be?? Surely asking Jesus into your heart back in 1965 was the greatest step???
It was the most important FIRST STEP.. But it does not end there as some people erroneously believe. Life is full of exciting further steps, which continue right up to our last breath breathed in that final gasp before leaving this earth for good.
I am so thankful for every step up the mountain.
Without the first second third fourth steps, we would get stuck and many of us do, so that is why I am continually exhorting and encouraging you to ask The Lord and Creator, Saviour of the Universe to grant, and free gift you, with an enquiring mind as to what is the depth of TRUTH.
If I was not continually asking for more, I would still be stuck with Father Barron of Yesteryear and then Alex Jones of Yesterday. There is nothing really wrong with these gentlemen but Why get stuck??? There are Oceans to swim in with unplumitable depths.
My German President of the Legion of Mary group has been trying to encourage me to listen to and read what a lady called Maria is posting frequently on youtube. No 2,000,000 hits here just a few hundred....???Why???The way to God is not the popular way, not the broad way but the Narrow way full of obsticles.
TODAY THE 22ND OF APRIL 2012 IS A DAY OF A VERY GREAT STEP AND THAT IS WHY I AM SO DETERMINED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU. This lady is posting very frequently her exhortations coming from Heaven to us.
First she wisely asks us to pray a simple prayer to make sure that what we are assimilating is coming from God and not just wishful thinking,. Then she lets us have it in more ways than one!
By going to the above link you too can make your first step in this final direction of the world and its course towards the second coming of Jesus Christ. Satan is desperately trying to divert and distract us as he is in his final wicked last ditch effort to Steal and to Kill and to Destroy all of us. Oh How he hates God's beautiful creation of you and me.
Please do your very own research and as I learn I will try to help you too and please if you get ahead of me then help me too.
Sunday blog 22nd April 2012.
Uploads by lauran08
By lauran08| 343 videos
Watch All
Friday, 20 April 2012
The hour of my death
The Hour of my death!!
My Sunday blog!!
April 21st and 22nd 2012.
Have you noticed that this is not a popular subject!
How many times have you heard anybody write about this inevitable hour which is going to strike every person on this planet sooner or later??
I woke up in the middle of last night and grabbed a pencil and my notebook to write down this thought. I have found that when I get a good idea and forget to write it down then I forget everything about the subject. I rack my brains, pray, but it is gone.. Maybe it will come back and sometimes it does.. So much easier to write it down.
The hour of my or your death is extremely important. It is how we end up that is so so so so so important.
Matthew Ch 10 verse 22...He that endures to the end shall be saved...
None of this once saved always saved. The end is more important than the beginning.
However to ensure a good end, one has to live the life. One has to practise dying every day and then when that day arrives then you do have a good possibility of ending up well. Like Paul has told us about himself.." Ihave fought the good fight..2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verses...
[6] For I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and the time of my dissolution is at hand. [7] I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. [8] As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming.
For Paul his end was beheading... Not a bad way to go as it is very quick and just a moment of extreme pain?? and then you cross over.
My end or your end??? Only God knows..
In the Rosary prayer which lasts about 20 to 25 minutes, we say in our words to the Virgin Mary..."Pray for us now!!!! And at the hour of our death!!!" 53 times...We say the Lord's Prayer 6 times and we meditate a period of Christ's life...Monday and Saturday we meditate on 5 scenes from his birth and early life... Tuesday and Friday 5 scenes from His Passion.. Wednesday and Sunday.. Five scenes surrounding His resurrection..Thursday 5 scenes on His ministry
So many of you will say..."Why do you pray to the Virgin Mary and not just straight to God!!!" OK!!! Why do you ask your Pastor or your Christian friend to pray for you or your sick son or daughter???
Praying is just plain and simple TALKING..COMMUNICATING...
The virgin Mary is not dead!!!
Your Mum and Dad who left this earth years ago are not dead. God is not a God of the dead but of the living... Here on earth and there in the other dimension of God's Eternity!!
Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ is alive and well in Heaven.. She is in a great strategic position to ask Jesus on our behalf. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN ADDRESSING Jesus directly just as there is nothing wrong in asking your friend or pastor or the Holy Mother to pray on your behalf. Now I know for sure that if you do not have an open mind, this explanation will go nowhere but I can always hope...
I have found in my daily work, the effectiveness of telling people in a half joking way, that I have Good and Bad news. I tell the bad news first... "One day for sure You are going to Die!!! I add that I hope that you will be at least 99 when this event happens but even so you will leave here. Your Ipod and dogsy wogsy and catsywatsy and mumsy wumsy etc etc will be left behind... so what can you take???
Pray this short prayer and there is something you can take... "Dear Jesus come into my heart"
Most do pray and then I feel that I have done the main part of my job.. That is what I do every day except Sundays and sometimes on Sundays too if I get the chance. This is what I want to do until my dying breath. Just remember that we will only spemd a very limited time here on earth and the real life is the one that is looooooong over on the the other side of death. Jesus talked a great deal about this so if He thought it was important, who are we not to take this very very seriously.
Please listen daily to YOU TUBE Videos on ASTONISHER 2 and ASTONISHER 1 channels..
It is basically a Radio show designed to help you wake up as to what Satan is doing all around us under the pretext of trying to help us.
Please do not forget to pray for the criminals who are very rapidly taking over the world.
My Sunday blog!!
April 21st and 22nd 2012.
Have you noticed that this is not a popular subject!
How many times have you heard anybody write about this inevitable hour which is going to strike every person on this planet sooner or later??
I woke up in the middle of last night and grabbed a pencil and my notebook to write down this thought. I have found that when I get a good idea and forget to write it down then I forget everything about the subject. I rack my brains, pray, but it is gone.. Maybe it will come back and sometimes it does.. So much easier to write it down.
The hour of my or your death is extremely important. It is how we end up that is so so so so so important.
Matthew Ch 10 verse 22...He that endures to the end shall be saved...
None of this once saved always saved. The end is more important than the beginning.
However to ensure a good end, one has to live the life. One has to practise dying every day and then when that day arrives then you do have a good possibility of ending up well. Like Paul has told us about himself.." Ihave fought the good fight..2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verses...
[6] For I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and the time of my dissolution is at hand. [7] I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. [8] As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming.
For Paul his end was beheading... Not a bad way to go as it is very quick and just a moment of extreme pain?? and then you cross over.
My end or your end??? Only God knows..
In the Rosary prayer which lasts about 20 to 25 minutes, we say in our words to the Virgin Mary..."Pray for us now!!!! And at the hour of our death!!!" 53 times...We say the Lord's Prayer 6 times and we meditate a period of Christ's life...Monday and Saturday we meditate on 5 scenes from his birth and early life... Tuesday and Friday 5 scenes from His Passion.. Wednesday and Sunday.. Five scenes surrounding His resurrection..Thursday 5 scenes on His ministry
So many of you will say..."Why do you pray to the Virgin Mary and not just straight to God!!!" OK!!! Why do you ask your Pastor or your Christian friend to pray for you or your sick son or daughter???
Praying is just plain and simple TALKING..COMMUNICATING...
The virgin Mary is not dead!!!
Your Mum and Dad who left this earth years ago are not dead. God is not a God of the dead but of the living... Here on earth and there in the other dimension of God's Eternity!!
Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ is alive and well in Heaven.. She is in a great strategic position to ask Jesus on our behalf. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN ADDRESSING Jesus directly just as there is nothing wrong in asking your friend or pastor or the Holy Mother to pray on your behalf. Now I know for sure that if you do not have an open mind, this explanation will go nowhere but I can always hope...
I have found in my daily work, the effectiveness of telling people in a half joking way, that I have Good and Bad news. I tell the bad news first... "One day for sure You are going to Die!!! I add that I hope that you will be at least 99 when this event happens but even so you will leave here. Your Ipod and dogsy wogsy and catsywatsy and mumsy wumsy etc etc will be left behind... so what can you take???
Pray this short prayer and there is something you can take... "Dear Jesus come into my heart"
Most do pray and then I feel that I have done the main part of my job.. That is what I do every day except Sundays and sometimes on Sundays too if I get the chance. This is what I want to do until my dying breath. Just remember that we will only spemd a very limited time here on earth and the real life is the one that is looooooong over on the the other side of death. Jesus talked a great deal about this so if He thought it was important, who are we not to take this very very seriously.
Please listen daily to YOU TUBE Videos on ASTONISHER 2 and ASTONISHER 1 channels..
It is basically a Radio show designed to help you wake up as to what Satan is doing all around us under the pretext of trying to help us.
Please do not forget to pray for the criminals who are very rapidly taking over the world.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
press 4 truth
Press for Truth!!
I realise that many of you are in a state of denial.. It is so hard for you to understand that when money is involved... Large sums...Rothchild family(500Trillion..not billion.... not million but Trillion) who rule the world thru
Rockefeller..JP Morgan..Goldman Sachs and other megarich corporatrions including the Royal Families etc, when money is involved, then there is no limit to the Satanic wickedness that our puppet governments are capable of doing as they are lead by the nose ring by these control freaks.
All governments today are not elected by the people as they should be, but by mega corporations who fund huge sums of money for their election. Everything or almost everything is planned by just a very few people.. 6000 approx.. That is not 1% of the population but is 1,000,000 to 1. This is nothing new... It has always been this way but thanks to the Internet which will soon be closed down under the pretext of National or International security, it is now possible to find out how criminally corrupt the government and their megarich sponsors and controllers are and always have been.
I know perfectly well that what I am writing to you is being read by the SYSTEM and they would like to frighten me into submission.
If they kill me then I am rid of this world and will arrive in the arms of Jesus Christ my Saviour. If they kill my kids then all I can say is that they had no future anyway as this world is fast becoming a Prison Planet. If they do either of these things then it just underlines what I am saying. I am scared not to tell you the TRUTH.. That is what scares me...My Big brother is not the wicked so called elite to which I am related by blood lines but the real Heavenly Elite of Jesus Christ and the Saints and the Holy Family of the Triune God and their created Mother and my Mother, the Virgin Mary.
I beseech you to wake up and get out of your denial and be a MAN or a WOMAN and stand up to this Mafia of Criminal wickedness.
Turn to Jesus Christ and repeat this short little prayer and thus ensure your eternal security.
Watch the video links... Yes it will take a little time...then you will see the TRUTH hidden in plain view.
DEAR LORD JESUS CHRIST PLEASE COME INTO AND TAKE OVER MY HEART. I WANT YOU ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE..There is no security in this world at the hands of these CRIMINALS. They cannot touch you or me without God's permission.. So when God allows then to terminate our Earthly existence, then So Be IT!!!!!
I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
So here is to meeting you again either here or there or in the air.
GBY and KGFG!!!
Press for Truth!!
I realise that many of you are in a state of denial.. It is so hard for you to understand that when money is involved... Large sums...Rothchild family(500Trillion..not billion.... not million but Trillion) who rule the world thru
Rockefeller..JP Morgan..Goldman Sachs and other megarich corporatrions including the Royal Families etc, when money is involved, then there is no limit to the Satanic wickedness that our puppet governments are capable of doing as they are lead by the nose ring by these control freaks.
All governments today are not elected by the people as they should be, but by mega corporations who fund huge sums of money for their election. Everything or almost everything is planned by just a very few people.. 6000 approx.. That is not 1% of the population but is 1,000,000 to 1. This is nothing new... It has always been this way but thanks to the Internet which will soon be closed down under the pretext of National or International security, it is now possible to find out how criminally corrupt the government and their megarich sponsors and controllers are and always have been.
I know perfectly well that what I am writing to you is being read by the SYSTEM and they would like to frighten me into submission.
If they kill me then I am rid of this world and will arrive in the arms of Jesus Christ my Saviour. If they kill my kids then all I can say is that they had no future anyway as this world is fast becoming a Prison Planet. If they do either of these things then it just underlines what I am saying. I am scared not to tell you the TRUTH.. That is what scares me...My Big brother is not the wicked so called elite to which I am related by blood lines but the real Heavenly Elite of Jesus Christ and the Saints and the Holy Family of the Triune God and their created Mother and my Mother, the Virgin Mary.
I beseech you to wake up and get out of your denial and be a MAN or a WOMAN and stand up to this Mafia of Criminal wickedness.
Turn to Jesus Christ and repeat this short little prayer and thus ensure your eternal security.
Watch the video links... Yes it will take a little time...then you will see the TRUTH hidden in plain view.
DEAR LORD JESUS CHRIST PLEASE COME INTO AND TAKE OVER MY HEART. I WANT YOU ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE..There is no security in this world at the hands of these CRIMINALS. They cannot touch you or me without God's permission.. So when God allows then to terminate our Earthly existence, then So Be IT!!!!!
I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
So here is to meeting you again either here or there or in the air.
GBY and KGFG!!!
Monday, 16 April 2012
Guide to the feast of Divine Mercy.
Your Guide To The Feast Of Divine Mercy.
Posted: 15 Apr 2012 06:41 AM PDT
“Let No Soul Fear To Draw Near To Me, Even Though Its Sins Be As Scarlet!”
By Fr. George W. Kosicki, CSB, with David Came
Q. What is Divine Mercy Sunday?
A. Divine Mercy Sunday is the title of the Second Sunday of the Easter season. It was named by Pope John Paul II at the canonization of St. Maria Faustina on April 30, 2000, and then officially decreed by the Vatican.
Pope John Paul II said of Divine Mercy Sunday, “In a special way, it is the Sunday of thanksgiving for all the goodness that God has shown us in the whole Easter mystery” (April 23, 1995).
Here, he underscored the Church’s understanding that Divine Mercy Sunday as the Octave Day of Easter brings us the fullness of Christ’s Resurrection — pointing back to the first day of our celebration on Easter Sunday and now to its fullness on the eighth day, the Octave.
Divine Mercy Sunday, then, can be seen as the convergence of all the mysteries and graces of both Holy Week and Easter Week. It is like a multiple-exposure photograph of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Week. On Mercy Sunday, the Octave Day of Easter, we celebrate the great graces that are available to us through our risen Lord’s victory over sin, death, and the Evil One.
In fact, our Lord revealed to St. Faustina, the great Apostle of Divine Mercy, that He desires on this day to pour out a flood of mercy on souls:
My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy (Diary of St. Faustina, 699).
Q. What graces can I receive on the day?
A. Our Lord revealed to St. Faustina His desire to flood us with His graces on that day. Reflect on each of the promises and desires that He expressed about Divine Mercy Sunday, which are recorded in entry 699 of the Diary of St. Faustina — the main passage about the Feast of Mercy:
• On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open.
• I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy [the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist].
• The soul that will go to Confession [beforehand] and receive Holy Communion [on that day] shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.
• On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.
• Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.
• My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout eternity.
• Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.
• The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness.
• It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.
• Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.
These promises and desires point to an amazing flood of graces that are available to us on Divine Mercy Sunday — including complete forgiveness of sins and punishment! The slate can be wiped clean, and we can be granted a completely fresh start in life.
Q. What about the indulgences for Divine Mercy Sunday? How can I receive an indulgence for myself or for a soul in purgatory?
A. First, we need to make one thing clear: The extraordinary graces mentioned in the last answer, which are based on private revelations contained in St. Faustina’s Diary, are not replaced by the indulgences that the Church has granted for the feast day. Rather, the plenary and partial indulgences provide the faithful with another opportunity to receive graces on Divine Mercy Sunday — either for oneself or a soul in purgatory. And this opportunity for graces is officially sanctioned by the Church.
To understand these graces, we must understand what an indulgence is. When we sin, we not only offend God, but we also introduce disorder into our life and the lives of other people. It’s true that in the Sacrament of Reconciliation we receive forgiveness from God through the ministry of the Church when we repent, confess our sins, and do penance with a firm intention to amend our lives. Even so, because of our sins, some disorder usually remains. There are also temporal consequences or punishments attached to that disorder. (“Temporal” simply means relating to our earthly existence.)
However, the good news is that Christ has given us His Church. As His Mystical Body, she has been granted the power to bind and loose in His name and to distribute graces from His superabundant treasury of merits — all flowing from His redemptive death. These treasures of redemption are available to all the faithful and can be used to remit or take away the temporal punishment due to sin for ourselves or the deceased. Further, they can be partial or plenary (complete).
In the case of Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope John Paul II in 2002 granted plenary and partial indulgences “motivated by an ardent desire to foster in Christians this devotion to Divine Mercy … in the hope of offering great spiritual fruit to the faithful,” according to the official decree.
To receive the plenary indulgence, the decree explained that the faithful must go to confession, receive the Eucharist, and offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope. One must also “with a soul totally detached from affection to any sin, even venial, participate in the pious practices undertaken in honor of Divine Mercy, or at least to recite in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament … the Our Father, the Creed, and a pious invocation to the Merciful Lord Jesus.”
A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who, at least with a contrite heart, pray to Jesus a legitimately approved invocation or prayer.
Q. Why should I go to confession beforehand?
A. You should go beforehand so that you can receive the best possible Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday. Sin is the obstacle to our fervent reception of Holy Communion, and our sins can be wiped away by the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance. This is the Sacrament of Mercy that our Lord in St. Faustina’s Diary calls “the Tribunal of Mercy” (1448) and the “fountain of My mercy” (1602). We should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Divine Mercy Sunday for a couple of reasons. First, the purpose of Lent is to prepare us for Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday, so we shouldn’t wait until the last moment. Second, going earlier shows pastoral sensitivity to the fact that there is usually a shortage of priests to hear everyone’s confession on the day itself.
Q. What about receiving Holy Communion on the day itself?
A. In receiving Holy Communion, we receive Jesus who is Mercy Incarnate. Receiving Him on Divine Mercy Sunday is extra special because He has promised to give us so many graces. Besides making a good confession, we should prepare through prayer, recollection, and expectation of the Lord’s desire to show us His mercy.
Jesus told St. Faustina how much He desires to come to human hearts in the Holy Eucharist, but far too many of them are not well disposed to receive Him: “Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay attention to Me” (Diary, 1385).
On Divine Mercy Sunday, we should strive to make the best Holy Communion of our lives — with the eyes of our soul fixed on Jesus.
Q. Why should the priest or deacon give his homily on Divine Mercy on that day?
A. The priest or deacon is called to give his homily on the Scripture readings of the day, and the readings of all three cycles for that Sunday (A, B, and C) are on mercy. Pope John Paul II emphasized this very point in his homily at St. Faustina’s canonization when he established Divine Mercy Sunday for the whole Church.
The Responsorial Psalm 118 is a hymn to God’s mercy. In John 20:19- 31, the Gospel of the day for all three cycles, Jesus institutes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Also, in the same Gospel reading, St. Thomas professes “my Lord and my God!” This is Thomas’s great act of trust in Divine Mercy Incarnate after the Merciful Savior shows him the wounds of mercy in His hands and in His side.
Q. On Divine Mercy Sunday, should I venerate the image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy?
A. Yes, the image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy, is to be venerated on Divine Mercy Sunday. It is to be given a place of honor in our churches and homes on this Sunday. Our Lord appeared to St. Faustina and then directed her to have this appearance of Himself as the Merciful Savior painted and then venerated publicly. He told her, “I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it” (Diary, 341).
In the image, our risen Savior has pale and red rays streaming from His side. These rays symbolize the Blood and Water that flowed from His side while He was on the cross. But, in His appearance to St. Faustina, they have been transformed into glorious rays, revealing a fount of healing graces for sinners who will turn to Him with trust. That is why the image always bears the inscription “Jesus, I trust in You!” In our churches and homes, we can venerate The Divine Mercy image by gazing upon the Merciful Savior in prayer and adoration. We can place candles and flowers before the image as signs of our love for Jesus.
Q. What are some of the other aspects of preparing for and celebrating the day?
A. There are a great many options.
In preparation: We begin to prepare in Lent for our celebration of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday (its Octave Day). We especially focus on performing works of mercy, spending more time in prayer, as well as by doing penances and giving alms. Praying The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Novena to The Divine Mercy can be particularly helpful in our preparations.
Many souls also benefit from doing more spiritual reading during Lent. Consider, for example, studying The Divine Mercy message and devotion through books, DVDs, and CDs.
The celebration itself: Divine Mercy Sunday, for many parishes, involves large numbers of people gathering to celebrate Holy Masses at which God’s mercy is proclaimed by the priests or deacons. Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament can also be held at points throughout the weekend — perhaps starting before the Vigil Mass on Saturday. Additional priests may be present to hear the confessions of those parishioners who did not go before Mercy Sunday.
There are many ways to enhance your liturgical celebrations. When appropriate, The Divine Mercy Chaplet can be recited or even sung. Hymns of mercy and readings from Sacred Scripture, as well as readings from the Diary of St. Faustina, can be offered. A parish might show various DVDs or films. Organizers might provide a book table with a selection of Divine Mercy books, booklets, and pamphlets.
As we receive God’s mercy, we are called to share it with others. So all participants should be encouraged to venerate an image of The Divine Mercy and to perform a work of mercy on the day itself out of love for Jesus. A solemn service to mark the Hour of Great Mercy could be at three in the afternoon. At this time, we recall the hour when the Merciful Savior died on the cross for our sins. This is a particularly appropriate time for praying The Divine Mercy Chaplet, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction.
At the end of your Divine Mercy Sunday celebration, the pastor or deacon could encourage participants to avail themselves of the extraordinary graces that they’ve just received. He could encourage them to realize that Divine Mercy is a whole way of life — not just for Mercy Sunday. That means trusting in Jesus and being merciful every day of our lives.
Posted: 15 Apr 2012 06:41 AM PDT
“Let No Soul Fear To Draw Near To Me, Even Though Its Sins Be As Scarlet!”
By Fr. George W. Kosicki, CSB, with David Came
Q. What is Divine Mercy Sunday?
A. Divine Mercy Sunday is the title of the Second Sunday of the Easter season. It was named by Pope John Paul II at the canonization of St. Maria Faustina on April 30, 2000, and then officially decreed by the Vatican.
Pope John Paul II said of Divine Mercy Sunday, “In a special way, it is the Sunday of thanksgiving for all the goodness that God has shown us in the whole Easter mystery” (April 23, 1995).
Here, he underscored the Church’s understanding that Divine Mercy Sunday as the Octave Day of Easter brings us the fullness of Christ’s Resurrection — pointing back to the first day of our celebration on Easter Sunday and now to its fullness on the eighth day, the Octave.
Divine Mercy Sunday, then, can be seen as the convergence of all the mysteries and graces of both Holy Week and Easter Week. It is like a multiple-exposure photograph of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Week. On Mercy Sunday, the Octave Day of Easter, we celebrate the great graces that are available to us through our risen Lord’s victory over sin, death, and the Evil One.
In fact, our Lord revealed to St. Faustina, the great Apostle of Divine Mercy, that He desires on this day to pour out a flood of mercy on souls:
My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy (Diary of St. Faustina, 699).
Q. What graces can I receive on the day?
A. Our Lord revealed to St. Faustina His desire to flood us with His graces on that day. Reflect on each of the promises and desires that He expressed about Divine Mercy Sunday, which are recorded in entry 699 of the Diary of St. Faustina — the main passage about the Feast of Mercy:
• On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open.
• I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy [the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist].
• The soul that will go to Confession [beforehand] and receive Holy Communion [on that day] shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.
• On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.
• Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.
• My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout eternity.
• Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.
• The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness.
• It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.
• Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.
These promises and desires point to an amazing flood of graces that are available to us on Divine Mercy Sunday — including complete forgiveness of sins and punishment! The slate can be wiped clean, and we can be granted a completely fresh start in life.
Q. What about the indulgences for Divine Mercy Sunday? How can I receive an indulgence for myself or for a soul in purgatory?
A. First, we need to make one thing clear: The extraordinary graces mentioned in the last answer, which are based on private revelations contained in St. Faustina’s Diary, are not replaced by the indulgences that the Church has granted for the feast day. Rather, the plenary and partial indulgences provide the faithful with another opportunity to receive graces on Divine Mercy Sunday — either for oneself or a soul in purgatory. And this opportunity for graces is officially sanctioned by the Church.
To understand these graces, we must understand what an indulgence is. When we sin, we not only offend God, but we also introduce disorder into our life and the lives of other people. It’s true that in the Sacrament of Reconciliation we receive forgiveness from God through the ministry of the Church when we repent, confess our sins, and do penance with a firm intention to amend our lives. Even so, because of our sins, some disorder usually remains. There are also temporal consequences or punishments attached to that disorder. (“Temporal” simply means relating to our earthly existence.)
However, the good news is that Christ has given us His Church. As His Mystical Body, she has been granted the power to bind and loose in His name and to distribute graces from His superabundant treasury of merits — all flowing from His redemptive death. These treasures of redemption are available to all the faithful and can be used to remit or take away the temporal punishment due to sin for ourselves or the deceased. Further, they can be partial or plenary (complete).
In the case of Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope John Paul II in 2002 granted plenary and partial indulgences “motivated by an ardent desire to foster in Christians this devotion to Divine Mercy … in the hope of offering great spiritual fruit to the faithful,” according to the official decree.
To receive the plenary indulgence, the decree explained that the faithful must go to confession, receive the Eucharist, and offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope. One must also “with a soul totally detached from affection to any sin, even venial, participate in the pious practices undertaken in honor of Divine Mercy, or at least to recite in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament … the Our Father, the Creed, and a pious invocation to the Merciful Lord Jesus.”
A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who, at least with a contrite heart, pray to Jesus a legitimately approved invocation or prayer.
Q. Why should I go to confession beforehand?
A. You should go beforehand so that you can receive the best possible Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday. Sin is the obstacle to our fervent reception of Holy Communion, and our sins can be wiped away by the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance. This is the Sacrament of Mercy that our Lord in St. Faustina’s Diary calls “the Tribunal of Mercy” (1448) and the “fountain of My mercy” (1602). We should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Divine Mercy Sunday for a couple of reasons. First, the purpose of Lent is to prepare us for Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday, so we shouldn’t wait until the last moment. Second, going earlier shows pastoral sensitivity to the fact that there is usually a shortage of priests to hear everyone’s confession on the day itself.
Q. What about receiving Holy Communion on the day itself?
A. In receiving Holy Communion, we receive Jesus who is Mercy Incarnate. Receiving Him on Divine Mercy Sunday is extra special because He has promised to give us so many graces. Besides making a good confession, we should prepare through prayer, recollection, and expectation of the Lord’s desire to show us His mercy.
Jesus told St. Faustina how much He desires to come to human hearts in the Holy Eucharist, but far too many of them are not well disposed to receive Him: “Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay attention to Me” (Diary, 1385).
On Divine Mercy Sunday, we should strive to make the best Holy Communion of our lives — with the eyes of our soul fixed on Jesus.
Q. Why should the priest or deacon give his homily on Divine Mercy on that day?
A. The priest or deacon is called to give his homily on the Scripture readings of the day, and the readings of all three cycles for that Sunday (A, B, and C) are on mercy. Pope John Paul II emphasized this very point in his homily at St. Faustina’s canonization when he established Divine Mercy Sunday for the whole Church.
The Responsorial Psalm 118 is a hymn to God’s mercy. In John 20:19- 31, the Gospel of the day for all three cycles, Jesus institutes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Also, in the same Gospel reading, St. Thomas professes “my Lord and my God!” This is Thomas’s great act of trust in Divine Mercy Incarnate after the Merciful Savior shows him the wounds of mercy in His hands and in His side.
Q. On Divine Mercy Sunday, should I venerate the image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy?
A. Yes, the image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy, is to be venerated on Divine Mercy Sunday. It is to be given a place of honor in our churches and homes on this Sunday. Our Lord appeared to St. Faustina and then directed her to have this appearance of Himself as the Merciful Savior painted and then venerated publicly. He told her, “I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it” (Diary, 341).
In the image, our risen Savior has pale and red rays streaming from His side. These rays symbolize the Blood and Water that flowed from His side while He was on the cross. But, in His appearance to St. Faustina, they have been transformed into glorious rays, revealing a fount of healing graces for sinners who will turn to Him with trust. That is why the image always bears the inscription “Jesus, I trust in You!” In our churches and homes, we can venerate The Divine Mercy image by gazing upon the Merciful Savior in prayer and adoration. We can place candles and flowers before the image as signs of our love for Jesus.
Q. What are some of the other aspects of preparing for and celebrating the day?
A. There are a great many options.
In preparation: We begin to prepare in Lent for our celebration of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday (its Octave Day). We especially focus on performing works of mercy, spending more time in prayer, as well as by doing penances and giving alms. Praying The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Novena to The Divine Mercy can be particularly helpful in our preparations.
Many souls also benefit from doing more spiritual reading during Lent. Consider, for example, studying The Divine Mercy message and devotion through books, DVDs, and CDs.
The celebration itself: Divine Mercy Sunday, for many parishes, involves large numbers of people gathering to celebrate Holy Masses at which God’s mercy is proclaimed by the priests or deacons. Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament can also be held at points throughout the weekend — perhaps starting before the Vigil Mass on Saturday. Additional priests may be present to hear the confessions of those parishioners who did not go before Mercy Sunday.
There are many ways to enhance your liturgical celebrations. When appropriate, The Divine Mercy Chaplet can be recited or even sung. Hymns of mercy and readings from Sacred Scripture, as well as readings from the Diary of St. Faustina, can be offered. A parish might show various DVDs or films. Organizers might provide a book table with a selection of Divine Mercy books, booklets, and pamphlets.
As we receive God’s mercy, we are called to share it with others. So all participants should be encouraged to venerate an image of The Divine Mercy and to perform a work of mercy on the day itself out of love for Jesus. A solemn service to mark the Hour of Great Mercy could be at three in the afternoon. At this time, we recall the hour when the Merciful Savior died on the cross for our sins. This is a particularly appropriate time for praying The Divine Mercy Chaplet, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction.
At the end of your Divine Mercy Sunday celebration, the pastor or deacon could encourage participants to avail themselves of the extraordinary graces that they’ve just received. He could encourage them to realize that Divine Mercy is a whole way of life — not just for Mercy Sunday. That means trusting in Jesus and being merciful every day of our lives.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Dear Michael..Mercy Sunday
Dear Michael or HF as he likes to call himself..Homo Faber!!
My Sunday blog April 15th Mercy Sunday
On October the 5th 1938 a great little nun died. Faustina. Now Saint Faustina!! It was on my mum's birtrhday and 48 days later I came into the world. My parents were hoping for a daughter as they already had a son.. William Rodney Stuart King aged 8. This was of course before the days of ultra sound and my name had already been picked out.. Jennifer. Well surprise! Surprise! Not a jen but a michael like the name of the person to whom this letter is addressed.
It's OK I am not giving away your internet address and no one except yourself and little old me will know who you are. Oh dear I forgot one very important person in this equation and may He please forgive me. GOD!!!..
Michael HF doers not agree with me about anything I write. That is just fine but he punctuates his disagreements with comments like how I need to see a Psychiatrist and register at the local Lunybin etc.
Well of course his free speech is allowed but I cannot help feeling that it gets him nowhere to throw dirt at others. Like that old saying goes..."""If you throw dirt, you simply lose ground!"""Of course it gives him a small dose of self righteous satisfaction but if he wants to change my opinion to become an Agnostic, like he is..A Neutral.... and a total believer in the goodness of those who guide this world.. Banksters...Presstitutes...Puppet Politicians and all, then he should use reasoned arguments and not tell me that it is perfectly normal for Building number 7 to fall down at near free fall speed because of office fires on 3 of it 47 floors.
Only three high rise buildings have ever come down by fire and collapsed in a heap of very small dust particles as reported to us by those who waive the rules, and they all happened on the same day 9/11 2001.
It is also absurd to say that a large passenger airliner hit the Pentagon. Many Cameras were on when this happened and yet for obvious reasons, we are not allowed to see for ourselves how this enormous aircraft flew through a 60 foot hole and disappeared with out a trace.
I like HF used to believe all the hype that was handed down to me by the so called main stream Media but it would be wise to check and see who are the main stockholders of these information corporations... JP Morgan Chase and the very people who control the money supply.. A consortium of Private mega banks all under the wing of Lord Rothschild and his agents like Goldman Sacs and the Rockefeller Foundation who funded not only Hitler but Poll pot.. Lenin... Mao and of course Churchill and Roosevelt as well.
Then there is the Bush family and the Clintons and the Ford Foundation and the Good old Bill and Melinda Gates and the Royal families of Europe especially QE2 and her hubby Prince Phil. All these people are confrimed Eugenicists. Do your own research to see if I am telling you a lie or not.
Now I strongly advise you to pray for these totally wicked disciples of Lucifer as while there is life in them there is hope. It is no good hating them but it would be a good idea to continue to expose them and at least have a shot at stopping them from forming their one world dictatorship with a reduced population of just 500,000 drugged and servile slaves to do their dirty work of waiting on them hand and foot. This pathetic little group numbering no more than 6000 will soon be defeated by the second coming of our Champion. Their Goliath like Champion that they are putting forward will be slaughtered by none other than Jesus Christ and His Host of soldiers riding white horses. Their days are numbered and I strongly advise them along with HF to jump off their sinking ship and get on board His Majesty's Vessel called HMS The Kingdom of God!
GBY and KGFG mjk
My Sunday blog April 15th Mercy Sunday
On October the 5th 1938 a great little nun died. Faustina. Now Saint Faustina!! It was on my mum's birtrhday and 48 days later I came into the world. My parents were hoping for a daughter as they already had a son.. William Rodney Stuart King aged 8. This was of course before the days of ultra sound and my name had already been picked out.. Jennifer. Well surprise! Surprise! Not a jen but a michael like the name of the person to whom this letter is addressed.
It's OK I am not giving away your internet address and no one except yourself and little old me will know who you are. Oh dear I forgot one very important person in this equation and may He please forgive me. GOD!!!..
Michael HF doers not agree with me about anything I write. That is just fine but he punctuates his disagreements with comments like how I need to see a Psychiatrist and register at the local Lunybin etc.
Well of course his free speech is allowed but I cannot help feeling that it gets him nowhere to throw dirt at others. Like that old saying goes..."""If you throw dirt, you simply lose ground!"""Of course it gives him a small dose of self righteous satisfaction but if he wants to change my opinion to become an Agnostic, like he is..A Neutral.... and a total believer in the goodness of those who guide this world.. Banksters...Presstitutes...Puppet Politicians and all, then he should use reasoned arguments and not tell me that it is perfectly normal for Building number 7 to fall down at near free fall speed because of office fires on 3 of it 47 floors.
Only three high rise buildings have ever come down by fire and collapsed in a heap of very small dust particles as reported to us by those who waive the rules, and they all happened on the same day 9/11 2001.
It is also absurd to say that a large passenger airliner hit the Pentagon. Many Cameras were on when this happened and yet for obvious reasons, we are not allowed to see for ourselves how this enormous aircraft flew through a 60 foot hole and disappeared with out a trace.
I like HF used to believe all the hype that was handed down to me by the so called main stream Media but it would be wise to check and see who are the main stockholders of these information corporations... JP Morgan Chase and the very people who control the money supply.. A consortium of Private mega banks all under the wing of Lord Rothschild and his agents like Goldman Sacs and the Rockefeller Foundation who funded not only Hitler but Poll pot.. Lenin... Mao and of course Churchill and Roosevelt as well.
Then there is the Bush family and the Clintons and the Ford Foundation and the Good old Bill and Melinda Gates and the Royal families of Europe especially QE2 and her hubby Prince Phil. All these people are confrimed Eugenicists. Do your own research to see if I am telling you a lie or not.
Now I strongly advise you to pray for these totally wicked disciples of Lucifer as while there is life in them there is hope. It is no good hating them but it would be a good idea to continue to expose them and at least have a shot at stopping them from forming their one world dictatorship with a reduced population of just 500,000 drugged and servile slaves to do their dirty work of waiting on them hand and foot. This pathetic little group numbering no more than 6000 will soon be defeated by the second coming of our Champion. Their Goliath like Champion that they are putting forward will be slaughtered by none other than Jesus Christ and His Host of soldiers riding white horses. Their days are numbered and I strongly advise them along with HF to jump off their sinking ship and get on board His Majesty's Vessel called HMS The Kingdom of God!
GBY and KGFG mjk
My confession!
Sending this to you for the second time.. The first one was sent out without reading it through and made little sorry about that...
so now I have 2 confessions Ha!!!
My Confession!!!
Tuesday 10th April 2012.
Please first watch at least the first 25 minutes of the following.
The Monday edition on Astonisher 2.
Alex Jones and GOD!!!
It is just tremendous!!!
I am totally humbled!!!!
Lord forgive me!!!
I am a mess!!!
Lord have mercy!!!!
I have spent so much time trying to prop up Roman Catholicism!!
I still believe that Jesus Christ is still behind this Church in spite of the fact that it is so so so so so so so CORRUPT and full of extremely wicked Pharisaiacal Priests and members..
No one in my Church of over one billion is telling the truth about the NWO! The New World Order!!!
Maybe a few insignificant old ladies???? But no Priests...All False Shepherds!!!
Jesus Christ on the other hand exposed the evil!!!
He even took up a whip and whacked the Banksters and turned over the tables of their money changing wickedness..
A bunch of Cowards!!!
God help us aaaaaaaalllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!
I am ashamed of myself and very very ashamed of those false Shepherd Priests who have buried their heads in the sand.
"Please do not confuse me with the facts!!!! My mind is made up!!!"
This is what they are all saying... God help us all!
GBY and try your best to KGFG!!!
Look forward to your comments and if you want to hear a good Protestant Shepherd who is telling the Truth FROM THE BIBLE please listen to programmes on youtube by Chuck Baldwin especially his most recent exposure of the NWO and all the banksters and Presstitutes and puppet Politicians and out right Luciferian elite who are running and ruining our world as I type.
so now I have 2 confessions Ha!!!
My Confession!!!
Tuesday 10th April 2012.
Please first watch at least the first 25 minutes of the following.
The Monday edition on Astonisher 2.
Alex Jones and GOD!!!
It is just tremendous!!!
I am totally humbled!!!!
Lord forgive me!!!
I am a mess!!!
Lord have mercy!!!!
I have spent so much time trying to prop up Roman Catholicism!!
I still believe that Jesus Christ is still behind this Church in spite of the fact that it is so so so so so so so CORRUPT and full of extremely wicked Pharisaiacal Priests and members..
No one in my Church of over one billion is telling the truth about the NWO! The New World Order!!!
Maybe a few insignificant old ladies???? But no Priests...All False Shepherds!!!
Jesus Christ on the other hand exposed the evil!!!
He even took up a whip and whacked the Banksters and turned over the tables of their money changing wickedness..
A bunch of Cowards!!!
God help us aaaaaaaalllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!
I am ashamed of myself and very very ashamed of those false Shepherd Priests who have buried their heads in the sand.
"Please do not confuse me with the facts!!!! My mind is made up!!!"
This is what they are all saying... God help us all!
GBY and try your best to KGFG!!!
Look forward to your comments and if you want to hear a good Protestant Shepherd who is telling the Truth FROM THE BIBLE please listen to programmes on youtube by Chuck Baldwin especially his most recent exposure of the NWO and all the banksters and Presstitutes and puppet Politicians and out right Luciferian elite who are running and ruining our world as I type.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
The daily Gospel for Mercy Sunday 15th of April 2012
Some of my favourite passages. Not very popular to my dear prot brothers as there is a direct reference to apostles having the right and authority to forgive and to retain sins.. thus the Roman Catholic Sacrament of confession and this bit in Acts is also very unpopular as it talks about sharing your wealth.. Dear prots I guess you have to white those bits out of your Bible. I love you all the same..
I agree with you though my Church is corrupt in the extreme and has many Pharisees as members and priests BUT it is the one that Jesus in spite of all this wickedness is maintaining and building.. Check out Matthew Ch 16 verse 18..."""I will build my church!"""
[18] And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19] And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. [20] Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ.
[18] Thou art Peter: As St. Peter, by divine revelation, here made a solemn profession of his faith of the divinity of Christ; so in recompense of this faith and profession, our Lord here declares to him the dignity to which he is pleased to raise him: viz., that he to whom he had already given the name of Peter, signifying a rock, St. John 1. 42, should be a rock indeed, of invincible strength, for the support of the building of the church; in which building he should be, next to Christ himself, the chief foundation stone, in quality of chief pastor, ruler, and governor; and should have accordingly all fulness of ecclesiastical power, signified by the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
[18] Upon this rock: The words of Christ to Peter, spoken in the vulgar language of the Jews which our Lord made use of, were the same as if he had said in English, Thou art a Rock, and upon this rock I will build my church. So that, by the plain course of the words, Peter is here declared to be the rock, upon which the church was to be built: Christ himself being both the principal foundation and founder of the same. Where also note, that Christ, by building his house, that is, his church, upon a rock, has thereby secured it against all storms and floods, like the wise builder, St. Matt. 7. 24, 25.
[18] The gates of hell: That is, the powers of darkness, and whatever Satan can do, either by himself, or his agents. For as the church is here likened to a house, or fortress, built on a rock; so the adverse powers are likened to a contrary house or fortress, the gates of which, that is, the whole strength, and all the efforts it can make, will never be able to prevail over the city or church of Christ. By this promise we are fully assured, that neither idolatry, heresy, nor any pernicious error whatsoever shall at any time prevail over the church of Christ.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: DGO
Sent: Sunday, 15 April 2012, 0:17
Subject: The Daily Gospel
«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6:68
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) - Year B
Feast of the Church : Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
Saint(s) of the day : St Paternus, Bishop (5th century)
See commentary below or click here
Saint Basil of Seleucia : "We have seen the Lord"
Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35.
The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.
With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all.
There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale,
and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.
Psalms 118(117):2-4.16ab-18.22-24.
Let the house of Israel say,
"His mercy endures forever."
Let the house of Aaron say, God's love endures forever.
Let those who fear the LORD say,
"His mercy endures forever."
"The right hand of the LORD has struck with power;
the right hand of the LORD is exalted.
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD."
Though the LORD has indeed chastised me,
yet he has not delivered me to death.
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
By the LORD has this been done;
it is wonderful in our eyes.
This is the day the LORD has made;
let us be glad and rejoice in it.
First Letter of John 5:1-6.
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the father loves (also) the one begotten by him.
In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments.
For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome,
for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.
Who (indeed) is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
This is the one who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water alone, but by water and blood. The Spirit is the one that testifies, and the Spirit is truth.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 20:19-31.
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, «Peace be with you.»
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
(Jesus) said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the holy Spirit.
Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained."
Thomas, called Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.
So the other disciples said to him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."
Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you."
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe."
Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of (his) disciples that are not written in this book.
But these are written that you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.
Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB
Commentary of the day :
Saint Basil of Seleucia (?-c.468), bishop
Sermon for the Resurrection
"We have seen the Lord"
While hiding in a house, the apostles see Christ; he entered, all the doors being shut. But Thomas, who was absent at that time..., shuts his ears and wants to open his eyes... He bursts out with his incredulity, hoping, in this way, his desire will be answered. «My doubts are not going to disappear until I see him,» he says. «I shall put my finger in the marks of the nails and embrace this Lord of mine whom I long for so much. Let him reproach my lack of faith but let him satisfy me with sight of him. For now I am unbelieving but, when I see him, I shall believe. I shall believe when I clasp him in my arms and gaze on him. I want to see the holes in those hands that have healed the hands of Adam's wrongdoing. I want to see the side that cast out death from mankind's side. I want to be my own witness to the Lord and another's testimony is not enough for me. Your tales aggravate my impatience. The joyful news you bring does nothing but stir up my turmoil. I shall not be cured of this sickness unless I touch its medicine with my own hands.»
The Lord appeared again and dispelled both the sadness and the doubt of his disciple. What am I saying? He did not dispel his doubts, he fulfilled his expectation. He entered, all the doors being shut.
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The DGO is sent every day to more than 470.000 subscribers !
Do you want to help us maintain this free service? The Daily Gospel is free of charge, but it is not free of cost. Make a tax-deductible donation directly at "The Daily Gospel", 6375 New Hope RD, New Hope, KY 40052. USA. Thank you and God bless you.
I agree with you though my Church is corrupt in the extreme and has many Pharisees as members and priests BUT it is the one that Jesus in spite of all this wickedness is maintaining and building.. Check out Matthew Ch 16 verse 18..."""I will build my church!"""
[18] And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19] And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. [20] Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ.
[18] Thou art Peter: As St. Peter, by divine revelation, here made a solemn profession of his faith of the divinity of Christ; so in recompense of this faith and profession, our Lord here declares to him the dignity to which he is pleased to raise him: viz., that he to whom he had already given the name of Peter, signifying a rock, St. John 1. 42, should be a rock indeed, of invincible strength, for the support of the building of the church; in which building he should be, next to Christ himself, the chief foundation stone, in quality of chief pastor, ruler, and governor; and should have accordingly all fulness of ecclesiastical power, signified by the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
[18] Upon this rock: The words of Christ to Peter, spoken in the vulgar language of the Jews which our Lord made use of, were the same as if he had said in English, Thou art a Rock, and upon this rock I will build my church. So that, by the plain course of the words, Peter is here declared to be the rock, upon which the church was to be built: Christ himself being both the principal foundation and founder of the same. Where also note, that Christ, by building his house, that is, his church, upon a rock, has thereby secured it against all storms and floods, like the wise builder, St. Matt. 7. 24, 25.
[18] The gates of hell: That is, the powers of darkness, and whatever Satan can do, either by himself, or his agents. For as the church is here likened to a house, or fortress, built on a rock; so the adverse powers are likened to a contrary house or fortress, the gates of which, that is, the whole strength, and all the efforts it can make, will never be able to prevail over the city or church of Christ. By this promise we are fully assured, that neither idolatry, heresy, nor any pernicious error whatsoever shall at any time prevail over the church of Christ.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: DGO
Sent: Sunday, 15 April 2012, 0:17
Subject: The Daily Gospel
«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6:68
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) - Year B
Feast of the Church : Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
Saint(s) of the day : St Paternus, Bishop (5th century)
See commentary below or click here
Saint Basil of Seleucia : "We have seen the Lord"
Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35.
The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.
With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all.
There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale,
and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.
Psalms 118(117):2-4.16ab-18.22-24.
Let the house of Israel say,
"His mercy endures forever."
Let the house of Aaron say, God's love endures forever.
Let those who fear the LORD say,
"His mercy endures forever."
"The right hand of the LORD has struck with power;
the right hand of the LORD is exalted.
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD."
Though the LORD has indeed chastised me,
yet he has not delivered me to death.
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
By the LORD has this been done;
it is wonderful in our eyes.
This is the day the LORD has made;
let us be glad and rejoice in it.
First Letter of John 5:1-6.
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the father loves (also) the one begotten by him.
In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments.
For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome,
for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.
Who (indeed) is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
This is the one who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water alone, but by water and blood. The Spirit is the one that testifies, and the Spirit is truth.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 20:19-31.
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, «Peace be with you.»
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
(Jesus) said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the holy Spirit.
Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained."
Thomas, called Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.
So the other disciples said to him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."
Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you."
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe."
Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of (his) disciples that are not written in this book.
But these are written that you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.
Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB
Commentary of the day :
Saint Basil of Seleucia (?-c.468), bishop
Sermon for the Resurrection
"We have seen the Lord"
While hiding in a house, the apostles see Christ; he entered, all the doors being shut. But Thomas, who was absent at that time..., shuts his ears and wants to open his eyes... He bursts out with his incredulity, hoping, in this way, his desire will be answered. «My doubts are not going to disappear until I see him,» he says. «I shall put my finger in the marks of the nails and embrace this Lord of mine whom I long for so much. Let him reproach my lack of faith but let him satisfy me with sight of him. For now I am unbelieving but, when I see him, I shall believe. I shall believe when I clasp him in my arms and gaze on him. I want to see the holes in those hands that have healed the hands of Adam's wrongdoing. I want to see the side that cast out death from mankind's side. I want to be my own witness to the Lord and another's testimony is not enough for me. Your tales aggravate my impatience. The joyful news you bring does nothing but stir up my turmoil. I shall not be cured of this sickness unless I touch its medicine with my own hands.»
The Lord appeared again and dispelled both the sadness and the doubt of his disciple. What am I saying? He did not dispel his doubts, he fulfilled his expectation. He entered, all the doors being shut.
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The DGO is sent every day to more than 470.000 subscribers !
Do you want to help us maintain this free service? The Daily Gospel is free of charge, but it is not free of cost. Make a tax-deductible donation directly at "The Daily Gospel", 6375 New Hope RD, New Hope, KY 40052. USA. Thank you and God bless you.
The Lord Jesus come into my heart club
The Lord Jesus come into my heart club!
Today I had this great idea...
I strongly believe that this idea, come into my heart, was directly from the Lord.
My main job as a missionary is not to promote the Roman Catholic Church..
My main job is not to promote any one of the 38,000 branches of Protetstantism..
My main job is to promote Jesus.
One of the most effective ways of doing this when I can get an audience..
Maybe an audience of a few school children..
I will say something like this..
I have very bad news for you..
One day you are sadly going to die..
Now I hope that this will be when you are 99 years old BUT
It could be sooner..
When you die you leave behind everything that you hold dear to your heart.
Your Omega watch..
Your I pad and I phone..
You dear little catsy watsy or dogsy wogsy or just plain mum and dad or wife or husband or children or favourite sport or TV programme or whatever has caught your fancy while on this very short visit to this planet..
It's gone!!! One second after breathing your last it is all over!!!
Very very final!!!
BUT there is something that will stand you in good stead at this ultimate moment of life. JESUS in YOUR HEART!!!!!
Now that I have your attention, I say please repeat the following very short prayer..
Dear Lord Jesus,,,,,repeat.... Dear Lord Jesus..
Please come into my heart.. Please come into my heart..
Forgive me for my sins...Forgive me for my sins.
Fill me with YOUR LOVE.. Fill me with YOUR LOVE!!
and give me the free gift of eternal life..
Dont you think that just a few seconds before you croak your last, that it would be good if you had Jesus in your heart??????
If you do not then read no further.. I am desperately sorry for you and I will pray for you..
But if you think that this is good, then join my"""" Dear Jesus come into my heart club""", NOW..
Entrance fee NIL
Just start praying this simple little prayer with everyone on two legs or sitting in a wheel chair or lying or sitting up in bed.
If you do this then you will be a Missionary and God will be very proud of you.
I try to do this a minimum of 20 times a day. That is 365 times 20 a year= 7300 times a year..
OK that is just a drop in the ocean but as Mother Theresa said where would this world be without all those drops in the ocean?
Let me know if you want to join and learn this prayer in French German Portuguese Russian and English for starters.
If you run with my preamble you will get people's attention..I can promise..
GBY and become an end time missionary today.
WRITE me pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Today I had this great idea...
I strongly believe that this idea, come into my heart, was directly from the Lord.
My main job as a missionary is not to promote the Roman Catholic Church..
My main job is not to promote any one of the 38,000 branches of Protetstantism..
My main job is to promote Jesus.
One of the most effective ways of doing this when I can get an audience..
Maybe an audience of a few school children..
I will say something like this..
I have very bad news for you..
One day you are sadly going to die..
Now I hope that this will be when you are 99 years old BUT
It could be sooner..
When you die you leave behind everything that you hold dear to your heart.
Your Omega watch..
Your I pad and I phone..
You dear little catsy watsy or dogsy wogsy or just plain mum and dad or wife or husband or children or favourite sport or TV programme or whatever has caught your fancy while on this very short visit to this planet..
It's gone!!! One second after breathing your last it is all over!!!
Very very final!!!
BUT there is something that will stand you in good stead at this ultimate moment of life. JESUS in YOUR HEART!!!!!
Now that I have your attention, I say please repeat the following very short prayer..
Dear Lord Jesus,,,,,repeat.... Dear Lord Jesus..
Please come into my heart.. Please come into my heart..
Forgive me for my sins...Forgive me for my sins.
Fill me with YOUR LOVE.. Fill me with YOUR LOVE!!
and give me the free gift of eternal life..
Dont you think that just a few seconds before you croak your last, that it would be good if you had Jesus in your heart??????
If you do not then read no further.. I am desperately sorry for you and I will pray for you..
But if you think that this is good, then join my"""" Dear Jesus come into my heart club""", NOW..
Entrance fee NIL
Just start praying this simple little prayer with everyone on two legs or sitting in a wheel chair or lying or sitting up in bed.
If you do this then you will be a Missionary and God will be very proud of you.
I try to do this a minimum of 20 times a day. That is 365 times 20 a year= 7300 times a year..
OK that is just a drop in the ocean but as Mother Theresa said where would this world be without all those drops in the ocean?
Let me know if you want to join and learn this prayer in French German Portuguese Russian and English for starters.
If you run with my preamble you will get people's attention..I can promise..
GBY and become an end time missionary today.
WRITE me pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Courageous Priest and One Nation under siege
This Sunday is divine mercy Sunday. Saint Faustina died on my mother's birthday, October the 5th 1938 and then 48 days later I was born Ha!!
Please also watch the following...
So here is a challenge to priests and a challenge to me and you.
2 in 1... Just ask God sincerely if what I am telling you and forwarding to you is true or not??? He will show you!! Why??? Because He loves you and wants the very best for you!! Just be open and not closed full of your own thoughts but move aside and let Him get through to you. Try it it works..
Re read my letter to you yesterday.. """"A truly amazing miracle!""""
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Friday, 13 April 2012, 0:30
Subject: A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
Posted: 12 Apr 2012 12:00 AM PDT
Many Faithful Suffer Because of the Lack of Good, Spiritual Leadership from Their Priests
The following letter is from a Priest who made a recent comment on Catholic Spiritual Motherhood. Catherine Beier, asked me to post it on Courageous Priest.
Please read and say a prayer for him as we celebrate the Octave of Easter.
All emphasis mine.
I came across this site providentially today, one year from the date on which the article was originally published online. (Here is the article he is referring to.) As a priest who is still in his first year of priestly ordination, I would like to say THANK YOU for this excellent website on Catholic Spiritual Motherhood.
What you say about priests needing the help of faithful laity is completely true. I rely on the prayers of so many faithful laypersons in order to fulfill as faithfully as I can the responsibilities that Our Lord has placed in my hands as one of His priests.
Unfortunately, I do not get a lot of support from my fellow clergy, as the priesthood that I want to live out is a radical one in which I give myself completely, without reserve, to Our Lord through Our Lady.
Many priests prefer, sadly, the path of least resistance, and a life of comfort. This is why there are so few priests who have the courage to proclaim from the pulpit those Truths of Priest, Holy Priest, Catholic Priest the Catholic Faith that are difficult to say. And yet, is this not our God-given mission? Are we not called to be somewhat like the prophets of old, who had to speak God’s Holy Word even when it meant suffering persecution and being disliked (even hated) by those who do not want to listen?
Please pray, and continue to pray very fervently to Our Blessed Mother, Mary, that she may obtain for Her Son’s Church holy priests, according to the Heart of Jesus.
One holy priest can do so much more for the Kingdom of God than a multitude of lukewarm priests.
I thank you once again for your beautiful website, and for your wonderful apostolate of spiritual motherhood for priests. As you pray for us, we in turn can do what God is calling us to do for you: bring you Jesus Christ, and nothing less. We were ordained to bring Christ to you, but we can only do it by remaining faithful to our call — and this requires a great deal of prayer and sacrifice.
Thank you for all that you do for us priests, and know that your reward will be great in Heaven!
With all my prayers and fraternal, priestly blessing.
-A Canadian Catholic Priest
Here is further correspondence between Catherine and the Canadian Priest.
One day, the day will come when faithful Catholics (bishops, priests and laity) will no longer have to worry about “offending” other “Catholics” by their fidelity to the Faith and their orthodoxy. This is a big struggle in the clergy today. Faithful priests often have to be silent and struggle in their soul, without saying too much exteriorly, since their brother priests often do not understand why they cannot compromise on Church teachings or practices. I believe that this is the way in which Our Lord is calling us to renew His Church: through our spiritual self-sacrifice. After all, He too was like a Lamb taken to be slaughtered, not opening His mouth but peacefully accepting the Will of His Father.
I know of many faithful laypeople who suffer as well because of the lack of good, spiritual leadership on the part of their priests. My heart goes out to them, for they are truly like sheep without a shepherd. And yet they thirst for the Truths that Jesus Christ and His Church give. I thank God for faithful laypeople like yourself too, Catherine. Thank you once again for praying and encouraging others to pray for your priests.
May Our Lady keep you very close to Her Immaculate Heart during this Holy Week, and lead you ever more deeply into the Sacred Heart of Her Son.
With my prayers and fraternal blessing,
-A Canadian Catholic Priest
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610
One Nation Under Siege (Full Documentary)
By truthmediainfo| 1 video
Please also watch the following...
So here is a challenge to priests and a challenge to me and you.
2 in 1... Just ask God sincerely if what I am telling you and forwarding to you is true or not??? He will show you!! Why??? Because He loves you and wants the very best for you!! Just be open and not closed full of your own thoughts but move aside and let Him get through to you. Try it it works..
Re read my letter to you yesterday.. """"A truly amazing miracle!""""
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Friday, 13 April 2012, 0:30
Subject: A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
A Candid Letter from a Persecuted Priest
Posted: 12 Apr 2012 12:00 AM PDT
Many Faithful Suffer Because of the Lack of Good, Spiritual Leadership from Their Priests
The following letter is from a Priest who made a recent comment on Catholic Spiritual Motherhood. Catherine Beier, asked me to post it on Courageous Priest.
Please read and say a prayer for him as we celebrate the Octave of Easter.
All emphasis mine.
I came across this site providentially today, one year from the date on which the article was originally published online. (Here is the article he is referring to.) As a priest who is still in his first year of priestly ordination, I would like to say THANK YOU for this excellent website on Catholic Spiritual Motherhood.
What you say about priests needing the help of faithful laity is completely true. I rely on the prayers of so many faithful laypersons in order to fulfill as faithfully as I can the responsibilities that Our Lord has placed in my hands as one of His priests.
Unfortunately, I do not get a lot of support from my fellow clergy, as the priesthood that I want to live out is a radical one in which I give myself completely, without reserve, to Our Lord through Our Lady.
Many priests prefer, sadly, the path of least resistance, and a life of comfort. This is why there are so few priests who have the courage to proclaim from the pulpit those Truths of Priest, Holy Priest, Catholic Priest the Catholic Faith that are difficult to say. And yet, is this not our God-given mission? Are we not called to be somewhat like the prophets of old, who had to speak God’s Holy Word even when it meant suffering persecution and being disliked (even hated) by those who do not want to listen?
Please pray, and continue to pray very fervently to Our Blessed Mother, Mary, that she may obtain for Her Son’s Church holy priests, according to the Heart of Jesus.
One holy priest can do so much more for the Kingdom of God than a multitude of lukewarm priests.
I thank you once again for your beautiful website, and for your wonderful apostolate of spiritual motherhood for priests. As you pray for us, we in turn can do what God is calling us to do for you: bring you Jesus Christ, and nothing less. We were ordained to bring Christ to you, but we can only do it by remaining faithful to our call — and this requires a great deal of prayer and sacrifice.
Thank you for all that you do for us priests, and know that your reward will be great in Heaven!
With all my prayers and fraternal, priestly blessing.
-A Canadian Catholic Priest
Here is further correspondence between Catherine and the Canadian Priest.
One day, the day will come when faithful Catholics (bishops, priests and laity) will no longer have to worry about “offending” other “Catholics” by their fidelity to the Faith and their orthodoxy. This is a big struggle in the clergy today. Faithful priests often have to be silent and struggle in their soul, without saying too much exteriorly, since their brother priests often do not understand why they cannot compromise on Church teachings or practices. I believe that this is the way in which Our Lord is calling us to renew His Church: through our spiritual self-sacrifice. After all, He too was like a Lamb taken to be slaughtered, not opening His mouth but peacefully accepting the Will of His Father.
I know of many faithful laypeople who suffer as well because of the lack of good, spiritual leadership on the part of their priests. My heart goes out to them, for they are truly like sheep without a shepherd. And yet they thirst for the Truths that Jesus Christ and His Church give. I thank God for faithful laypeople like yourself too, Catherine. Thank you once again for praying and encouraging others to pray for your priests.
May Our Lady keep you very close to Her Immaculate Heart during this Holy Week, and lead you ever more deeply into the Sacred Heart of Her Son.
With my prayers and fraternal blessing,
-A Canadian Catholic Priest
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610
One Nation Under Siege (Full Documentary)
By truthmediainfo| 1 video
a truly amazing miracle today 12th April 2012
A truly amazing miracle today 12th of April 2012.
Life with Jesus Christ, truly is amazing. It is exciting and and the verse John Ch 10 v 10 b where Jesus says that "I have come to give you an abundant life", really is true!!!
I used to try and convince people about many different things which I firmly believed to be true by arguing and trying to show them where they are wrong and I am right.
Recently I have found a far more effective method which works on all problems.
Maybe I meet a Muslim who wants to argue with me, or a Protestant, or someone who does not know whether to get married or not, or does not know what job to take?????. These are just a few of the thousands of problems we have to face daily.
My new way of dealing with this and any problem is to take our Lord at His Word in Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7, literally. This promise from Jesus is either true or false. To refresh your memory let's take a look at this verse for a moment.
[7] Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. [8] For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. [9] Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone? [10] Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent?
What I say to such people and I meet many every day is along these lines. "Look, I understand that you are having problems believing in Jesus, but let us imagine for a moment that there is a loving God in the Universe and that He loves little old you..Not just a little bit but with an extreme love and that He wants to get through to you. So, why don't you just ask Him. As you walk away from me which you will soon do, then just say to Him, I want to know why I am here and where do I come from and where am I going?????. Do you really have a plan for my life or is it all just by chance and by accident?
That is what I was saying some 45 years ago and within 2 weeks of the Lord picking up on my thoughts I was miraculously lead to a simple faith in Jesus Christ and His Holy Bible. It took 2 weeks approximately but not longer.
So I tell this to all who ask me difficult questions.
Today outside the Dom Cathedral in Cologne a young man came up to me and was extremely friendly. I did remember him a little but as I talk to dozens of people every day and as also my memory fails me as I get older, and then I found out that he was one of the many people to whom I had given this challenge. He was 2 weeks ago, not at all sure about God or Jesus and did not want to ask Jesus to come into his heart.
So here he is standing in front of me smiling and reminding me that he was the student who is waiting for his acceptance into a Dutch University to study Psychology.
He had not accepted Christ yet and so when I showed him the prayer again he readily recited it and then told me to his amazement, not mine to begin with, that it was exactly 2 weeks ago that he had first met me and now he exclaimed that this was the proof that God was interested in him. 2 weeks!!!
I was and am still very thrilled and hope that this was an encouragement to you all. Please get back to me when you have a moment and why not try this yourself. God can of course answer you in a flash but I have suggested that you need to keep knocking, asking and looking for at least two weeks and that I am sure that if you do, He the Great Lord of the Universe will move Heaven and Earth to get through to you.. Why??? Because He loves you and is just waiting to be asked. It is just that simple. If you do not ask then He will not force Himself on you and you will have to cope with your own problems, including your inevitable death, without help from HIM
Life with Jesus Christ, truly is amazing. It is exciting and and the verse John Ch 10 v 10 b where Jesus says that "I have come to give you an abundant life", really is true!!!
I used to try and convince people about many different things which I firmly believed to be true by arguing and trying to show them where they are wrong and I am right.
Recently I have found a far more effective method which works on all problems.
Maybe I meet a Muslim who wants to argue with me, or a Protestant, or someone who does not know whether to get married or not, or does not know what job to take?????. These are just a few of the thousands of problems we have to face daily.
My new way of dealing with this and any problem is to take our Lord at His Word in Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7, literally. This promise from Jesus is either true or false. To refresh your memory let's take a look at this verse for a moment.
[7] Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. [8] For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. [9] Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone? [10] Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent?
What I say to such people and I meet many every day is along these lines. "Look, I understand that you are having problems believing in Jesus, but let us imagine for a moment that there is a loving God in the Universe and that He loves little old you..Not just a little bit but with an extreme love and that He wants to get through to you. So, why don't you just ask Him. As you walk away from me which you will soon do, then just say to Him, I want to know why I am here and where do I come from and where am I going?????. Do you really have a plan for my life or is it all just by chance and by accident?
That is what I was saying some 45 years ago and within 2 weeks of the Lord picking up on my thoughts I was miraculously lead to a simple faith in Jesus Christ and His Holy Bible. It took 2 weeks approximately but not longer.
So I tell this to all who ask me difficult questions.
Today outside the Dom Cathedral in Cologne a young man came up to me and was extremely friendly. I did remember him a little but as I talk to dozens of people every day and as also my memory fails me as I get older, and then I found out that he was one of the many people to whom I had given this challenge. He was 2 weeks ago, not at all sure about God or Jesus and did not want to ask Jesus to come into his heart.
So here he is standing in front of me smiling and reminding me that he was the student who is waiting for his acceptance into a Dutch University to study Psychology.
He had not accepted Christ yet and so when I showed him the prayer again he readily recited it and then told me to his amazement, not mine to begin with, that it was exactly 2 weeks ago that he had first met me and now he exclaimed that this was the proof that God was interested in him. 2 weeks!!!
I was and am still very thrilled and hope that this was an encouragement to you all. Please get back to me when you have a moment and why not try this yourself. God can of course answer you in a flash but I have suggested that you need to keep knocking, asking and looking for at least two weeks and that I am sure that if you do, He the Great Lord of the Universe will move Heaven and Earth to get through to you.. Why??? Because He loves you and is just waiting to be asked. It is just that simple. If you do not ask then He will not force Himself on you and you will have to cope with your own problems, including your inevitable death, without help from HIM
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
The best sermon I have heard in 73 years
The best sermon I have heard in 73 years.
I wish this man was a Roman Catholic.
This man shames us. Yes I am still a died in the wool Roman Catholic but I wish we had Priests who would dare give a message like this.
God bless this man and God bless you for taking the time to listen to this amazing Pastor from Liberty fellowship.
The time is coming when all of us including me will have to stand up for the Truth and most probably be martyred for our faith.
If they torture me to death... Then I will go straight to Heaven IIIIIIIFFFFFF I endure until the end.."He that endures to the end shall be saved"... says Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 10 verse 22......
Come on my friends and Brothers and Sisters and Priests and Pastors... Time is very short... This year is going to be the most amazing ever... Take the plunge now and show your true colours and stop hiding like the Pharisees behind the Establishment.
Those Pharisees do it for money.. It is always for money and power that stops us standing up like Ezekiel and the prophets and the brave followers in the Old and in the New Testament.
GBY and KGFG!!
I very much look forward to your replies which I will read with great interest.
michael jaffray king
I wish this man was a Roman Catholic.
This man shames us. Yes I am still a died in the wool Roman Catholic but I wish we had Priests who would dare give a message like this.
God bless this man and God bless you for taking the time to listen to this amazing Pastor from Liberty fellowship.
The time is coming when all of us including me will have to stand up for the Truth and most probably be martyred for our faith.
If they torture me to death... Then I will go straight to Heaven IIIIIIIFFFFFF I endure until the end.."He that endures to the end shall be saved"... says Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 10 verse 22......
Come on my friends and Brothers and Sisters and Priests and Pastors... Time is very short... This year is going to be the most amazing ever... Take the plunge now and show your true colours and stop hiding like the Pharisees behind the Establishment.
Those Pharisees do it for money.. It is always for money and power that stops us standing up like Ezekiel and the prophets and the brave followers in the Old and in the New Testament.
GBY and KGFG!!
I very much look forward to your replies which I will read with great interest.
michael jaffray king
Unprecedented Evil is just around the corner!
Unprecedented Evil is just around the corner!
April 11th 2012.
The Luciferian (Diabolical) Elitist Globalist take over, all pre designed, is just around the corner and in fact is already happening.
What can we expect in the immediate future?
Soaring prices for all commodities.
Eventual planned and designed global financial collapse.
Mass starvation.
Civil war between..
Rich and poor..
Muslims and Christians..
Blacks and Whites..
The News Media will openly be calling for bloodshed either directly, subliminally, or by intended omission to cover up good and promote evil.
Continuation of pointless and expensive wars, in the Middle East and in Africa, in which large numbers of people will be intentionally killed to reduce the population. This will be one of the methods prescribed for Eugenics by the Elite who are all to a person, eugenicists.
Probably a thermonuclear war between NATO and Russia and China.
The continual promotion of the SCAM of Global Warming being caused by CO2 emissions especially from humans.
A total Media Blackout as to what is really happening.
The intentional spread of all types of dangerous Biological diseases and also through enforced vaccinations containing lethal doses of slow kill Mercury and other poisonous additives.
The total destruction of the Middle Class leaving behind the so called elite numbering about 6000 and a remnant of drugged and unintelligent slave class to do all the dirty work of the Elites who are very lazy.
International Banking consortiums working through the World Bank and composed of the agents of the Rothschild family like JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller foundation, Bill Gates foundation to name a few, will control the world through their Supreme leader named in the Holy Bible as the Antichrist, working together with his false prophet springing out of the above families lead by the Rothschilds who will use BabyLon..don as their headquarters. It always has been actually but now will be openly so.
What can we do about this?
First realise that this great movement will eventually fall into perdition.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has already won the contest at the famous Battle of Calvary/Golgotha where He allowed Himself to be cruelly murdered for the sins of mankind on that CROSS where He was nailed, 2000 years ago. Three days later He completely spoiled the Demonic celebrations by rising from the dead and conquering that last enemy DEATH once and for all.
In a last sweeping victory Christ will return and wipe out the enemy at the Battle of Armageddon and from thence will rule the world with love and complete fairness and justice tempered with a great deal of mercy while the Satanic Lucifer will be bound in hell.
Second we must pray that our faith will fail not.
Third we must pray for these enemies of the Cross as some of them will turn and be redeemed by the power of His Love working through our prayers.
Fourth by spreading this information we can help others to be prepared and awake to all the wickedness and so take out the fear and the sting of all that satan wants to throw at us in his desperate last bid for victory against his arch enemy the Creator of the Universe and His creation.
GBY and KGFG and look forward to hearing from you..
I believe the above contains a fairly accurate description of what is happening and is about to happen.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Jaffray king.
April 11th 2012.
The Luciferian (Diabolical) Elitist Globalist take over, all pre designed, is just around the corner and in fact is already happening.
What can we expect in the immediate future?
Soaring prices for all commodities.
Eventual planned and designed global financial collapse.
Mass starvation.
Civil war between..
Rich and poor..
Muslims and Christians..
Blacks and Whites..
The News Media will openly be calling for bloodshed either directly, subliminally, or by intended omission to cover up good and promote evil.
Continuation of pointless and expensive wars, in the Middle East and in Africa, in which large numbers of people will be intentionally killed to reduce the population. This will be one of the methods prescribed for Eugenics by the Elite who are all to a person, eugenicists.
Probably a thermonuclear war between NATO and Russia and China.
The continual promotion of the SCAM of Global Warming being caused by CO2 emissions especially from humans.
A total Media Blackout as to what is really happening.
The intentional spread of all types of dangerous Biological diseases and also through enforced vaccinations containing lethal doses of slow kill Mercury and other poisonous additives.
The total destruction of the Middle Class leaving behind the so called elite numbering about 6000 and a remnant of drugged and unintelligent slave class to do all the dirty work of the Elites who are very lazy.
International Banking consortiums working through the World Bank and composed of the agents of the Rothschild family like JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller foundation, Bill Gates foundation to name a few, will control the world through their Supreme leader named in the Holy Bible as the Antichrist, working together with his false prophet springing out of the above families lead by the Rothschilds who will use BabyLon..don as their headquarters. It always has been actually but now will be openly so.
What can we do about this?
First realise that this great movement will eventually fall into perdition.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has already won the contest at the famous Battle of Calvary/Golgotha where He allowed Himself to be cruelly murdered for the sins of mankind on that CROSS where He was nailed, 2000 years ago. Three days later He completely spoiled the Demonic celebrations by rising from the dead and conquering that last enemy DEATH once and for all.
In a last sweeping victory Christ will return and wipe out the enemy at the Battle of Armageddon and from thence will rule the world with love and complete fairness and justice tempered with a great deal of mercy while the Satanic Lucifer will be bound in hell.
Second we must pray that our faith will fail not.
Third we must pray for these enemies of the Cross as some of them will turn and be redeemed by the power of His Love working through our prayers.
Fourth by spreading this information we can help others to be prepared and awake to all the wickedness and so take out the fear and the sting of all that satan wants to throw at us in his desperate last bid for victory against his arch enemy the Creator of the Universe and His creation.
GBY and KGFG and look forward to hearing from you..
I believe the above contains a fairly accurate description of what is happening and is about to happen.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Jaffray king.
At last a Roman Catholic leader is waking up!!!
At last a Roman catholic leader is waking up!!!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Jaffray King
To: Michael Jaffray King
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 6:56
Subject: Fw: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
At Last!!!!!! At Last!!!!
A ROMAN CATHOLIC...Yes did you hear that?????? At Last a Roman Catholic...Can you believe it??? No not a good Protestant but a Roman Catholic is....... wait for it.........
WAKING UP to the outright wickedness of the NWO the New World Order!!!
God bless this Archbishop!!!
B16..... Father Robert Barron and many 1000s of others !!!! Please read and get on board to EXPOSE....EXPOSE THE NWO...
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 1:46
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:49 AM PDT
Archbishop Robert Carlson: “Mr. President, We Cannot Comply With This Mandate”
“Mr President: restore our religious freedom!”
“Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.”
If you love it when Catholic Priest stand up for the Faith, then please subscribe. Simple insert your email address. It takes only a few seconds. It is our most effective way of evangelizing! Thanks.
Will You Stand With Me?
Archbishop Robert Carlson -(edited for length) Missouri Life News: My brothers and sisters, we stand here today because of an alarming and serious matter that strikes at our fundamental right to religious freedom. The federal government – which was formed to be ‚of the people, by the people, and for the people‛ – has decided to tell some of those people that we are free to hold our faith, but we will be required to deny it in practice. We are here to let the government know that we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
In late January, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that almost all employers — including Catholic employers – would be forced to offer their employees health coverage that includes contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Recognizing this as a grave threat to religious liberty, many people spoke out against the Mandate.
In response to this reaction, President Obama’s Administration announced a so-called ‚compromise‛ in early February. Now, instead of the Catholic Church being required to pay for contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs, the insurance companies will be required to provide those services free of charge.
We need to say loud and clear: Mr. President, there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs aren’t free. Someone has to pay for them. If the insurance company has to provide them, the cost will be passed on to the consumer one way or another – that’s how the economy works!
In other words, the so-called ‚compromise‛ didn’t change anything. Catholic employers – and the Catholic Church itself – will still be forced to pay for things that directly contradict our faith. Apparently we are free to believe, but not free to put our beliefs into practice. In other words, we have freedom of worship, but not freedom of religion.
Our ecumenical brothers and sisters are standing with us today as co- sponsors of this event, and I welcome them – the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, the Missouri Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God USA. Their witness today says loud and clear: this is not about contraception. This is about religious liberty. Today, the government is telling the Catholic Church how to define its mission; the government is telling us which of our ministries are or are not ‚religious;‛ the government is telling us what teachings we can and cannot act on. Our ecumenical brothers and sisters know that if the government can tell the Catholic Church those things today, then it might be their heads on the chopping block tomorrow. They are here so that we can say together as one body: we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
Most often the sacrifice required of us has been the ‘white martyrdom’ of a life that is faithful to the Gospel rather than faithful to the culture. But the time has come when we must be prepared for extraordinary sacrifices as well. And that’s precisely what Jesus himself promised us and told us to expect:
He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them:, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. (Mk 8:34; Mt 16:24; Lk 9: 23)
I am convinced that taking up the cross is the way to life. I am convinced that ‘before the cross there is no defense.’ I am convinced that Jesus won victory on the cross, and that he will win victory in us if we take up our cross and follow him.
Will you stand with me and say ‚Jesus, I will take up my cross and follow You‛?
Will you stand with me and say: Mr. President, we cannot comply with this Mandate. We WILL render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God. Mr President: restore our religious freedom!
Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.
But our faith tells us – and history shows us – that suffering will make our witness grow stronger. With that conviction, let us recall the words of EITHER Saint Paul to the Romans OR St. Peter:
I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)
Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when His glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you… whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. (1 Peter 4: 12-16)
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Jaffray King
To: Michael Jaffray King
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 6:56
Subject: Fw: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
At Last!!!!!! At Last!!!!
A ROMAN CATHOLIC...Yes did you hear that?????? At Last a Roman Catholic...Can you believe it??? No not a good Protestant but a Roman Catholic is....... wait for it.........
WAKING UP to the outright wickedness of the NWO the New World Order!!!
God bless this Archbishop!!!
B16..... Father Robert Barron and many 1000s of others !!!! Please read and get on board to EXPOSE....EXPOSE THE NWO...
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 1:46
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:49 AM PDT
Archbishop Robert Carlson: “Mr. President, We Cannot Comply With This Mandate”
“Mr President: restore our religious freedom!”
“Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.”
If you love it when Catholic Priest stand up for the Faith, then please subscribe. Simple insert your email address. It takes only a few seconds. It is our most effective way of evangelizing! Thanks.
Will You Stand With Me?
Archbishop Robert Carlson -(edited for length) Missouri Life News: My brothers and sisters, we stand here today because of an alarming and serious matter that strikes at our fundamental right to religious freedom. The federal government – which was formed to be ‚of the people, by the people, and for the people‛ – has decided to tell some of those people that we are free to hold our faith, but we will be required to deny it in practice. We are here to let the government know that we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
In late January, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that almost all employers — including Catholic employers – would be forced to offer their employees health coverage that includes contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Recognizing this as a grave threat to religious liberty, many people spoke out against the Mandate.
In response to this reaction, President Obama’s Administration announced a so-called ‚compromise‛ in early February. Now, instead of the Catholic Church being required to pay for contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs, the insurance companies will be required to provide those services free of charge.
We need to say loud and clear: Mr. President, there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs aren’t free. Someone has to pay for them. If the insurance company has to provide them, the cost will be passed on to the consumer one way or another – that’s how the economy works!
In other words, the so-called ‚compromise‛ didn’t change anything. Catholic employers – and the Catholic Church itself – will still be forced to pay for things that directly contradict our faith. Apparently we are free to believe, but not free to put our beliefs into practice. In other words, we have freedom of worship, but not freedom of religion.
Our ecumenical brothers and sisters are standing with us today as co- sponsors of this event, and I welcome them – the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, the Missouri Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God USA. Their witness today says loud and clear: this is not about contraception. This is about religious liberty. Today, the government is telling the Catholic Church how to define its mission; the government is telling us which of our ministries are or are not ‚religious;‛ the government is telling us what teachings we can and cannot act on. Our ecumenical brothers and sisters know that if the government can tell the Catholic Church those things today, then it might be their heads on the chopping block tomorrow. They are here so that we can say together as one body: we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
Most often the sacrifice required of us has been the ‘white martyrdom’ of a life that is faithful to the Gospel rather than faithful to the culture. But the time has come when we must be prepared for extraordinary sacrifices as well. And that’s precisely what Jesus himself promised us and told us to expect:
He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them:, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. (Mk 8:34; Mt 16:24; Lk 9: 23)
I am convinced that taking up the cross is the way to life. I am convinced that ‘before the cross there is no defense.’ I am convinced that Jesus won victory on the cross, and that he will win victory in us if we take up our cross and follow him.
Will you stand with me and say ‚Jesus, I will take up my cross and follow You‛?
Will you stand with me and say: Mr. President, we cannot comply with this Mandate. We WILL render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God. Mr President: restore our religious freedom!
Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.
But our faith tells us – and history shows us – that suffering will make our witness grow stronger. With that conviction, let us recall the words of EITHER Saint Paul to the Romans OR St. Peter:
I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)
Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when His glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you… whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. (1 Peter 4: 12-16)
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
At Last a Roman Catholic stands up for the TRUTH against the New World Order
At Last!!!!!! At Last!!!!
A ROMAN CATHOLIC...Yes did you hear that?????? At Last a Roman Catholic...Can you believe it??? No not a good Protestant but a Roman Catholic is....... wait for it.........
WAKING UP to the outright wickedness of the NWO the New World Order!!!
God bless this Archbishop!!!
B16..... Father Robert Barron and many 1000s of others !!!! Please read and get on board to EXPOSE....EXPOSE THE NWO...
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 1:46
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:49 AM PDT
Archbishop Robert Carlson: “Mr. President, We Cannot Comply With This Mandate”
“Mr President: restore our religious freedom!”
“Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.”
If you love it when Catholic Priest stand up for the Faith, then please subscribe. Simple insert your email address. It takes only a few seconds. It is our most effective way of evangelizing! Thanks.
Will You Stand With Me?
Archbishop Robert Carlson -(edited for length) Missouri Life News: My brothers and sisters, we stand here today because of an alarming and serious matter that strikes at our fundamental right to religious freedom. The federal government – which was formed to be ‚of the people, by the people, and for the people‛ – has decided to tell some of those people that we are free to hold our faith, but we will be required to deny it in practice. We are here to let the government know that we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
In late January, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that almost all employers — including Catholic employers – would be forced to offer their employees health coverage that includes contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Recognizing this as a grave threat to religious liberty, many people spoke out against the Mandate.
In response to this reaction, President Obama’s Administration announced a so-called ‚compromise‛ in early February. Now, instead of the Catholic Church being required to pay for contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs, the insurance companies will be required to provide those services free of charge.
We need to say loud and clear: Mr. President, there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs aren’t free. Someone has to pay for them. If the insurance company has to provide them, the cost will be passed on to the consumer one way or another – that’s how the economy works!
In other words, the so-called ‚compromise‛ didn’t change anything. Catholic employers – and the Catholic Church itself – will still be forced to pay for things that directly contradict our faith. Apparently we are free to believe, but not free to put our beliefs into practice. In other words, we have freedom of worship, but not freedom of religion.
Our ecumenical brothers and sisters are standing with us today as co- sponsors of this event, and I welcome them – the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, the Missouri Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God USA. Their witness today says loud and clear: this is not about contraception. This is about religious liberty. Today, the government is telling the Catholic Church how to define its mission; the government is telling us which of our ministries are or are not ‚religious;‛ the government is telling us what teachings we can and cannot act on. Our ecumenical brothers and sisters know that if the government can tell the Catholic Church those things today, then it might be their heads on the chopping block tomorrow. They are here so that we can say together as one body: we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
Most often the sacrifice required of us has been the ‘white martyrdom’ of a life that is faithful to the Gospel rather than faithful to the culture. But the time has come when we must be prepared for extraordinary sacrifices as well. And that’s precisely what Jesus himself promised us and told us to expect:
He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them:, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. (Mk 8:34; Mt 16:24; Lk 9: 23)
I am convinced that taking up the cross is the way to life. I am convinced that ‘before the cross there is no defense.’ I am convinced that Jesus won victory on the cross, and that he will win victory in us if we take up our cross and follow him.
Will you stand with me and say ‚Jesus, I will take up my cross and follow You‛?
Will you stand with me and say: Mr. President, we cannot comply with this Mandate. We WILL render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God. Mr President: restore our religious freedom!
Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.
But our faith tells us – and history shows us – that suffering will make our witness grow stronger. With that conviction, let us recall the words of EITHER Saint Paul to the Romans OR St. Peter:
I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)
Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when His glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you… whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. (1 Peter 4: 12-16)
A ROMAN CATHOLIC...Yes did you hear that?????? At Last a Roman Catholic...Can you believe it??? No not a good Protestant but a Roman Catholic is....... wait for it.........
WAKING UP to the outright wickedness of the NWO the New World Order!!!
God bless this Archbishop!!!
B16..... Father Robert Barron and many 1000s of others !!!! Please read and get on board to EXPOSE....EXPOSE THE NWO...
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 1:46
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:24 PM
Subject: We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God!
Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:49 AM PDT
Archbishop Robert Carlson: “Mr. President, We Cannot Comply With This Mandate”
“Mr President: restore our religious freedom!”
“Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.”
If you love it when Catholic Priest stand up for the Faith, then please subscribe. Simple insert your email address. It takes only a few seconds. It is our most effective way of evangelizing! Thanks.
Will You Stand With Me?
Archbishop Robert Carlson -(edited for length) Missouri Life News: My brothers and sisters, we stand here today because of an alarming and serious matter that strikes at our fundamental right to religious freedom. The federal government – which was formed to be ‚of the people, by the people, and for the people‛ – has decided to tell some of those people that we are free to hold our faith, but we will be required to deny it in practice. We are here to let the government know that we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
In late January, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that almost all employers — including Catholic employers – would be forced to offer their employees health coverage that includes contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Recognizing this as a grave threat to religious liberty, many people spoke out against the Mandate.
In response to this reaction, President Obama’s Administration announced a so-called ‚compromise‛ in early February. Now, instead of the Catholic Church being required to pay for contraception, sterilization and potentially abortion-inducing drugs, the insurance companies will be required to provide those services free of charge.
We need to say loud and clear: Mr. President, there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs aren’t free. Someone has to pay for them. If the insurance company has to provide them, the cost will be passed on to the consumer one way or another – that’s how the economy works!
In other words, the so-called ‚compromise‛ didn’t change anything. Catholic employers – and the Catholic Church itself – will still be forced to pay for things that directly contradict our faith. Apparently we are free to believe, but not free to put our beliefs into practice. In other words, we have freedom of worship, but not freedom of religion.
Our ecumenical brothers and sisters are standing with us today as co- sponsors of this event, and I welcome them – the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, the Missouri Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God USA. Their witness today says loud and clear: this is not about contraception. This is about religious liberty. Today, the government is telling the Catholic Church how to define its mission; the government is telling us which of our ministries are or are not ‚religious;‛ the government is telling us what teachings we can and cannot act on. Our ecumenical brothers and sisters know that if the government can tell the Catholic Church those things today, then it might be their heads on the chopping block tomorrow. They are here so that we can say together as one body: we will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God!
Most often the sacrifice required of us has been the ‘white martyrdom’ of a life that is faithful to the Gospel rather than faithful to the culture. But the time has come when we must be prepared for extraordinary sacrifices as well. And that’s precisely what Jesus himself promised us and told us to expect:
He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them:, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. (Mk 8:34; Mt 16:24; Lk 9: 23)
I am convinced that taking up the cross is the way to life. I am convinced that ‘before the cross there is no defense.’ I am convinced that Jesus won victory on the cross, and that he will win victory in us if we take up our cross and follow him.
Will you stand with me and say ‚Jesus, I will take up my cross and follow You‛?
Will you stand with me and say: Mr. President, we cannot comply with this Mandate. We WILL render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but we will NOT render unto Caesar what belongs to God. Mr President: restore our religious freedom!
Brothers and sisters: we must be prepared to suffer for our convictions.
But our faith tells us – and history shows us – that suffering will make our witness grow stronger. With that conviction, let us recall the words of EITHER Saint Paul to the Romans OR St. Peter:
I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)
Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when His glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you… whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. (1 Peter 4: 12-16)
Saturday, 7 April 2012
The war against Terror and the war against SUGAR
The war against TERROR and the war against SUGAR!
You have more chance of being killed by a Honey Bee sting than from being killed by a Terrorist..
How about an epidemic from eating far too much sugar...
Check out both these Videos... The 2nd one is long and very comprehensive. The first is an appetiser...
Do not miss... This surely applies to ME... I am so very very guilty...
I have decided from now to cut out sugar...brown or white...Honey... Corn syrup...Sweet drinks....Cakes....
You have more chance of being killed by a Honey Bee sting than from being killed by a Terrorist..
How about an epidemic from eating far too much sugar...
Check out both these Videos... The 2nd one is long and very comprehensive. The first is an appetiser...
Do not miss... This surely applies to ME... I am so very very guilty...
I have decided from now to cut out sugar...brown or white...Honey... Corn syrup...Sweet drinks....Cakes....
Thursday, 5 April 2012
The Money Supply!!
The greatest scam on earth!
I love to try and simplify everything! Why? So that even rather stupid and badly educated people like myself can then truly understand.
The highly educated and intellectual ones, just to show just how clever they are, revel in showing off by complicating information to prove their superiority.
What is money?
It is a commodity that people use instead of bartering. It is a very useful way to make it easy to run a business and to go shopping for products, both big and small, both cheap and expensive.
However it is extremely important to control the supply of this cash whether it is in Notes and coins or just enormous figures on computer. About 3% of all money today is actually in Coins and Bank Notes, so the other 97% is just figures recorded on a computer or in some file on a piece of paper.
If I as a person can control this cash supply then I can produce it just for the price of printing it and churning it out on coin making machines.
Now that I am in unlimited control, I can lend this up till now valueless stuff to people who will then use it and put it into the general public use system.
Those I lend this freely made money to, will have to pay this back with interest.
So while this money is in the market being used, then it is real money. So far so good.
Now as I am in control then I can use this to feather my own nest and produce quadrillions for my own manipulative use. I can bankrupt nations, people and businesses. I can cause cash scarcity and cash abundance. I can control inflation and deflation. I can control the world because "Money talks and Bullshit walks!" I can bribe whoever I want and give them offers that they cannot possibly refuse.
When a small Governmen,t put in place by an informed public, controls the money supply, then only the amount of money really required will be in circulation at any one time.
As the old notes become worn out, then replacement new ones can be printed.
However the so called Government banks, like the so called Bank of England or the USA Federal reserve, have absolutely nothing to do with those Political Governments BUT are in the hands of Private Banking Elite such as the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase etc using the names... BANK OF ENGLAND or FEDERAL RESERVE..World Bank. IMF..European Central Bank etc etc
No wonder they do not want Ron Paul to be in any kind Public eye!!!
No wonder they have bought out the Press to only publish to the General Public what they want us all to know. The lying Propoganda produced for our consumption.
Ron Paul wants to do away with pointless wars, he wants to do away with the Federal Reserve private bank and thus get back the money supply, and restore FREEDOM.
I wish for a day when FREEDOM will be Legalised. When Freedom will be the Law. When Freedom will be upheld by the Law Courts and totally backed by a legitimate Government and not one with paid puppets Politicians.
I hope this makes sense and that you will get back to me and let me know what you think. KISS!!!!! KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!
As a final thought.... We do get the leaders and systems we deserve.... It really is our fault because we have neglected and thrown out the Salvation offered us by the SUPREME CONTROLLING FORCE of the Universe... Our Trinitarian God, the Father! The Son Jesus Christ!
And the Holy Spirit.
When we neglect such a great offer of SALVATION, then this is what God allows the Executor of Evil, Satan to carry out.
Please watch the above linksa and become informed and please pass this on to inform everyone you know.
The greatest scam on earth!
I love to try and simplify everything! Why? So that even rather stupid and badly educated people like myself can then truly understand.
The highly educated and intellectual ones, just to show just how clever they are, revel in showing off by complicating information to prove their superiority.
What is money?
It is a commodity that people use instead of bartering. It is a very useful way to make it easy to run a business and to go shopping for products, both big and small, both cheap and expensive.
However it is extremely important to control the supply of this cash whether it is in Notes and coins or just enormous figures on computer. About 3% of all money today is actually in Coins and Bank Notes, so the other 97% is just figures recorded on a computer or in some file on a piece of paper.
If I as a person can control this cash supply then I can produce it just for the price of printing it and churning it out on coin making machines.
Now that I am in unlimited control, I can lend this up till now valueless stuff to people who will then use it and put it into the general public use system.
Those I lend this freely made money to, will have to pay this back with interest.
So while this money is in the market being used, then it is real money. So far so good.
Now as I am in control then I can use this to feather my own nest and produce quadrillions for my own manipulative use. I can bankrupt nations, people and businesses. I can cause cash scarcity and cash abundance. I can control inflation and deflation. I can control the world because "Money talks and Bullshit walks!" I can bribe whoever I want and give them offers that they cannot possibly refuse.
When a small Governmen,t put in place by an informed public, controls the money supply, then only the amount of money really required will be in circulation at any one time.
As the old notes become worn out, then replacement new ones can be printed.
However the so called Government banks, like the so called Bank of England or the USA Federal reserve, have absolutely nothing to do with those Political Governments BUT are in the hands of Private Banking Elite such as the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase etc using the names... BANK OF ENGLAND or FEDERAL RESERVE..World Bank. IMF..European Central Bank etc etc
No wonder they do not want Ron Paul to be in any kind Public eye!!!
No wonder they have bought out the Press to only publish to the General Public what they want us all to know. The lying Propoganda produced for our consumption.
Ron Paul wants to do away with pointless wars, he wants to do away with the Federal Reserve private bank and thus get back the money supply, and restore FREEDOM.
I wish for a day when FREEDOM will be Legalised. When Freedom will be the Law. When Freedom will be upheld by the Law Courts and totally backed by a legitimate Government and not one with paid puppets Politicians.
I hope this makes sense and that you will get back to me and let me know what you think. KISS!!!!! KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!
As a final thought.... We do get the leaders and systems we deserve.... It really is our fault because we have neglected and thrown out the Salvation offered us by the SUPREME CONTROLLING FORCE of the Universe... Our Trinitarian God, the Father! The Son Jesus Christ!
And the Holy Spirit.
When we neglect such a great offer of SALVATION, then this is what God allows the Executor of Evil, Satan to carry out.
Please watch the above linksa and become informed and please pass this on to inform everyone you know.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Good News!!! Bad News!!!!
Good News!!
Bad News!!
This may be an oversimplification but I love to try and simplify what seems to be complicated.
If I am wrong about the Bad News then I will be the first to rejoice!!!
Let's begin with the Good News!!!
John Chapter 3 verse 16..
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!!"
Jesus Christ by allowing Himself to be murdered on Good Friday some 2000 years ago for our sins, has won the final battle against Evil. He died for us and then he conquered death by rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. What seemed the ultimate defeat of Jesus on that mountain called Calvary was turned by the awesome power of God into the greatest victory ever!
Our response is to believe in Him!!!! To accept Him!!! To allow Him through our own voluntary acceptance of Him to be the Lord of our life. This is a process that continues until the last breath we breathe. He that shall endure to the end shall be saved.
So in a nut shell, that is the Good News and it would be wise to never forget this and lose sight of it.
Now for the Bad News..
1st we must look at Satan's goal.
He has already lost, so all he can do is to deceive.
By deception he wants to take over complete control of this world.THIS IS HIS AIM AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!!!
He will do this very shortly by continuing to do the following.
First by being in total control of the money supply he will lend vast sums of money to all nations and peoples making it impossible to pay him back and thus bankrupt the major world powers, bringing them and their people to their knees where they will beg for a World Leading bank executive saviour to take over complete control of everyone. This will be the Antichrist himself operating through the World bank.
Second with his usual Eugenicist programme, only greatly stepped up in the very near future, he will murder 80% of the population through the following:-
All out Nuclear war, between the major powers, thus destroying them..
Massive civil wars waged between
Blacks and Whites,
Christians and Muslims,
Rich and poor.
Biological and Chemical agents to spread deadly diseases..
The Elite will remain underground in their bunkers waiting for this hollocaust to end and will emerge to take over the remnant which they hope to be not more than half a billion people. 6 and half billion they want dead and gone.
This small remnant will be the new slave class.
This class will mop up the mess and work in a post industrial world, where the Elites instead of being outnumbered one million to one will only be outnumbered by one hundred thousand to one. This balance, with these brain damaged and manipulated slaves, they believe they will be easily able to manage.
That! I believe is their plan.
Of course they have left out the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ will return and defeat them and their army in the battle of Armageddon, and the Bible says that these elites will wish for the rocks to fall on them and save them from the wrath of the Lamb...Jesus Christ...So here we have more good news.
This time, that is to be very very soon upon us, is called the time of Great Tribulation or Great Trouble and we will with the help of HIM who is Almighty make it through with many trials to purify us and make us into fit members of His Eternal and Mosrt Glorious Kingdom.
I think and believe strongly that this plan will be carried out in my life time which is already nearing its end at the age of 73 and a half.
Personally I think this is going to be exciting. Because we are human we will of course, be scared from time to time but our scaredness will drive us into His arms and He will take care of us.
There was a time when I though that we should try and prepare ourselves by investing in Gold coins and stored up food and a hideaway...(For me that would be totally impossible as I have a small reserve of 1000 Euro in my bank account Ha!) but I cannot see a committed Christian feeding only himself and not trying to help those who are starving and bleeding all around him.
When we went to impoverished Ukraine in 1991 we took humanitarian help which we had organised and lived of a very small proportion of this while we shared the 95% of the stuff with the others.
That is what I invisage.
It will be a great time to preach the Gospel and get really involved helping others who will need help love and encouragement like never before.
God will provide the materials and we his helpers will distribute it and live from it taking only a very modest share for ourselves. Everything we share will be multiplied like the loaves and the fishes and we will feed 1000s upon 1000s. Just wait and see!!!!
I very much look forward to hearing what you think about this.
I have been gleaning lots of information from Alex Jones and his assosciates on You tube daily broadcasts and also from Prison Planet and Info wars.
Please do your own research and see exactly how the scam of all scams is being managed in plain view today.
I look forwar to hearing from you..
It is very important to pray for the poor deluded disciples of lord lucifer who will also discard them as he hates them too because they are the creation of his worst enemy The Trinitarian God and the Holy family and all the Saints.
Bad News!!
This may be an oversimplification but I love to try and simplify what seems to be complicated.
If I am wrong about the Bad News then I will be the first to rejoice!!!
Let's begin with the Good News!!!
John Chapter 3 verse 16..
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!!"
Jesus Christ by allowing Himself to be murdered on Good Friday some 2000 years ago for our sins, has won the final battle against Evil. He died for us and then he conquered death by rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. What seemed the ultimate defeat of Jesus on that mountain called Calvary was turned by the awesome power of God into the greatest victory ever!
Our response is to believe in Him!!!! To accept Him!!! To allow Him through our own voluntary acceptance of Him to be the Lord of our life. This is a process that continues until the last breath we breathe. He that shall endure to the end shall be saved.
So in a nut shell, that is the Good News and it would be wise to never forget this and lose sight of it.
Now for the Bad News..
1st we must look at Satan's goal.
He has already lost, so all he can do is to deceive.
By deception he wants to take over complete control of this world.THIS IS HIS AIM AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!!!
He will do this very shortly by continuing to do the following.
First by being in total control of the money supply he will lend vast sums of money to all nations and peoples making it impossible to pay him back and thus bankrupt the major world powers, bringing them and their people to their knees where they will beg for a World Leading bank executive saviour to take over complete control of everyone. This will be the Antichrist himself operating through the World bank.
Second with his usual Eugenicist programme, only greatly stepped up in the very near future, he will murder 80% of the population through the following:-
All out Nuclear war, between the major powers, thus destroying them..
Massive civil wars waged between
Blacks and Whites,
Christians and Muslims,
Rich and poor.
Biological and Chemical agents to spread deadly diseases..
The Elite will remain underground in their bunkers waiting for this hollocaust to end and will emerge to take over the remnant which they hope to be not more than half a billion people. 6 and half billion they want dead and gone.
This small remnant will be the new slave class.
This class will mop up the mess and work in a post industrial world, where the Elites instead of being outnumbered one million to one will only be outnumbered by one hundred thousand to one. This balance, with these brain damaged and manipulated slaves, they believe they will be easily able to manage.
That! I believe is their plan.
Of course they have left out the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ will return and defeat them and their army in the battle of Armageddon, and the Bible says that these elites will wish for the rocks to fall on them and save them from the wrath of the Lamb...Jesus Christ...So here we have more good news.
This time, that is to be very very soon upon us, is called the time of Great Tribulation or Great Trouble and we will with the help of HIM who is Almighty make it through with many trials to purify us and make us into fit members of His Eternal and Mosrt Glorious Kingdom.
I think and believe strongly that this plan will be carried out in my life time which is already nearing its end at the age of 73 and a half.
Personally I think this is going to be exciting. Because we are human we will of course, be scared from time to time but our scaredness will drive us into His arms and He will take care of us.
There was a time when I though that we should try and prepare ourselves by investing in Gold coins and stored up food and a hideaway...(For me that would be totally impossible as I have a small reserve of 1000 Euro in my bank account Ha!) but I cannot see a committed Christian feeding only himself and not trying to help those who are starving and bleeding all around him.
When we went to impoverished Ukraine in 1991 we took humanitarian help which we had organised and lived of a very small proportion of this while we shared the 95% of the stuff with the others.
That is what I invisage.
It will be a great time to preach the Gospel and get really involved helping others who will need help love and encouragement like never before.
God will provide the materials and we his helpers will distribute it and live from it taking only a very modest share for ourselves. Everything we share will be multiplied like the loaves and the fishes and we will feed 1000s upon 1000s. Just wait and see!!!!
I very much look forward to hearing what you think about this.
I have been gleaning lots of information from Alex Jones and his assosciates on You tube daily broadcasts and also from Prison Planet and Info wars.
Please do your own research and see exactly how the scam of all scams is being managed in plain view today.
I look forwar to hearing from you..
It is very important to pray for the poor deluded disciples of lord lucifer who will also discard them as he hates them too because they are the creation of his worst enemy The Trinitarian God and the Holy family and all the Saints.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
My Sunday Blog! Are you an April fool?
My Sunday Blog!
Are you an April fool?
I would like to try and keep this up every Sunday... I do not really mind that hardly anyone is bothering to read my blog.
I know one VIP that takes an interest and even helps me compose these weekly personal chats.
Yes! That's right...The Trinitarian God and the Holy Family and maybe the saints too.
As it is April the 1st, then I should come clean and admit that I am a conspiracy theorist and that every thing that I have found out about the New or rather the old World Oder is all just rubbish. Those at the top really love you and THEY, BIG BROTHER and SISTER really want to help you.
Alex Jones and the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers and the Rothschild families and the Rockefeller foundation and the 6 Major Banks and all the Royal Families and the Military leaders are......Wait for it........Yes you have guessed it.....
The Good Guys and really have our interests at stake.
Now that we have got that point totally clear then let me get you to scroll down...
April Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish these really extremely wicked Satanic people were the good guys, but let me tell you that they are not and never have been. But if we continually pray for them then where there is life there is HOPE!
Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible and the very few that are trying to promote this in the world, are the True Sample.
You Cannot serve God and Wealth and so that statement by Jesus Christ, in itself disqualifies most of us.
At the top of the list would be those Roman Catholic Leaders and Priests and Brothers who have not been corrupted by power and wealth and yes other Protestant leaders who are putting their lives on the line and trying to follow Jesus Christ like the Early Apostles.
I cannot think of any by name but I am sure there must be a few who live by faith without personal wealth and holidays and just live to promote His Kingdom here on earth with every breath they breathe..until they breathe their last, just like the early Apostles and their followers down through the ages.
As 2012 is going to be the most amazing year in World History since the Birth of Jesus Christ, I was wondering if I will still be here next year just banging away at my typewriter and going to Cologne every day promoting the Spiritual Nuclear weapon of the Rosary Prayer, recommended by the Virgin Mary of Fatima... She said and I quote..."Pray the Rosary every day for world peace!"
She could just as easily have said and actually she did by default..."Do not pray the Rosary and there will be war!" And there was, another more devastating one, that started in in 1939 just 22 years later.
How is this for the latest news on BBC just received by me minutes ago
Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws
Comments (320)
Person using a laptop The actual content of emails, calls and text messages could only be accessed with a warrant
Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Plan to monitor all inter net use
Warning over phone calls database
The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon.
This is not an April fool's message.
This is not me just having fun.
This is for real!!!
Now for a short story from yesterday March 31st 2012.
We went to Cologne as usual but only had one hour and a half. We have asked the Lord to provide us with a minimum of 50 Euro a day and now He had just one hour and a bit to do it, instead of the usual 3 to 4 hours.
The streets were crowded and Irmgard did pretty well but by the end of 40 minutes I had received nothing. Of course I had been mass witnessing to the crowds that went by crying out.."Home made Rosaries for a donation!!" "Do you believe in Jesus!!" "Check these beautiful Rosaries out. Handiwork!!! Not to sell but for a donation!!"
Nobody stopped.. Many smiled some approvingly and mostly indifferent. Then I said to the Lord "It seems that today I am going to draw a blank!" "This will be the first time in over 100 trips to Cologne and back!!""If You allow this to happen then I will be disappointed and it will be hard to be in a Victory state of mind. You know how much we need every day and you know that I need to at least get out 5 rosaries and hopefully make 25 Euro!"
I started to walk rather despondently in the direction of the Forum, opposite the Dom Cathedral and then a Hungarian stopped me and took 2 Rosaries and while I was getting them out another person was waiting to take 2 more. So now I had four out. Then a very poor man asked me to give him one for free and so I gave it to him and he was so happy. Then as I went onto the platform Number 10 at the Station, to catch our train home, and another person came up to me and gave me 5 Euro for the 6th Rosary. When I added up my cash, I had nearly 30 Euro...
The new Literature, (we have just had 10,000 copies printed) that we give out with our name and address on it and a message of Hope by Mother Angelica of EWTN the Eternal Word Television Network from Alabama USA, has this short prayer at the top which goes like this except it is in German...
Dear Jesus please come into my heart!
Forgive me for My Sins!
Please fill me with Your Spirit of Love and
Give me the free gift of Eternal Life!
Many scores of people pray this prayer with us aloud every day and we tell them that when it comes time for them to leave this earth which is inevitably sooner or later then they will be extremely happy to have this Jesus in their heart. Everything else will have to be forsaken.. Possessions and friends and relatives but this Jesus will be with them for ever!
So have a beautiful week and here is one more link to the Miracle prayer, on you tube, similar to the one we pray every day with all nationalities in Cologne every day except Sunday, with Father Peter Rookie with more than 3 million hits. It is just beautiful and I never get tired of it. Hope you do not either and the real fun is praying this with others.
Michael Jaffray King.
Are you an April fool?
I would like to try and keep this up every Sunday... I do not really mind that hardly anyone is bothering to read my blog.
I know one VIP that takes an interest and even helps me compose these weekly personal chats.
Yes! That's right...The Trinitarian God and the Holy Family and maybe the saints too.
As it is April the 1st, then I should come clean and admit that I am a conspiracy theorist and that every thing that I have found out about the New or rather the old World Oder is all just rubbish. Those at the top really love you and THEY, BIG BROTHER and SISTER really want to help you.
Alex Jones and the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers and the Rothschild families and the Rockefeller foundation and the 6 Major Banks and all the Royal Families and the Military leaders are......Wait for it........Yes you have guessed it.....
The Good Guys and really have our interests at stake.
Now that we have got that point totally clear then let me get you to scroll down...
April Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish these really extremely wicked Satanic people were the good guys, but let me tell you that they are not and never have been. But if we continually pray for them then where there is life there is HOPE!
Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible and the very few that are trying to promote this in the world, are the True Sample.
You Cannot serve God and Wealth and so that statement by Jesus Christ, in itself disqualifies most of us.
At the top of the list would be those Roman Catholic Leaders and Priests and Brothers who have not been corrupted by power and wealth and yes other Protestant leaders who are putting their lives on the line and trying to follow Jesus Christ like the Early Apostles.
I cannot think of any by name but I am sure there must be a few who live by faith without personal wealth and holidays and just live to promote His Kingdom here on earth with every breath they breathe..until they breathe their last, just like the early Apostles and their followers down through the ages.
As 2012 is going to be the most amazing year in World History since the Birth of Jesus Christ, I was wondering if I will still be here next year just banging away at my typewriter and going to Cologne every day promoting the Spiritual Nuclear weapon of the Rosary Prayer, recommended by the Virgin Mary of Fatima... She said and I quote..."Pray the Rosary every day for world peace!"
She could just as easily have said and actually she did by default..."Do not pray the Rosary and there will be war!" And there was, another more devastating one, that started in in 1939 just 22 years later.
How is this for the latest news on BBC just received by me minutes ago
Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws
Comments (320)
Person using a laptop The actual content of emails, calls and text messages could only be accessed with a warrant
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The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon.
This is not an April fool's message.
This is not me just having fun.
This is for real!!!
Now for a short story from yesterday March 31st 2012.
We went to Cologne as usual but only had one hour and a half. We have asked the Lord to provide us with a minimum of 50 Euro a day and now He had just one hour and a bit to do it, instead of the usual 3 to 4 hours.
The streets were crowded and Irmgard did pretty well but by the end of 40 minutes I had received nothing. Of course I had been mass witnessing to the crowds that went by crying out.."Home made Rosaries for a donation!!" "Do you believe in Jesus!!" "Check these beautiful Rosaries out. Handiwork!!! Not to sell but for a donation!!"
Nobody stopped.. Many smiled some approvingly and mostly indifferent. Then I said to the Lord "It seems that today I am going to draw a blank!" "This will be the first time in over 100 trips to Cologne and back!!""If You allow this to happen then I will be disappointed and it will be hard to be in a Victory state of mind. You know how much we need every day and you know that I need to at least get out 5 rosaries and hopefully make 25 Euro!"
I started to walk rather despondently in the direction of the Forum, opposite the Dom Cathedral and then a Hungarian stopped me and took 2 Rosaries and while I was getting them out another person was waiting to take 2 more. So now I had four out. Then a very poor man asked me to give him one for free and so I gave it to him and he was so happy. Then as I went onto the platform Number 10 at the Station, to catch our train home, and another person came up to me and gave me 5 Euro for the 6th Rosary. When I added up my cash, I had nearly 30 Euro...
The new Literature, (we have just had 10,000 copies printed) that we give out with our name and address on it and a message of Hope by Mother Angelica of EWTN the Eternal Word Television Network from Alabama USA, has this short prayer at the top which goes like this except it is in German...
Dear Jesus please come into my heart!
Forgive me for My Sins!
Please fill me with Your Spirit of Love and
Give me the free gift of Eternal Life!
Many scores of people pray this prayer with us aloud every day and we tell them that when it comes time for them to leave this earth which is inevitably sooner or later then they will be extremely happy to have this Jesus in their heart. Everything else will have to be forsaken.. Possessions and friends and relatives but this Jesus will be with them for ever!
So have a beautiful week and here is one more link to the Miracle prayer, on you tube, similar to the one we pray every day with all nationalities in Cologne every day except Sunday, with Father Peter Rookie with more than 3 million hits. It is just beautiful and I never get tired of it. Hope you do not either and the real fun is praying this with others.
Michael Jaffray King.
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