One good reason (bad reason) why people do not see the importance of witnessing EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES
I will tell you why it is not really necessary to witness for Jesus Christ. Witnessing is a bunch of Baloney!!
Bohemian Grove party has just come to an end..
This a week long party holiday where the so called elite use little children for sex and dance around naked worshipping an owl.
Now you must admit ...that is a good thing to do..
Who wants Jesus when you can have an OWL and paedofile sex...
Just investigate and find out if I am telling the TRUTH!!
This is common practise amongst the so called elite. The elite are the sons and disciples of lord lucy!!
Who the he.... double hockey sticks wants Jesus when you can have lord lucy and all the fun he offers?????????????????????????
I am so sick of hearing even from my so called teachers and mentors that it is a waste of time learning what the enemy, the sons and disciples of lord lucy are up to.
I am so interested in his wicked activities that it makes me and forces me to respond and go to SPIRITUAL WAR against him... Please understand that I said SPIRITUAL...
If you do not hate the weeds you cannot be a good gardner. Now once again do not get me wrong again!!!
We are told by the great enemy of lord lucy to love and pray for those weeds, our enemies.
They have been decieved, and we need to pray for them and their reclamation..Michael you are so so so so so so wrong!!! These sweet and well mannered wonderful people have been educated at a good and well known Public School and University...They have risen to great positions offered to them by lord rothschild worth a mere 500 trilluon pounds sterling (all fiat money) and they are the good guys.
We are bad... We the followers of the great enemy of lord lucy, JESUS CHRIST!!!!
So sorry but you make me sick...
I dare not stay home when I can go out and procaim the Gospel..
I dare not watch a stupid TV programme when I could be reading my Bible and listening to real followers to enthuse me and keep me on the right track.
That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war.
This was inteerntionally meant to make you SAD MAD or GLAD all dedpending on whose side you are on..
love 2 hear yr response... wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
sharing your heart
Sharing my heart!
This is always a dangerous business as many will treat a heart like a football and kick it around and make fun.
But I want to take that risk and so here goes.
I became a Roman Catholic 12 years ago. It was such a relief to find a lasting rock that was so much higher than my little sect called the Red Letter Kids.
However I was warned by the very precious priest who adopted us and had the faith to try and get us all converted to the TRUE CHURCH of CHRIST! I can hear many of my Prot Brothers and Sisters shuffling their feet in disgust.
The truth is that our RC Church is far from perfect and is often quite a handicap. Many of the priests and laity do not like us and cannot understand why we want to distribute Gospel literature and Rosaries. No one, or practically no one, understands why we want to Mark 16 15... Why we want to Luke 14 33!!! These are Jesus' words and please look them up.. Looking up Bible truths are good for you!!
The whole idea of us living by faith and talking to people on the streets is totally foreign to them and to prots too. They just do not see the need to preach the Gospel to every creature. Many ask us even when they see our Rosaries if we are the Watch Tower Jehovah witnesses?
We have just lead a very nice teenager and his girlfriend to Jesus and yesterday he stopped and thanked us and today I received a really nice email from him. He has found a Protestant fellowship where they are strong on Praise and Worship and Fellowship and hopefully he will do well there.
Then I though about how difficult it would be to take him and his girlfriend to Holy Mass in the Dom Cathedral where the average age is over 100.
Then it HIT me..... so here is what I believe He said.....
Those fellowshippy churches with meals and praise music and a cosy message taking place in a hired hall every Sunday, hardly last a generation or two. They are said to be Bible based...based on their particular interpretation of the Bible, leaving out all the tough bits, BUT THEY ARE PEOPLE CENTRED!!!!
People are famous for getting it wrong sometimes. The Pastor runs away with the neighbour's wife!!! Ow!!!!!Help!!! Never mind we will go to another of the 38,000 denominations. We can pick and choose churches just like we pick and choose the verses of the Bible that we want to follow..
NOW the Roman Catholic Church with all the corruption at the Vatican and amongst so many priests and Bishops and and and and... just keeps rolling on and on and on..
That Cathedral, a magnificent structure, will remain, barring a Nuclear war, and has already lasted 1000 years.
Then there is the Holy Mass and here you need to read John Ch 6 and ask Jesus in Matthew 7 7 for the ability to interpret it... Don't believe me???? Just try it!!!!
Yesterday, I was so struck... It was the Lord!! by the pomp and ceremony and grandeur and it was a great reminder of what to expect in Heaven!!!
Eye has not seen etc.. Yesterday was only a taste of what is to come..I have been so disappointed by the so called believers but yesterday I was oblivious of them...I could just see and experience the Lord speaking to me..little old me..The Lord is allowing us all to grow together until the harvest. Then those who see their errors and sins and throw themselves at the mercy of Jesus will be forgiven. Do not wait to die before you do this..Do this today and every day as we continually fall short and mess up. Go to confession regularly, or else throw John Ch 20 away and flush it down the toilet. I am purposely not typing out these verses and chapters as this will make you lazy.. Look these up yourselves.. It is very good for you to find your way around the Bible!!
Look forward to your comments... GBY and KGFG!!!!!
now for the news about gun control please watch too
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (7-29-12) Full Live TV ...By conspiracyscope| 1 video
This is always a dangerous business as many will treat a heart like a football and kick it around and make fun.
But I want to take that risk and so here goes.
I became a Roman Catholic 12 years ago. It was such a relief to find a lasting rock that was so much higher than my little sect called the Red Letter Kids.
However I was warned by the very precious priest who adopted us and had the faith to try and get us all converted to the TRUE CHURCH of CHRIST! I can hear many of my Prot Brothers and Sisters shuffling their feet in disgust.
The truth is that our RC Church is far from perfect and is often quite a handicap. Many of the priests and laity do not like us and cannot understand why we want to distribute Gospel literature and Rosaries. No one, or practically no one, understands why we want to Mark 16 15... Why we want to Luke 14 33!!! These are Jesus' words and please look them up.. Looking up Bible truths are good for you!!
The whole idea of us living by faith and talking to people on the streets is totally foreign to them and to prots too. They just do not see the need to preach the Gospel to every creature. Many ask us even when they see our Rosaries if we are the Watch Tower Jehovah witnesses?
We have just lead a very nice teenager and his girlfriend to Jesus and yesterday he stopped and thanked us and today I received a really nice email from him. He has found a Protestant fellowship where they are strong on Praise and Worship and Fellowship and hopefully he will do well there.
Then I though about how difficult it would be to take him and his girlfriend to Holy Mass in the Dom Cathedral where the average age is over 100.
Then it HIT me..... so here is what I believe He said.....
Those fellowshippy churches with meals and praise music and a cosy message taking place in a hired hall every Sunday, hardly last a generation or two. They are said to be Bible based...based on their particular interpretation of the Bible, leaving out all the tough bits, BUT THEY ARE PEOPLE CENTRED!!!!
People are famous for getting it wrong sometimes. The Pastor runs away with the neighbour's wife!!! Ow!!!!!Help!!! Never mind we will go to another of the 38,000 denominations. We can pick and choose churches just like we pick and choose the verses of the Bible that we want to follow..
NOW the Roman Catholic Church with all the corruption at the Vatican and amongst so many priests and Bishops and and and and... just keeps rolling on and on and on..
That Cathedral, a magnificent structure, will remain, barring a Nuclear war, and has already lasted 1000 years.
Then there is the Holy Mass and here you need to read John Ch 6 and ask Jesus in Matthew 7 7 for the ability to interpret it... Don't believe me???? Just try it!!!!
Yesterday, I was so struck... It was the Lord!! by the pomp and ceremony and grandeur and it was a great reminder of what to expect in Heaven!!!
Eye has not seen etc.. Yesterday was only a taste of what is to come..I have been so disappointed by the so called believers but yesterday I was oblivious of them...I could just see and experience the Lord speaking to me..little old me..The Lord is allowing us all to grow together until the harvest. Then those who see their errors and sins and throw themselves at the mercy of Jesus will be forgiven. Do not wait to die before you do this..Do this today and every day as we continually fall short and mess up. Go to confession regularly, or else throw John Ch 20 away and flush it down the toilet. I am purposely not typing out these verses and chapters as this will make you lazy.. Look these up yourselves.. It is very good for you to find your way around the Bible!!
Look forward to your comments... GBY and KGFG!!!!!
now for the news about gun control please watch too
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (7-29-12) Full Live TV ...By conspiracyscope| 1 video
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Know your enemy
Know your enemy!!!
How can you be an effective Christian engaged in a spiritual war if you do not KNOW YOUR ENEMY?????????
I am very sad that so many Christians know so little about their greatest enemy satan lucifer or the devil.
Imagine going to war against any enemy without knowing about him or his country!!!
Please wake up and watch these 2 experts who have uncovered the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995 in their excellent documentary "A Noble LIE"
Please wake up.Read your Bible and pray for enlightenment. Matthew Ch 7 v 7 is either the TRUTH and the very WORDS of JESUS or throw this oage of the Bible down the toilet!"!!!!!!!!!
Know your enemy!!!
How can you be an effective Christian engaged in a spiritual war if you do not KNOW YOUR ENEMY?????????
I am very sad that so many Christians know so little about their greatest enemy satan lucifer or the devil.
Imagine going to war against any enemy without knowing about him or his country!!!
Please wake up and watch these 2 experts who have uncovered the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995 in their excellent documentary "A Noble LIE"
Please wake up.Read your Bible and pray for enlightenment. Matthew Ch 7 v 7 is either the TRUTH and the very WORDS of JESUS or throw this oage of the Bible down the toilet!"!!!!!!!!!
What to expect next Sunday blog 29th July 2012
What to expect next!
Sunday blog for the last Sunday in July 2012.
Thank God for the Internet!
Because otherwise we would have to rely on the so called main stream media presstitutes to receive all of our info.
What I am about to put together is not rocket science but just plain common sense.
The following facts are pretty obvious.
Even the main stream has reported that the Banks have taken over the world.
The NWO New World Order is almost completely in place.
But, because of the alternative information coming from the Internet, we now know that there is a staged economic crisis, the biggest that ever hit this planet, and many people are waking up to this fact. Too many for the liking of that group of so called Elites.
By the end of this Year the dollar will be pretty dead and no longer a world currency.
The same applies to the Euro and the NWO will through the UN introduce a new currency based on Gold and Silver.
The NWO will try to use the UN as the legal world government and NATO as the NWO police force and standing army.
One of many obstacles standing in their way is the fact that US Citizens are armed to the teeth with good weaponry. This has to be confiscated at all costs. The UN has already passed a law to this effect. The Batman shooting has very conveniently come along to convince many that the USC should willingly give up their guns to their loving government and that the The US Constitution is dead and no longer applicable.
The US is fast becoming a Police State, and as you know there is a terrorist under every bed.,
It is also fast being realised that all these very unjust wars in the Middle East to put in Democracy in the form of Elkaida or elkaiciada to be more exact, is also ridiculous as elkaiciada was responsible for the 9/11 atrocities which helped bring in the police state.
In the past as we study History or HIS STORY as I like to call it. Jesus' story in other words, the story that He has allowed us His Creation to take part in under lord lucy who was given control of the world by JC. This was done so that so that we would all have free choice to choose God's salvation and His plan for our lives if we so wanted, what do we find?
After an Economic crisis nearly always comes a very convenient war. That is about to happen very soon as Russia and China happen to not appreciate the US, or rather NATO involvement in the Middle East and Africa and at some stage soon will say enough is enough. Syria which just happens to be one of the most tolerant spots for minorities like Christians who have been there since 2000 years is in the Russian camp and Iran is in the Chinese camp.
It is now pretty common knowledge that Obama is not who he says he is and his birth certificate has been proved to be a fake and that his so called Kenyan Goat Herd Father is not his real father but a man called Frank Marshal Davis an agent of communist Russia..
So what next??
A huge false flag bigger than 9/11 that will effect the whole world diverting attention from all the above,and help to welcome in all the criminal players. This could happen any day and would be a distinct possibility at the London Olympics and if not then as an October Surprise to make sure that the Bankster Puppet Obama stays in power.
Like I said this is not rocket science but I suggest that you too tune into alternative media and true reporting on the Internet and do your own personal investigative study.
See you in Church!!! GBY and KGFG!
Sunday blog for the last Sunday in July 2012.
Thank God for the Internet!
Because otherwise we would have to rely on the so called main stream media presstitutes to receive all of our info.
What I am about to put together is not rocket science but just plain common sense.
The following facts are pretty obvious.
Even the main stream has reported that the Banks have taken over the world.
The NWO New World Order is almost completely in place.
But, because of the alternative information coming from the Internet, we now know that there is a staged economic crisis, the biggest that ever hit this planet, and many people are waking up to this fact. Too many for the liking of that group of so called Elites.
By the end of this Year the dollar will be pretty dead and no longer a world currency.
The same applies to the Euro and the NWO will through the UN introduce a new currency based on Gold and Silver.
The NWO will try to use the UN as the legal world government and NATO as the NWO police force and standing army.
One of many obstacles standing in their way is the fact that US Citizens are armed to the teeth with good weaponry. This has to be confiscated at all costs. The UN has already passed a law to this effect. The Batman shooting has very conveniently come along to convince many that the USC should willingly give up their guns to their loving government and that the The US Constitution is dead and no longer applicable.
The US is fast becoming a Police State, and as you know there is a terrorist under every bed.,
It is also fast being realised that all these very unjust wars in the Middle East to put in Democracy in the form of Elkaida or elkaiciada to be more exact, is also ridiculous as elkaiciada was responsible for the 9/11 atrocities which helped bring in the police state.
In the past as we study History or HIS STORY as I like to call it. Jesus' story in other words, the story that He has allowed us His Creation to take part in under lord lucy who was given control of the world by JC. This was done so that so that we would all have free choice to choose God's salvation and His plan for our lives if we so wanted, what do we find?
After an Economic crisis nearly always comes a very convenient war. That is about to happen very soon as Russia and China happen to not appreciate the US, or rather NATO involvement in the Middle East and Africa and at some stage soon will say enough is enough. Syria which just happens to be one of the most tolerant spots for minorities like Christians who have been there since 2000 years is in the Russian camp and Iran is in the Chinese camp.
It is now pretty common knowledge that Obama is not who he says he is and his birth certificate has been proved to be a fake and that his so called Kenyan Goat Herd Father is not his real father but a man called Frank Marshal Davis an agent of communist Russia..
So what next??
A huge false flag bigger than 9/11 that will effect the whole world diverting attention from all the above,and help to welcome in all the criminal players. This could happen any day and would be a distinct possibility at the London Olympics and if not then as an October Surprise to make sure that the Bankster Puppet Obama stays in power.
Like I said this is not rocket science but I suggest that you too tune into alternative media and true reporting on the Internet and do your own personal investigative study.
See you in Church!!! GBY and KGFG!
Friday, 27 July 2012
Know your enemy
Know your enemy!!!
How can you be an effective Christian engaged in a spiritual war if you do not KNOW YOUR ENEMY?????????
I am very sad that so many Christians know so little about their greatest enemy satan lucifer or the devil.
Imagine going to war against any enemy without knowing about him or his country!!!
Please wake up and watch these 2 experts who have uncovered the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995 in their excellent documentary "A Noble LIE"
Please wake up.Read your Bible and pray for enlightenment. Matthew Ch 7 v 7 is either the TRUTH and the very WORDS of JESUS or throw this oage of the Bible down the toilet!"!!!!!!!!!
Know your enemy!!!
How can you be an effective Christian engaged in a spiritual war if you do not KNOW YOUR ENEMY?????????
I am very sad that so many Christians know so little about their greatest enemy satan lucifer or the devil.
Imagine going to war against any enemy without knowing about him or his country!!!
Please wake up and watch these 2 experts who have uncovered the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995 in their excellent documentary "A Noble LIE"
Please wake up.Read your Bible and pray for enlightenment. Matthew Ch 7 v 7 is either the TRUTH and the very WORDS of JESUS or throw this oage of the Bible down the toilet!"!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Pleeeeeeze forgive me!!!A WA TA NA SIAM!!
Pleeeeeeeze forgive me!!!
I have got it all wrong!!!!
Everything I ever wrote!!!
It is all wrong!!!!
This following will really prove me to be an Idiot!!
A total idiot!!!!
Sooooooooooooooooooooo!! Soooooooooooooooo !! SORRY
Pleeeeeeeze forgive me!!!
I have got it all wrong!!!!
Everything I ever wrote!!!
It is all wrong!!!!
This following will really prove me to be an Idiot!!
A total idiot!!!!
Sooooooooooooooooooooo!! Soooooooooooooooo !! SORRY
Saturday, 21 July 2012
The very greatest conspiracy of all
The Very Greatest Conspiracy!!
My Sunday Blog 22nd July 2012.
If what I am going to write is not already abundantly clear then I feel sorry for you.
There is only one power in the Universe that is able to administer TRUTH MERCY LOVE JUSTICE FORGIVENESS and JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No it is not the Rothschild banking monopoly under the leadership of lord lucifer!
No it is not any form of earthly government..
No, not even the checks and balances set up by the Founding Fathers of America!
Not even maybe the most amazing Politician Ron Paul, even though he comes pretty close.
Not even King David, called by God, a man after His own heart!
Only, and really only....The God of the Holy Bible!
Not even His Church in whatever form you find it!
Because it is made up of sinful human beings! Whether Protestant or Catholic or Orthodox or for that matter any group of Human beings whether Religious or Political.
If you do not believe me it is because you have not read History.
Of course there was one man who did it all completely right....
That's right!!! JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God!!!
They murdered HIM though...
THEY which is a loose term for all the rest of us will kill you too for agreeing with this short BLOG!
Good News though...
Your soul is bullet proof and indestructible.. Only your body is going to be killed. Well you are going to die anyway so do not take it too hard. Your assassins will also die very soon and I would not like to be in their shoes or the shoes of anybody who dares to reject the Salvation plan of God in this simple verse of the Gospel according to Saint John, Chapter 3 verse 16.." For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
In the next very few days, months and very few years you are going to experience the GT the Great Tribulation as lucfer or satan or the devil, is going to have his final fling at controlling the world, in the New World Order using the UN and NATO to completely bring us all into submission.
You have been warned... It is all in the Holy Bible!!! Why do you think that THEY,,, the infamous THEY,,, want the Bible banned from schools and public places????
Think about what I have written and get back to me.
for further info.
GBY and KGFG! 4 ever!!
My Sunday Blog 22nd July 2012.
If what I am going to write is not already abundantly clear then I feel sorry for you.
There is only one power in the Universe that is able to administer TRUTH MERCY LOVE JUSTICE FORGIVENESS and JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No it is not the Rothschild banking monopoly under the leadership of lord lucifer!
No it is not any form of earthly government..
No, not even the checks and balances set up by the Founding Fathers of America!
Not even maybe the most amazing Politician Ron Paul, even though he comes pretty close.
Not even King David, called by God, a man after His own heart!
Only, and really only....The God of the Holy Bible!
Not even His Church in whatever form you find it!
Because it is made up of sinful human beings! Whether Protestant or Catholic or Orthodox or for that matter any group of Human beings whether Religious or Political.
If you do not believe me it is because you have not read History.
Of course there was one man who did it all completely right....
That's right!!! JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God!!!
They murdered HIM though...
THEY which is a loose term for all the rest of us will kill you too for agreeing with this short BLOG!
Good News though...
Your soul is bullet proof and indestructible.. Only your body is going to be killed. Well you are going to die anyway so do not take it too hard. Your assassins will also die very soon and I would not like to be in their shoes or the shoes of anybody who dares to reject the Salvation plan of God in this simple verse of the Gospel according to Saint John, Chapter 3 verse 16.." For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
In the next very few days, months and very few years you are going to experience the GT the Great Tribulation as lucfer or satan or the devil, is going to have his final fling at controlling the world, in the New World Order using the UN and NATO to completely bring us all into submission.
You have been warned... It is all in the Holy Bible!!! Why do you think that THEY,,, the infamous THEY,,, want the Bible banned from schools and public places????
Think about what I have written and get back to me.
for further info.
GBY and KGFG! 4 ever!!
Friday, 20 July 2012
Extremely possible and highly probable
Extremely possible and highly probable!!
satan's tricks!!!
Nothing New!!!
False Flag!!!
The oldest Government game in the book!!!
Dignitaries from Iran banned from going to London Olympics!!!
So they can be blamed for the False Flag event which is about to change our world even more than 9/11 !!!!
Do your own research!!!
Wait and see!!!
Let's hope I and millions of others are wrong!!
Turn to Jesus Christ with all your heart!!
He is and always has been our only hope!!!
That's all I have to say about the Vietnam war!!!
Denver Batman movie was just the beginning!!!
GT just around the corner!! GT what is that? The Great Tribulation!!!
satan's tricks!!!
Nothing New!!!
False Flag!!!
The oldest Government game in the book!!!
Dignitaries from Iran banned from going to London Olympics!!!
So they can be blamed for the False Flag event which is about to change our world even more than 9/11 !!!!
Do your own research!!!
Wait and see!!!
Let's hope I and millions of others are wrong!!
Turn to Jesus Christ with all your heart!!
He is and always has been our only hope!!!
That's all I have to say about the Vietnam war!!!
Denver Batman movie was just the beginning!!!
GT just around the corner!! GT what is that? The Great Tribulation!!!
Monday, 16 July 2012
an important letter to all of you
Letter to all of you
Dear Friend
Thankyou for taking the time to read this email.
Much of what I say may be common knowledge but if it is not... here goes..
I will make the following statements and then try to show you how I know this to be true.
The world since the very beginning has been ruled by satan. This is the way God has set things up.
The Bible..
satan has been using about 6000 people who call themselves the elite.ELITE. To do this job..
Of late, over the last 200 years or so, the Rothschild family, formerly the Bauer family of Frankfurt, have been the main players. Quote.." As long as I control the finances, I do not care who makes the laws!"
By grace and by the design of our Creator, I just happen to be very closely related to these Elites, so called, as they are not elite except by their own personal definition.
I recently found out that My first cousin, the son of my mother's eldest sister, Sir Peter Osborn Baronet is the father of Georg Osborn, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in other words, The Finance Minister, of the UK. The 2nd most important Politician after David Cameron.
George Osborn is a Protege of Lord Rothschild of the London house of Rothschild said to be worth 500 trillion Euro of fiat currency who I am quite sure set up my cousin's son to be one of his puppets. It is now a well known fact that Politicians, both on the left and on the right or centre, are being run by the large Mega Banks, all of whom are agents of the Rothschilds. The left right paradime is just their propaganda to mislead the general public.
The General Public have easily been mislead until very recently, by the mainstream media which has been completely bought up by the 3 or 4 of those mega bank corporations. TV and local newspapers have never been reliable sources of real information. On minor matters maybe but on what the elite want to brainwash the GP then they are a great source of misinformation.
The Internet has been the undoing and the exposing of their Propaganda manipulation and that is why matters are speeding up and events are no longer being incrementally prescribed and introduced.
All this to say that these 6000 with their Pyramid stile of control with the main players being at the peak, run wars, political parties, financial crashes, and recoveries, false flag operations and generally write History in such a way that the GP are totally deceived.
The Rockerfellers and the Bushes and others of the USA funded Hitler, Lenin and Mao as well as Churchill and Roosevelt and many others such as Pol Pot.
OK so all of this to say that the world take over, The New World Order, by satan is getting very close to completion and the current planned and orchestrated financial crash is the last step to the setting up of a One World Government, using the UN and NATO as their organs.
The time set is not totally clear but we have heard from our inside sources that this year will be the last year that the Euro and the US$ will be viable currencies. For those with cash written on paper, will soon find out that these pieces of paper with figures written on them will be worth the paper that they are written on.
Dear Friend, what you do with this info is of course entirely up to you and my job before the Lord Jesus Christ is just to inform you so that when these events that will very shortly come to pass, I will have a clear conscience in to not witholding information that could have helped people who have finances, I have none to speak about, to reinvest in silver and gold coins.
I felt it my duty to inform you of this.
Many Germans and people around the world are selling their stocks and shares and converting their paper money holdings even if in Swiss Franks into time honored Gold and Silver. If you had bought Gold 3 years ago it would be worth 3 times as much today. From 600 dollars an ounce to 1800 dollars an ounce.
If you want to discuss this further, please contact me at my email or by phone at 02262 3058845
There is a greast deal more that I could tell you.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Jaffray King
Dear Friend
Thankyou for taking the time to read this email.
Much of what I say may be common knowledge but if it is not... here goes..
I will make the following statements and then try to show you how I know this to be true.
The world since the very beginning has been ruled by satan. This is the way God has set things up.
The Bible..
satan has been using about 6000 people who call themselves the elite.ELITE. To do this job..
Of late, over the last 200 years or so, the Rothschild family, formerly the Bauer family of Frankfurt, have been the main players. Quote.." As long as I control the finances, I do not care who makes the laws!"
By grace and by the design of our Creator, I just happen to be very closely related to these Elites, so called, as they are not elite except by their own personal definition.
I recently found out that My first cousin, the son of my mother's eldest sister, Sir Peter Osborn Baronet is the father of Georg Osborn, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in other words, The Finance Minister, of the UK. The 2nd most important Politician after David Cameron.
George Osborn is a Protege of Lord Rothschild of the London house of Rothschild said to be worth 500 trillion Euro of fiat currency who I am quite sure set up my cousin's son to be one of his puppets. It is now a well known fact that Politicians, both on the left and on the right or centre, are being run by the large Mega Banks, all of whom are agents of the Rothschilds. The left right paradime is just their propaganda to mislead the general public.
The General Public have easily been mislead until very recently, by the mainstream media which has been completely bought up by the 3 or 4 of those mega bank corporations. TV and local newspapers have never been reliable sources of real information. On minor matters maybe but on what the elite want to brainwash the GP then they are a great source of misinformation.
The Internet has been the undoing and the exposing of their Propaganda manipulation and that is why matters are speeding up and events are no longer being incrementally prescribed and introduced.
All this to say that these 6000 with their Pyramid stile of control with the main players being at the peak, run wars, political parties, financial crashes, and recoveries, false flag operations and generally write History in such a way that the GP are totally deceived.
The Rockerfellers and the Bushes and others of the USA funded Hitler, Lenin and Mao as well as Churchill and Roosevelt and many others such as Pol Pot.
OK so all of this to say that the world take over, The New World Order, by satan is getting very close to completion and the current planned and orchestrated financial crash is the last step to the setting up of a One World Government, using the UN and NATO as their organs.
The time set is not totally clear but we have heard from our inside sources that this year will be the last year that the Euro and the US$ will be viable currencies. For those with cash written on paper, will soon find out that these pieces of paper with figures written on them will be worth the paper that they are written on.
Dear Friend, what you do with this info is of course entirely up to you and my job before the Lord Jesus Christ is just to inform you so that when these events that will very shortly come to pass, I will have a clear conscience in to not witholding information that could have helped people who have finances, I have none to speak about, to reinvest in silver and gold coins.
I felt it my duty to inform you of this.
Many Germans and people around the world are selling their stocks and shares and converting their paper money holdings even if in Swiss Franks into time honored Gold and Silver. If you had bought Gold 3 years ago it would be worth 3 times as much today. From 600 dollars an ounce to 1800 dollars an ounce.
If you want to discuss this further, please contact me at my email or by phone at 02262 3058845
There is a greast deal more that I could tell you.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Jaffray King
Sunday, 15 July 2012
satan or lucifer or the devil has been trying to control the creation of the Living God and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, ever since the Garden of Eden.
CONTROL is nothing new!
Go through History and you will see this being played out again and again and again.
God intervened at the time of the Tower of Babel and how did He do it? By confusing the LANGUAGE. The one language was replaced overnight by scores of languages, causing and inflicting disunity.
This is why we have different nationalities and why those different Nations have been fighting each other ever since for CONTROL and domination.
Now we have a UNITED NATIONS with its own standing Military called NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
We are on the brink of satan taking over CONTROL of the whole world through the United Nations.
The League of nations was a failure but this same satan is determined to make the UN work.
The IMF and the WORLD Bank fund the UN and fund all the satanic disciples. The Rothschild houses are the main players in my opinion. The London branch under Lord Rotschild is said to be worth 500 trillion pounds sterling!
There are about 6000 of them and they are outnumbered by one million to one. How does such a small bunch of people control the huge majority? By LYING PROPAGANDA! By controling the News Media and through drugging and slow killing the world population in a huge eugenics programme.
Nearly all these small 6000 group, are Misanthropes who like their master the LSD (lucifer satan devil), hate the creation of God and especially the Human Race.
Mjk who are you to tell us all this stuff!!???
Why should we believe you?
Let's take the 6000 statement of the approx number of called...
Well, my first cousin's son is the 2nd most important politician in the UK...George Osborne.
He is incidentally a friend of Lord Rothschild and most likely owes his rise to such an important position in Politics through this connection.
Through my Grand Parents on my Mother's side, I am a direct decendant of James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland.
I am not an Elite as the real elites are the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and all these other so called elites are a sham, but I am very closely related to them as the Osborne family and myself have a common Grand Father.. Clement Samuel Horn, who before he died was most deffinitely a Christian, who had me as his favourite grand child and singled me out to be the receiver of his King James Bible. He could have left it to Chips, John, Ian, Felicity, Bill, (My deceased elder brother who was drowned in a sailing accident in May 1954) Jennifer, Carol, Peter (now Sir Peter Osborne and the father of GO) and last of all James.
By the Grace of God it seems that I was singled out by the Creator to become a Christian, much to the horror of all my close relations including my own father and mother.
I am still a very small fry and hold no position of fame as otherwise I would have been eliminated long ago.
They can still do that any day BUT only with the permission of my Creator. When He thinks the time has come for me to go into eternity then I will go whether I like it or not. That is a great comfort to me to know that He is in ultimate control and all that is happening, even though very horrifying, will work together for BETTER in the end.. See Romans ch 8 v 28..
The other main reason that I know so much as to what is happening is because I have asked God repeatedly to show me the TRUTH. See my last letter or blog called The Christian Open Secret.
Unlike dear Alex Jones an amazing alternative Media out put that tells the TRUTH, I do not believe that we will be able to stop this WORLD CONTROL TAKEOVER as God is going to allow it as a punishment for those of us who do not take HIM seriously and especially His wonderful plan of salvation offered to us through His Son Jesus Christ. There will be a time of Great Tribulation lasting from between 3 and 1/2 to 7 years and then thank God He will come again and defeat the satanic forces in a great final battle of Armageddon.
Even though I am nearly 74 years old it is quite possible that I will still be alive to see these events taking place as they could well start this year 2012. Of course as to exact times and dates, I cannot be sure but I can say that events are speeding up at an amazing rate and we do live in the most exciting times. Please read the Christian Open Secret letter and then you too can know what is really happening in the world too.
satan or lucifer or the devil has been trying to control the creation of the Living God and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, ever since the Garden of Eden.
CONTROL is nothing new!
Go through History and you will see this being played out again and again and again.
God intervened at the time of the Tower of Babel and how did He do it? By confusing the LANGUAGE. The one language was replaced overnight by scores of languages, causing and inflicting disunity.
This is why we have different nationalities and why those different Nations have been fighting each other ever since for CONTROL and domination.
Now we have a UNITED NATIONS with its own standing Military called NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
We are on the brink of satan taking over CONTROL of the whole world through the United Nations.
The League of nations was a failure but this same satan is determined to make the UN work.
The IMF and the WORLD Bank fund the UN and fund all the satanic disciples. The Rothschild houses are the main players in my opinion. The London branch under Lord Rotschild is said to be worth 500 trillion pounds sterling!
There are about 6000 of them and they are outnumbered by one million to one. How does such a small bunch of people control the huge majority? By LYING PROPAGANDA! By controling the News Media and through drugging and slow killing the world population in a huge eugenics programme.
Nearly all these small 6000 group, are Misanthropes who like their master the LSD (lucifer satan devil), hate the creation of God and especially the Human Race.
Mjk who are you to tell us all this stuff!!???
Why should we believe you?
Let's take the 6000 statement of the approx number of called...
Well, my first cousin's son is the 2nd most important politician in the UK...George Osborne.
He is incidentally a friend of Lord Rothschild and most likely owes his rise to such an important position in Politics through this connection.
Through my Grand Parents on my Mother's side, I am a direct decendant of James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland.
I am not an Elite as the real elites are the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and all these other so called elites are a sham, but I am very closely related to them as the Osborne family and myself have a common Grand Father.. Clement Samuel Horn, who before he died was most deffinitely a Christian, who had me as his favourite grand child and singled me out to be the receiver of his King James Bible. He could have left it to Chips, John, Ian, Felicity, Bill, (My deceased elder brother who was drowned in a sailing accident in May 1954) Jennifer, Carol, Peter (now Sir Peter Osborne and the father of GO) and last of all James.
By the Grace of God it seems that I was singled out by the Creator to become a Christian, much to the horror of all my close relations including my own father and mother.
I am still a very small fry and hold no position of fame as otherwise I would have been eliminated long ago.
They can still do that any day BUT only with the permission of my Creator. When He thinks the time has come for me to go into eternity then I will go whether I like it or not. That is a great comfort to me to know that He is in ultimate control and all that is happening, even though very horrifying, will work together for BETTER in the end.. See Romans ch 8 v 28..
The other main reason that I know so much as to what is happening is because I have asked God repeatedly to show me the TRUTH. See my last letter or blog called The Christian Open Secret.
Unlike dear Alex Jones an amazing alternative Media out put that tells the TRUTH, I do not believe that we will be able to stop this WORLD CONTROL TAKEOVER as God is going to allow it as a punishment for those of us who do not take HIM seriously and especially His wonderful plan of salvation offered to us through His Son Jesus Christ. There will be a time of Great Tribulation lasting from between 3 and 1/2 to 7 years and then thank God He will come again and defeat the satanic forces in a great final battle of Armageddon.
Even though I am nearly 74 years old it is quite possible that I will still be alive to see these events taking place as they could well start this year 2012. Of course as to exact times and dates, I cannot be sure but I can say that events are speeding up at an amazing rate and we do live in the most exciting times. Please read the Christian Open Secret letter and then you too can know what is really happening in the world too.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
My Sunday Blog 15th July 2012..All things work together for BETTER to those who love God!
My Sunday Blog.. 15th July 2012!
All things work together for better to them that love God!!
In Saint Paul's letter to the Romans, it does not quite say that!
Instead of the word BETTER it uses the word GOOD!
I think that the word BETTER is better than the word Good and I will tell you why!
Let us take a quick look at Christ's crucifixion..
What happened was wicked and totally unfair.
First He was falsely betrayed!
Then He faced a completely unjust trial and was falsely accused by wicked JEALOUS and religious evil followers of satan.
Third He was put to death in the most horrible form of slow murder and torture ever devised for a Human Being!
Just think about how terrible and seemingly unnecessary it all was.
A perfectly just man being killed for what?
To please some wicked evil followers of lord lucifer, who felt threatened by this perfect Man who went about everywhere doing good.
Peter wanted to stop it and we too if we had been there would have wanted the same.
Here is a pure case of MUCH MUCH BETTER than if it had not happened.
There would be no salvation for you and me...
Now let's take a look at all the horrors that are being planned for our world by the Eugenicists and Misanthropic leaders who are in CONTROL.
They desperately want total control of your and my life...
In the last century they orchestrated two horrific World Wars and then many smaller wars to keep those who make armaments like the Military Industrial Complexes of the Western World in business.
Horror after Horror after Horror!
Now they plan a third world war and an economic disaster of the greatest magnitude ever!
Does Romans Ch 8 v 28 still apply???
Yes it does, on one condition though, you must love and worship and serve God to the very best of your ability.
Matthew Ch 6 v 33..Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and then all kinds of good things will be added unto you!
The future is going to be and already is so very exciting!
My part is to love and serve God with all my might and for you to do the same too.
I came to know Jesus through the preaching of one Dr Billy Graham!!
He was ana amazing preacher and preached in great crusades all over the world from the 1950s through until almost the end of the century.
I went on youtube to recapture some of that old magic which had lead me to Christ in 1965 just after the death of Winston Churchill!
Now dear Billy is doing pretty good for himself and is living in luxury in a house one mile from his nearest neighbour. One might say he deserves just that! Look what he did in leading so many souls to Jesus?
Well I was sad!! What a way to end your life at 93 living in luxury. That does not remind me in any way of Jesus Christ whom we are trying to follow! No Way Hosey!
Then a very great friend of mine one of my most longstanding in fact who dates right back to my time in India when Mikey was about 3 years or even 2 years old, so that is a quarter of a century, sent me some broadcast by Rick Joiner who like Billy Graham is also a very successful preacher of the Gospel.
So there he was wiht two of his very well off friends all complimenting each other in a sort of mutual admiration club and sitting in a sumptuous library of books galore and again I felt so sad and wrote a rather scathing letter to my dearest friend saying that this did not remind me of Jesus!
Wait a minute Michael! What about all that sumptuous luxury of those Cathedrals and Vatican and and and and???
For a minute I was stumped to use a cricketing expression!
Then it dawned on me slowly at first that all these Roman Catholic Shrines are open to not just Catholics but to the whole world every day!
Do you think that Rick and Billy would welcome crowds of people on their property every day winter spring summer and autumn?
No way Hosey!
Jesus would but they surely wouldn't. When I go to Holy Mass in that magnificent structure of the Cologne DOM cathedral every Sunday, I do not see this as belonging to Cardinal Meisner but to all of us.. Yes even you if you are a Prot or a Muslim or an Atheist, you can come in too.
All things work together for better to them that love God!!
In Saint Paul's letter to the Romans, it does not quite say that!
Instead of the word BETTER it uses the word GOOD!
I think that the word BETTER is better than the word Good and I will tell you why!
Let us take a quick look at Christ's crucifixion..
What happened was wicked and totally unfair.
First He was falsely betrayed!
Then He faced a completely unjust trial and was falsely accused by wicked JEALOUS and religious evil followers of satan.
Third He was put to death in the most horrible form of slow murder and torture ever devised for a Human Being!
Just think about how terrible and seemingly unnecessary it all was.
A perfectly just man being killed for what?
To please some wicked evil followers of lord lucifer, who felt threatened by this perfect Man who went about everywhere doing good.
Peter wanted to stop it and we too if we had been there would have wanted the same.
Here is a pure case of MUCH MUCH BETTER than if it had not happened.
There would be no salvation for you and me...
Now let's take a look at all the horrors that are being planned for our world by the Eugenicists and Misanthropic leaders who are in CONTROL.
They desperately want total control of your and my life...
In the last century they orchestrated two horrific World Wars and then many smaller wars to keep those who make armaments like the Military Industrial Complexes of the Western World in business.
Horror after Horror after Horror!
Now they plan a third world war and an economic disaster of the greatest magnitude ever!
Does Romans Ch 8 v 28 still apply???
Yes it does, on one condition though, you must love and worship and serve God to the very best of your ability.
Matthew Ch 6 v 33..Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and then all kinds of good things will be added unto you!
The future is going to be and already is so very exciting!
My part is to love and serve God with all my might and for you to do the same too.
I came to know Jesus through the preaching of one Dr Billy Graham!!
He was ana amazing preacher and preached in great crusades all over the world from the 1950s through until almost the end of the century.
I went on youtube to recapture some of that old magic which had lead me to Christ in 1965 just after the death of Winston Churchill!
Now dear Billy is doing pretty good for himself and is living in luxury in a house one mile from his nearest neighbour. One might say he deserves just that! Look what he did in leading so many souls to Jesus?
Well I was sad!! What a way to end your life at 93 living in luxury. That does not remind me in any way of Jesus Christ whom we are trying to follow! No Way Hosey!
Then a very great friend of mine one of my most longstanding in fact who dates right back to my time in India when Mikey was about 3 years or even 2 years old, so that is a quarter of a century, sent me some broadcast by Rick Joiner who like Billy Graham is also a very successful preacher of the Gospel.
So there he was wiht two of his very well off friends all complimenting each other in a sort of mutual admiration club and sitting in a sumptuous library of books galore and again I felt so sad and wrote a rather scathing letter to my dearest friend saying that this did not remind me of Jesus!
Wait a minute Michael! What about all that sumptuous luxury of those Cathedrals and Vatican and and and and???
For a minute I was stumped to use a cricketing expression!
Then it dawned on me slowly at first that all these Roman Catholic Shrines are open to not just Catholics but to the whole world every day!
Do you think that Rick and Billy would welcome crowds of people on their property every day winter spring summer and autumn?
No way Hosey!
Jesus would but they surely wouldn't. When I go to Holy Mass in that magnificent structure of the Cologne DOM cathedral every Sunday, I do not see this as belonging to Cardinal Meisner but to all of us.. Yes even you if you are a Prot or a Muslim or an Atheist, you can come in too.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Wake up
Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show Details
What Lindsey Williams says in minute 17 and 18.
Hang on to your seat!!!!!
If you are an Ostrich, please take your head out of the sand and face reality...
satan is playing for real! Even though many of of us know that this is true, many of you neither believe in Jesus nor in the opposition lucifer satan the devil. Maybe we do a little bit, but we CHOOSE not to believe so that when this all begins to happen in a big way we will be totally unprepared especially in our hearts. THIS YEAR did you get that???? THIS VERY YEAR 2012 we will see and experience the beginning of the end!!!!!2012 will be the most significant year since the time of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour..
Whatever is written on Paper will be worth the paper it is written on.
I have a reserve of just 1000 Euro, that is one months buffer under normal circumstances, so for me it has come to that..."I will have to trust the Lord!!!"
But if you have cash in bonds and stocks or in the bank please invest in Gold and silver coins as they will be worth something.. The time honoured and Biblical Money!!!!
Nothing in paper except enough to pay your bills in the bank...
You need an independent water supply!!!
You need a storage of long life food!!!
You need a Porter potty and a shovel to dig a hole to pour it into in the woods near by..
You need candles!!!
You need a Gas stove and some spare bottles of gas!!
This is a bit dangerous if you live in a zone where there could be bombing!!
You need first aid and much more.
Above all you need to be prepared to help others as it is in helping others that God will really help you. If you save your life you will lose it but when you think of others and save others then you will bring down the blessing from God.That is a law just like the law of gravity...Please believe me and all those who have woken up.. oh yes make sure you have a good water filter and plenty of spare filters and large cannisters to go an collect your water in. If you can think of anything else, please let me know...
Make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that you are faithful to read His Holy Word in the Bible..There are great audio links on line so you can listen to His Word while you do the house work. Please do not watch main line TV as this is designed to turn you into a Zombie..
Ask Jesus to come into your heart right now!!!! If you haven't done so already and get others to do the same and THUS BECOME A MISSIONARY!!!
GBY and KGFG!!!!
VideosBy astonisher3, Robert Skinner| 114 videos
Watch All
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What Lindsey Williams says in minute 17 and 18.
Hang on to your seat!!!!!
If you are an Ostrich, please take your head out of the sand and face reality...
satan is playing for real! Even though many of of us know that this is true, many of you neither believe in Jesus nor in the opposition lucifer satan the devil. Maybe we do a little bit, but we CHOOSE not to believe so that when this all begins to happen in a big way we will be totally unprepared especially in our hearts. THIS YEAR did you get that???? THIS VERY YEAR 2012 we will see and experience the beginning of the end!!!!!2012 will be the most significant year since the time of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour..
Whatever is written on Paper will be worth the paper it is written on.
I have a reserve of just 1000 Euro, that is one months buffer under normal circumstances, so for me it has come to that..."I will have to trust the Lord!!!"
But if you have cash in bonds and stocks or in the bank please invest in Gold and silver coins as they will be worth something.. The time honoured and Biblical Money!!!!
Nothing in paper except enough to pay your bills in the bank...
You need an independent water supply!!!
You need a storage of long life food!!!
You need a Porter potty and a shovel to dig a hole to pour it into in the woods near by..
You need candles!!!
You need a Gas stove and some spare bottles of gas!!
This is a bit dangerous if you live in a zone where there could be bombing!!
You need first aid and much more.
Above all you need to be prepared to help others as it is in helping others that God will really help you. If you save your life you will lose it but when you think of others and save others then you will bring down the blessing from God.That is a law just like the law of gravity...Please believe me and all those who have woken up.. oh yes make sure you have a good water filter and plenty of spare filters and large cannisters to go an collect your water in. If you can think of anything else, please let me know...
Make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that you are faithful to read His Holy Word in the Bible..There are great audio links on line so you can listen to His Word while you do the house work. Please do not watch main line TV as this is designed to turn you into a Zombie..
Ask Jesus to come into your heart right now!!!! If you haven't done so already and get others to do the same and THUS BECOME A MISSIONARY!!!
GBY and KGFG!!!!
VideosBy astonisher3, Robert Skinner| 114 videos
Watch All
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Chuck Baldwin preaches against the UN and NWO
Chuck Baldwin preaches from the Bible against the New World Order and allegiance to the United Nations...
a must watch..
Hope u can say AMEN!!!!
Chuck Baldwin 2012-07-01 Sunday - When God Sepa...By astonisher3| 1 video
Chuck Baldwin preaches from the Bible against the New World Order and allegiance to the United Nations...
a must watch..
Hope u can say AMEN!!!!
Chuck Baldwin 2012-07-01 Sunday - When God Sepa...By astonisher3| 1 video
Monday, 9 July 2012
Obam...Big Politics..Exposed!!!!
Big Politics and the New World Order exposed Exposed and Exposed!!!!!
A must watch and once again the
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Big Politics and the New World Order exposed Exposed and Exposed!!!!!
A must watch and once again the
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Big Politics and the New World Order exposed
Big Politics and the New World Order exposed Exposed and Exposed!!!!!
A must watch and once again the
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Big Politics and the New World Order exposed Exposed and Exposed!!!!!
A must watch and once again the
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Big Pharma exposed exposed exposed!!!!
Big Pharma exposed as being wicked murderous criminals, all for the Love of MONEY.
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Big Pharma exposed as being wicked murderous criminals, all for the Love of MONEY.
The LOVE of MONEY is the Root of all evil...
A quote from the WORD of GOD!!!!!!!
Here is the exact quote..
1st Timothy ch 1 v 10! For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Either the Bible really is the Word of God or it should be trashed!!!
What do you think??
For my part I emphatically believe that the Bible really is a totally God inspired record of the TRUTH..
I would be prepared to defend this belief in all circumstances, even at the point of being tortured to death. So help me God!!!!
Friday, 6 July 2012
When a man's ways please the Lord even his enemies will be at peace with him.
Sunday Blog!!
When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs Ch 16 v 7....
I wish that I could say that my ways always please the Lord.
How do I know they do not?
I have a lot of enemies and they bother me quite a bit.
Let me give you an example from the past few weeks and days.
Outside the DOM Cathedral in Cologne, that magnificent structure that is visited by thousands of people every day from all over the world, is where Irmgard and I witness 7 days a week.
At nearly 74 years old, it is pretty impossible for me to Mark 16 v 15 any more.
"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
So instead for just under 200 Euros a month we buy a ticket (monthly season ticket) to Cologne and meet the world who come to visit this awesome and glorious shrine that towers above the city of Cologne or Köln as the Germans call it.
We have been doing this for nearly a year and have distributed about 3000 Rosaries and 5000 approx simple Gospel tracts with the prayer to ask Jesus to come into your heart. About that number of people have prayed aloud with us..."Dear Jesus! Please come into my heart! Please forgive me for my sins and fill me with your spirit of love and give me the free gift of eternal life!"
So far so good!
Great Michael and Irmgard!!
So what's the problem?
Mr H!
First it was Mrs H! No relation but maybe only in spirit.
They scream at us and say that we are selling the Rosaries and making lots of money.
Well Mrs H a devout Roman Catholic, reported us to the Police at least three times and thank the Lord they took no notice of her. She is a bit mental? Maybe? Or just demon inspired or both.
We have not seen her for some time but she succeeded in poisoning some of the local priests.
Then there is Mr H.
He is very well known and has been operating for over 10 years with signs that take up a great deal of space outside the Dom Forum which is just opposite the Cathedral.
The signs are extremely anti Israeli and show up the atrocities committed by them against the Palestinians.
His signs are up most days and then when he sees us, he believes that it his duty to come up to us and scream how we are illegal. He does this while we are talking to people or even groups of people which we do every day.
We have found out from a not so nice policeman, that this street homeless person is very well funded and has caused many problems before. When taken to court, which has happened, he always wins even though unfairly because of the huge financial backing he gets from the Muslims.
Well for me it got too much and this is where I made my first mistake. I said to him that we should go to the Police which he readily and very confidently did and so we took him to the Police inside the Railway station. Mercifully for me there was a very sympathetic Police officer on duty and told Mr H off. Well his personal attacks on us continue but at least now, he no longer wants to accompany me to the Police.
So this brings me to yesterday! His anti Jewish stands were not up so when he attacked me this time I was totally unprepared. I had just lost 10 Euro out of my pocket by not putting it away properly and I was very upset about my stupidity for doing that. Yes!! Our work is also about the money!! We need the cash to survive. I definitely do get into a money mode which is absolutely wrong. The Lord has never failed us and sadly I tend to forget that from time to time. So here comes Mr H out of the blue this time and rants away at me. I say, " Come on, let's go to the police! Of course now he refuses so I take his arm(Big mistake!) and he swats me on my arm quite hard. I am pretty aggressive by nature and have not yet learnt to back down, so I scream at him,"You devil!" I came so close to socking him one in the face but Thank the Lord, I did not do that. It was a very ugly moment. But it was my fault. I should ignore him even though he comes right into my face in a very provoking way. Please pray for me, that I will learn my lessons. When I do I am sure that the Lord will quieten down my enemies. He has promised that in Proverbs Ch 16 v 7.
Please continue to follow Info wars and Prison Planet on Astonisher 3 on youtube and get all the up to date info as to where are poor sad world is heading. We wont have long to wait now before the Lord, after a period of Great Tribulation, far worse than Mr and Mrs H, will come to save us and take us home to where we belong.
Hope you were able to read and appreciate the lessons that I am trying to learn.
It was so hard to continue to witness after this event but there is a wonderful ending as an American Christian spoke to me and was so impressed with what we are doing that he gave me a 10 Euro donation which exactly made up for my careless loss.
Yes! He is very merciful!
When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs Ch 16 v 7....
I wish that I could say that my ways always please the Lord.
How do I know they do not?
I have a lot of enemies and they bother me quite a bit.
Let me give you an example from the past few weeks and days.
Outside the DOM Cathedral in Cologne, that magnificent structure that is visited by thousands of people every day from all over the world, is where Irmgard and I witness 7 days a week.
At nearly 74 years old, it is pretty impossible for me to Mark 16 v 15 any more.
"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
So instead for just under 200 Euros a month we buy a ticket (monthly season ticket) to Cologne and meet the world who come to visit this awesome and glorious shrine that towers above the city of Cologne or Köln as the Germans call it.
We have been doing this for nearly a year and have distributed about 3000 Rosaries and 5000 approx simple Gospel tracts with the prayer to ask Jesus to come into your heart. About that number of people have prayed aloud with us..."Dear Jesus! Please come into my heart! Please forgive me for my sins and fill me with your spirit of love and give me the free gift of eternal life!"
So far so good!
Great Michael and Irmgard!!
So what's the problem?
Mr H!
First it was Mrs H! No relation but maybe only in spirit.
They scream at us and say that we are selling the Rosaries and making lots of money.
Well Mrs H a devout Roman Catholic, reported us to the Police at least three times and thank the Lord they took no notice of her. She is a bit mental? Maybe? Or just demon inspired or both.
We have not seen her for some time but she succeeded in poisoning some of the local priests.
Then there is Mr H.
He is very well known and has been operating for over 10 years with signs that take up a great deal of space outside the Dom Forum which is just opposite the Cathedral.
The signs are extremely anti Israeli and show up the atrocities committed by them against the Palestinians.
His signs are up most days and then when he sees us, he believes that it his duty to come up to us and scream how we are illegal. He does this while we are talking to people or even groups of people which we do every day.
We have found out from a not so nice policeman, that this street homeless person is very well funded and has caused many problems before. When taken to court, which has happened, he always wins even though unfairly because of the huge financial backing he gets from the Muslims.
Well for me it got too much and this is where I made my first mistake. I said to him that we should go to the Police which he readily and very confidently did and so we took him to the Police inside the Railway station. Mercifully for me there was a very sympathetic Police officer on duty and told Mr H off. Well his personal attacks on us continue but at least now, he no longer wants to accompany me to the Police.
So this brings me to yesterday! His anti Jewish stands were not up so when he attacked me this time I was totally unprepared. I had just lost 10 Euro out of my pocket by not putting it away properly and I was very upset about my stupidity for doing that. Yes!! Our work is also about the money!! We need the cash to survive. I definitely do get into a money mode which is absolutely wrong. The Lord has never failed us and sadly I tend to forget that from time to time. So here comes Mr H out of the blue this time and rants away at me. I say, " Come on, let's go to the police! Of course now he refuses so I take his arm(Big mistake!) and he swats me on my arm quite hard. I am pretty aggressive by nature and have not yet learnt to back down, so I scream at him,"You devil!" I came so close to socking him one in the face but Thank the Lord, I did not do that. It was a very ugly moment. But it was my fault. I should ignore him even though he comes right into my face in a very provoking way. Please pray for me, that I will learn my lessons. When I do I am sure that the Lord will quieten down my enemies. He has promised that in Proverbs Ch 16 v 7.
Please continue to follow Info wars and Prison Planet on Astonisher 3 on youtube and get all the up to date info as to where are poor sad world is heading. We wont have long to wait now before the Lord, after a period of Great Tribulation, far worse than Mr and Mrs H, will come to save us and take us home to where we belong.
Hope you were able to read and appreciate the lessons that I am trying to learn.
It was so hard to continue to witness after this event but there is a wonderful ending as an American Christian spoke to me and was so impressed with what we are doing that he gave me a 10 Euro donation which exactly made up for my careless loss.
Yes! He is very merciful!
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