Sunday, 29 July 2012

sharing your heart

Sharing my heart!
This is always a dangerous business as many will treat a heart like a football and kick it around and make fun.
But I want to take that risk and so here goes.
I became a Roman Catholic 12 years ago. It was such a relief to find a lasting rock that was so much higher than my little sect called the Red Letter Kids.
However I was warned by the very precious priest who adopted us and had the faith to try and get us all converted to the TRUE CHURCH of CHRIST! I can hear many of my Prot Brothers and Sisters shuffling their feet in disgust.
The truth is that our RC Church is far from perfect and is often quite a handicap. Many of the priests and laity do not like us and cannot understand why we want to distribute Gospel literature and Rosaries. No one, or practically no one, understands why we want to Mark 16 15... Why we want to Luke 14 33!!! These are Jesus' words and please look them up.. Looking up Bible truths are good for you!!
The whole idea of us living by faith and talking to people on the streets is totally foreign to them and to prots too. They just do not see the need to preach the Gospel to every creature. Many ask us even when they see our Rosaries if we are the Watch Tower Jehovah witnesses?
We have just lead a very nice teenager and his girlfriend to Jesus and yesterday he stopped and thanked us and today I received a really nice email from him. He has found a Protestant fellowship where they are strong on Praise and Worship and Fellowship and hopefully he will do well there.
Then I though about how difficult it would be to take him and his girlfriend to Holy Mass in the Dom Cathedral where the average age is over 100.
Then it HIT me..... so here is what I believe He said.....
Those fellowshippy churches with meals and praise music and a cosy message taking place in a hired hall every Sunday, hardly last a generation or two. They are said to be Bible based...based on their particular interpretation of the Bible, leaving out all the tough bits, BUT THEY ARE PEOPLE CENTRED!!!!
People are famous for getting it wrong sometimes. The Pastor runs away with the neighbour's wife!!! Ow!!!!!Help!!! Never mind we will go to another of the 38,000 denominations. We can pick and choose churches just like we pick and choose the verses of the Bible that we want to follow..
NOW the Roman Catholic Church with all the corruption at the Vatican and amongst so many priests and Bishops and and and and... just keeps rolling on and on and on..
That Cathedral, a magnificent structure, will remain, barring a Nuclear war, and has already lasted 1000 years.
Then there is the Holy Mass and here you need to read John Ch 6 and ask Jesus in Matthew 7 7 for the ability to interpret it... Don't believe me???? Just try it!!!!
Yesterday, I was so struck... It was the Lord!! by the pomp and ceremony and grandeur and it was a great reminder of what to expect in Heaven!!!
Eye has not seen etc.. Yesterday was only a taste of what is to come..I have been so disappointed by the so called believers but yesterday I was oblivious of them...I could just see and experience the Lord speaking to me..little old me..The Lord is allowing us all to grow together until the harvest. Then those who see their errors and sins and throw themselves at the mercy of Jesus will be forgiven. Do not wait to die before you do this..Do this today and every day as we continually fall short and mess up. Go to confession regularly, or else throw John Ch 20 away and flush it down the toilet. I am purposely not typing out these verses and chapters as this will make you lazy.. Look these up yourselves.. It is very good for you to find your way around the Bible!!
Look forward to your comments... GBY and KGFG!!!!!
now for the news about gun control please watch too

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (7-29-12) Full Live TV ...By conspiracyscope| 1 video

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