Thursday, 12 July 2012

Wake up

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What Lindsey Williams says in minute 17 and 18.
Hang on to your seat!!!!!
If you are an Ostrich, please take your head out of the sand and face reality...
satan is playing for real! Even though many of of us know that this is true, many of you neither believe in Jesus nor in the opposition lucifer satan the devil. Maybe we do a little bit, but we CHOOSE not to believe so that when this all begins to happen in a big way we will be totally unprepared especially in our hearts. THIS YEAR did you get that???? THIS VERY YEAR 2012 we will see and experience the beginning of the end!!!!!2012 will be the most significant year since the time of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour..
Whatever is written on Paper will be worth the paper it is written on.
I have a reserve of just 1000 Euro, that is one months buffer under normal circumstances, so for me it has come to that..."I will have to trust the Lord!!!"
But if you have cash in bonds and stocks or in the bank please invest in Gold and silver coins as they will be worth something.. The time honoured and Biblical Money!!!!
Nothing in paper except enough to pay your bills in the bank...
You need an independent water supply!!!
You need a storage of long life food!!!
You need a Porter potty and a shovel to dig a hole to pour it into in the woods near by..
You need candles!!!
You need a Gas stove and some spare bottles of gas!!
This is a bit dangerous if you live in a zone where there could be bombing!!
You need first aid and much more.
Above all you need to be prepared to help others as it is in helping others that God will really help you. If you save your life you will lose it but when you think of others and save others then you will bring down the blessing from God.That is a law just like the law of gravity...Please believe me and all those who have woken up.. oh yes make sure you have a good water filter and plenty of spare filters and large cannisters to go an collect your water in. If you can think of anything else, please let me know...
Make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that you are faithful to read His Holy Word in the Bible..There are great audio links on line so you can listen to His Word while you do the house work. Please do not watch main line TV as this is designed to turn you into a Zombie..
Ask Jesus to come into your heart right now!!!! If you haven't done so already and get others to do the same and THUS BECOME A MISSIONARY!!!
GBY and KGFG!!!!

VideosBy astonisher3, Robert Skinner| 114 videos
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