Friday, 6 July 2012

When a man's ways please the Lord even his enemies will be at peace with him.

Sunday Blog!!
When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Proverbs Ch 16 v 7....
I wish that I could say that my ways always please the Lord.
How do I know they do not?
I have a lot of enemies and they bother me quite a bit.
Let me give you an example from the past few weeks and days.
Outside the DOM Cathedral in Cologne, that magnificent structure that is visited by thousands of people every day from all over the world, is where Irmgard and I witness 7 days a week.
At nearly 74 years old, it is pretty impossible for me to Mark 16 v 15 any more.
"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
So instead for just under 200 Euros a month we buy a ticket (monthly season ticket) to Cologne and meet the world who come to visit this awesome and glorious shrine that towers above the city of Cologne or Köln as the Germans call it.
We have been doing this for nearly a year and have distributed about 3000 Rosaries and 5000 approx simple Gospel tracts with the prayer to ask Jesus to come into your heart. About that number of people have prayed aloud with us..."Dear Jesus! Please come into my heart! Please forgive me for my sins and fill me with your spirit of love and give me the free gift of eternal life!"
So far so good!
Great Michael and Irmgard!!
So what's the problem?
Mr H!
First it was Mrs H! No relation but maybe only in spirit.
They scream at us and say that we are selling the Rosaries and making lots of money.
Well Mrs H a devout Roman Catholic, reported us to the Police at least three times and thank the Lord they took no notice of her. She is a bit mental? Maybe? Or just demon inspired or both.
We have not seen her for some time but she succeeded in poisoning some of the local priests.
Then there is Mr H.
He is very well known and has been operating for over 10 years with signs that take up a great deal of space outside the Dom Forum which is just opposite the Cathedral.
The signs are extremely anti Israeli and show up the atrocities committed by them against the Palestinians.
His signs are up most days and then when he sees us, he believes that it his duty to come up to us and scream how we are illegal. He does this while we are talking to people or even groups of people which we do every day.
We have found out from a not so nice policeman, that this street homeless person is very well funded and has caused many problems before. When taken to court, which has happened, he always wins even though unfairly because of the huge financial backing he gets from the Muslims.
Well for me it got too much and this is where I made my first mistake. I said to him that we should go to the Police which he readily and very confidently did and so we took him to the Police inside the Railway station. Mercifully for me there was a very sympathetic Police officer on duty and told Mr H off. Well his personal attacks on us continue but at least now, he no longer wants to accompany me to the Police.
So this brings me to yesterday! His anti Jewish stands were not up so when he attacked me this time I was totally unprepared. I had just lost 10 Euro out of my pocket by not putting it away properly and I was very upset about my stupidity for doing that. Yes!! Our work is also about the money!! We need the cash to survive. I definitely do get into a money mode which is absolutely wrong. The Lord has never failed us and sadly I tend to forget that from time to time. So here comes Mr H out of the blue this time and rants away at me. I say, " Come on, let's go to the police! Of course now he refuses so I take his arm(Big mistake!) and he swats me on my arm quite hard. I am pretty aggressive by nature and have not yet learnt to back down, so I scream at him,"You devil!" I came so close to socking him one in the face but Thank the Lord, I did not do that. It was a very ugly moment. But it was my fault. I should ignore him even though he comes right into my face in a very provoking way. Please pray for me, that I will learn my lessons. When I do I am sure that the Lord will quieten down my enemies. He has promised that in Proverbs Ch 16 v 7.
Please continue to follow Info wars and Prison Planet on Astonisher 3 on youtube and get all the up to date info as to where are poor sad world is heading. We wont have long to wait now before the Lord, after a period of Great Tribulation, far worse than Mr and Mrs H, will come to save us and take us home to where we belong.
Hope you were able to read and appreciate the lessons that I am trying to learn.
It was so hard to continue to witness after this event but there is a wonderful ending as an American Christian spoke to me and was so impressed with what we are doing that he gave me a 10 Euro donation which exactly made up for my careless loss.
Yes! He is very merciful!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on Michael! Thank you very much for your appreciated work.

    Yours sincerely, admiringly and appreciatively

    O. Klastat
