Saturday, 30 June 2012

SUNDAY BLOG 1st of July 2012... Why all these events are happening and about to happen? Why? Why? Why???????

SUNDAY BLOG 1st of July 2012...
Why all these events are happening and about to happen?
Why? Why? Why???????

Why Not??
Satan has always had the job of running this world.. If he did not then we would have no free choice to choose JESUS CHRIST instead of him.
For those of us who have been living in the comparatively cosy West, we have all had a holiday for the last nearly 70 years.
Even the poorest of us like myself and my family live in comfort.
We have a roof over our heads. Electricity. Running water. Toilets. Kitchen. Bedroom with comfortable beds. PLUS a great deal more. Old car which goes. Friends. And the list is just great in that all that God has given us..Freedom to choose our own religion..A computer on line so that I can write to you all, and I can browse the web and find out what is really happening in the world from the non satanically controlled main stream media..
Sadly though, how many people are thankful?? How many people regularly thank God and tell Him how blessed we are by Him? How many give a damn for HIM who is the Creator of the Universe and you and me??
The answer...
Very few...
So now comes the time of reckoniong..
What can we expect in the next, months, weeks? All carefully staged and planned..
Who by???
The Elite so called who are the disciples of satan or lucifer or the devil.
A combination of the following for sure......
World War 3..
Economic disaster..
Civil unrest..
Martial law with troops on the street trying to calm down the hungry, starving masses.
Empty Supermarkets..
Electricity turned off..
No water... No toilets ...
In other words chaos... Oh and I nearly forgot, huge staged events which will make 9/11 look like a Sunday school outing, by comparison. Having staged the event, the cunning serpent will then pretend to be the saviour by now coming to the rescue
Something huge is planned for the London Olympics and those organising do not seem to mind if we know about it or not.
The most important thing we all have to do is to turn to Jesus Christ and admit it is our fault. But I can just hear you saying..." No, I am a Christian and I love the Lord!" Sorry but that will not do.. What have you done to spread the Gospel?? How much time do you spend in Prayer and warning and helping others? I know that I could have done much much more...How about you???...We have gravely and deeply sinned. We deserve all the hell that satan is going to throw at us and we need to, all of us, cry out for Mercy... Mercy... Mercy...
God is so great, that when we do that He will respond for each one of us individually. He will see us through.. He will even use us to help others like never before.. People will be desperate and many will turn to HIM..
That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war... Forest Gump quote!!
Look forward to hearing from you..
Let's stick together and help each other all we can.. It is in helping others that we will be saved.
Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Please write me with your comments.. I would love to hear from you!!!

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