Wake up please!!!!
0ne hour of wake up material with Darren McBrain..
for Yesterday the 7th of June 2012..
Please watch Astonisher 3 every day...
Then continue to watch on Astonisher 3 daily and join info wars for only 15 cents a day.
Real News!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please wake up!!
Acting in denial is really ridiculous!!
Facing the facts will help you cope with what is happening and with what is about to happen so very soon!
9/11 was only a foretaste of what has been planned for the immediate future.
The London Olympics??????
War with Iran and Syria which will be the beginning of World War 3 ??????
Bio weapons to exterminate most of us??????
Elkaida used to scare us at home in Europe and USA, but being used to take over the Middle East????
Much much more and I put ????? not because these facts are in doubt, but to get you to do your own investigation?????
It will also help you to turn to the One true God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
I can safely say that EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE WRITTEN TO YOU is only half the truth. It is so much worse than what I have ever said.
Unless you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you have no future that does not end in premature death in the most terrible circumstances...
If you think that you can carry on business as usual, you are sadly mistaken..
Watch Astonisher 3 channel and RT (Russia Today) to find out what is really going on.
Time is fast running out for the world that we know.
War...False Flags, causing confusion everywhere, especially the Middle East...remembering that the devil is the author of confusion...Bankrupting all the nations by design so that they can be taken over by the One World Corporation...Economic collapse...Slow kill vaccinations...Poisoned GM food...Water infiltrated with slow kill deadly toxins...Selective Bio weapons that can wipe out millions at a time...Last week end's Bildeberg conference exposed at last...Weather manipulation even able to make Earthquakes and Sunamis...Chem trails poisoning the earth and its inhabitants... the list is endless of all the fraud that is being carried out by our leaders...Our leaders, all misanthropes and eugenicicsts. In other words, just like satan their boss, they hate the human race and they want to kill and destroy us.
You have been warned..
Turn to Jesus Christ today and start waking up your friends and even your enemies as even your enemy is not as bad as the real enemy...those whom we have stupidly allowed to take over our world in leadership positions..
Please Jesus help us... We need You like never before. We need the Heavenly Host to fight for us and be on our side against the Tyrants, without any empathy for the human race.
We also need everyone to repent and say sorry for their sins and grave short comings. We get what we deserve and if take it as from the Lord we will learn to do better next time around.
I really cannot do the subject justice but please do your own investigation with an open and inquisitive heart...Check out Matthew Ch 7 verse 7. It says it all, so we are without excuse. Ignorance means just that we haven't bothered to do our homework.
Stop being hyped by what you read in the main line presstitute media and watch on smellyvision..Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the Internet and for alternative media.
GBY and KGFG!!!
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