Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The 2 designers part 2

The two designers!!!

Every thing we see and everything we experience and everything that happens has been designed.
How do we know that there is a God and a very good and excellent loving God at that?
Because of His great design..
The Universe..
His Creation..
Everything beautiful we see around us.
Yes, just like Luis Armstrong sang in my very favourite song.."It's a wonderful World!"
Even Karl Marx who hated God and also believed in Him too just like the Devil does... said "There is a design!"
Now if there is a design one can deduce from the very simplest algebraic equation that there is a DESIGNER!!!
Through History right from the Garden of Eden, there has been a second and extremely wicked jealous designer who is trying as hard as he can to destroy the beautiful designs of God... The GOOOOOOD! GOD!!!! and GOOOOOD are almost the same word.. Have you noticed trhat?
Just like Evil and DEVIL are almost the same word..
That is just a coincidence or is it?
Maybe your student in your class painted a beautiufl picture, then a very jealous student on purpose spilt a great deal of paint all over it.
I am sure you have witnessed events like that even amongst your children.
Well the GOOOOOD GOD designed a most beautiful Universe and immediately the enemy
tried to spoil it.
Even today with Chem trails and GMO foods and Fluoride in the water False Flag Operations and much much more.
THEN HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE GOOD GOD ALWAYS ALLOWS him to do this and then turns his wickedness and so called spoilt picture and makes an even more beautiful picture out of it.
The Crucifixion is the most perfect example.
Christ is murdered and tortured by the devil and his wicked disciples and then God takes all this wickedness and TRUMPS it all with the Resurrection!!! Game! Set!! Match to Jesus!!!
I want you to know that YES and very definitely YESSSSSS
There will be the most Horrifying THIRD WORLD WAR...
IT has already begun.
God is allowing it..It is very necessary..
For nearly seventy years we have had peace and prosperity...
VICTOR HUGO who wrote one of my most favourite of all books and turned into great movie.. ""LES MISERABLES"
said and I quote..
This war will wake many people up and without it many would go straight to hell.
The adversity that we will all very soon experience will make us into men and women of GOD. That is God's plan for you.. He wants to make you into a real God fearing and God loving and God practicing Man and Woman.
Not just a spoiled brat!!! INSTEAD
A Martyr for the cause. His cause which has been so sadly neglected for most of the History of the world and especially the last 70 years since the end of WW2.

Part 2
Both Designers are at work.
satan and JESUS.

I refuse to give satan capital letters for his name.
Jesus is designing life and that very abundantly and satan is also up to his designs too. What are they?? Death Destruction and Robbery.John Ch 10 v 10
Now both of the designers at this stage require human participation.
Whoever the Humans back will win for the time being.
Right now it is pretty much Game Set Match to evil!
Because that is who the humans back.
Their governments back unjust wars.
Iraq (Babylon)... Then Egypt... Then Libya...Then Syria and then Persia...
The USA and Europe have already been conquered through a banking emplosion. The technocrats so called, having caused the crash of cash through their wicked derivative gambling, have taken over. Politics was only a game to deceive the people.
Now we will soon see a New World Order and a World Government ruled through the UN:
WW3 is just around the corner...ALL BY DESIGN!!!
Why? Because we are all or nearly all cooperating with satan.
His wicked design only works because people or humans or whatever we want to call ourselves, have forsaken their God. Rread History...HIS STORY.. not your or mine story but HIS STORY..
It always happens that way but and thank God for the BUT, there is always a good way out eventually.. After killing 260 million, non combatants, in the last century alone, governments had to slow down and there were no major wars just scores of little ones to keep the armamnet industry and the Military Industrial Complexes alive and kicking and PROSPEROUS..
Remember what Victor Hugo said..
Prosperity makes MONSTERS
but ADVERSITY makes MEN:
What can we do about it??
Continue to try to wake people up and if enough of us awake and return to God then this can and will be all avoided.
2 Chronicles 7:14
1611 King James Version of 2 Chronicles 7:14
My favourite version of the Bible brought in by none other than my Great to the power of about 20 Grand Father King James the 1st of England and James the 6th of Scotland.
He was a pretty terrible guy but he did one very good thing.. THE KJV BIBLE!!!!!!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

- 1769 Oxford King James Bible "Authorized Version"

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