Friday, 15 June 2012


My Sunday blog a bit premature as it is only Friday...Ha!!!

This is a great subject..
One out of every one of us will DIE... So sorry mate but that is the TRUTH!!
Get used to it!II
You are going to die one day sooner or later.
I love this subject!!!
I love the way the WORLD talks about Life Insurance!!!
I want to talk about Death Insurance!!
That is much more down to earth!!!
When will you die???
You do not know and I do not know but....but, God knows exactly when you will breathe your last breath.
He has it all planned for YOU and for me.
Stop being so scared of death!!!
Because it is inevitable and Jesus came into this world to conquer death just for you and just for me!!!
That is such super good news!!!
Life is so very short!!!
Death is so very much inevitable!!
And ETERNITY is very very very very LOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!
My home is not here it is there!!! Way over there!! I am looking forward to it!!!
I have to do my very best down here to help you and me face the facts!!
All the Elite will die!! Yes They will die!! Lord Rothschild will die and the Duke of Edinburgh will die pretty soon! OK.. Maybe he will be able to live a few more years looking like a scarecrow with a bunch of schrivelled up skin draped over brittle and old rotting bones.
Every one of us at the point of death will have to meet our Saviour and Lord and Judge!
JESUS CHRIST!!! You will not be laughing and so proud and arrogant then!!!
If you have not learned in this life to scream out for MERCY and FORGIVENESS you will not stand a chance....You will go straight to HELL!!!!! Without a doubt!!!!
Please do not be afraid of these totally wicked people, all disciples of LUCIFER.. in other words the DEVIL!!!!
Pray for them... Pray that they will realise how stupid and short sighted they have been.
Pray that they will turn to Jesus and ask and plead for MERCY..
This is my Sunday blog!!
Watch out for the London Olympics...There may be some fantastic false flag operations at this festival. It has all been planned years ago.. Big Ben may collapse and 10s of Thousands may die..Space crafts..(straight out of USA technology may be used to make you think that we are being invaded by extra terrestials.)
There is no limit to the evil that our leaders will be able to plan and pull off and then pretend to come in like the Saviour and help us and save us!!
Turn to Jesus Christ now by asking HIM into your life and save yourself and others from the wicked Tyrants that are trying to take over our beautiful planet.
Just repeat and say with all the small faith that you can musterup..
Dear Jesus please come into my herat.. Please fogive me for all my sins and give me the free gift of eternal life.
Like Louis Armstrong said.. It is a Wonderful World!!..

satan cannot spoil this, however hard he tries with all of his trillions and quadrillions of US $ or Euros or Pounds sterling.
My Lord made the Universe and owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
GBY and KGFG!!

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