Monday, 11 June 2012

Jesus I trust in YOU!!!

Jesus! I trust in YOU!!!

The best job I ever had.

Jesus loves to hear anyone of us saying "Jesus I trust in YOU"

That is like beautiful music in His ears.

When the Roman soldier told Jesus that he totally believed in Jesus' Word.."Master you do not need to come to my house, just say the WORD and that will be enough! Then Jesus turned around to His 12 Apostles and to all the people listening and said, marvelling at this non Jewish Roman.."I have not found so great faith in all of Israel!"

God help me but I want to be like this soldier and I hope that you do too. Imagine having the Creator of EVERYTHING marvelling at you for your total trust in HIM!!

So what is my job that thrills me and my partner in the faith, Irmgard??

Every day including Sundays we travel to Cologne to meet the many foreigners that come from just about every Nation on earth to view the spectacle of the DOM Cathedral.

It is breath taking especially when one realises that it was built to so much perfection and beauty long before the modern technical world of Computers. It is all pure craftsmanship.

We are now distributing over 100 Rosaries and brochures every week. We are praying the "Jesus please come into my heart!" Prayer with more than 140 people every day. We are distributing more than 150 pieces of Gospel information every week and talking and counselling with at least 50 people during the same period. When I get home we need to spend at least 4 to 5 hours making the replacement Rosaries for the next day. The only free time we get is our 2 and a half hours a day on the train journey.

While making Rosaries I listen to alternative news media programmes realising that the main stream Media has all been bought up by the Satanic Globalists who are moving quickly towards their goal of World domination.

Satan has always had this goal and is now being allowed by God to get very close to his wicked objective.

For 6000 approx people to control a planet with 7 billion inhabitants is no easy task. In Imperial India, 50,000 British including women and children controlled, 500,000,000 ethnic Indians. That was a ratio of one to fifty thousand and they managed it quite effectively and now they want to have the same ration again. At present it is one to a million and so you can see they have a great deal of people that they need to murder and exterminate through war, disease and poison food and drinking water and mercury added to vaccinations etc.

For a world that has largely ignored and brushed aside the wonderful salvation offered them by Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for our sins and rose conquering death, there seems to be really only one course left open. Instead of Jesus they will have to and be forced to accept satan and his pitiful 6000 disciples as the substitute for the Real God of the Trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit). A very sad and very miserable exchange in my mind. What do you think.

Satan's greatest deception has been to fool you into believing that those at the top are really quite decent and on the whole good human beings. We are carefully brainwashed to believe in them and to see no further than their false disguise of being WOLVES dressed in SHEEP's clothing.

I believed this hook,line and sinker until I was about 27 years old when I gave my life to HIM and wanted to serve HIM wholeheartedly.

Many of you will say, "Why give out Rosaries and not just simple Gospel salvation tracts?"

Well the Rosary is just that. It is a simple Gospel tract that takes one in just one week, twice, through the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That is hard to beat. Today being a Tuesday we concentrate on the Passion of Jesus Christ in the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries of His Passion. 1. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane..2. The Lashing at the Pillar..3. The humiliation of the Crown of Thorns..4. Carrying His Cross and then 5 the final Crucifixion....... All this done for us so that we can be forgiven by His sacrifice on our behalf.

So what preparation have I made for the coming Financial Crash? Martial law as ww3 rages throughout the whole world? For my children's safety? And Other matters too???

Yes I have made a big commitment and preparation and this is what it is...

This is worth more than all the gold and silver and refuge places to run to. Jesus says that if you try to save your life, you will lose it! Try saving others for eternity instead!


mjk WLY!!

Jesus! I trust in YOU!

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