Monday, 16 July 2012

an important letter to all of you

Letter to all of you

Dear Friend
Thankyou for taking the time to read this email.
Much of what I say may be common knowledge but if it is not... here goes..
I will make the following statements and then try to show you how I know this to be true.
The world since the very beginning has been ruled by satan. This is the way God has set things up.
The Bible..
satan has been using about 6000 people who call themselves the elite.ELITE. To do this job..
Of late, over the last 200 years or so, the Rothschild family, formerly the Bauer family of Frankfurt, have been the main players. Quote.." As long as I control the finances, I do not care who makes the laws!"
By grace and by the design of our Creator, I just happen to be very closely related to these Elites, so called, as they are not elite except by their own personal definition.
I recently found out that My first cousin, the son of my mother's eldest sister, Sir Peter Osborn Baronet is the father of Georg Osborn, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in other words, The Finance Minister, of the UK. The 2nd most important Politician after David Cameron.
George Osborn is a Protege of Lord Rothschild of the London house of Rothschild said to be worth 500 trillion Euro of fiat currency who I am quite sure set up my cousin's son to be one of his puppets. It is now a well known fact that Politicians, both on the left and on the right or centre, are being run by the large Mega Banks, all of whom are agents of the Rothschilds. The left right paradime is just their propaganda to mislead the general public.
The General Public have easily been mislead until very recently, by the mainstream media which has been completely bought up by the 3 or 4 of those mega bank corporations. TV and local newspapers have never been reliable sources of real information. On minor matters maybe but on what the elite want to brainwash the GP then they are a great source of misinformation.
The Internet has been the undoing and the exposing of their Propaganda manipulation and that is why matters are speeding up and events are no longer being incrementally prescribed and introduced.
All this to say that these 6000 with their Pyramid stile of control with the main players being at the peak, run wars, political parties, financial crashes, and recoveries, false flag operations and generally write History in such a way that the GP are totally deceived.
The Rockerfellers and the Bushes and others of the USA funded Hitler, Lenin and Mao as well as Churchill and Roosevelt and many others such as Pol Pot.
OK so all of this to say that the world take over, The New World Order, by satan is getting very close to completion and the current planned and orchestrated financial crash is the last step to the setting up of a One World Government, using the UN and NATO as their organs.
The time set is not totally clear but we have heard from our inside sources that this year will be the last year that the Euro and the US$ will be viable currencies. For those with cash written on paper, will soon find out that these pieces of paper with figures written on them will be worth the paper that they are written on.
Dear Friend, what you do with this info is of course entirely up to you and my job before the Lord Jesus Christ is just to inform you so that when these events that will very shortly come to pass, I will have a clear conscience in to not witholding information that could have helped people who have finances, I have none to speak about, to reinvest in silver and gold coins.
I felt it my duty to inform you of this.
Many Germans and people around the world are selling their stocks and shares and converting their paper money holdings even if in Swiss Franks into time honored Gold and Silver. If you had bought Gold 3 years ago it would be worth 3 times as much today. From 600 dollars an ounce to 1800 dollars an ounce.
If you want to discuss this further, please contact me at my email or by phone at 02262 3058845
There is a greast deal more that I could tell you.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Jaffray King

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