Thursday, 30 October 2014


WHAT MY PARENTS TAUGHT ME.. My parents were not committed CHRISTIANS..So what did they promote and what did they teach? As they did not teach me the Way, the Truth and the Life, they taught me a demonic substitute. Michael you are being a bit tough on them, aren't you? Well let's see.. They taught me the total superiority of the BRITISH race, the BRITISH empire and BRITISH values..they taught me what they called over and over again, The Killer Instinct!! In other words excel in everything you do Competitively!! The British do have an amazing SPIRIT..IT SURE AINT THE HOLY SPIRIT BUT... A spirit of dominating in sport in battle in glorious war and then to RULE.. WOGS, Western Oriental Gentlemen or really huliebulies, began at Calais.. Secretly they the whole BRITISH royalty and aristocracy really admired HITLER. Of course not during and after the war but before the war he was quite a roll model. Do some research and you will find that to be true. He believed in the Arian master white race.. Of course I swallowed this hook line and sinker until I read the Gospel of Saint John..THAT MADE ME ANGRY AND I FELT VERY CHEATED....The reason is obvious..In this famous beautiful Gospel, love, mercy and forgiveness just exude from every line... Nothing in my very expensive education had taught me that... My religious teacher, at the royal naval military academy DARTMOUTH..BRNC carefully explained away all the miracles of JESUS...I was not a Christian at the time and I raised my hand in protest to this headmaster of the College, and asked if it were not possible that the bible account might perhaps have been true?? He was furious but many in the class admired the daring of my challenge.... So was my teaching and upbringing Luciferian?? I would say Yes!! Because there are no neutrals.. Neutrality is the snake in the grass which when push comes to shove will ALWAYS fall in line with the enemy..

Monday, 27 October 2014


THE DAY MY WORLD CHANGED..IN FRONT OF MY OWN EYES... I KNEW THIS WAS COMING SINCE 1974, WHEN I DROPPED OUT OF THE MAINSTREAM WORLD AND BECAME A DROP OUT CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY... I was able to see the world through another's eyes.. The eyes of my creator..the blinds were taken off....I realised that what was being promoted as good was evil..very evil... Our governments which were elected to serve the common people had become our very deceptive masters and controllers....pretending to serve our interests they were plotting our total overthrow... Every BILDERBERGER meeting they planned and planned and planned our overthrow..With amazing cunning described in our book THE HOLY BIBLE LUKE CH 16:8 for the children of this world are in their generation wiser then the children of light. ALWAYS GO TO THE WORLD'S BEST SELLING BOOK..THE BIBLE FOR YOUR ANSWERS FROM GOD HIMSELF AND YOU CANNOT GO WRONG.. I understand perfectly and if you read your bible you should too. Our western world is run by lucifer. We have allowed him to be our ruler by turning our backs on God and his son Jesus Christ.. 50 million child abortion murders since Rowe v Wade.. Plus much much more.. There is a solution, not civil war which is just around the corner, but a return to a strong belief in the God of our Fathers. 2 Nd Chronicles ch 7:14 explains exactly what to do.. HERE IT IS PLEASE READ AND REREAD THIS KEY VERSE FOR OUR TIMES VERY CAREFULLY..IN FACT MEMORISE IT..LAY IT UP IN YOUR HEART... 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Bible) Viewing the 1611 King James Version.. If my people which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. However this perfect solution is unlikely to attract much attention but it might as Our God not the demon god allah is extremely merciful and for very few righteous people he was prepared not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah . Tighten you seat belts and pray as if everything depends on prayer...Why?????? Because it does!!!!!!!!


2 Chronicles 7:14 (1611 King James Bible) Viewing the 1611 King James Version. Click to switch to standard King James Version of 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by my Name, shall humble themselues and pray, and seeke my face, and turne from their wicked wayes: then will I heare from heauen, and will forgiue their sinne, and will heale their land.

Sunday, 26 October 2014


ASKING FRIENDS AND CONTACTS FOR DONATIONS... A good friend was surprised to receive a mailing from me in which I asked, if he, amongst a few score of my contacts, would like to take part in this rather extraordinary missionary adventure that I have been involved in for nearly 50 years. Actually this particular person already is but in a completely different way. By sending a small donation or even a big one(no limits either on how small or how big), he or she would then become a part of this ministry. Of course simply by praying for me and mine, you can also be a part...That is also true....but as I have no visible means of support, no steady income, I have to rely on the LORD JESUS touching the hearts of those who know me and Irmgard, to send me a little help from time to time.. I can assure you that we live extremely frugally..... For example..... We take no days off... We have not been on a holiday ever.... Our income each month which the Lord is very faithful to supply is always exactly enough to pay our bills... Here is an honest breakdown and if I am cheating then there is one whom I love very much who will be very displeased with my lie..Can you guess who that isπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§??? €2360 approx a month.... We have a household of 7 as my kids are working on their singing careers and have so far not succeeded in making a penny but are a tremendous help in keeping our two daughters company and doing all the laundry cooking and house cleaning setting my wife free to be a full time missionary... Out, every day for 6 to 7 Hours and then 3 hours putting our home made rosaries together when we get home as well as helping with homework from school etc etc etc. In three years we have only missed ten days for a leg infection of mine and the odd church festival where we have had to take part. So in approx 1100 days we have missed say 15 to 20 only.. I hope that will explain why from time to time, about once every two months we send out a news letter with my bank details and asking if you would like to contribute... To be honest this used to work much better when we were on a foreign field like UKRAINE or INDIA but is not the main way the Lord uses to supply our finances but just a rather small way. I do hope this will clear up any doubts you may have..if there are any questions, please drop me a line and I will do my best to answer truthfully. GBY KGFG. michael and irmgard..

Friday, 24 October 2014




PLEASE REMEMBER THAT TODAY...NOT YESTERDAY BUT TODAY IS THE VERY FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR SHORT LIFE HERE ON EARTH... SUGGESTION... Use this amazing opportunity to tell others about the good news of JESUS Christ... WHEN YOU WITNESS, YOU MOSTLY WIN.?? Nooooooo YOU SOMETIMES WIN.?? Noooooooo YOU ALWAYS WIN....WHAT DO YOU WIN.??? First... The approval of God.... Second... Souls for the Kingdom of God... Third..... Protection, provision, and a genuine feeling of contentment that you have done the right thing...


LOVING AND HATING!!!! Many people say that you must not HATE... BUT WAIT A MINUTE, THERE ARE MANY things THAT I HATE..Not people but things... I HATE HOMOSEXUALITY....but not homosexuals... THE HOMOSEXUAL ACT IS TOTALLY DISGUSTING.. Completely non productive..No new life will result from such a horror...I hate even the idea of sex with an animal..FOR ME THAT IS TOTALLY DISORDERED... I cannot even argue about it..It makes no sense... Even though I am considerably over weight, I hate being fat and wish I could just wake up and be thin with a macho body... I HATE JUDAISM AND ISLAAM...but I love JEWS and Muslims I HATE SIN especially in my own life but also in the life of others..but I love the sinner including myself.. Yes I love you a sinner and my self a sinner but I do not condone your or my sin. So there you have it.. Plain and simple... How about you??? 1 Corinthians 2:14King James Version (KJV) 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


AN EXTRAORDINARY DAY TODAY 24th October 2014 Today we remembered to spend time with JESUS praying the Rosary for YOU and all the rest of our friends and family. Then we prayed the Saint Michael prayer to protect us all from the attacks and the wiles of the devil and his evil spirits.. The kids went off to school having risen early for revision for a test. After a quick breakfast I wrote a few replies on my face book yahoo mail and gmail. I checked to see if the children money had come in as we are down to 85 € on our account..Not yet but after phoning they convinced us that it would come before the end of the month..Hallelujah we were very desperate.. Then off to the train station and onto our train... I met a very attentive young guy who was very interested in our presentation of the gospel and world events.. For me these go hand in hand..Our gospel is right up to date with world events. I wanted to offer him a rosary and it was then that I realised that I had left them all at home..The train was stopped so I had to pack everything up and get out of the train to go back home to pick up our precious rosaries. I screamed at Irmgard who was in another seat with an electrical current connection for her iPad which needed recharging. We just made it off the train and to my horror I had left my iPad on the train passenger seat. This is the second time that I have done this this year.. I was devastated as the chances of getting it back was pretty remote. I realised that my sudden move was made in a panic and without prayer. To lose an I pad under contract and replace it would be 400€. This was something I could ill afford.. The platform was deserted and the next train to go back and pick up the rosaries would mean almost an hours wait. This would mean a further reduction in our put it mildly I was in a tizz!!! Then we heard that the next train back had been cancelled. ROMANS ch 8:28 flashed through my mind bringing me little comfort. By now the next train from our half way stop would soon be leaving.. It should not have been there but because of the mix up in the train schedule was stopped here rather than at the next. We talked to the driver and he got on the phone to his mate who drove the train that was now well in front of us. Now the first miracle happened.. The train driver agreed to look back down the carriages and luckily we had been sitting near the front. We then phoned MIKEY our eldest son and he was able to track the iPad but found that it wasn't on the train, but off in the town so it seemed that someone had already removed it and was taking it home..The very worst case scenario.. At that moment the driver arrived and told us with a smile on his face that his mate driver had the I pad and would give it to us when we arrived at the main station. That was a very real and heavy load off..I was so relieved that I just wanted to celebrate and throw a party. Now Sitting in our empty carriage was a lady who was fascinated by our plight and told us that this kind of thing often happened to her. She was what we would call a sheep not a Christian but a real seeker. Now because of this extraordinary and unusual event, I was able to minister to her and chat to her.. She had lots of good questions about the Christian faith and the Holy Spirit anointed me to come up with solutions that really fitted her situation. She was so pleased with my small class on basic CHRISTIANITY and how to deal with human problems that she slipped 10€ into my hand as I got off the train. The other driver arrived clutching the very precious ipad which I thoroughly deserved to lose...I gave him a big hug which really surprised him and then off we started witnessing with only literature and no Rosaries. The surprising result was that I witnessed to far more people and made the same amount of cash as I would have done with the rosaries..Of course the small donations added up much slower, but it showed that we can do this job with or without what we consider to be the essential equipment..IF WE WITNESS, WE ALWAYS WIN!!! A L W A Y S,!!!

Thursday, 23 October 2014


ISLAM AND JUDAISM... CHRISTIANITY is a belief that centres around the CROSS OF CHRIST...The cross is so important, that if you take it away, then we have absolutely no CHRISTIANITY. You can have bible, moral teachings about loving your neighbour and church services with great orators and lots of snazzy music plus much more... Pop bands ...praise and worship....communal meals....etc etc etc..BUT IF YOU HAVE NO CROSS WITH JESUS THE SON OF GOD DYING..BEING BRUTALLY MURDERED...AFTER SWEATING BLOOD IN GETHSEMANE....THEN BEING LASHED HALF TO DEATH WITH SCORES OF WHIPPINGS SO HE WAS BLEEDING FRONT AND BACK.....THEN BEING FORCED TO WEAR A CRUEL CROWN OF THORNS PRESSED HARSHLY INTO HIS BLEEDING SKULL......THEN CARRYING HIS HEAVY CROSS EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ALREADY HALF DEAD, FALLING DOWN THREE TIMES AND THEN BEING CRUELLY WHIPPED BACK ONTO HIS FEET UNTIL HIS DEATH EVENTUALLY AND ACTUAL LY IN A SIX HOUR LONG LASTING CRUCIFIXION... . A GOOD WAY TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS TO WATCH MEL GIBSON'S BLOCK BUSTER MOVIE..."THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.".... IT IS EXTREMELY REALISTIC AND IN MY OPINION IS A MUST SEE...FOR EVERYONE....IF YOU WANT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND JUST HOW MUCH LOVE JESUS HAS FOR YOU AND ME...WHEN I SEE AN EMPTY CROSS OFTEN DISPLAYED BY PROTESTANTS, I FEEL CHEATED...AN EMPTY CROSS IS JUST LIKE AN EMPTY GALLOWS OR AN EMPTY ELECTRIC CHAIR OR AN EMPTY GUILLOTINE..TOTALLY MEANINGLESS UNLESS ONE SEES OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR HANGING THERE..THE MESSAGE IS LOST WITHOUT JESUS HANGING THERE SUFFERING FOR YOUR AND MY SINS... So let's ask a few questions??? What does JUDAISM think about the cross?? They do not deny it but see it as a just punishment for a rabble rousing false prophet the illegitimate son of Mary and a Roman soldier..JEWS actually spit at the name of JESUS.. They hate JESUS with a perfect hatred. Even some so called nice JEWS who come to visit the Dom shrine in Cologne, when I show them a rosary WITH A CROSS HANGING FROM IT..they shy away like I was offering them a hand grenade with the pin taken out...Why??? Because maybe they feel guilty?? Maybe they literally just hate JESUS and never want to be reminded of him. They have felt this way for two thousand years...This is nothing new.... NOW WHAT ABOUT MUSLIMS.?? A very nice MUSLIM can be approached and all goes very well and he may even give a donation but once he sees that cross....oh oh oh he just recoils in horror...many times I say why don't you give it to one of your Christian way hosay!!! YOU SEE THE CROSS HAS GREAT POWER.. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1st CORINTHIANS ch 1 verse 18... ALL OF THIS TO SAY THAT BIBLE BELIEVING, CROSS PREACHING, CHRISTIANITY IS ANATHEMA TO THE WORLD'S SYSTEM WHICH OF COURSE IS DOMINATED BY JEWISH ZIONIST BANKSTERS WHICH HAVE TAKEN OVER THE USA AND GB AND WESTERN EUROPE AND ARE NOW IN THE PROCESS OF TAKING OVER THE WHOLE WORLD.. My advice to you is to hang on to your Most Holy Bible and to your crucified and risen and ascended into heaven JESUS for all your worth. Do not be fooled by other religions which deny the cross like ISLAAM and who hate the cross like JUDAISM.


Every day I meet lots of MUSLIMS?...they are breeding very well and for that I admire birth control sex for pleasure but only sex for procreation.. The guy I met would give me a small donation, if I converted to Islam. So this is what I said..I looked him squarely in the eyes and said that his religion was totally demonic...then in front of him I asked our great God not allah his puny demonic God to strike me dead if I was not correct. He watched hoping to see me drop..I repeated my wish to God..please kill me if I am not telling the truth. Nothing happened so then I said the only reason that he does not strike you dead is because he loves you...then I walked away and he looked on without moving for some time. Never be afraid of the devil he cannot touch you without the God who loves you's permission. I GUARANTEE HE WILL NOT FORGET THIS ENCOUNTER UNTIL HIS DYING DAY.......

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


I'm going to call this just simply a very important conversation. So this is me Michael Jaffray King talking to you. Of course I don't know your name but you know your name. We both know our own names so that is all that matters. I know my name and you know your name and my name. Our creator knows us both intimately, intimately, yes that's right intimately. What I want to tell you is the following. Both you and I are very very important people. We both exist here on this earth during a period of time...let's hope that we can be living in the same time for at least as long as this conversation. I cannot guarantee you that I will still be alive by the time I finish writing to you, and actually you can't guarantee that you will be alive either..Of course the chances are that we will both make it for the next 5 to 10 minutes. That is a reasonable hope. So what is the purpose of this? I was listening a few minutes ago to the gospel of John being read to me by a very good friend called Simon. Now I knew Simon very well about 30 years ago and then we lost touch. We were both Christian missionaries and met in London, BROMLEY to be precise and then in India, and and then our ways went separate and now miraculously we are in contact again. He has a great gift from God....That gift is his voice. He has a Shakespearean voice and is using this voice to transmit the good news of Jesus Christ into all the world. A few minutes ago I was amazed to realise that all human life is such a miracle and such an adventure. You and I both arrived here without being asked if we wanted to come or not. When we came into the light we had absolutely no idea where we were or who we were either. We just suddenly existed as a little pretty dumb baby creature. Very slowly we started to feel hungry and then the loving arms of our mothers would comfort us and direct our mouths to a source of delicious warm nourishing liquid. Soon we could protest by making noises through our mouths...Demanding noises, angry frustrated noises and sometimes even happy, laughing and satisfied cries. Like I have already tried to explain, we knew nothing about this world when we arrived and we had to learn everything from scratch.. Literally everything and if you are truthful, we are still learning new things every day. Well you and I both know the rest of the story which takes us up to the now point in time..10.30 pm on Tuesday the 21st of October this very moment is actually the most important moment of your whole life..YES NOW...NOT FIVE MINUTES AGO AND NOT IN FIVE MINUTES TIME..You see my friend, the past is all History. There is nothing we can do to change it..The future, thank God is a mystery, and we have no idea what will happen tomorrow..But we do have the PRESENT MOMENT which likes its name really is a present, a great GIFT..We have been given the free choice to use this time, the PRESENT in any way we like.. It is our choice..We can use this precious moment for good, to help someone or for evil to harm..We can use this moment to reach out and love and that is just what I want to do to you dear friend...First I want to let you know that God loves us both so much that He sent His only begotten Son, JESUS, born of the Virgin Mary to live among us and then to voluntarily allow Himself to be sacrificed in a cruel murderous, torturous death just out of His great love for you and me, so we could be set free by His sacrifice for us, to continue for the rest of eternity in His wonderful company experiencing His power and protection and loving care for ever, just for the asking and accepting Him. And,and, and I want to let you know that I love you and care for you too and I hope and pray that you will feel the same way about me...Maybe you have met me and know what a rascal and imperfect person I am or maybe you know me through my blogs or my writings on facebook or just on the Internet or you have met me when I was out witnessing on the streets.?? every moment that we are here we are incredibly vulnerable and our little life can be snuffed out at any moment. Now my life has so far lasted 76 years. That is a lot longer than most people, think about it. In the last century millions of people never made it to the age of 24 of 24. Their lives were suddenly ended by bombs and bullets and explosions and accidents and terminal sicknesses..Both you and I have absolutely no idea where or when we will depart from this planet.. That is a secret that only God knows..our existence our God-given existence is going to end..That is certain.. Here is a great and easy to remember statistic..ONE OUT OF EVERY ONE WILL DIE TO THIS WORLD. Aren't you glad that you don't know the day nor the hour nor the circumstances? I am and I hope you are too. Please take a moment to think about what I have written and I would love to hear your personal response. By the way, are you still there? Are you still listening and reading what I'm writing and writing? as I think about this at this moment, I have absolutely no business to be here at all, and let's face it neither do you. It is just a gift to both of us so please just be thankful for this precious little moment that we have shared together. That's me Michael Jaffray King King, and you, precious you, precious you who ever you are. We are both loved by Jesus. He created us and gave us this opportunity to share this moment together. I enjoyed it immensely and I hope you did too. I would love to hear from you whoever and wherever. Thank you so much for your time. God bless you and try to keep going for God and others, until that moment when you will leave this earth for good. Okay! My precious friend good night. Sleep well and let's tell God together a very big THANKYOU for his amazing plan in allowing us this great gift of life here on earth and an even more amazing existence with HIM..after death in eternity.


Now we hear often about conspiracy theories...There are theories out there on the Internet..but there are also deep truths.. lord lucy and his entourage would have you believe by mocking you that the CONSPIRACY TRUTHS are just theories.. One way to investigate is to copy Conan Doyle's fictitional character..SHERLOCK HOLMES...Dear SHERLOCK was always looking for motives..a good example would be when Nero burned down Rome to blame the CHRISTIANS, so he could justifiably kill them.. The CHRISTIANS would gain nothing from burning down Rome any more to than president PUTIN would want to shoot down a MALAYSIAN airliner full of DUTCH people.. But the anti Russian West would gain much if they could convince the world that the wicked hitlerian PUTIN had done this dastardly deed.. I have heard that the terrible disease EBOLA is just such a staged tactic. The NWO want to take over the world.. They want people to believe that they the NWO really love the populations of the world's different countries. By the admission of that great false philanthropist Bill Gates who believes just like Britain's Duke of Edinburgh that the world population must be drastically reduced from 7 billion to half a billion..About 90% reduction in all. In other words these Eugenicists would like 9 out of 10 people to drop down dead. Bill Gates on you tube actually admitted that this could effectively be done through the use of vaccines. Now I just heard and it makes perfect sense that EBOLA is being spread through the injection needles of the RED CROSS.. Right now this is a theory but all of us need to investigate if this is true...THE MOTIVE.??? To scare everybody into submission to the governments that control our countries. Governments that are supposed to be our servants have actually become our bosses.

Saturday, 11 October 2014


My two daughters Jaz and Ruby tash...BLONDE ELECTRA... IN MY OPINION, WHAT MAKES OUR DAUGHTERS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING IS. their personalities and their very attractive CHARACTER.. That is their ace card..Sorry Mate!!! They are not like the others who are great but character and personality wise they win hands down.. They are actually HOLLYWOOD...Simon and the judges know that too so let's hold our breaths and see what happens...All the garbage that they have posted in interviews with the latest in the Daily Mail about me and their mum...about hate mails...about condemning them to hell is just BS.. We don't really mind, as scandals is what show BIZ is a lot about.... WE LOVE ALL ENTERTAINERS. They brighten up what is often just dreary lives. We have always loved J AND R OR T unconditionally..just like we love all their brothers and sisters...Their sibs of course are disappointed because they would have all liked to get in on the act, but that is normal family stuff of which anyone who has a family with more than just your sweet dog and cat will realise...I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am a SINNER SAVED BY GRACE..SAVED BY JESUS CHRIST WHO LOVES ME AND YOU SO MUCH THAT HE WENT TO THE CRUEL MURDEROUS CROSS JUST FOR YOU AND ME..IF YOU DO NOT THINK HE LOVES YOU WATCH AND RE WATCH MEL GIBSON'S CLASSIC BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE "THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST" TO SEE JUST WHAT HE HAD TO ENDURE FOR YOUR AND MY SIN..GO TO MY BLOG SPOT ON and type in my name and read 100 s of blogs about what I really believe..I have written an auto bio about my loopy life ( I love that description of my singl pringle kids) and it may soon be put into a well written book by Roger RUSSELL from USA he is working on it at present...


A FEW HOME TRUTHS... now that I am getting quite a bit of rather bad press BECAUSE, my two naughty daughters, whom I love unconditionally are making a scandal for the rest of their family in their bid for fame and fortune, on X FACTOR...THEY ARE IN THE FINALS, WHICH IS VERY EXCITING....IT MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO STATE A FEW HOME TRUTHS, MAINLY ABOUT MYSELF... HOLLYWOOD, the Pop Star music industry is quite a Mafia and of course EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND ONE OF MY VERY FAVOURITE SAYINGS... MONEY TALKS AND THE BULLSHITTERS WALK... This is how the world is run..In case you did not know and probably you already know this. THERE IS A WAY OUT OF THIS RAT RACE WHICH CAPTURES NEARLY EVERYBODY, FROM EARLY TEEN HOOD TO DEATH....?? ???? Fall madly in love with your and my creator and his son JESUS Christ and Holy MARY his and our mother.. THAT IS A SURE WAY OUT....I HAVE TRIED IT FOR NEARLY 50 years and it really works.. 13 years ago just after the birth of my 12th child in Poland my whole family converted to the Roman Catholic Church in a place called WROCTAW OR IN GERMAN BRESLAU... Here while continuing our never stopping C.I.A. (CHRISTIANS IN ACTION) CHRISTIAN activity of witnessing JESUS Christ to all and sundry, we did a one year catechism course at the Dominican monastery with father ANDJE BUNOVSKY...for sure spelt wrong but sounds phonetically correct.. HAVING BEEN MARRIED TWICE BEFORE of course my wife and I did not qualify for taking the Holy EUCHARIST so we agreed together, to live a life of other words Like brother and sister.. We had seven children between us and I was now getting pretty advanced in age a and as we did not believe in birth control or abortion, it made very good sense.. I remember well going to my first confession with Father Roman and it did take a long time as both I and my wife had been in a notorious sect, the Children of God for 25 many ways this sect was more Roman Catholic than most CATHOLICS as our new found priestly friend Polish Father CHRISTOPHER, who met us in Kiev UKRAINE, told us as he took us under his wing introducing us to Roman Catholicism. By many enemies the COG were called a sex cult and understandably so as we practised A VERY radical form of soul winning called FLIRTY FISHING..OUR PROPHET AND FOUNDER MOSES DAVID OR DAVID BERG LEAD US TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS WOULD BE PLEASED IF WE GAVE OUT FREE SEX TO THE LOST AND HURTING WORLD..This was done in a well organised way and actually won influential disciples and helpers for the movement.. No birth control was practised and resulting pregnancies and baby births were considered a privilege and the babies were called JESUS babies..As we lived a communal life of sharing like the early commune living church in Acts ch2:44&45, the babies were well taken care of.. In an ideal society which for sure does not exist on this earth, this system might have really worked but of course it was only a partial success and contributed to the break down of the natural families in the group. I had to do quite a bit of confessing for this activity before I could become a Roman Catholic. THIS HAS BEEN ELABORATED ON BY THE DAILY MAIL which is actually quite a respectable newspaper and thirty years ago I was a good friend of Leslie Watkins one of their reporters who was fascinated by our sect and wrote a great deal about this..As you from the Daily Mail are probably reading this you can do a little research and maybe Leslie Watkins is still alive but would most likely be in his 80s... I WILL WRITE MORE INSTALMENTS BUT THAT WILL HAVE TO DO FOR NOW....I hope you found that interesting...GBY AND KGFG. keep going for God...


I just want to let you know that everyone in the world is very very special...Whether you are famous infamous or a tramp living on the street or a human being living in a jungle or in a prison.. You are all creations of God..if you humble your self and repeat this little prayer, you can become a child of God and not just a creation...SO PLEASE REPEAT THIS WITH ME... DEAR JESUS COME INTO MY HEART.. I NEED YOU..FORGIVE MY SINS..ALL OF THEM WHETHER THEY BE MANY OR FEW GREAT OR SMALL. ..FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE AND PLEASE GIVE ME THE FREE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE WHICH YOU PURCHASED FOR ME ON THE CROSX OF CALVARY 2000 years ago.


I have no idea if this will get to you or not..We have read the daily mail interview and if it helps to rock your boat then good luck to you..we have just for the record never sent you hate mails or said that you will go to hell. Only JESUS can decide that one and as we daily pray for you in the Rosary prayer, I think that JESUS will be merciful as long as you don't outright reject him. I hope you will never do that..we wish you all the very best in your singing career with X FACTOR FINALS AND WE WILL TRY TO BE WATCHING.. WE THINK THAT YOU ARE BORN ACTRESSES AND PRETTY GOOD SINGERS AND YOU SURE HAVE HAD A GREAT DEAL OF PRACTISE..WHEN WE ARE APPROACHED BY THE MEDIA WE ALWAYS SAY NO COMMENT.. MUM AND DAD BOTH LOVE YOU AND I THINK THAT YOU KNOW THAT VERY WELL...NO WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU EVER WENT TO ISRAEL BUT IT WAS A NICE TRY TO IMPRESS US..AS FOR THE EMAIL BEING HACKED INTO I CANNOT HELP FEELING THAT YOU OR YOUR ASSOCIATES HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. IF I AM WRONG ON THAT ON SO BE IT BUT WE HAVE IT BACK AGAIN NOW AND I AM WRITING TO YOU BOTH ON MY YAHOO.CO.UK ACVOUNT. Ending with we love you both no matter what you say


I have no idea if this will get to you or not..We have read the daily mail interview and if it helps to rock your boat then good luck to you..we have just for the record never sent you hate mails or said that you will go to hell. Only JESUS can decide that one and as we daily pray for you in the Rosary prayer, I think that JESUS will be merciful as long as you don't outright reject him. I hope you will never do that..we wish you all the very best in your singing career with X FACTOR FINALS AND WE WILL TRY TO BE WATCHING.. WE THINK THAT YOU ARE BORN ACTRESSES AND PRETTY GOOD SINGERS AND YOU SURE HAVE HAD A GREAT DEAL OF PRACTISE..WHEN WE ARE APPROACHED BY THE MEDIA WE ALWAYS SAY NO COMMENT.. MUM AND DAD BOTH LOVE YOU AND I THINK THAT YOU KNOW THAT VERY WELL...NO WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU EVER WENT TO ISRAEL BUT IT WAS A NICE TRY TO IMPRESS US..AS FOR THE EMAIL BEING HACKED INTO I CANNOT HELP FEELING THAT YOU OR YOUR ASSOCIATES HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. IF I AM WRONG ON THAT ON SO BE IT BUT WE HAVE IT BACK AGAIN NOW AND I AM WRITING TO YOU BOTH ON MY YAHOO.CO.UK ACVOUNT. Ending with we love you both no matter what you say

Friday, 10 October 2014


THE PAST, THE FUTURE AND THE PRESENT....... I love this following quote because it makes perfect sense.. THE PAST is history......... THE FUTURE is a mystery....... THE PRESENT is a gift from GOD ALMIGHTY and we should grasp this gift with both hands and make the very best out of it.. Crying over spilt milk and past mistakes and thinking about..WHAT IF.?? Is a total waste of time..we can't change the past but we can adjust the present so as not to make those same sins and mistakes again..We can learn from past experiences but anguishing over them is a thorough waste of time.. Worrying about the future as we don't really know WHEN AND WHERE is also futile...LEAVE THE FUTURE IN THE HANDS OF GOD.. HE KNOWS BEST AND...ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSES...ROMANS CH 8:28.
HELPING ONE TO UNDERSTAND CATHOLICS... The Catholic Church was established at the inception of CHRISTIANITY. The KEY words are to be found in MATTHEW ch 16:18 Matthew 16:18King James Version (KJV) 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I (JESUS) WILL BUILD MY CHURCH... So sorry but those are not the words of some smart and intelligent theologian..Not even my words trying to prove a point..BUT THE WORDS OF THE CREATOR, FOUNDER, LORD, SAVIOUR of the human race.. This is what I recently wrote about... I LOVE MY CATHOLIC FAITH Michael Jaffray King I love my Catholic faith too..I have been a Roman Catholic for about 13 years...Why am I a catholic? Because....... 1) It is the only church which has endured, without a break for 2000 years 2) Although it has a terrible track record it continues because in MATTHEW 16:18. JESUS promised the world that HE WOULD BUILD IT COME hell or high water.(it had to be human proof) 3) the only reason to attend a Holy Mass is because JESUS is there in all parts of the service. No great preachers. No great fellowship. No showing off pretty girls or handsome men...nothing showy at all...nothing ostensibly man made except for the permanent decoration..the altar..the tabernacle..the stained glass windows..If you carefully and I mean carefully study the whole of john ch 6, you will see that he is undoubtedly in the EUCHARIST too. 8 October at 08:02 · Like · 2 Michael Jaffray King Do not become a Roman Catholic because the priest and people are nice and friendly......THEY ARE NOT SAD TO SAY BUT YOU WILL MEET JESUS AND HE IS A Yesterday at 06:47 · Like Michael Jaffray King LL YOU NEED. AND EVEN IF YOU MEET VERY NICE PEOPLE AND PRIESTS..that can be dangerous because as soon as you meet bad ones you will leave the church.. Yesterday at 06:47 · Like JESUS KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING WHEN HE ESTABLISHED THIS CHURCH WITH ITS MILLIONS OF HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS LIKE ME AND YOU.


HELPING ONE YO UNDERSTAND CATHOLICS... The Catholic Church was established at the inception of CHRISTIANITY. The KEY words are to be found in MATTHEW ch 16:18 Matthew 16:18King James Version (KJV) 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I (JESUS) WILL BUILD MY CHURCH... So sorry but those are not the words of some smart and intelligent theologian..Not even my words trying to prove a point..BUT THE WORDS OF THE CREATOR, FOUNDER, LORD, SAVIOUR of the human race.. This is what I recently wrote about... I LOVE MY CATHOLIC FAITH Michael Jaffray King I love my Catholic faith too..I have been a Roman Catholic for about 13 years...Why am I a catholic? Because....... 1) It is the only church which has endured, without a break for 2000 years 2) Although it has a terrible track record it continues because in MATTHEW 16:18. JESUS promised the world that HE WOULD BUILD IT COME hell or high water.(it had to be human proof) 3) the only reason to attend a Holy Mass is because JESUS is there in all parts of the service. No great preachers. No great fellowship. No showing off pretty girls or handsome men...nothing showy at all...nothing ostensibly man made except for the permanent decoration..the altar..the tabernacle..the stained glass windows..If you carefully and I mean carefully study the whole of john ch 6, you will see that he is undoubtedly in the EUCHARIST too. 8 October at 08:02 · Like · 2 Michael Jaffray King Do not become a Roman Catholic because the priest and people are nice and friendly......THEY ARE NOT SAD TO SAY BUT YOU WILL MEET JESUS AND HE IS A Yesterday at 06:47 · Like Michael Jaffray King LL YOU NEED. AND EVEN IF YOU MEET VERY NICE PEOPLE AND PRIESTS..that can be dangerous because as soon as you meet bad ones you will leave the church.. Yesterday at 06:47 · Like JESUS KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING WHEN HE ESTABLISHED THIS CHURCH WITH ITS MILLIONS OF HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS LIKE ME AND YOU.
Michael Jaffray King I love my Catholic faith too..I have been a Roman Catholic for about 13 years...Why am I a catholic? Because....... 1) It is the only church which has endured, without a break for 2000 years 2) Although it has a terrible track record it continues because in MATTHEW 16:18. JESUS promised the world that HE WOULD BUILD IT COME hell or high water.(it had to be human proof) 3) the only reason to attend a Holy Mass is because JESUS is there in all parts of the service. No great preachers. No great fellowship. No showing off pretty girls or handsome men...nothing showy at all...nothing ostensibly man made except for the permanent decoration..the altar..the tabernacle..the stained glass windows..If you carefully and I mean carefully study the whole of john ch 6, you will see that he is undoubtedly in the EUCHARIST too. 8 October at 08:02 · Like · 2 Michael Jaffray King Do not become a Roman Catholic because the priest and people are nice and friendly......THEY ARE NOT SAD TO SAY BUT YOU WILL MEET JESUS AND HE IS A Yesterday at 06:47 · Like Michael Jaffray King LL YOU NEED. AND EVEN IF YOU MEET VERY NICE PEOPLE AND PRIESTS..that can be dangerous because as soon as you meet bad ones you will leave the church.. Yesterday at 06:47 · Like JESUS KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING WHEN HE ESTABLISHED THIS CHURCH WITH ITS MILLIONS OF HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS LIKE ME AND YOU.


Michael Jaffray King I love my Catholic faith too..I have been a Roman Catholic for about 13 years...Why am I a catholic? Because....... 1) It is the only church which has endured, without a break for 2000 years 2) Although it has a terrible track record it continues because in MATTHEW 16:18. JESUS promised the world that he would build it come hell or high water. 3) the only reason to attend a Holy Mass is because JESUS is there in all parts of the service. No great preachers. No great fellowship. No showing off pretty girls or handsome men...nothing showy at all...nothing ostensibly man made except for the permanent decoration..the altar..the tabernacle..the stained glass windows..If you carefully and I mean carefully study the whole of john ch 6, you will see that he is undoubtedly in the EUCHARIST too. 8 October at 08:02 · Like · 2 Michael Jaffray King Do not become a Roman Catholic because the priest and people are nice and friendly......THEY ARE NOT SAD TO SAY BUT YOU WILL MEET JESUS AND HE IS A Yesterday at 06:47 · Like Michael Jaffray King LL YOU NEED. Yesterday at 06:47 · Like

Saturday, 4 October 2014


Part 2 ...IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Part 2.. TO GET THIS POINT EXTREMELY CLEARLY.... OUR LEADERS IN GOVERNMENT ARE LYING TO US ABOUT ISLAM....they tell us that "ISLAM is a peaceful religion" THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MODERATE PEACEFUL MUSLIM WHO READS STUDIES AND OBEYS THE KORAN..FULL STOP...PERIOD.... THE ONLY MODERATE PEACEFUL MUSLIM WOULD BE SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT READ AND STUDY AND OBEY THE KORAN...YES HE COULD BE A NICE CHAP AND A MODERATE...BUT...BUT...AS SOON AS HIS NORMAL KORAN READING MUSLIMS FIND OUT THAT HE IS ACTING IN A MODERATE PEACEFUL WAY....WHAT WILL THEY DO.??? THEY WILL MAYBE GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO REPENT AND IF HE DOES NOT THEY WILL KILL HIM..OR USE HIM AS A SUICIDE BOMBER TELLING HIM BY KILLING AND BLOWING UP THE INFIDEL ALLAH WILL FORGIVE HIM...I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU SUBSCRIBE TO...JIHAD WATCH...ROBERT SPENCER WHERE YOU CAN DAILY GET UPDATES AS TO THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS TOTALLY DEMONIC AND VIOLENT RELIGION....KORAN chapter 47 verse 4 .....STRIKE THE UNBELIEVER IN THE NECK.....I REST MY CASE...READ THEIR BOOK... DO NOT BE FOOLED ANY LONGER... A point MUSLIMS will bring up in their defence is to say that CHRISTIANITY is also violent and will point the practises of the church in the Middle Ages..Crusades, Witch burning, The inquisition, hanging drawing and quartering of Roman Catholics by PROTESTANTS, AND of course Catholic violent treatment of PROTESTANTS...a great example was the Spanish Armada that was designed to teach those wicked infidel PROTESTANTS of the British Isles a lesson..God did not help them but rather the PROTESTANT defenders under the leadership of Sir Francis Drake, who after a great victory against overwhelming odds said, " GOD BLEW AND THEY WERE SCATTERED", the religious wars of Northern Ireland, and yes it is true that so called CHRISTIANS have behaved extremely badly, not because they were obeying the commands of CHRIST..TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR...PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU AND DESPITEFULLY USE YOU..BUT because they were not obeying the very and extremely Holy New Testament of the extremely Holy Word of God ...THE HOLY BIBLE... PLEASE WRITE BACK AND REFUTE OR COMMENT ON WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN HERE.. I BELIEVE THAT WHAT WE ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW IS A DIRECT LEAD UP TO THAT TIME EXPLAINED IN THE BIBLE AS..."THE GREAT TRIBULATION". What do you think??? Please let me know... CHRISTIANS in the Middle East are already being beheaded crucified up side women and children..They are experiencing a time of trouble like never before...this experience the bible warns us, will be world wide, and a prelude to the 2Nd coming of JESUS Christ. Sent from my iPad

Friday, 3 October 2014


WOULDN'T IT BE REALLY GREAT TO HAVE SOME EARTH SHAKING SUPERNATURAL EVENTS HAPPENING JUST NOW???? LIKE MARY APPEARING ON TOP OF A CHURCH...OR SOMETHING EVEN MORE OBVIOUSLY COMING FROM JESUS......... satan is doing his bit...We know that ....... ISIS has been designed to bring the world into fear and disorder. THE ANTICHRIST has to come in and help restore the beaten smashed world like a WICKED FALSE saviour..... EBOLA is also part of the NWO scare tactics... MONEY MONEY MONEY...... How many of you realise that money is a total scam??? THE BANKSTERS use money which literally they make up as they go along, they just pull it out of thin air and then they put this counterfeit money to use by lending it out...It creates debt....and then when no one has money to pay back the debt they just borrow more money...THEY TALK ABOUT BANK FAILURE..BANK BAIL OUT... We think of that in terms of how we little guys use cash...We get into debt and then we have to pay it back and if we can't do it by getting a better job or working hard at a second job, we throw ourselves at the mercy of the government and live off welfare... THE GUYS AT THE VERY VERY TOP CONTROL THE MONEY SUPPLY WHICH IS LITERALLY, JUST MADE UP FIGURES... WHEN LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD SAYS THAT HE IS WORTH 500 TRILLION..HE COULD JUST AS EASILY HAVE SAID ONE QUADRILLION....NO ONE WOULD ARGUE..NO ONE AUDITS HIS BOOKS...that is why AMSTEL BAUER the original ROTHSCHILD in the early 1800s said..."If I control the money supply, I do not care who makes the laws!!!" The bankers money only really becomes money when it is lent out TO OTHERS at 8% interest... IF THEY WANTED TO, THEY COULD WIPE OUT ALL THE DEBTS IN THE WORLD AND START OVER....It is all scam money that they make up..not backed by gold, property, silver BUT just their word for it that it is real.. Only those people in the world, the vast majority of people like you and me can see the real value of their paper money because it buys a litre of milk, a car, a house, a yacht , a holiday, etc etc etc. HOW ON EARTH DO THEY PAY FOR CHEM TRAIL AIRCRAFT WHO PATROL THE SKIES DROPPING THEIR POISON ALL OVER US.??? THEY USE THEIR U N L I M I T E D SOURCE OF MADE UP OUT OF THIN AIR CASH. THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THEIR (MADE OUT OF THIN AIR MONEY) their M.O.O.T.A.M. Is to force us to submit to their tactics of turning us into slaves... SO PLEASE PRAY WITH ME THAT THE LORD WOULD DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW TO ENCOURAGE US POOR MORTALS BECAUSE WE ARE GETTING SWAMPED BY ALL THE INJUSTICES IN THIS SAD SICK HURTING WORLD..WE ALL PRAY IN JESUS NAME...........AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!