Thursday 15 November 2012

Total evil exposed!!!

Total Evil Exposed!!!! The Alex Jones Show 2012-11-15 Thursday - Edwin Vieira - Porter Stansberry - Lew Rockwell THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO THAT I HAVE EVER WATCHED..PLEASE WATCH!!!!!!!! The New World Order is Globalist LUCIFERIAN!!!!!!!!° That means Satan is doing everything he can to take over the world. That means DEATH DESTRUCTION AND STEALING FROM YOU AND ME AND EVERYTHING WE HOLD DEAR. That means banning the Most Holy Bible which is the WORD OF GOD! That means the promotion of COMMUNISM which is satan's plan for taking over the world. That means the destruction of the FAMILY... That means the banning of all religions and especially Roman Catholic Christianity, and replacing it with a NWO Religion. That means embracing EUGENICS, the slow or quick murder of the population, leaving the 6000 so called ELITES to run the world of about 1/2 a billion instead of 7 billion. That means getting rid of you and me for sure... That means a false money system made from thin air and backed by ZERO...NOTHING... That means that the megabanks, under, the in the background, Rothschild family, a family that controls every other megarich family... That means the latest speech by Ron Paul really exposes the Hell that has been planned. That means many FALSE FLAG operations will take place in the immediate future. That means that everything that is happening now has been planned for many years. There is much more which surely I have missed but for the FINAL That means.. THAT MEANS that only a total commitment to God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, will see us through this into ETERNAL LIFE with HIM for ever... That means that every one of these who have embraced the NWO will languish in Hell for eternity. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE.... As for me and my wife we will continue to choose GOD JESUS THE HOLY SPIRIT and the Saints in Heaven including THE HOLY MOTHER MARY our mother and His Mother. It is much later than you think!!!!!!!!

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