Friday 13 December 2013

A new lesson to share with you

My latest blog. My latest blog. I am learning fast how to use this amazing appliance my iPad mini. It is very user-friendly. Otherwise I would not know how to use it. It is really pretty awesome. I want to share a lesson which I think I must have shared before that maybe it is worth repeating now. Surely we all want to find out the truth the truth about many things. What do you think is the first step when you want to find out something? Yes that's right ask God ask Jesus....Matthew chapter 7 verse seven......God's telephone number ......ask and you will receive. I do not think that it is much use asking when you keep all your own ideas in front of you. When talking to God and I am preaching this to myself, it is vital to have an open mind. Put all your preconceived ideas very much on the back burner. Then God has an open channel to talk to you and get through to you. When I witness to people who have a different opinion to me, I simply tell that something like this. "soon you will be walking away from me. why don't you just ask God as to which one of us is right, or maybe we are both wrong, just ask him with an open mind. Then I tell them you must allow this process to last for two weeks. Why on earth two weeks? Does it take God is so long to get through to us? The answer is not at all, it is us that need the two weeks. God will probably show you the answer in a few minutes. But you will think in your heart oh that is just a coincidence! When you have had two weeks of coincidence, coincidence coincidence, then maybe the penny will drop. I know this works because I have tried it so many times. God loves us he is crazy about us so why would He not want to tell us the truth? Think about it is just obvious isn't it? I think this is a great way to challenge Muslims atheists Jehova witnesses Mormons etc.... Please try this and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. We do not have to be ignorant about anything that is important and that we should know about. It is just that simple. God bless you and have a wonderfully happy Christmas. Thanks for all your prayers and support for me and my wife and our ministry together. You all are a part of this ministry. We could not do it with out you.

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