Friday 20 June 2014

IT'S A SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION GOR JESUS ....JUST LIKE the early 70s all over again..

IT IS A REVOLUTION FOR JESUS CHRIST..ALL OVER AGAIN FIRST THANKS SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME ALL RILED UP.. WITHOUT YOUR HELP AND REMARKS I WOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN THE FOLLOWING..YOU WERE THE CATALYST THAT GOD USED FOR ME TO GET THIS VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT OUT ON THE INTERNET TO ALL OUR BROTHERS ANS SISTERS Ok so you make a in my opinion, a very very weak point about my comments on the baby tract...what about sex abuse to his daughters..what about those amazing end time witnesses ZERBY and her son DAVIDITO..what about sex in heaven.. Do you have a bible??? A New Testament. Do you read it??? Like David of old he started out well but thank God DAVID of old only stayed home once and got into his best generals wife...for which he begged for forgiveness for being an adulterer and a murderer, and got it...he remained a man after God's heart.. My job is to try and get a whole bunch of amazing revolutionaries to go back to the soul winning disciple winning days of the 70s and stop paying 10% to cowards who bullshit sbout looooove while the REST of the world goes to hell in a hand basket. We are not living in Kansas any more...please be reasonable.. Open your eyes and see that the labourers are so few and the harvest is so ripe.... REMEMBER THAT HEART WRENCHING SONG ABOUT THE LABOURERS BEING SO FEW.. AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING SONG...Please let me know when you last prayed with a hurting lost sinner to receive JESUS into his heart. Today I did this at least 10 times and if I bothered to count which I don't as I meet and pray with SO many people it was probably much more.. Today was just a normal day in my life...I met Indians Muslims Americans South Americans French Italian Polish Russian and more.. How about you ???? I am 75 how old are you 60 some you are a youngster by comparison.. Please help me rather than BACK up some OLD BOTTLE people who are not your mum and dad who lead us all astray over SEX...this is not biblical..have you studied the early church martyrs and sold out soul and disciple winners of the early church.. You can do this on the internet. I realise thAT you are hurt.. I was hurt FAITHY was hurt Deborah was hurt when her father made sexual advances on her... Please help me not just to expose these absolutely wicked excesses but get people back to forsaking all and living by faith. Keep mountain man and stop look and listen but ditch all the other garbage that did not do the trick... I am not trying to make you mad like FREECOG but to get you off of your butt and not just get your lit together like you said you were going to do for some future escapade but to take off and do domething about it...NOW NOT TOMORROW we need to get KELLY ZERBY and their ilk to do the same.. I am going to post this on the web and leave out your name..ROMANS ch 8:28 applies I hope you still know what that says and not somE Rubbish stray mo quote which may well not be backed up by scripture.. I do not want you as an enemy but as a friend in a deadly serious battle ..good against evil JESUS against lucifer please help and stop backing up some old bottles sitting with their suitcase of krugerands and flee bags packed while we give them 10% for what mate??nothing???give them a chance to say sorry and if they don't! dump them??hand them over to satan..PLEASE THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO START OVER.. WE CAN DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME...CUT THE EXCESS BAGGAGE... CUT THE CRAP...AND GET OUT EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY LIKE PATTON SAID AND WIN THE WORLD OTHERWISE YOU WILL DIE ON THE VINE IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY.....PLEASE REPLY TO THIS THIS IS A CLARION CALL TO ALL OF YOU ZERBY AND KELLY TOO.. THEY CAN BE FORGIVEN IF THEY BEG FOR MERCY TO JESUS FOR THEIR HALF HEARTED WICKEDNESS. I really want you to reply.. I don't want you to follow me but to follow JESUS just like we did in the past and then let us all know on the web how you managed...we look forward to hearing not how you back up old bottles that are dead.. Let the dead bury the dead and you must know many old timers who are wasting their live TFI ing.. Maybe you can find FAITHY JETHRO HOSEA. We need them back.. They can lead but this time from the here is a prayer an on line prayer... DEAR JESUS YOU KNOW MY HEART.. I AM JUST A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE NO BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE BUT PLEASE USE THIS WEAK OLD MAN YOUR JOSEPH MJK TO HELP BRING LIFE BACK INTO THE DEAD BONES OF THOS WONDERFUL MISSIONARIES OF YESTERCENTURY.. WE ASK YOU THIS IN THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES... JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFIED RISEN AND ASCENDED. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND THE SON SND THE HOLY SPIRIT..A M E N ,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!

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