Friday 27 June 2014


THE GREATEST AND MOST EXCITING AND FULFILLING ACTIVITY IMAGINABLE.... THIS IS A SHORT LETTER TO MY PRODUCER OF A BOOK HE IS WORKING ON...HITCH HIKING TO HEAVEN....taken from my auto bio... He mentioned, after reading my account of what it could be like during the time if the GREAT TRIBULATION ...I sent this out to you yesterday...that he would prefer not to be around during such a terrible time.. This is what I just wrote back to him.. Maybe it will help you too.Let's see!!!??? In one way I agree...but in another it is going to be a time of great excitement..God's hand will be very plain to see..WITH GROSS DARKNESS THERE IS ALSO HIS LIGHT AND PRESENCE WHICH OVERPOWERS THE EVIL......If I have learned one thing in life that really turns me on is to experience God's hand and intervention in my life..To FEEL THE JOY OF walking hand in hand with Him is just awesome.. Of course we only get glimpses of it..Even today with the people I met witnessing was a great experience and when the three intense hours are over and one has given one's all, a WONDERFUL feeling of satisfaction comes over us both...We feel a FULFILMENT that I doubt others feel and if they do maybe it is only once a week or month but honestly with us it is every day..When we start out it is a huge trial to get going as the odds are so great.. We know that the crowds around us on the whole could not give a damn about JESUS and yet we pray to be guided quickly to the sheep..And he always does.. WE HAVE TO BE BOLD AND SMILING AND EVEN CRACK JOKES TO GET THEIR ATTENTION..OF COURSE WE ARE OLD TIMERS AT THIS JOB SO WE ARE PRETTY GOOD AT IT.. Sorry for the caps..but to see people smile and enjoy their encounter with us and then the prayer....Please JESUS come into my heart.. Forgive me for my sins.. Fill me with your love and give me the free gift of eternal life..And then I tell them about what I know about the future and how it is going to be so important to stay close to JESUS by acknowledging him moment by moment. They also have my address email etc so they can get in touch..the DARKER IT GETS then the more important our job will become and if we are trying and if He is leading us then he will protect us and use us and keep us safe why?? Because the harvest is so ripe and the labourers so few.. JESUS needs us.. We are very important to Him And so are you as you try to turn my crazy life into an interesting read..ALSO TO OTHERS READING THIS..TRY TO HELP OTHERS FIND JESUS..BECOME A GUIDE TO OTHERS JUST IN THE WAY YOU TALK TO PEOPLE.. It is really very easy to do especially if you are in love with JESUS CHRIST.. You will so enjoy talking about him and sharing him knowing that if people respond you are giving them something priceless.....AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANT YOU WILL BE PLEASING HIM..YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TURNING JESUS ON..IMAGINE THAT,!?,!! You have the power to make JESUS happy. Silly little old me and you can make the creator of the universe happy!!!WOWWWWWWW. THINK ABOUT IT.......!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks do much for taking on this job we must pray that many lost precious souls will be touched by your book..HITCH HIKING TO HEAVEN... GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU DEAR R...... Sent from my iPad

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