Monday 4 August 2014


WHAT IS ONE OF MY GREATEST WISHES.??? In the children of GOD, a JESUS revolution movement started in California by David Berg and his children, was something exactly what I was looking for... It gave me the opportunity to be a full time WITNESSER ...a full time distributor of salvation literature and be a part of a brotherhood not experienced since the early church revolution of the 1st century. The main stream churches and even the smaller variety of somewhat private churches numbering in 30,000 small denominations could not really compare with what we had discovered and were practising in the early 70s.....OF COURSE IT WAS A HUGE CHALLENGE TO STEP OUT BY FAITH WITHOUT ANY VISIBLE MEANS OF SUPPORT AND TO JUST TRUST THE LORD JESUS FOR HIS PROVISION..HELP...AND ENCOURAGEMENT...for those of us who tried to walk on this spiritual water, knowing that water does not support weight and is only good for swimming in, to our amazement it worked and it worked really well or really good as Americans would say mixing up their adjectives and nouns as we would mix flour and water. Yes we made mistakes and yes we tried all manner of experiments to keep this movement afloat...but sadly it began to fail..I believe that I know exactly why it failed and I will try to tell you.. If you read my many blogs, you will find that I have touched on this many times so here I am once again trying to say it in a way which I hope will touch your hearts and minds. We failed because we stopped witnessing..We stopped going out completely without cash and winning souls and then trusting that the GREAT GOD OF THE UNIVERSE would somehow by hook or by crook provide for HIS CHILDREN...So there you have it.... I write this for all those who crossed my path and whom I loved and whom I so long to see being used again. We live in perilous times..WW 3 is almost upon us.. Satan is using wicked mislead leaders to destroy us at every own first cousin is one of the so called mislead Luciferian elite that is leading our world by the design of the destructive murderous one to annihilation. FOLLOWING THE LUCIFERIAN ROTHSCHILD FAMILY....They have been used for 200 years to lead the world towards its total rejection of the Bible..THE WORD of GOD...Using fiat currency that they produce out of thin air they control us all...MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS.. 1st Timothy 6:10 a modern paraphrase thereof.. I write this for the following whom I love dearly and I will use the names that I remember you by.. Your bible names just as mine was English Joseph so I write to you in the order that I remember you very affectionately by..FAITHY...BIG JOSH...HOSEA...ESTHER...JONAS...DEBORAH... JETHRO... ZADOCK...JUSTICE POUND...ELISHA... CADIS AND CARSHENA....JAY AND AOLA... PRIMAVERA...GENTLENESS... SINGING SAM..PETHUEL.. MICHAEL FOGARTY.. SIMON PETER...MICAH TEDDY BEAR... SHARON...LUKE THE FRENCH PROVISIONER...SOLOMON DRUMMER.....JOASH PRINTER....LYDIA AND PHILLIP....HEZEKIAH AND ANGELA...SHARON THE BLACK fearless first bible teacher and was he good...amazing....little old GALLIO ..probably pretty old by now.. I am pushing 76 so he must be in his 60s.. NOW OF COURSE THERE ARE MANY OTHERS...LIKE CHRIS AND JOY FROM POONAM BUILDING IN BOMBAY....DAWN ..FROM DELHI..PENNY AND JESSE FROM PEDDER ROAD BOMBAY....ABIGAIL....HOW I LONG TO SEE YOU BEING USED AGAIN FOR HIS GLORY...ALL OF YOU..PLEASE GET THIS LETTER TO ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE FAMILY THAT GREAT FAMILY OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD...ok yes SAMSON and AARAH?. THADDEUS.. GIDDELL...PLEASE JESUS RAISE UP THESE GREAT WARRIORS OF YOURS AND MIGHTILY USE THEM ONCE MORE.. FOR MY PART I WITNESS EVERY DAY AND LIVE FROM THE PROCEEDS.. IT WORKS TODAY..HE WORKS TODAY BECAUSE HE SAYS THAT... I CHANGE NOT.. I AM THE SAME TODAY AND FOR EVER..GBY KGFG PRAY FOR ME AS I PRAY FOR YOU... ENGLISH JOSEPH AND JOANNA EX HEIDE....PLUS 7 children plus 5 more plus 18 more grand children and two great grand children...JESUS DOES NOT JUST LOVE YOU.....NO NO NO HE IS CRAZY ABOUT YOU.. !!!!!!!!!! HE KNOWS ALL ABOUT ALL YOUR FAILURES, SINS AND JUST PURE WICKEDNESS AND AND AND HE STILL LOVES YOU BEYOND ALL MEASURE..

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