SUNDAY BLOG 1st of July 2012...
Why all these events are happening and about to happen?
Why? Why? Why???????
Why Not??
Satan has always had the job of running this world.. If he did not then we would have no free choice to choose JESUS CHRIST instead of him.
For those of us who have been living in the comparatively cosy West, we have all had a holiday for the last nearly 70 years.
Even the poorest of us like myself and my family live in comfort.
We have a roof over our heads. Electricity. Running water. Toilets. Kitchen. Bedroom with comfortable beds. PLUS a great deal more. Old car which goes. Friends. And the list is just great in that all that God has given us..Freedom to choose our own religion..A computer on line so that I can write to you all, and I can browse the web and find out what is really happening in the world from the non satanically controlled main stream media..
Sadly though, how many people are thankful?? How many people regularly thank God and tell Him how blessed we are by Him? How many give a damn for HIM who is the Creator of the Universe and you and me??
The answer...
Very few...
So now comes the time of reckoniong..
What can we expect in the next, months, weeks? All carefully staged and planned..
Who by???
The Elite so called who are the disciples of satan or lucifer or the devil.
A combination of the following for sure......
World War 3..
Economic disaster..
Civil unrest..
Martial law with troops on the street trying to calm down the hungry, starving masses.
Empty Supermarkets..
Electricity turned off..
No water... No toilets ...
In other words chaos... Oh and I nearly forgot, huge staged events which will make 9/11 look like a Sunday school outing, by comparison. Having staged the event, the cunning serpent will then pretend to be the saviour by now coming to the rescue
Something huge is planned for the London Olympics and those organising do not seem to mind if we know about it or not.
The most important thing we all have to do is to turn to Jesus Christ and admit it is our fault. But I can just hear you saying..." No, I am a Christian and I love the Lord!" Sorry but that will not do.. What have you done to spread the Gospel?? How much time do you spend in Prayer and warning and helping others? I know that I could have done much much more...How about you???...We have gravely and deeply sinned. We deserve all the hell that satan is going to throw at us and we need to, all of us, cry out for Mercy... Mercy... Mercy...
God is so great, that when we do that He will respond for each one of us individually. He will see us through.. He will even use us to help others like never before.. People will be desperate and many will turn to HIM..
That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war... Forest Gump quote!!
Look forward to hearing from you..
Let's stick together and help each other all we can.. It is in helping others that we will be saved.
Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Please write me with your comments.. I would love to hear from you!!!
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
The 2 designers part 2
The two designers!!!
Every thing we see and everything we experience and everything that happens has been designed.
How do we know that there is a God and a very good and excellent loving God at that?
Because of His great design..
The Universe..
His Creation..
Everything beautiful we see around us.
Yes, just like Luis Armstrong sang in my very favourite song.."It's a wonderful World!"
Even Karl Marx who hated God and also believed in Him too just like the Devil does... said "There is a design!"
Now if there is a design one can deduce from the very simplest algebraic equation that there is a DESIGNER!!!
Through History right from the Garden of Eden, there has been a second and extremely wicked jealous designer who is trying as hard as he can to destroy the beautiful designs of God... The GOOOOOOD! GOD!!!! and GOOOOOD are almost the same word.. Have you noticed trhat?
Just like Evil and DEVIL are almost the same word..
That is just a coincidence or is it?
Maybe your student in your class painted a beautiufl picture, then a very jealous student on purpose spilt a great deal of paint all over it.
I am sure you have witnessed events like that even amongst your children.
Well the GOOOOOD GOD designed a most beautiful Universe and immediately the enemy
tried to spoil it.
Even today with Chem trails and GMO foods and Fluoride in the water False Flag Operations and much much more.
THEN HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE GOOD GOD ALWAYS ALLOWS him to do this and then turns his wickedness and so called spoilt picture and makes an even more beautiful picture out of it.
The Crucifixion is the most perfect example.
Christ is murdered and tortured by the devil and his wicked disciples and then God takes all this wickedness and TRUMPS it all with the Resurrection!!! Game! Set!! Match to Jesus!!!
I want you to know that YES and very definitely YESSSSSS
There will be the most Horrifying THIRD WORLD WAR...
IT has already begun.
God is allowing it..It is very necessary..
For nearly seventy years we have had peace and prosperity...
VICTOR HUGO who wrote one of my most favourite of all books and turned into great movie.. ""LES MISERABLES"
said and I quote..
This war will wake many people up and without it many would go straight to hell.
The adversity that we will all very soon experience will make us into men and women of GOD. That is God's plan for you.. He wants to make you into a real God fearing and God loving and God practicing Man and Woman.
Not just a spoiled brat!!! INSTEAD
A Martyr for the cause. His cause which has been so sadly neglected for most of the History of the world and especially the last 70 years since the end of WW2.
Part 2
Both Designers are at work.
satan and JESUS.
I refuse to give satan capital letters for his name.
Jesus is designing life and that very abundantly and satan is also up to his designs too. What are they?? Death Destruction and Robbery.John Ch 10 v 10
Now both of the designers at this stage require human participation.
Whoever the Humans back will win for the time being.
Right now it is pretty much Game Set Match to evil!
Because that is who the humans back.
Their governments back unjust wars.
Iraq (Babylon)... Then Egypt... Then Libya...Then Syria and then Persia...
The USA and Europe have already been conquered through a banking emplosion. The technocrats so called, having caused the crash of cash through their wicked derivative gambling, have taken over. Politics was only a game to deceive the people.
Now we will soon see a New World Order and a World Government ruled through the UN:
WW3 is just around the corner...ALL BY DESIGN!!!
Why? Because we are all or nearly all cooperating with satan.
His wicked design only works because people or humans or whatever we want to call ourselves, have forsaken their God. Rread History...HIS STORY.. not your or mine story but HIS STORY..
It always happens that way but and thank God for the BUT, there is always a good way out eventually.. After killing 260 million, non combatants, in the last century alone, governments had to slow down and there were no major wars just scores of little ones to keep the armamnet industry and the Military Industrial Complexes alive and kicking and PROSPEROUS..
Remember what Victor Hugo said..
Prosperity makes MONSTERS
but ADVERSITY makes MEN:
What can we do about it??
Continue to try to wake people up and if enough of us awake and return to God then this can and will be all avoided.
2 Chronicles 7:14
1611 King James Version of 2 Chronicles 7:14
My favourite version of the Bible brought in by none other than my Great to the power of about 20 Grand Father King James the 1st of England and James the 6th of Scotland.
He was a pretty terrible guy but he did one very good thing.. THE KJV BIBLE!!!!!!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible "Authorized Version"
Every thing we see and everything we experience and everything that happens has been designed.
How do we know that there is a God and a very good and excellent loving God at that?
Because of His great design..
The Universe..
His Creation..
Everything beautiful we see around us.
Yes, just like Luis Armstrong sang in my very favourite song.."It's a wonderful World!"
Even Karl Marx who hated God and also believed in Him too just like the Devil does... said "There is a design!"
Now if there is a design one can deduce from the very simplest algebraic equation that there is a DESIGNER!!!
Through History right from the Garden of Eden, there has been a second and extremely wicked jealous designer who is trying as hard as he can to destroy the beautiful designs of God... The GOOOOOOD! GOD!!!! and GOOOOOD are almost the same word.. Have you noticed trhat?
Just like Evil and DEVIL are almost the same word..
That is just a coincidence or is it?
Maybe your student in your class painted a beautiufl picture, then a very jealous student on purpose spilt a great deal of paint all over it.
I am sure you have witnessed events like that even amongst your children.
Well the GOOOOOD GOD designed a most beautiful Universe and immediately the enemy
tried to spoil it.
Even today with Chem trails and GMO foods and Fluoride in the water False Flag Operations and much much more.
THEN HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE GOOD GOD ALWAYS ALLOWS him to do this and then turns his wickedness and so called spoilt picture and makes an even more beautiful picture out of it.
The Crucifixion is the most perfect example.
Christ is murdered and tortured by the devil and his wicked disciples and then God takes all this wickedness and TRUMPS it all with the Resurrection!!! Game! Set!! Match to Jesus!!!
I want you to know that YES and very definitely YESSSSSS
There will be the most Horrifying THIRD WORLD WAR...
IT has already begun.
God is allowing it..It is very necessary..
For nearly seventy years we have had peace and prosperity...
VICTOR HUGO who wrote one of my most favourite of all books and turned into great movie.. ""LES MISERABLES"
said and I quote..
This war will wake many people up and without it many would go straight to hell.
The adversity that we will all very soon experience will make us into men and women of GOD. That is God's plan for you.. He wants to make you into a real God fearing and God loving and God practicing Man and Woman.
Not just a spoiled brat!!! INSTEAD
A Martyr for the cause. His cause which has been so sadly neglected for most of the History of the world and especially the last 70 years since the end of WW2.
Part 2
Both Designers are at work.
satan and JESUS.
I refuse to give satan capital letters for his name.
Jesus is designing life and that very abundantly and satan is also up to his designs too. What are they?? Death Destruction and Robbery.John Ch 10 v 10
Now both of the designers at this stage require human participation.
Whoever the Humans back will win for the time being.
Right now it is pretty much Game Set Match to evil!
Because that is who the humans back.
Their governments back unjust wars.
Iraq (Babylon)... Then Egypt... Then Libya...Then Syria and then Persia...
The USA and Europe have already been conquered through a banking emplosion. The technocrats so called, having caused the crash of cash through their wicked derivative gambling, have taken over. Politics was only a game to deceive the people.
Now we will soon see a New World Order and a World Government ruled through the UN:
WW3 is just around the corner...ALL BY DESIGN!!!
Why? Because we are all or nearly all cooperating with satan.
His wicked design only works because people or humans or whatever we want to call ourselves, have forsaken their God. Rread History...HIS STORY.. not your or mine story but HIS STORY..
It always happens that way but and thank God for the BUT, there is always a good way out eventually.. After killing 260 million, non combatants, in the last century alone, governments had to slow down and there were no major wars just scores of little ones to keep the armamnet industry and the Military Industrial Complexes alive and kicking and PROSPEROUS..
Remember what Victor Hugo said..
Prosperity makes MONSTERS
but ADVERSITY makes MEN:
What can we do about it??
Continue to try to wake people up and if enough of us awake and return to God then this can and will be all avoided.
2 Chronicles 7:14
1611 King James Version of 2 Chronicles 7:14
My favourite version of the Bible brought in by none other than my Great to the power of about 20 Grand Father King James the 1st of England and James the 6th of Scotland.
He was a pretty terrible guy but he did one very good thing.. THE KJV BIBLE!!!!!!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible "Authorized Version"
Has the devil become suddenly better?????
What makes you think the devil is not determined to carry out his objectives?
Why should the world be now a better place than before?
In the last century over 260 million non combatants were killed by Governments.
Why do you think that in the 21st Century things will be better.
They could be if there was a mass turning to the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Has there been such a turning?
No and on the contrary there has been a mass falling away from the Truth. In my posts called THE TWO DECEIVERS I made it clear that God's hands are very much tied by the disobedience of His Creation.
If they do not Love, Acknowledge and Obey Him there is not much He can do. These are the rules that He has made and He has stuck to them right through History... HIS STORY..
Check this out and see for yourself.
It is like the sad joke that the one thing we learn from History...wait for it...WE NEVER LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
So Yes and most definitely Yes, there will be a terrible 3rd World War which could start in the next few weeks or just a very few months!
Yes there will be a total world collapse of all currencies!
Yes there will be Civil war too!
Yes there will be epidemics of huge proportions!
Yes there will be the setting up of a World Banking and financing system which will put the world firmly in the hand of the Banksters who follow their Chief Bankster... lucifer...satan...or just the plain devil..
This has been designed and planned for a very long time and unless there is a huge awakening... and there could be but I doubt it.. not yet at least...then the NWO will take over the world. NWO means New World Order...
Yes and thank God that He will soon return and this last effort of Hell will only be allowed to take place over a short period of time..anything from between 3 and a 1/2 to 7 years.
PRAY at least do that much!!
PRAY the Rosary...Go to youtube to find out how to do it.
It is a physical tool with a huge Spiritual potential.
It takes 20 minutes or so to pray in full. Every day we meditate on a different aspect of Christs existence... His Birth...His Ministry...His Passion... and His Resurrection...
The Lord's own special prayer is prayed 6 times in that period and His Name which is above every Name in Heaven and on Earth is mentioned at least 66 times!!!
That is one great Powerful Prayer and the very 1st Protestant, Martin Luther thought so too.
And for the benefit of a few Protestant Protesters, mainly lapsed Catholics, we do not worship Mary.. Mary is a very special creation of God and she always, and I mean always, points to her Son Jesus Christ. She takes no glory for herself but God has given her a special status as His own Holy Mother, and ours too if we will take her, who unlike the first WOMAN EVE, obeyed the call of God and allowed herself to be the Taberncle for 9 months so that Jesus could be born into this world. Then she went from there to take care of Him and was present at the Cross and after the Resurrection and Ascension and in the upper room at the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, with all the followers.
Even if you cannot and refuse to handle this one why bother to argue in a time when all these terrible events are about to take place?? It is stupid plain stupid and we should unite as Christians with all of our faults, sins and hangups to fight the enemy whose three names have already been mentioned above with on purpose small letters. He is a deceiver.. He is a Eugenicist Murderer of the Human creation of God.. and He is a Thief...and He is a Destroyer of all that is good and lovely...
Saint John's Gospel Ch 10 v 10.. Check it out!! GBY and KGFG and send me some help so that I can continue my crusade against him.. Thanks.!!!
What makes you think the devil is not determined to carry out his objectives?
Why should the world be now a better place than before?
In the last century over 260 million non combatants were killed by Governments.
Why do you think that in the 21st Century things will be better.
They could be if there was a mass turning to the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Has there been such a turning?
No and on the contrary there has been a mass falling away from the Truth. In my posts called THE TWO DECEIVERS I made it clear that God's hands are very much tied by the disobedience of His Creation.
If they do not Love, Acknowledge and Obey Him there is not much He can do. These are the rules that He has made and He has stuck to them right through History... HIS STORY..
Check this out and see for yourself.
It is like the sad joke that the one thing we learn from History...wait for it...WE NEVER LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
So Yes and most definitely Yes, there will be a terrible 3rd World War which could start in the next few weeks or just a very few months!
Yes there will be a total world collapse of all currencies!
Yes there will be Civil war too!
Yes there will be epidemics of huge proportions!
Yes there will be the setting up of a World Banking and financing system which will put the world firmly in the hand of the Banksters who follow their Chief Bankster... lucifer...satan...or just the plain devil..
This has been designed and planned for a very long time and unless there is a huge awakening... and there could be but I doubt it.. not yet at least...then the NWO will take over the world. NWO means New World Order...
Yes and thank God that He will soon return and this last effort of Hell will only be allowed to take place over a short period of time..anything from between 3 and a 1/2 to 7 years.
PRAY at least do that much!!
PRAY the Rosary...Go to youtube to find out how to do it.
It is a physical tool with a huge Spiritual potential.
It takes 20 minutes or so to pray in full. Every day we meditate on a different aspect of Christs existence... His Birth...His Ministry...His Passion... and His Resurrection...
The Lord's own special prayer is prayed 6 times in that period and His Name which is above every Name in Heaven and on Earth is mentioned at least 66 times!!!
That is one great Powerful Prayer and the very 1st Protestant, Martin Luther thought so too.
And for the benefit of a few Protestant Protesters, mainly lapsed Catholics, we do not worship Mary.. Mary is a very special creation of God and she always, and I mean always, points to her Son Jesus Christ. She takes no glory for herself but God has given her a special status as His own Holy Mother, and ours too if we will take her, who unlike the first WOMAN EVE, obeyed the call of God and allowed herself to be the Taberncle for 9 months so that Jesus could be born into this world. Then she went from there to take care of Him and was present at the Cross and after the Resurrection and Ascension and in the upper room at the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, with all the followers.
Even if you cannot and refuse to handle this one why bother to argue in a time when all these terrible events are about to take place?? It is stupid plain stupid and we should unite as Christians with all of our faults, sins and hangups to fight the enemy whose three names have already been mentioned above with on purpose small letters. He is a deceiver.. He is a Eugenicist Murderer of the Human creation of God.. and He is a Thief...and He is a Destroyer of all that is good and lovely...
Saint John's Gospel Ch 10 v 10.. Check it out!! GBY and KGFG and send me some help so that I can continue my crusade against him.. Thanks.!!!
Monday, 25 June 2012
The two designers!!!
Every thing we see and everything we experience and everything that happens has been designed.
How do we know that there is a God and a very good and excellent loving God at that?
Because of His great design..
The Universe..
His Creation..
Everything beautiful we see around us.
Yes, just like Luis Armstrong sang in my very favourite song.."It's a wonderful World!"
Even Karl Marx who hated God and also believed in Him too just like the Devil does... said "There is a design!"
Now if there is a design one can deduce from the very simplest algebraic equation that there is a DESIGNER!!!
Through History right from the Garden of Eden, there has been a second and extremely wicked jealous designer who is trying as hard as he can to destroy the beautiful designs of God... The GOOOOOOD! GOD!!!! and GOOOOOD are almost the same word.. Have you noticed trhat?
Just like Evil and DEVIL are almost the same word..
That is just a coincidence or is it?
Maybe your student in your class painted a beautiufl picture, then a very jealous student on purpose spilt a great deal of paint all over it.
I am sure you have witnessed events like that even amongst your children.
Well the GOOOOOD GOD designed a most beautiful Universe and immediately the enemy
tried to spoil it.
Even today with Chem trails and GMO foods and Fluoride in the water and much much more.
THEN HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE GOOD GOD ALWAYS ALLOWS him to do this and then turns his wickedness and so called spoilt picture and makes an even more beautiful picture out of it.
The Crucifixion is the most perfect example.
Christ is murdered and tortured by the devil and his wicked disciples and then God takes all this wickedness and TRUMPS it all with the Resurrection!!! Game! Set!! Match to Jesus!!!
I want you to know that YES and very definitely YESSSSSS
There will be the most Horrifying THIRD WORLD WAR...
IT has already begun.
God is allowing it..It is very necessary..
For nearly seventy years we have had peace and prosperity...
VICTOR HUGO who wrote one of my most favourite of all books and turned into great movie.. ""LES MISERABLES"
said and I quote..
This war will wake many people up and without it many would go straight to hell.
The adversity that we will all very soon experience will make us into men and women of GOD. That is God's plan for you.. He wants to make you into a real God fearing and God loving and God practicing Man and Woman.
Not just a spoiled brat!!! INSTEAD
A Martyr for the cause. His cause which has been so sadly neglected for most of the History of the world and especially the last 70 years since the end of WW2.
Every thing we see and everything we experience and everything that happens has been designed.
How do we know that there is a God and a very good and excellent loving God at that?
Because of His great design..
The Universe..
His Creation..
Everything beautiful we see around us.
Yes, just like Luis Armstrong sang in my very favourite song.."It's a wonderful World!"
Even Karl Marx who hated God and also believed in Him too just like the Devil does... said "There is a design!"
Now if there is a design one can deduce from the very simplest algebraic equation that there is a DESIGNER!!!
Through History right from the Garden of Eden, there has been a second and extremely wicked jealous designer who is trying as hard as he can to destroy the beautiful designs of God... The GOOOOOOD! GOD!!!! and GOOOOOD are almost the same word.. Have you noticed trhat?
Just like Evil and DEVIL are almost the same word..
That is just a coincidence or is it?
Maybe your student in your class painted a beautiufl picture, then a very jealous student on purpose spilt a great deal of paint all over it.
I am sure you have witnessed events like that even amongst your children.
Well the GOOOOOD GOD designed a most beautiful Universe and immediately the enemy
tried to spoil it.
Even today with Chem trails and GMO foods and Fluoride in the water and much much more.
THEN HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE GOOD GOD ALWAYS ALLOWS him to do this and then turns his wickedness and so called spoilt picture and makes an even more beautiful picture out of it.
The Crucifixion is the most perfect example.
Christ is murdered and tortured by the devil and his wicked disciples and then God takes all this wickedness and TRUMPS it all with the Resurrection!!! Game! Set!! Match to Jesus!!!
I want you to know that YES and very definitely YESSSSSS
There will be the most Horrifying THIRD WORLD WAR...
IT has already begun.
God is allowing it..It is very necessary..
For nearly seventy years we have had peace and prosperity...
VICTOR HUGO who wrote one of my most favourite of all books and turned into great movie.. ""LES MISERABLES"
said and I quote..
This war will wake many people up and without it many would go straight to hell.
The adversity that we will all very soon experience will make us into men and women of GOD. That is God's plan for you.. He wants to make you into a real God fearing and God loving and God practicing Man and Woman.
Not just a spoiled brat!!! INSTEAD
A Martyr for the cause. His cause which has been so sadly neglected for most of the History of the world and especially the last 70 years since the end of WW2.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
there are no neutrals
There are no neutrals!
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the Holy Bible..
Chapter 3 verses
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
What does the Neutral tend to say?
The Devil is not so bad!
There is no Devil! It's just a figment of our imagination.
The Governments and the Mega Rich are just decent people who have made a great deal of money legitimately!
The Illuminati and this idea that there is a small group of people who meet at the Bildeberger conference to work out world strategy is just a conspiracy theory.
Christianity is just one of many man made religions and is not really true.
Dan Brown got it right.
Jesus was an historical figure but was just a good man with high morals and maybe he was more human than we think and had sex with Mary Magdalene.
Global warming is real.. This warming is caused by the overpopulation of the planet and we must drastically reduce the population as otherwise our world will disintegrate.
Really one should believe what the papers say and the telly too.
The Bible is just a man made book with so many contradictions and has nothing to do with being God's word. It is very doubtful if God really exists.
The Neutral aproach is really a very good way of sorting out these problems which arise because of these extremeists both religious and political.
Human nature is not that bad and it is all a question of education.
What really counts is how much wealth we have managed to accumulate.
OK so far so bad..
What is the TRUTH???
Surely everyone would like to find out the answer to this question.
My first piece of advice to every one who is reading this Sunday Blog of mine is to take part in an experiment..
Now if there is a God, and if He is all seeing and all loving and all merciful as the Bible so clearly tells us that He is, then take this challenge and become part of THE EXPERIMENT..
I know this experiment works, IIIIIFFFFF you play your part because 43 years ago I took part in just such an experiment and I continue to do so until this present day.
While you are alone somewhere, just ask this God, if He is really there to show you.....
If you do this in a serious way and keep up this request for about two weeks I am quite sure that you will get the answer.
Why 2 weeks?? Does God need two weeks to get through to you?
No He doesn't but you do!
He will probably start showing you immediately but the human tendency is toi say something like,"This is just my imagination! This is just a coincidence!" However when this process goes on for 2 weeks, then the penny will drop and you will be able to say, "OK maybe this is God after all and He is really getting through to me!"
Why would God bother to do this?
Because He really loves you and wants you to investigate Him.
Jesus said in the Gospel of saint Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7 to 11
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Let me give you an example from my childhood which will help explain the kind of attitude that you will need to get your answer.
I was sailing mad or sailing crazy when I was about 9 years old.
I desperately wanted my own racing dinghy. At that time and maybe even now there was a class of kids dinghy called the Yachting World Cadet.
It was designed by Jack Holt and performed very much like a grownup's racing dinghy.
Well I wanted one desperately.
Now I did not just ask my parents once but very cunningly brought up the subject of this boat at every opportunity in every kind of conversation.
My parents would be talking about planting potatoes and somehow I would enter into the discussion and mention my desire for the Cadet Dinghy.
My parents would smile and then brush it off and then I would repeat the suggestion many times a day. When going to bed and when getting up. When sitting down for a meal and in a very definite way when I was bundled off to Prep school for three months at a time. I meant business and imagine my joy when coming back for the Easter Holidays and a month's stay at my home, they took me to the shed and there painted bright red was my very own first racing dinghy. With great ceremony and with the small staff of our market garden in attendance, we broke a bottle of beer over the bows of the YW Cadet naming her Comet and the sail number I have now forgotten, 642 rings a bell.
Now that is the kind of enthusiastic attitude that you will need to get your answer from God about.... What is the Truth???
I have carried over that attitude to this day and that is why I know so much about what is really going on in our world and that is why those of you who do not really care know so little.
We need to have this attitude all through our earthly existence, and right up to the point of our sooner or later departure for the after earth life that is the inevitable journey that we must all take.
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the Holy Bible..
Chapter 3 verses
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
What does the Neutral tend to say?
The Devil is not so bad!
There is no Devil! It's just a figment of our imagination.
The Governments and the Mega Rich are just decent people who have made a great deal of money legitimately!
The Illuminati and this idea that there is a small group of people who meet at the Bildeberger conference to work out world strategy is just a conspiracy theory.
Christianity is just one of many man made religions and is not really true.
Dan Brown got it right.
Jesus was an historical figure but was just a good man with high morals and maybe he was more human than we think and had sex with Mary Magdalene.
Global warming is real.. This warming is caused by the overpopulation of the planet and we must drastically reduce the population as otherwise our world will disintegrate.
Really one should believe what the papers say and the telly too.
The Bible is just a man made book with so many contradictions and has nothing to do with being God's word. It is very doubtful if God really exists.
The Neutral aproach is really a very good way of sorting out these problems which arise because of these extremeists both religious and political.
Human nature is not that bad and it is all a question of education.
What really counts is how much wealth we have managed to accumulate.
OK so far so bad..
What is the TRUTH???
Surely everyone would like to find out the answer to this question.
My first piece of advice to every one who is reading this Sunday Blog of mine is to take part in an experiment..
Now if there is a God, and if He is all seeing and all loving and all merciful as the Bible so clearly tells us that He is, then take this challenge and become part of THE EXPERIMENT..
I know this experiment works, IIIIIFFFFF you play your part because 43 years ago I took part in just such an experiment and I continue to do so until this present day.
While you are alone somewhere, just ask this God, if He is really there to show you.....
If you do this in a serious way and keep up this request for about two weeks I am quite sure that you will get the answer.
Why 2 weeks?? Does God need two weeks to get through to you?
No He doesn't but you do!
He will probably start showing you immediately but the human tendency is toi say something like,"This is just my imagination! This is just a coincidence!" However when this process goes on for 2 weeks, then the penny will drop and you will be able to say, "OK maybe this is God after all and He is really getting through to me!"
Why would God bother to do this?
Because He really loves you and wants you to investigate Him.
Jesus said in the Gospel of saint Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7 to 11
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Let me give you an example from my childhood which will help explain the kind of attitude that you will need to get your answer.
I was sailing mad or sailing crazy when I was about 9 years old.
I desperately wanted my own racing dinghy. At that time and maybe even now there was a class of kids dinghy called the Yachting World Cadet.
It was designed by Jack Holt and performed very much like a grownup's racing dinghy.
Well I wanted one desperately.
Now I did not just ask my parents once but very cunningly brought up the subject of this boat at every opportunity in every kind of conversation.
My parents would be talking about planting potatoes and somehow I would enter into the discussion and mention my desire for the Cadet Dinghy.
My parents would smile and then brush it off and then I would repeat the suggestion many times a day. When going to bed and when getting up. When sitting down for a meal and in a very definite way when I was bundled off to Prep school for three months at a time. I meant business and imagine my joy when coming back for the Easter Holidays and a month's stay at my home, they took me to the shed and there painted bright red was my very own first racing dinghy. With great ceremony and with the small staff of our market garden in attendance, we broke a bottle of beer over the bows of the YW Cadet naming her Comet and the sail number I have now forgotten, 642 rings a bell.
Now that is the kind of enthusiastic attitude that you will need to get your answer from God about.... What is the Truth???
I have carried over that attitude to this day and that is why I know so much about what is really going on in our world and that is why those of you who do not really care know so little.
We need to have this attitude all through our earthly existence, and right up to the point of our sooner or later departure for the after earth life that is the inevitable journey that we must all take.
There are no Neutrals
There are no neutrals!
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the Holy Bible..
Chapter 3 verses
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
What does the Neutral tend to say?
The Devil is not so bad!
There is no Devil! It's just a figment of our imagination.
The Governments and the Mega Rich are just decent people who have made a great deal of money legitimately!
The Illuminati and this idea that there is a small group of people who meet at the Bildeberger conference to work out world strategy is just a conspiracy theory.
Christianity is just one of many man made religions and is not really true.
Dan Brown got it right.
Jesus was an historical figure but was just a good man with high morals and maybe he was more human than we think and had sex with Mary Magdalene.
Global warming is real.. This warming is caused by the overpopulation of the planet and we must drastically reduce the population as otherwise our world will disintegrate.
Really one should believe what the papers say and the telly too.
The Bible is just a man made book with so many contradictions and has nothing to do with being God's word. It is very doubtful if God really exists.
The Neutral aproach is really a very good way of sorting out these problems which arise because of these extremeists both religious and political.
Human nature is not that bad and it is all a question of education.
What really counts is how much wealth we have managed to accumulate.
OK so far so bad..
What is the TRUTH???
Surely everyone would like to find out the answer to this question.
My first piece of advice to every one who is reading this Sunday Blog of mine is to take part in an experiment..
Now if there is a God, and if He is all seeing and all loving and all merciful as the Bible so clearly tells us that He is, then take this challenge and become part of THE EXPERIMENT..
I know this experiment works, IIIIIFFFFF you play your part because 43 years ago I took part in just such an experiment and I continue to do so until this present day.
While you are alone somewhere, just ask this God, if He is really there to show you.....
If you do this in a serious way and keep up this request for about two weeks I am quite sure that you will get the answer.
Why 2 weeks?? Does God need two weeks to get through to you?
No He doesn't but you do!
He will probably start showing you immediately but the human tendency is toi say something like,"This is just my imagination! This is just a coincidence!" However when this process goes on for 2 weeks, then the penny will drop and you will be able to say, "OK maybe this is God after all and He is really getting through to me!"
Why would God bother to do this?
Because He really loves you and wants you to investigate Him.
Jesus said in the Gospel of saint Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7 to 11
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Let me give you an example from my childhood which will help explain the kind of attitude that you will need to get your answer.
I was sailing mad or sailing crazy when I was about 9 years old.
I desperately wanted my own racing dinghy. At that time and maybe even now there was a class of kids dinghy called the Yachting World Cadet.
It was designed by Jack Holt and performed very much like a grownup's racing dinghy.
Well I wanted one desperately.
Now I did not just ask my parents once but very cunningly brought up the subject of this boat at every opportunity in every kind of conversation.
My parents would be talking about planting potatoes and somehow I would enter into the discussion and mention my desire for the Cadet Dinghy.
My parents would smile and then brush it off and then I would repeat the suggestion many times a day. When going to bed and when getting up. When sitting down for a meal and in a very definite way when I was bundled off to Prep school for three months at a time. I meant business and imagine my joy when coming back for the Easter Holidays and a month's stay at my home, they took me to the shed and there painted bright red was my very own first racing dinghy. With great ceremony and with the small staff of our market garden in attendance, we broke a bottle of beer over the bows of the YW Cadet naming her Comet and the sail number I have now forgotten, 642 rings a bell.
Now that is the kind of enthusiastic attitude that you will need to get your answer from God about.... What is the Truth???
I have carried over that attitude to this day and that is why I know so much about what is really going on in our world and that is why those of you who do not really care know so little.
We need to have this attitude all through our earthly existence, and right up to the point of our sooner or later departure for the after earth life that is the inevitable journey that we must all take.
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the Holy Bible..
Chapter 3 verses
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
What does the Neutral tend to say?
The Devil is not so bad!
There is no Devil! It's just a figment of our imagination.
The Governments and the Mega Rich are just decent people who have made a great deal of money legitimately!
The Illuminati and this idea that there is a small group of people who meet at the Bildeberger conference to work out world strategy is just a conspiracy theory.
Christianity is just one of many man made religions and is not really true.
Dan Brown got it right.
Jesus was an historical figure but was just a good man with high morals and maybe he was more human than we think and had sex with Mary Magdalene.
Global warming is real.. This warming is caused by the overpopulation of the planet and we must drastically reduce the population as otherwise our world will disintegrate.
Really one should believe what the papers say and the telly too.
The Bible is just a man made book with so many contradictions and has nothing to do with being God's word. It is very doubtful if God really exists.
The Neutral aproach is really a very good way of sorting out these problems which arise because of these extremeists both religious and political.
Human nature is not that bad and it is all a question of education.
What really counts is how much wealth we have managed to accumulate.
OK so far so bad..
What is the TRUTH???
Surely everyone would like to find out the answer to this question.
My first piece of advice to every one who is reading this Sunday Blog of mine is to take part in an experiment..
Now if there is a God, and if He is all seeing and all loving and all merciful as the Bible so clearly tells us that He is, then take this challenge and become part of THE EXPERIMENT..
I know this experiment works, IIIIIFFFFF you play your part because 43 years ago I took part in just such an experiment and I continue to do so until this present day.
While you are alone somewhere, just ask this God, if He is really there to show you.....
If you do this in a serious way and keep up this request for about two weeks I am quite sure that you will get the answer.
Why 2 weeks?? Does God need two weeks to get through to you?
No He doesn't but you do!
He will probably start showing you immediately but the human tendency is toi say something like,"This is just my imagination! This is just a coincidence!" However when this process goes on for 2 weeks, then the penny will drop and you will be able to say, "OK maybe this is God after all and He is really getting through to me!"
Why would God bother to do this?
Because He really loves you and wants you to investigate Him.
Jesus said in the Gospel of saint Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7 to 11
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Let me give you an example from my childhood which will help explain the kind of attitude that you will need to get your answer.
I was sailing mad or sailing crazy when I was about 9 years old.
I desperately wanted my own racing dinghy. At that time and maybe even now there was a class of kids dinghy called the Yachting World Cadet.
It was designed by Jack Holt and performed very much like a grownup's racing dinghy.
Well I wanted one desperately.
Now I did not just ask my parents once but very cunningly brought up the subject of this boat at every opportunity in every kind of conversation.
My parents would be talking about planting potatoes and somehow I would enter into the discussion and mention my desire for the Cadet Dinghy.
My parents would smile and then brush it off and then I would repeat the suggestion many times a day. When going to bed and when getting up. When sitting down for a meal and in a very definite way when I was bundled off to Prep school for three months at a time. I meant business and imagine my joy when coming back for the Easter Holidays and a month's stay at my home, they took me to the shed and there painted bright red was my very own first racing dinghy. With great ceremony and with the small staff of our market garden in attendance, we broke a bottle of beer over the bows of the YW Cadet naming her Comet and the sail number I have now forgotten, 642 rings a bell.
Now that is the kind of enthusiastic attitude that you will need to get your answer from God about.... What is the Truth???
I have carried over that attitude to this day and that is why I know so much about what is really going on in our world and that is why those of you who do not really care know so little.
We need to have this attitude all through our earthly existence, and right up to the point of our sooner or later departure for the after earth life that is the inevitable journey that we must all take.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Every day we go to Cologne... Yes it is every day..30 to 31 times a month..
Usually we get out about 70 Rosaries a week, (10 a day), and pray with 150 to 200 people to ask Jesus into their hearts and distribute personally one on one about 200 pieces of Literature.
As you know, if you have been reading my mails, I am pretty sure from all I can glean from the Internet that the human race is on a roller coaster where the brakes are about to fail and it is going to be pretty unpleasant for the whole world.
We have had almost 70 years of comparative peace and prosperity and sadly this lull in fighting on a world scale has not resulted in the human race getting closer to their Creator.
The situation reminds me of..
Jonah ran away from his obligation to God to give out this unpleasant message. After involuntarily travelling in a Whale, he eventually got back on track and delivered his message and much to his surprise the whole enormous city repented in sack cloth and ashes, lead by their king, and God relented from allowing punishment and destruction to wreak havock on that city. I am sure you all know the story.
God does not change. He is a constant and is just, but when asked for mercy by His creation, He loves to offer it, when it is coupled with True Repentance.
Recently I have been thinking about how we are all Lemmings from birth unto death.
The Lemming story is not 100% true as they do not commit suicide but often jump over cliffs to try and swim long distances only to drown or be eaten up on the way. The Myth makes a good story and will suffice for this short detail that I am writing to off the press as all this happened a few hours ago.
We arrived with drizzle and so placed ourselves on opposite sides of the street under a little cover from the elements.
A delightful bunch of English school kids stopped to talk to me and before long they were eating out of my hand and all asking Jesus to come into their hearts and in return I would give them the Cathrine of Labouree Miracle medal made from very precious aluminium,(Ha!!) in gold and silver colours. To my amazement they all wnted Rosaries and in the space of about 15 minutes had taken all 30 of our Rosaries and to cap it all, Guess where they came from??
Leamington Spa bang in the middle of England.
I only made the Lemming, Leaming connection after they had all left and we were on our way home.
There is a Great God that loves us and He loves to reveal Himself to us from time to time.
We are all super encouraged from this story.
We need to all help as many Lemmings to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts before they take that leap into what looks like nothingness... DEATH....
and please send a little help, AND SO TAKE PART TOO, if you can by Paypal to my paypal account at
or to my bank account..
Michael King
Kontonummer 135409852
Bankleitzahl 76010085
IBAN DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852
GBY and KGFG!!!!!!
Every day we go to Cologne... Yes it is every day..30 to 31 times a month..
Usually we get out about 70 Rosaries a week, (10 a day), and pray with 150 to 200 people to ask Jesus into their hearts and distribute personally one on one about 200 pieces of Literature.
As you know, if you have been reading my mails, I am pretty sure from all I can glean from the Internet that the human race is on a roller coaster where the brakes are about to fail and it is going to be pretty unpleasant for the whole world.
We have had almost 70 years of comparative peace and prosperity and sadly this lull in fighting on a world scale has not resulted in the human race getting closer to their Creator.
The situation reminds me of..
Jonah ran away from his obligation to God to give out this unpleasant message. After involuntarily travelling in a Whale, he eventually got back on track and delivered his message and much to his surprise the whole enormous city repented in sack cloth and ashes, lead by their king, and God relented from allowing punishment and destruction to wreak havock on that city. I am sure you all know the story.
God does not change. He is a constant and is just, but when asked for mercy by His creation, He loves to offer it, when it is coupled with True Repentance.
Recently I have been thinking about how we are all Lemmings from birth unto death.
The Lemming story is not 100% true as they do not commit suicide but often jump over cliffs to try and swim long distances only to drown or be eaten up on the way. The Myth makes a good story and will suffice for this short detail that I am writing to off the press as all this happened a few hours ago.
We arrived with drizzle and so placed ourselves on opposite sides of the street under a little cover from the elements.
A delightful bunch of English school kids stopped to talk to me and before long they were eating out of my hand and all asking Jesus to come into their hearts and in return I would give them the Cathrine of Labouree Miracle medal made from very precious aluminium,(Ha!!) in gold and silver colours. To my amazement they all wnted Rosaries and in the space of about 15 minutes had taken all 30 of our Rosaries and to cap it all, Guess where they came from??
Leamington Spa bang in the middle of England.
I only made the Lemming, Leaming connection after they had all left and we were on our way home.
There is a Great God that loves us and He loves to reveal Himself to us from time to time.
We are all super encouraged from this story.
We need to all help as many Lemmings to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts before they take that leap into what looks like nothingness... DEATH....
and please send a little help, AND SO TAKE PART TOO, if you can by Paypal to my paypal account at
or to my bank account..
Michael King
Kontonummer 135409852
Bankleitzahl 76010085
IBAN DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852
GBY and KGFG!!!!!!
Monday, 18 June 2012
The dark side from the UN
The Dark Side under the auspices of the United Nations offers a new world vision called
Russia 2045! Meeting held in Moscow 2 months ago!
watch all
Listen to the UN' s own agenda for the following years including 2012.
THE UN is offering an opportunity to embrace a New World Order with a new kind of Humanoid being created by the top scientists of our times and funded by the banksters.
There will be no need for God's creation any more and I will try to tell you in my own words..
2012 to 2013 will be so catastrophic so as to show everyone that Humans are bad and need to be replaced by a man made and controlled humanoid. Of course all this will be ORCHESTRATED!!!
This is known as the Transhumanist movement..
2013 to 2014 will see a race for life extension and immortality..
2020 machines that can be operated by thought transmission will replace workers in Factories and every household will have a robot servant.
From 2020 to 25 we will see flying cars and the brain will be worked on to continue life after the heart stops beating. Brain decay will be reversed.
Our civilisation is being described by satan's minions as a ship travelling in a rough sea without a Captain, Compass and Charts.
They do not want any one of us to have free choice.. FREE CHOICE IS OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!!
We have to choose to either embrace this scientific and technological creation or face incredible darkness. However remember that their darkness is our Light. They are the Darkness and God and Jesus are the LIGHT!!!
There is much more and I would really advise you to listen and watch and then you will see exactly where the devil is taking us.
The interesting bit is that this year and next year will demonstrate to all of us just how serious and dangerous and catastrophic the events will be that are about to encompass us all in the very near future.
This is not my idea but comes to us straight from the UN.
We all know that the UN is a very loving organisation especially set up to destroy your faith in Jesus Christ.
Please make your choice..
The Gospel of John Chapter 14 verse 6
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life!!!!"...
Who said this???
Multiple choice answer..
Which of the above two choices tells the TRUTH???
satan or JESUS CHRIST??????
Russia 2045! Meeting held in Moscow 2 months ago!
watch all
Listen to the UN' s own agenda for the following years including 2012.
THE UN is offering an opportunity to embrace a New World Order with a new kind of Humanoid being created by the top scientists of our times and funded by the banksters.
There will be no need for God's creation any more and I will try to tell you in my own words..
2012 to 2013 will be so catastrophic so as to show everyone that Humans are bad and need to be replaced by a man made and controlled humanoid. Of course all this will be ORCHESTRATED!!!
This is known as the Transhumanist movement..
2013 to 2014 will see a race for life extension and immortality..
2020 machines that can be operated by thought transmission will replace workers in Factories and every household will have a robot servant.
From 2020 to 25 we will see flying cars and the brain will be worked on to continue life after the heart stops beating. Brain decay will be reversed.
Our civilisation is being described by satan's minions as a ship travelling in a rough sea without a Captain, Compass and Charts.
They do not want any one of us to have free choice.. FREE CHOICE IS OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!!
We have to choose to either embrace this scientific and technological creation or face incredible darkness. However remember that their darkness is our Light. They are the Darkness and God and Jesus are the LIGHT!!!
There is much more and I would really advise you to listen and watch and then you will see exactly where the devil is taking us.
The interesting bit is that this year and next year will demonstrate to all of us just how serious and dangerous and catastrophic the events will be that are about to encompass us all in the very near future.
This is not my idea but comes to us straight from the UN.
We all know that the UN is a very loving organisation especially set up to destroy your faith in Jesus Christ.
Please make your choice..
The Gospel of John Chapter 14 verse 6
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life!!!!"...
Who said this???
Multiple choice answer..
Which of the above two choices tells the TRUTH???
satan or JESUS CHRIST??????
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Good and Evil
Good and Evil!!
We are living on the brink...
At a time like this, it is very easy to be deceived by those who distort both sides of these extreme opposites.
If you who are going to read this Sunday Blog, from me michael jaffraay king, are still under the strong delusion that all is well with our society and that we are not standing at the top of a precipice leading to hell on earth, then I can only say how sorry I am that you are so blind.
What I am about to write will hopefully in the very simplest terms try to expose both sides..The Good and The Evil in a way that even the most simple and child like person will be able to understand.
In my seventy three years of life, I have found out that Good is representes by a FORCE, a spiritual force which was demonstrated to us by the One and Only Jesus Christ.
Sadly those who have rallied around this banner of Christ have down through the ages distorted this absolute TRUTH for their own ends.
Even in the Bible when the Early Church was in its Infancy, in The Book of Revelation, Chapters two and three, we can read how the forces of Evil were infiltrating that infant Community. Read what the Holy Spirit had to say to the seven Churches relayed through the Apostle John on his island prison of Patmos in the Aegean.
Then through History humans who found themselves in a position of hristian leadership were often corrupted by their greed and lust for power. The Church of Christ was misused as a Power Broker to try and rule the world and gain control of ther masses of the people through war and destruction and fear.
Today that Military and Political power has to a large extent been diminished, however because of our many failings, corruption is still there and many in leadership positions care little for the message of the Gospel (Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ) and instead feather their own nest caring little for the flock of sheep that they are meant to tend and look after.
This is very evident on both sides of the Christian divide both Roman Catholic and Protestant.
In the Bible and in the Catechism of the RC Church, the Truth is laid out, however even this plain Truth can so easily be misinterpreted by those who do not know where to look and how to look and most important of all are doing so with wrong motivations again lead by greed and lust for power.
What is the very basic message of Jesus Christ????
It is FORGIVENESS... This is so important to realise as we all need so much forgiving. We all need so much Mercy and it is through Mercy and Truth that Iniquity is purged.
Proverbs Ch 16 verse 6.
What is the very greatest example of Forgiveness that this planet has ever observed?
When Jesus Christ offered Himself on the sacrificial cross of Calvary for all of our sins.
Nothing beats that..That is the number one example of all time.
Now to expose Evil...
This is very easy to do... Just follow the Money...Money brings temporal power and we all fall for this one from time to time.
In First Timothy Chapter six verse ten we read
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
How should we all try to prepare???
First let's take a very good look at another verse taken from the Words of Jesus..
Matthew Ch 16 verse 25
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
I hope you can see that any thought about saving just yourself and yours is disqalified right here.
We have to look for ways in which we can really help others and at the same time we will always have enough of the remainder to have for ourselves and our own.
This way we will be seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness see Matthew Ch 6 v 28 to 33.
When I first went to the Ukraine 23 years ago. We had no money but we had something much better. We had the promises of God..Jesus said..
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
So there you have it!!!!!
We organised Humanitarian help and lorry loads of clothes and food parcels would arrive and from this we distributed to the people and of course there was always enough for us too.
We neeed to start thinking now about how we as Christians are going to use this situation to help others.
That is the great secret.
To get the blessing of God we need to always think about helping others.. Preaching and spreading the Gospel and not only the Spiritual Gospel but the Physical one too.
We are living on the brink...
At a time like this, it is very easy to be deceived by those who distort both sides of these extreme opposites.
If you who are going to read this Sunday Blog, from me michael jaffraay king, are still under the strong delusion that all is well with our society and that we are not standing at the top of a precipice leading to hell on earth, then I can only say how sorry I am that you are so blind.
What I am about to write will hopefully in the very simplest terms try to expose both sides..The Good and The Evil in a way that even the most simple and child like person will be able to understand.
In my seventy three years of life, I have found out that Good is representes by a FORCE, a spiritual force which was demonstrated to us by the One and Only Jesus Christ.
Sadly those who have rallied around this banner of Christ have down through the ages distorted this absolute TRUTH for their own ends.
Even in the Bible when the Early Church was in its Infancy, in The Book of Revelation, Chapters two and three, we can read how the forces of Evil were infiltrating that infant Community. Read what the Holy Spirit had to say to the seven Churches relayed through the Apostle John on his island prison of Patmos in the Aegean.
Then through History humans who found themselves in a position of hristian leadership were often corrupted by their greed and lust for power. The Church of Christ was misused as a Power Broker to try and rule the world and gain control of ther masses of the people through war and destruction and fear.
Today that Military and Political power has to a large extent been diminished, however because of our many failings, corruption is still there and many in leadership positions care little for the message of the Gospel (Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ) and instead feather their own nest caring little for the flock of sheep that they are meant to tend and look after.
This is very evident on both sides of the Christian divide both Roman Catholic and Protestant.
In the Bible and in the Catechism of the RC Church, the Truth is laid out, however even this plain Truth can so easily be misinterpreted by those who do not know where to look and how to look and most important of all are doing so with wrong motivations again lead by greed and lust for power.
What is the very basic message of Jesus Christ????
It is FORGIVENESS... This is so important to realise as we all need so much forgiving. We all need so much Mercy and it is through Mercy and Truth that Iniquity is purged.
Proverbs Ch 16 verse 6.
What is the very greatest example of Forgiveness that this planet has ever observed?
When Jesus Christ offered Himself on the sacrificial cross of Calvary for all of our sins.
Nothing beats that..That is the number one example of all time.
Now to expose Evil...
This is very easy to do... Just follow the Money...Money brings temporal power and we all fall for this one from time to time.
In First Timothy Chapter six verse ten we read
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
How should we all try to prepare???
First let's take a very good look at another verse taken from the Words of Jesus..
Matthew Ch 16 verse 25
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
I hope you can see that any thought about saving just yourself and yours is disqalified right here.
We have to look for ways in which we can really help others and at the same time we will always have enough of the remainder to have for ourselves and our own.
This way we will be seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness see Matthew Ch 6 v 28 to 33.
When I first went to the Ukraine 23 years ago. We had no money but we had something much better. We had the promises of God..Jesus said..
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
So there you have it!!!!!
We organised Humanitarian help and lorry loads of clothes and food parcels would arrive and from this we distributed to the people and of course there was always enough for us too.
We neeed to start thinking now about how we as Christians are going to use this situation to help others.
That is the great secret.
To get the blessing of God we need to always think about helping others.. Preaching and spreading the Gospel and not only the Spiritual Gospel but the Physical one too.
Friday, 15 June 2012
My Sunday blog a bit premature as it is only Friday...Ha!!!
This is a great subject..
One out of every one of us will DIE... So sorry mate but that is the TRUTH!!
Get used to it!II
You are going to die one day sooner or later.
I love this subject!!!
I love the way the WORLD talks about Life Insurance!!!
I want to talk about Death Insurance!!
That is much more down to earth!!!
When will you die???
You do not know and I do not know but....but, God knows exactly when you will breathe your last breath.
He has it all planned for YOU and for me.
Stop being so scared of death!!!
Because it is inevitable and Jesus came into this world to conquer death just for you and just for me!!!
That is such super good news!!!
Life is so very short!!!
Death is so very much inevitable!!
And ETERNITY is very very very very LOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!
My home is not here it is there!!! Way over there!! I am looking forward to it!!!
I have to do my very best down here to help you and me face the facts!!
All the Elite will die!! Yes They will die!! Lord Rothschild will die and the Duke of Edinburgh will die pretty soon! OK.. Maybe he will be able to live a few more years looking like a scarecrow with a bunch of schrivelled up skin draped over brittle and old rotting bones.
Every one of us at the point of death will have to meet our Saviour and Lord and Judge!
JESUS CHRIST!!! You will not be laughing and so proud and arrogant then!!!
If you have not learned in this life to scream out for MERCY and FORGIVENESS you will not stand a chance....You will go straight to HELL!!!!! Without a doubt!!!!
Please do not be afraid of these totally wicked people, all disciples of LUCIFER.. in other words the DEVIL!!!!
Pray for them... Pray that they will realise how stupid and short sighted they have been.
Pray that they will turn to Jesus and ask and plead for MERCY..
This is my Sunday blog!!
Watch out for the London Olympics...There may be some fantastic false flag operations at this festival. It has all been planned years ago.. Big Ben may collapse and 10s of Thousands may die..Space crafts..(straight out of USA technology may be used to make you think that we are being invaded by extra terrestials.)
There is no limit to the evil that our leaders will be able to plan and pull off and then pretend to come in like the Saviour and help us and save us!!
Turn to Jesus Christ now by asking HIM into your life and save yourself and others from the wicked Tyrants that are trying to take over our beautiful planet.
Just repeat and say with all the small faith that you can musterup..
Dear Jesus please come into my herat.. Please fogive me for all my sins and give me the free gift of eternal life.
Like Louis Armstrong said.. It is a Wonderful World!!..
satan cannot spoil this, however hard he tries with all of his trillions and quadrillions of US $ or Euros or Pounds sterling.
My Lord made the Universe and owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
GBY and KGFG!!
My Sunday blog a bit premature as it is only Friday...Ha!!!
This is a great subject..
One out of every one of us will DIE... So sorry mate but that is the TRUTH!!
Get used to it!II
You are going to die one day sooner or later.
I love this subject!!!
I love the way the WORLD talks about Life Insurance!!!
I want to talk about Death Insurance!!
That is much more down to earth!!!
When will you die???
You do not know and I do not know but....but, God knows exactly when you will breathe your last breath.
He has it all planned for YOU and for me.
Stop being so scared of death!!!
Because it is inevitable and Jesus came into this world to conquer death just for you and just for me!!!
That is such super good news!!!
Life is so very short!!!
Death is so very much inevitable!!
And ETERNITY is very very very very LOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!
My home is not here it is there!!! Way over there!! I am looking forward to it!!!
I have to do my very best down here to help you and me face the facts!!
All the Elite will die!! Yes They will die!! Lord Rothschild will die and the Duke of Edinburgh will die pretty soon! OK.. Maybe he will be able to live a few more years looking like a scarecrow with a bunch of schrivelled up skin draped over brittle and old rotting bones.
Every one of us at the point of death will have to meet our Saviour and Lord and Judge!
JESUS CHRIST!!! You will not be laughing and so proud and arrogant then!!!
If you have not learned in this life to scream out for MERCY and FORGIVENESS you will not stand a chance....You will go straight to HELL!!!!! Without a doubt!!!!
Please do not be afraid of these totally wicked people, all disciples of LUCIFER.. in other words the DEVIL!!!!
Pray for them... Pray that they will realise how stupid and short sighted they have been.
Pray that they will turn to Jesus and ask and plead for MERCY..
This is my Sunday blog!!
Watch out for the London Olympics...There may be some fantastic false flag operations at this festival. It has all been planned years ago.. Big Ben may collapse and 10s of Thousands may die..Space crafts..(straight out of USA technology may be used to make you think that we are being invaded by extra terrestials.)
There is no limit to the evil that our leaders will be able to plan and pull off and then pretend to come in like the Saviour and help us and save us!!
Turn to Jesus Christ now by asking HIM into your life and save yourself and others from the wicked Tyrants that are trying to take over our beautiful planet.
Just repeat and say with all the small faith that you can musterup..
Dear Jesus please come into my herat.. Please fogive me for all my sins and give me the free gift of eternal life.
Like Louis Armstrong said.. It is a Wonderful World!!..
satan cannot spoil this, however hard he tries with all of his trillions and quadrillions of US $ or Euros or Pounds sterling.
My Lord made the Universe and owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
GBY and KGFG!!
Monday, 11 June 2012
Jesus I trust in YOU!!!
Jesus! I trust in YOU!!!
The best job I ever had.
Jesus loves to hear anyone of us saying "Jesus I trust in YOU"
That is like beautiful music in His ears.
When the Roman soldier told Jesus that he totally believed in Jesus' Word.."Master you do not need to come to my house, just say the WORD and that will be enough! Then Jesus turned around to His 12 Apostles and to all the people listening and said, marvelling at this non Jewish Roman.."I have not found so great faith in all of Israel!"
God help me but I want to be like this soldier and I hope that you do too. Imagine having the Creator of EVERYTHING marvelling at you for your total trust in HIM!!
So what is my job that thrills me and my partner in the faith, Irmgard??
Every day including Sundays we travel to Cologne to meet the many foreigners that come from just about every Nation on earth to view the spectacle of the DOM Cathedral.
It is breath taking especially when one realises that it was built to so much perfection and beauty long before the modern technical world of Computers. It is all pure craftsmanship.
We are now distributing over 100 Rosaries and brochures every week. We are praying the "Jesus please come into my heart!" Prayer with more than 140 people every day. We are distributing more than 150 pieces of Gospel information every week and talking and counselling with at least 50 people during the same period. When I get home we need to spend at least 4 to 5 hours making the replacement Rosaries for the next day. The only free time we get is our 2 and a half hours a day on the train journey.
While making Rosaries I listen to alternative news media programmes realising that the main stream Media has all been bought up by the Satanic Globalists who are moving quickly towards their goal of World domination.
Satan has always had this goal and is now being allowed by God to get very close to his wicked objective.
For 6000 approx people to control a planet with 7 billion inhabitants is no easy task. In Imperial India, 50,000 British including women and children controlled, 500,000,000 ethnic Indians. That was a ratio of one to fifty thousand and they managed it quite effectively and now they want to have the same ration again. At present it is one to a million and so you can see they have a great deal of people that they need to murder and exterminate through war, disease and poison food and drinking water and mercury added to vaccinations etc.
For a world that has largely ignored and brushed aside the wonderful salvation offered them by Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for our sins and rose conquering death, there seems to be really only one course left open. Instead of Jesus they will have to and be forced to accept satan and his pitiful 6000 disciples as the substitute for the Real God of the Trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit). A very sad and very miserable exchange in my mind. What do you think.
Satan's greatest deception has been to fool you into believing that those at the top are really quite decent and on the whole good human beings. We are carefully brainwashed to believe in them and to see no further than their false disguise of being WOLVES dressed in SHEEP's clothing.
I believed this hook,line and sinker until I was about 27 years old when I gave my life to HIM and wanted to serve HIM wholeheartedly.
Many of you will say, "Why give out Rosaries and not just simple Gospel salvation tracts?"
Well the Rosary is just that. It is a simple Gospel tract that takes one in just one week, twice, through the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
That is hard to beat. Today being a Tuesday we concentrate on the Passion of Jesus Christ in the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries of His Passion. 1. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane..2. The Lashing at the Pillar..3. The humiliation of the Crown of Thorns..4. Carrying His Cross and then 5 the final Crucifixion....... All this done for us so that we can be forgiven by His sacrifice on our behalf.
So what preparation have I made for the coming Financial Crash? Martial law as ww3 rages throughout the whole world? For my children's safety? And Other matters too???
Yes I have made a big commitment and preparation and this is what it is...
This is worth more than all the gold and silver and refuge places to run to. Jesus says that if you try to save your life, you will lose it! Try saving others for eternity instead!
mjk WLY!!
Jesus! I trust in YOU!
The best job I ever had.
Jesus loves to hear anyone of us saying "Jesus I trust in YOU"
That is like beautiful music in His ears.
When the Roman soldier told Jesus that he totally believed in Jesus' Word.."Master you do not need to come to my house, just say the WORD and that will be enough! Then Jesus turned around to His 12 Apostles and to all the people listening and said, marvelling at this non Jewish Roman.."I have not found so great faith in all of Israel!"
God help me but I want to be like this soldier and I hope that you do too. Imagine having the Creator of EVERYTHING marvelling at you for your total trust in HIM!!
So what is my job that thrills me and my partner in the faith, Irmgard??
Every day including Sundays we travel to Cologne to meet the many foreigners that come from just about every Nation on earth to view the spectacle of the DOM Cathedral.
It is breath taking especially when one realises that it was built to so much perfection and beauty long before the modern technical world of Computers. It is all pure craftsmanship.
We are now distributing over 100 Rosaries and brochures every week. We are praying the "Jesus please come into my heart!" Prayer with more than 140 people every day. We are distributing more than 150 pieces of Gospel information every week and talking and counselling with at least 50 people during the same period. When I get home we need to spend at least 4 to 5 hours making the replacement Rosaries for the next day. The only free time we get is our 2 and a half hours a day on the train journey.
While making Rosaries I listen to alternative news media programmes realising that the main stream Media has all been bought up by the Satanic Globalists who are moving quickly towards their goal of World domination.
Satan has always had this goal and is now being allowed by God to get very close to his wicked objective.
For 6000 approx people to control a planet with 7 billion inhabitants is no easy task. In Imperial India, 50,000 British including women and children controlled, 500,000,000 ethnic Indians. That was a ratio of one to fifty thousand and they managed it quite effectively and now they want to have the same ration again. At present it is one to a million and so you can see they have a great deal of people that they need to murder and exterminate through war, disease and poison food and drinking water and mercury added to vaccinations etc.
For a world that has largely ignored and brushed aside the wonderful salvation offered them by Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for our sins and rose conquering death, there seems to be really only one course left open. Instead of Jesus they will have to and be forced to accept satan and his pitiful 6000 disciples as the substitute for the Real God of the Trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit). A very sad and very miserable exchange in my mind. What do you think.
Satan's greatest deception has been to fool you into believing that those at the top are really quite decent and on the whole good human beings. We are carefully brainwashed to believe in them and to see no further than their false disguise of being WOLVES dressed in SHEEP's clothing.
I believed this hook,line and sinker until I was about 27 years old when I gave my life to HIM and wanted to serve HIM wholeheartedly.
Many of you will say, "Why give out Rosaries and not just simple Gospel salvation tracts?"
Well the Rosary is just that. It is a simple Gospel tract that takes one in just one week, twice, through the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
That is hard to beat. Today being a Tuesday we concentrate on the Passion of Jesus Christ in the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries of His Passion. 1. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane..2. The Lashing at the Pillar..3. The humiliation of the Crown of Thorns..4. Carrying His Cross and then 5 the final Crucifixion....... All this done for us so that we can be forgiven by His sacrifice on our behalf.
So what preparation have I made for the coming Financial Crash? Martial law as ww3 rages throughout the whole world? For my children's safety? And Other matters too???
Yes I have made a big commitment and preparation and this is what it is...
This is worth more than all the gold and silver and refuge places to run to. Jesus says that if you try to save your life, you will lose it! Try saving others for eternity instead!
mjk WLY!!
Jesus! I trust in YOU!
Saturday, 9 June 2012
You are what you write..Warts and all!!
Sunday Blog 10th June 2ß12.
about 90 posts since 2010
I have really written quite a bit during my life, especially during the last 25 years.
I have never made any money from it, more is the shame, and I think the main beings who have read my stuff along with you now, if you are reading this My Sunday Blog 10th June 2012, are my ancestors and my Creator along with hopefully some saints too.
I think because I have kept a really open mind and always want to know more, that I have progressed. Sometimes taking a few steps forward and then a few back but hopefully over all going forward and gaining ground.
Today I had a renewed revelation about the awesomeness of the Holy Mass which is celebrated every day all around the world in the Roman Catholic Church.
It is so easy to get familiar and a little contemptuous with the ritual of standing up and sitting down and hearing the Bible read and then the various Liturgies taking their place in an order which has been established for centuries. The hymns that punctuate the whole procedure are old fashioned but contain really good and uplifting words of worship.
The Holy Mass is actually a time travel right back to Calvary. In the spiritual world there is no time, so we can be back with Christ experiencing all the events as if we were there. We are there if we have the faith to believe that. It is not just a memorial meal but an actual mystical experience with Jesus being there in person. Now I am talking to myself when I say not be put off by the people around you and by the feelings that accompany many of our negative thoughts. Just ask the Lord to help you make the switch back just a short 2000 years which is a little more than the life of say thirty people in tandem. 30 times 70 equals 2100. Now 30 is not a big number as numbers go.
In the Bible it says that a 1000 years is as one day and one day is as a 1000 years so in fact it is just a couple of days ago when all these amazing world changing events happened. I have to continually remind myself of this fact as it is so easy to forget and be just caught up in all the material effects around us.. So and so is wearing his brown suit! Who cares? The Lady behind is singing out of tune! Who cares?? Jesus is there along with all the teeming humanity and all their addons and idiosyncrasies. Jesus is there and that is what is important. Most Sundays we go to the 12 o'clock Mass at the Cologne Dom Cathedral. It is really a splendid affair and if one continually reminds oneself of what I have written above then it can be extremely meaningful and an event not to be missed and pushed on one side.
This evening which is late Saturday, I watched Germany play Portugal, along with my 2 small daughters. I was actually hoping for Portugal to win as I cannot help backing the underdog. Portugal with its financial crisis all brought about by the Banksters in their efforts to set up their one world government and Global tyranny. Well Germany won. One nil and I think they were lucky.
There are 7 billion humans approximately on this planet and who really wants to read about Michael Jaffray King and his family.
Well let me tell you that in one way I am a unique person just like each one of you. There is only one Michael Jaffray King that I have found in the world.. Google the name and see for yourself..There are thousands of Michael Kings and Michael Jeffrey Kings but only one Michael Jaffray King.
Also another unique thing about myself is that for the last thirty to forty years, I have lived entirely by faith. A simple faith in Jesus Christ. I admit for 2 years in Portugal and then in Madeira I taught English and earned money but for the rest of the time and including now, I have really no visible means of support and all my cash comes from small donations from people whose hearts have been moved by the Lord and by what we are doing.
I get no Pension and no special Government help and only help from Jesus Christ who puts into the hearts of others to finance me. Do you know anybody who lives like that??
If you do I would like to be in touch with them. I have no cash for next month or week, but always just enough for this month or week. That is really pretty much on the EDGE...Whether I have 9 people living with me as at present or just Irmgard and the two kids, it makes no difference. The books balance.. My Boss always makes sure that even when I have been stupid and overspent, HE makes sure that there is food on the table and clothes to wear for all of us and cash to pay the many many expenses. Just recently I was donated not just one pair of shoes but 5 pairs all very expensive ones and only a very little worn.
It is mind boggling.
The other day we were not really getting enough cash from our witnessing exploits and Home made wooden Rosary distribution and then suddenly a Chinese family, there are many Chinese visiting the Dom Cathedral in Cologne where we operate every day, took four Rosaries and we made our quota of 50 Euro a day. The Chinese have never taken a Rosary from us. We have learnt to say Jesus Loves you and it sounds like Jesus Iiiii Nee!
If you go to my Blog spot, you will be able to read all the stuff that I have been writing over the past few years and you will be able to get some idea as to how I tick.. Of course it goes without saying,, if you are interested???
God bless you and please learn quickly to trust in Jesus. Nothing turns Jesus on more than to know that we trust Him and love Him and desperately need Him
Sunday Blog 10th June 2ß12.
about 90 posts since 2010
I have really written quite a bit during my life, especially during the last 25 years.
I have never made any money from it, more is the shame, and I think the main beings who have read my stuff along with you now, if you are reading this My Sunday Blog 10th June 2012, are my ancestors and my Creator along with hopefully some saints too.
I think because I have kept a really open mind and always want to know more, that I have progressed. Sometimes taking a few steps forward and then a few back but hopefully over all going forward and gaining ground.
Today I had a renewed revelation about the awesomeness of the Holy Mass which is celebrated every day all around the world in the Roman Catholic Church.
It is so easy to get familiar and a little contemptuous with the ritual of standing up and sitting down and hearing the Bible read and then the various Liturgies taking their place in an order which has been established for centuries. The hymns that punctuate the whole procedure are old fashioned but contain really good and uplifting words of worship.
The Holy Mass is actually a time travel right back to Calvary. In the spiritual world there is no time, so we can be back with Christ experiencing all the events as if we were there. We are there if we have the faith to believe that. It is not just a memorial meal but an actual mystical experience with Jesus being there in person. Now I am talking to myself when I say not be put off by the people around you and by the feelings that accompany many of our negative thoughts. Just ask the Lord to help you make the switch back just a short 2000 years which is a little more than the life of say thirty people in tandem. 30 times 70 equals 2100. Now 30 is not a big number as numbers go.
In the Bible it says that a 1000 years is as one day and one day is as a 1000 years so in fact it is just a couple of days ago when all these amazing world changing events happened. I have to continually remind myself of this fact as it is so easy to forget and be just caught up in all the material effects around us.. So and so is wearing his brown suit! Who cares? The Lady behind is singing out of tune! Who cares?? Jesus is there along with all the teeming humanity and all their addons and idiosyncrasies. Jesus is there and that is what is important. Most Sundays we go to the 12 o'clock Mass at the Cologne Dom Cathedral. It is really a splendid affair and if one continually reminds oneself of what I have written above then it can be extremely meaningful and an event not to be missed and pushed on one side.
This evening which is late Saturday, I watched Germany play Portugal, along with my 2 small daughters. I was actually hoping for Portugal to win as I cannot help backing the underdog. Portugal with its financial crisis all brought about by the Banksters in their efforts to set up their one world government and Global tyranny. Well Germany won. One nil and I think they were lucky.
There are 7 billion humans approximately on this planet and who really wants to read about Michael Jaffray King and his family.
Well let me tell you that in one way I am a unique person just like each one of you. There is only one Michael Jaffray King that I have found in the world.. Google the name and see for yourself..There are thousands of Michael Kings and Michael Jeffrey Kings but only one Michael Jaffray King.
Also another unique thing about myself is that for the last thirty to forty years, I have lived entirely by faith. A simple faith in Jesus Christ. I admit for 2 years in Portugal and then in Madeira I taught English and earned money but for the rest of the time and including now, I have really no visible means of support and all my cash comes from small donations from people whose hearts have been moved by the Lord and by what we are doing.
I get no Pension and no special Government help and only help from Jesus Christ who puts into the hearts of others to finance me. Do you know anybody who lives like that??
If you do I would like to be in touch with them. I have no cash for next month or week, but always just enough for this month or week. That is really pretty much on the EDGE...Whether I have 9 people living with me as at present or just Irmgard and the two kids, it makes no difference. The books balance.. My Boss always makes sure that even when I have been stupid and overspent, HE makes sure that there is food on the table and clothes to wear for all of us and cash to pay the many many expenses. Just recently I was donated not just one pair of shoes but 5 pairs all very expensive ones and only a very little worn.
It is mind boggling.
The other day we were not really getting enough cash from our witnessing exploits and Home made wooden Rosary distribution and then suddenly a Chinese family, there are many Chinese visiting the Dom Cathedral in Cologne where we operate every day, took four Rosaries and we made our quota of 50 Euro a day. The Chinese have never taken a Rosary from us. We have learnt to say Jesus Loves you and it sounds like Jesus Iiiii Nee!
If you go to my Blog spot, you will be able to read all the stuff that I have been writing over the past few years and you will be able to get some idea as to how I tick.. Of course it goes without saying,, if you are interested???
God bless you and please learn quickly to trust in Jesus. Nothing turns Jesus on more than to know that we trust Him and love Him and desperately need Him
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Wake up please June 2012
Wake up please!!!!
0ne hour of wake up material with Darren McBrain..
for Yesterday the 7th of June 2012..
Please watch Astonisher 3 every day...
Then continue to watch on Astonisher 3 daily and join info wars for only 15 cents a day.
Real News!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please wake up!!
Acting in denial is really ridiculous!!
Facing the facts will help you cope with what is happening and with what is about to happen so very soon!
9/11 was only a foretaste of what has been planned for the immediate future.
The London Olympics??????
War with Iran and Syria which will be the beginning of World War 3 ??????
Bio weapons to exterminate most of us??????
Elkaida used to scare us at home in Europe and USA, but being used to take over the Middle East????
Much much more and I put ????? not because these facts are in doubt, but to get you to do your own investigation?????
It will also help you to turn to the One true God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
I can safely say that EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE WRITTEN TO YOU is only half the truth. It is so much worse than what I have ever said.
Unless you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you have no future that does not end in premature death in the most terrible circumstances...
If you think that you can carry on business as usual, you are sadly mistaken..
Watch Astonisher 3 channel and RT (Russia Today) to find out what is really going on.
Time is fast running out for the world that we know.
War...False Flags, causing confusion everywhere, especially the Middle East...remembering that the devil is the author of confusion...Bankrupting all the nations by design so that they can be taken over by the One World Corporation...Economic collapse...Slow kill vaccinations...Poisoned GM food...Water infiltrated with slow kill deadly toxins...Selective Bio weapons that can wipe out millions at a time...Last week end's Bildeberg conference exposed at last...Weather manipulation even able to make Earthquakes and Sunamis...Chem trails poisoning the earth and its inhabitants... the list is endless of all the fraud that is being carried out by our leaders...Our leaders, all misanthropes and eugenicicsts. In other words, just like satan their boss, they hate the human race and they want to kill and destroy us.
You have been warned..
Turn to Jesus Christ today and start waking up your friends and even your enemies as even your enemy is not as bad as the real enemy...those whom we have stupidly allowed to take over our world in leadership positions..
Please Jesus help us... We need You like never before. We need the Heavenly Host to fight for us and be on our side against the Tyrants, without any empathy for the human race.
We also need everyone to repent and say sorry for their sins and grave short comings. We get what we deserve and if take it as from the Lord we will learn to do better next time around.
I really cannot do the subject justice but please do your own investigation with an open and inquisitive heart...Check out Matthew Ch 7 verse 7. It says it all, so we are without excuse. Ignorance means just that we haven't bothered to do our homework.
Stop being hyped by what you read in the main line presstitute media and watch on smellyvision..Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the Internet and for alternative media.
GBY and KGFG!!!
0ne hour of wake up material with Darren McBrain..
for Yesterday the 7th of June 2012..
Please watch Astonisher 3 every day...
Then continue to watch on Astonisher 3 daily and join info wars for only 15 cents a day.
Real News!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please wake up!!
Acting in denial is really ridiculous!!
Facing the facts will help you cope with what is happening and with what is about to happen so very soon!
9/11 was only a foretaste of what has been planned for the immediate future.
The London Olympics??????
War with Iran and Syria which will be the beginning of World War 3 ??????
Bio weapons to exterminate most of us??????
Elkaida used to scare us at home in Europe and USA, but being used to take over the Middle East????
Much much more and I put ????? not because these facts are in doubt, but to get you to do your own investigation?????
It will also help you to turn to the One true God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
I can safely say that EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE WRITTEN TO YOU is only half the truth. It is so much worse than what I have ever said.
Unless you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you have no future that does not end in premature death in the most terrible circumstances...
If you think that you can carry on business as usual, you are sadly mistaken..
Watch Astonisher 3 channel and RT (Russia Today) to find out what is really going on.
Time is fast running out for the world that we know.
War...False Flags, causing confusion everywhere, especially the Middle East...remembering that the devil is the author of confusion...Bankrupting all the nations by design so that they can be taken over by the One World Corporation...Economic collapse...Slow kill vaccinations...Poisoned GM food...Water infiltrated with slow kill deadly toxins...Selective Bio weapons that can wipe out millions at a time...Last week end's Bildeberg conference exposed at last...Weather manipulation even able to make Earthquakes and Sunamis...Chem trails poisoning the earth and its inhabitants... the list is endless of all the fraud that is being carried out by our leaders...Our leaders, all misanthropes and eugenicicsts. In other words, just like satan their boss, they hate the human race and they want to kill and destroy us.
You have been warned..
Turn to Jesus Christ today and start waking up your friends and even your enemies as even your enemy is not as bad as the real enemy...those whom we have stupidly allowed to take over our world in leadership positions..
Please Jesus help us... We need You like never before. We need the Heavenly Host to fight for us and be on our side against the Tyrants, without any empathy for the human race.
We also need everyone to repent and say sorry for their sins and grave short comings. We get what we deserve and if take it as from the Lord we will learn to do better next time around.
I really cannot do the subject justice but please do your own investigation with an open and inquisitive heart...Check out Matthew Ch 7 verse 7. It says it all, so we are without excuse. Ignorance means just that we haven't bothered to do our homework.
Stop being hyped by what you read in the main line presstitute media and watch on smellyvision..Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the Internet and for alternative media.
GBY and KGFG!!!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
The New World Order.
The New World Order!!
The world has always been run by satan..
This we must first really understand and so the New World Order is actually a very old world order.
There is nothing new about it except that now it is beginning to realise its goal to actually take over running the world.
satan and all his disciples numbering maybe as much as 6000 in all, controlling the 6,000,000,000 of all of us.
This amount is far too big fore them to manage and so they are systematically slow killing us through many means.
The most obvious one is just plain and simple war.
Satan has used many methods of killing and destroying and stealing from us see Jesus' words in John Ch 10 verse 10.
The destruction of the family is one and then allowing governments which are meant to serve the people become so big that they control and do not serve the people.
Radiation...Vaccination with mercury in the shots to brain damage us and send babies into convulsions and death.
Radio active fluoride purposely put in the water supply.
GMO crops which kill our fertility and up the risk of us getting cancer at an early age.
Promoting junk poison food like MacDonald's and Coca Cola and soft drinks using deadly Aspartame.
Developing weaponised diseases to make war on the unsuspecting general public.
Controlling the News Media to manipulate us and misinform us so that we believe all that is written or produced for us to watch o and listen to on TV and radio.
This is just what immediately comes to mind and has not touched on Big Farma the Pharmaceutical industry or on induced starvation in a plan to kill us all under the name of having our interests at their heart.
I was totally brainwashed like most of you to believe those at the top were all the good guys and had deservedly through hard work won their positions as leaders.
I was not told about the Money Supply scam. I was not told about the so called elites open worship of satan.. Jesus Christ was debunked at every turn and the Cross of Christ was taken down from public places and that time honoured best seller the Bible was banned from schools and all public places.
Now for the big awakening that I have had.
The Bildeberg meeting went off over this last week end and was exposed for the first time by some of the main line media like the Guardian and others. Alex Jones and Drudge were exonerated and are now no longer conspiracy theorists as yes 120 or more elites did attend the West Virginia conference to decide and plan our future..
What can we do about this??
Yes we should scrutinise Astonisher 3 on you tube... We should all do that and find out what is really going on.
Is the answer violent revolution? Like what the American founding fathers did in 1776?
The world has always been run by satan..
This we must first really understand and so the New World Order is actually a very old world order.
There is nothing new about it except that now it is beginning to realise its goal to actually take over running the world.
satan and all his disciples numbering maybe as much as 6000 in all, controlling the 6,000,000,000 of all of us.
This amount is far too big fore them to manage and so they are systematically slow killing us through many means.
The most obvious one is just plain and simple war.
Satan has used many methods of killing and destroying and stealing from us see Jesus' words in John Ch 10 verse 10.
The destruction of the family is one and then allowing governments which are meant to serve the people become so big that they control and do not serve the people.
Radiation...Vaccination with mercury in the shots to brain damage us and send babies into convulsions and death.
Radio active fluoride purposely put in the water supply.
GMO crops which kill our fertility and up the risk of us getting cancer at an early age.
Promoting junk poison food like MacDonald's and Coca Cola and soft drinks using deadly Aspartame.
Developing weaponised diseases to make war on the unsuspecting general public.
Controlling the News Media to manipulate us and misinform us so that we believe all that is written or produced for us to watch o and listen to on TV and radio.
This is just what immediately comes to mind and has not touched on Big Farma the Pharmaceutical industry or on induced starvation in a plan to kill us all under the name of having our interests at their heart.
I was totally brainwashed like most of you to believe those at the top were all the good guys and had deservedly through hard work won their positions as leaders.
I was not told about the Money Supply scam. I was not told about the so called elites open worship of satan.. Jesus Christ was debunked at every turn and the Cross of Christ was taken down from public places and that time honoured best seller the Bible was banned from schools and all public places.
Now for the big awakening that I have had.
The Bildeberg meeting went off over this last week end and was exposed for the first time by some of the main line media like the Guardian and others. Alex Jones and Drudge were exonerated and are now no longer conspiracy theorists as yes 120 or more elites did attend the West Virginia conference to decide and plan our future..
What can we do about this??
Yes we should scrutinise Astonisher 3 on you tube... We should all do that and find out what is really going on.
Is the answer violent revolution? Like what the American founding fathers did in 1776?
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven
Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!
My Sunday blog 3rd of June 2012..
I want to make this Sunday blog simple.. I always attempt to make all that I write simple.
I am not smart and most people too are not very smart, so what is the point of writing complex articles which only a few can understand.
Pure Goodness is real and pure evil is feal.
They are opposite forces just like the plus and minus-
Just like opposite poles in magnetism.
They have always been around since time immemorial.
We are all and I repeat al, tainted with the evil brush since birth.
My Church calls this original sin and I totally agree with that.
The leader of all evil is plain and simply the devil.. Or satan..or lucifer..
he plays an important part on this earth as without his influence we would not have free choice and we would all be worthless robots.
The Positive force can be found also very easily if you want to do a little research, and His Name Is Jesus Christ, together with His Father God and together with the uniting force of Love, The Holy Spirit..
In an amazing and difficult to explain way these THREE are ONE and this ONE GOD is Three.
We Know this God through the influence of the Holy Spirit revealing HIM to us through an amazing and miraculously written book called the Holy Bible. Although this wonderful book has many authors it really only has one and in later articles I will try and show you just how mathematically perfect the Bible is. It has to be because everything God creates is mathematically perfect from the smallest particle to the huge gigantic and endless universe.
We are in a war.. Not all of us.. Only those who recognise what I have written so far. The rest are totally unaware of what is really going on.
They are unaware because they never bothered to seriously investigate.
That time honoured and miraculously produced mathematical book the Holy Bible says when it is quoting the exact words of Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7, that
"If you ask, you will receive..If you seek, you will find and if you knock then doors of knowledge and truth will be opened."
Conversely if you do not do all the above three manoeuvres then you will get nothing and will die and be buried or burnt without ever knowing why you were allowed the privilege of LIFE on this planet.
Just as goodness is represented by a human being in the form of God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ, so evil is also represented by human beings down through the ages. At this moment in time, the greatest evil force on the planet is the London House of Rothschild.
A family with assets valued at 500 trillion dollars pounds euros it doesn't matter which denonmination of currency you choose. This is not cash that they ever earned but is cash that they just invented the figures and then lent those amounts slowly out to countries and banks and corporations and it really only becomes real when it is used for trading. It is a the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the face of this planet, That too I will try to explain at a further date for like minded simple people as myself.
Thy Kingdom come on earth
We pray this phrase very often.
Six times if you pray a Rosary and as it is the very prayer that the Lord taught us to pray, at other times too.
Have you ever really considered this petition to Our Father?
I haven't until recently.
Do you know of one being that is totally opposed to this request?
This being has been trying to set up his own kingdom since the Garden of Eden.
With Eve and then Adam he satrted his climb toards success and but for the intervention of God he would have reached his goal milleniums ago.
He tried to set it up when there was only one language upon earth..The Hebrew language and then God intervened and confused the languages at.? Yes that's right. .....BABEL tower building project....., and then again when he tried to give Jesus control over the whole world under his supervision of course, during the temptation time in the wilderness. "Bow down and worship me and then you can have the rule over all the cities of the world." Of course God knows all about it and is allowing this to happen for our good. The good of all who love Him, Jesus Christ and his Father and the Holy Spirit and I would also add our Holy Virgin Mother Mary.
Jesus did not fall for that one but so many of us have since then.
Now at the 2012 Bilderberg in West Virginia, we are drawing very close to the fulfilment of this satanic wish.
Yesterday the USA were encouraged by those so called 120 to 140 elites to give up their soverignty and pass it over to NATO and the United Nations. Congress is being bypassed and the Constitution of the USA is being ripped up in front of our very eyes.
A world government controlled by a World bank is almost completely in place. This bank is not being controlled by Jesus Christ but by one of the minions of satan or lucifer or just the plain devil.
6000 years of History is being completed with this take over by the one who wants to steal.... kill...and destroy....
Steal from you....kill you... and destroy you....
As these so called elites had to pass through crowds of Ron Paul supporters, demonstrating outside a very heavily protected hotel, an inside informer reported that in the Lobby of the hotel it was being discussed as to how to assassinate Ron Paul. One suggestion put forward was a plane crash in which a Muslim Terrorist could be blamed. Please pray for Ron Paul....
What can you and I do about this????
First we have to remember that God and His Son and His Holy Spirit are in overall control.
This is being allowed to happen to test you and to see where you stand???
Are you for HIM Jesus Christ or are you for the New World Order???? The kingdom of satan on earth with all of its horrifying consequences.
The choice is yours and very very soon you will have to either give way or make a stand.
Making a stand will most likely cost you your life. You are going to die anyway and Jesus explains that it is better to trust in the Lord that put your confidence in man or in princes.
Did you know that there are exactly 1189 chapters n the Old and New testaments of the Bible????...1189.. do you get that????
Now take a look at Psalm 118 v 9 118 9
It just so happens that Psalm 118 is the centre chapter of the Bible and that verse 9 says that it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put your trust in Princes...the Elite... the so called satanic rulers..... Verse 22 says that the stone which the builders rejected has become the head corner stone.. If you consider that there are 594 chapters to the left of Psalm 118 and then 594 chapters to the right of Psalm 118 and then you imagine these steps as stepping stones going up one side of a pyramid and then coming down the other.
594 steps up and then 594 steps down and then there is the corner stone at the very top in verse 22. Who is that corner stone???
None other than Jesus Christ Himself.. The STONE that the builders Rejected by the world but hopefully not by you??
What is your choice???
You will not have long to wait to make your decision.
Let me know what your decision is... I have made up my mind.. God help me to keep this under duress.. Only by His Grace... How about you?????
GBY and KGFG and tune into Astonisher 3 on you tube. And get all the latest info.
I very much look forward to hearing from all of you. Have a great Sunday and a great first day of the rest of your life.
My Sunday blog 3rd of June 2012..
I want to make this Sunday blog simple.. I always attempt to make all that I write simple.
I am not smart and most people too are not very smart, so what is the point of writing complex articles which only a few can understand.
Pure Goodness is real and pure evil is feal.
They are opposite forces just like the plus and minus-
Just like opposite poles in magnetism.
They have always been around since time immemorial.
We are all and I repeat al, tainted with the evil brush since birth.
My Church calls this original sin and I totally agree with that.
The leader of all evil is plain and simply the devil.. Or satan..or lucifer..
he plays an important part on this earth as without his influence we would not have free choice and we would all be worthless robots.
The Positive force can be found also very easily if you want to do a little research, and His Name Is Jesus Christ, together with His Father God and together with the uniting force of Love, The Holy Spirit..
In an amazing and difficult to explain way these THREE are ONE and this ONE GOD is Three.
We Know this God through the influence of the Holy Spirit revealing HIM to us through an amazing and miraculously written book called the Holy Bible. Although this wonderful book has many authors it really only has one and in later articles I will try and show you just how mathematically perfect the Bible is. It has to be because everything God creates is mathematically perfect from the smallest particle to the huge gigantic and endless universe.
We are in a war.. Not all of us.. Only those who recognise what I have written so far. The rest are totally unaware of what is really going on.
They are unaware because they never bothered to seriously investigate.
That time honoured and miraculously produced mathematical book the Holy Bible says when it is quoting the exact words of Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7, that
"If you ask, you will receive..If you seek, you will find and if you knock then doors of knowledge and truth will be opened."
Conversely if you do not do all the above three manoeuvres then you will get nothing and will die and be buried or burnt without ever knowing why you were allowed the privilege of LIFE on this planet.
Just as goodness is represented by a human being in the form of God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ, so evil is also represented by human beings down through the ages. At this moment in time, the greatest evil force on the planet is the London House of Rothschild.
A family with assets valued at 500 trillion dollars pounds euros it doesn't matter which denonmination of currency you choose. This is not cash that they ever earned but is cash that they just invented the figures and then lent those amounts slowly out to countries and banks and corporations and it really only becomes real when it is used for trading. It is a the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the face of this planet, That too I will try to explain at a further date for like minded simple people as myself.
Thy Kingdom come on earth
We pray this phrase very often.
Six times if you pray a Rosary and as it is the very prayer that the Lord taught us to pray, at other times too.
Have you ever really considered this petition to Our Father?
I haven't until recently.
Do you know of one being that is totally opposed to this request?
This being has been trying to set up his own kingdom since the Garden of Eden.
With Eve and then Adam he satrted his climb toards success and but for the intervention of God he would have reached his goal milleniums ago.
He tried to set it up when there was only one language upon earth..The Hebrew language and then God intervened and confused the languages at.? Yes that's right. .....BABEL tower building project....., and then again when he tried to give Jesus control over the whole world under his supervision of course, during the temptation time in the wilderness. "Bow down and worship me and then you can have the rule over all the cities of the world." Of course God knows all about it and is allowing this to happen for our good. The good of all who love Him, Jesus Christ and his Father and the Holy Spirit and I would also add our Holy Virgin Mother Mary.
Jesus did not fall for that one but so many of us have since then.
Now at the 2012 Bilderberg in West Virginia, we are drawing very close to the fulfilment of this satanic wish.
Yesterday the USA were encouraged by those so called 120 to 140 elites to give up their soverignty and pass it over to NATO and the United Nations. Congress is being bypassed and the Constitution of the USA is being ripped up in front of our very eyes.
A world government controlled by a World bank is almost completely in place. This bank is not being controlled by Jesus Christ but by one of the minions of satan or lucifer or just the plain devil.
6000 years of History is being completed with this take over by the one who wants to steal.... kill...and destroy....
Steal from you....kill you... and destroy you....
As these so called elites had to pass through crowds of Ron Paul supporters, demonstrating outside a very heavily protected hotel, an inside informer reported that in the Lobby of the hotel it was being discussed as to how to assassinate Ron Paul. One suggestion put forward was a plane crash in which a Muslim Terrorist could be blamed. Please pray for Ron Paul....
What can you and I do about this????
First we have to remember that God and His Son and His Holy Spirit are in overall control.
This is being allowed to happen to test you and to see where you stand???
Are you for HIM Jesus Christ or are you for the New World Order???? The kingdom of satan on earth with all of its horrifying consequences.
The choice is yours and very very soon you will have to either give way or make a stand.
Making a stand will most likely cost you your life. You are going to die anyway and Jesus explains that it is better to trust in the Lord that put your confidence in man or in princes.
Did you know that there are exactly 1189 chapters n the Old and New testaments of the Bible????...1189.. do you get that????
Now take a look at Psalm 118 v 9 118 9
It just so happens that Psalm 118 is the centre chapter of the Bible and that verse 9 says that it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put your trust in Princes...the Elite... the so called satanic rulers..... Verse 22 says that the stone which the builders rejected has become the head corner stone.. If you consider that there are 594 chapters to the left of Psalm 118 and then 594 chapters to the right of Psalm 118 and then you imagine these steps as stepping stones going up one side of a pyramid and then coming down the other.
594 steps up and then 594 steps down and then there is the corner stone at the very top in verse 22. Who is that corner stone???
None other than Jesus Christ Himself.. The STONE that the builders Rejected by the world but hopefully not by you??
What is your choice???
You will not have long to wait to make your decision.
Let me know what your decision is... I have made up my mind.. God help me to keep this under duress.. Only by His Grace... How about you?????
GBY and KGFG and tune into Astonisher 3 on you tube. And get all the latest info.
I very much look forward to hearing from all of you. Have a great Sunday and a great first day of the rest of your life.
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