Sunday 2 March 2014


WHAT IS THE VERY GREATEST LOVE??? We all talk about love and we band it around in our own special way..We say that William is very loving... We judge him to be loving but Samuel is not very loving... How do we measure love??? In gallons?? If we go to the holy bible we will find that there is a love that is explained to be the greatest example of LOVE...What is it?? Let's take a look.... Jhn 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. So here we have it... It is quite clear and there is no doubt left in our mind that here we have clearly explained as to what is the greatest love...When we as individuals lay down our lives for others, then we too are exhibiting the greatest and most perfect love.. Let us see if God and JESUS fit this criterion. John ch 3 v 16 ... We all know this one... FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD i.e. Us, THAT HE GAVE, HE SACRIFICED HIS ONLY SON FOR US AND FOR OUR SINS, THAT IF WE WOULD BELIEVE AND RECEIVE HIM, WE WOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.. JESUS gave his life for us so that we could be forgiven from our sins... So far so how do we apply this to ourselves??? Maybe you have read the secret? And then the sequel to it and then the short discourse about how we can easily deceive ourselves if we do not do what The Lord God wants us to do...And what is that?? What does God really want us to do? He wants us to be nice to each other...yes...He wants us to be decent chaps and not get angry and tell lies....yes...but is there something even more important than that?? Something rather uncomfortable??....let's take a look at some more words of JESUS..those red letter words shall we?? These words are actually very very uncomfortable and you will not hear many sermons on this subject..... Jhn 20:21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.EVEN SO SEND I YOU....WHEN YOU ARE SENT, YOU HAVE TO GO...NOT JUST YOUR MIND BUT YOUR BODY HAS TO MOVE...WHERE.?? Let us take a look at JESUS and what God had him to do...HE HAD TO MOVE FROM HEAVEN DOWN TO THIS STINKING EARTH FULL OF REBELS AND WICKED MEN AND WOMEN LIKE YOU AND ME.. WAS IT AN UNCOMFORTABLE JOURNEY??? YES VERY...BORN IN A STABLE...NO RICHES THERE.. NO COMFORTABLE LIFE THERE... FLEE TO EGYPT TO LIVE AMONGST TOTAL STRANGERS....LIVE AS A SIMPLE CARPENTER'S SON UNTI HE WAS ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OLD AND THEN EMBARK ON A MINISTRY THAT HE KNEW WOULD LEAD INTO A TORTUROUS DEATH... SURELY HE DOES NOT EXPECT THE SAME FROM US.... I CAN BE A PRETTY DECENT KIND OF BLOKE MOST OF THE TIME, SURELY THAT WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH???SORRY MATE THAT IS NOT WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT...JUST RECHECK WHAT HE SAID... NOT ME BUT HIM....I WILL HAVE TO GO IN THE SAME WAYS AND DIRECTIONS AS HIM.....I WILL HAVE TO DIE TO MYSELF EVERY DAY..DAILY FORSAKE ALL....WHY.??? BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HE DID AND IT ENDED PRETTY BADLY BY EARTHLY STANDARDS...HE DID NOT DIE IN A COMFY HOSPITAL BED WITH HIS LOVED ONES GATHERED AROUND HIM AT THE AGE OF NINETY...YOU KNOW THE STORY...WELL LET ME CAREFULLY EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU AND ME..I AM SPEAKING TO MYSELF...GOD EXPECTS THE SAME FROM US..THAT IS WHAT GOD JESUS SAID IN John ch 20 verse 21in the same way that I was sent so send I you...NOW WHAT IS THE MOST UNSAVOURY JOB THAT I HAVE BEEN ALLUDING TO IN MY LAST THREE BLOGS.???SHARING MY FAITH WITH OTHERS...BEING A MISSIONARY...GOING AND TELLING OTHERS..THE MAJORITY THAT I MEET EVERY DAY ARE TOTALLY UNINTERESTED IN THE MESSAGE. OUT OF A HUNDRED OR SO MAYBE THERE WILL BE ONE THAT I CAN FIND BY GOING OUT AND ASKING...EXCUSE ME, MAY I ASK YOU A QUESTION.?? SURE.....DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH AS MY GERMAN IS PRETTY TERRIBLE?? YES I DO...OH THAT IS GOOD...D O. Y O U L O V E J E S U S C H R I S T??? No I am not in the mood to talk about that....NEVER MIND THANKS FOR STOPPING AND PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LEAFLET.... No I do not want it ..Good bye....THANKS FOR STOPPING...HAVE A GOOD DAY...THIS CAN HAPPEN SEVERAL TIMES OR EVEN WORSE.. SOMETIMES ABUSE AND BLASPHEMY....AND THEN SOMETIMES A LONELY HUNGRY SHEEP....WE MEET ABOUT 120 OF THEM EVERY WEEK...ABOUT 15 every day....7 each between me and Irmgard. THEY MAKE US SO HAPPY.....THEY LIFT US UP TO HEIGHTS THAT MOST OF YOU WHO READ THIS WILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT...WHY DONT YOU HAVE A TRY AND THEN YOU WILL LEARN WHAT IS REAL LOVE..LOVING THE LOST ENOUGH TO FORSAKE YOUR COZY COMFY LIVING AND GO GO GO GO GO GO GO.EVERY DAY IS LIKE THE FIRST Day you ever tried it.. It is scary and humiliating and many will despise and reject you.. Even those who call themselves CHRISTIANS will distance themselves from you...they are the deceived ones...THEY ARE DECEIVING THEMSELVES...REMEMBER.....BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD NOT HEARERS ONLY DECEIVING YOURSELVES.....THAT IS WHY CHRISTIANITY HAS BECOME SO LUKE WARM AND FLABBY AND THAT IS WHY GREAT TRIBULATION IS ON ITS WAY..allowed and encouraged by GOD TO SEE IF WE CAN CHANGE AND START PAYING THE SAME PRICE THAT HE PAID....THAT MY DEAR FRIEND IS THE GREATEST LOVE...NOT JUST BEING A DECENT KIND OF BLOKE....WHY IS MOTHER THERESA SO ADMIRED...A RATHER UGLY OLD LOOKING NUN...SHE LOVED GODS CREATURES LEFT TO DIE ON RUBBISH HEAPS IN INDIA..S HE PICKED THEM UP IN HER ARMS AND CARTED THEM OFF AND WASHED THEM AND LOVED THEM..she did physically what we should all be doing spiritually and physically to the poor materially rich people we meet every day who have no purpose but to fill in their time with amusements and pleasure until the death angel comes and carts off their spirits to only god knows where...THE BIBLE TELLS US QUITE PLAINLY TO HELL....O

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