Wednesday 20 February 2013

How to find God

How to find GOD! For your first step, you do not need even a Bible or any book or equipment. You could be an uneducated native living in a remote Indian village or in the Amazon jungle and this will be sure to work. Or you could be a high powered executive running big business.. It really does not matter who you are and what you are or even where you are. You do not believe me? Well let me set this out really simply. Whether you believe in God at the initial stage is totally unimportant. The first action you have to make is to put all your preconceived ideas and findings onto the back burner. I am a devout Atheist or Agnostic or Muslim or Hindu or Catholic or Protestant etc. Forget about it for now at any rate. For this to work, you must be prepared to leave them, (these ideas) there for 2 weeks. After that you can if you want to take them all up again if the experiment has failed for you. If you do this right there will be no question of failure. You do not even have to pray.. How do I know? Because I did not really pray. Every thought you have whether it is an idle phantasy or a prayer is all recorded in a big book belonging to the Master of the Universe. He is watching you like a hawk. Of course you do not believe that, so why don't you start by thinking the following. Why the heck am I here? I was not here 50, 60, 70, years ago and I will not be around in 50, 60 70 years time. So what is this about? That is all you have to do. It is that simple and now just wait and see what happens. It takes 2 weeks, not because God needs 2 weeks but you need 2 weeks. He will speak and maneuver events in your direction and for the first few hours you will hear yourself mutter. COINCIDENCE COINCIDENCE!!! This will go on for as long as it takes and then eventually, in my case 2 weeks, the penny will drop and you will realise that it is highly improbable that so many coincidences could follow each other so often. Exactly what God will do after your sincere thought process begins is totally up to HIM. He has a trillion ways of maneuvering events and circumstances. Maybe you will meet people who love HIM or you will hear something on the radio or TV or just thoughts will start popping into your mind. I do not know but I do know that if you obey the rules which are to keep all possibilities open and not fall back on ANY ANY ANY of your preconceived ideas whether they be good or bad, you will be amazed at what the BIG BOSS and LOVER and CREATOR of HUMAN KIND and all that is in this extraordinary world, will do. He loves you so so so so much that once He knows that you mean business, He will move Heaven and Earth to reach out to you. Do not believe me???? Just try it and let me know. It, (the method suggested above) will not fail. He will not fail. Write and let me know what happens. This simple formula or system can be applied to any questions that you may have as to which is the true religion or which girl to marry or boy if you happen to be a girl or what job to go for or or or or.I apply this rule to myself every day and I never ever stand still. If you stand still and stop making progress without a doubt you will start slipping back down the slippery slope in to the oblivion. Once you gather speed it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to find the brake. But never ever ever impossible. God bless you and have fun putting this simple Biblical formula into action. I have purposely left out quotes from Holy Books etc because at this initial stage they are not needed. God will show you when and how to take them up.

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