Friday 1 February 2013


We get the leaders we deserve I have devoted the last years of my life, trying to uncover the secrets about the Leadership of this world. This is my Sunday Blog of Feb the 1st week and I have chosen the title... We Get What We Deserve! Yes!! satan controls the leadership of the world and always has done. God allows satan to have this important job so that we all have free choice to follow him or HIM that was crucified for our sins and rose again in VICTORY for our eventual victory too. However, satan is kept in check by God, and the whole book of Job is about this fact. When ancient Israel was bad, they got into trouble and were beaten and almost completely destroyed.. Assyrians...Babylonians.. Romans and now the forces of the antichrist. The same principle would apply to the USA who is a waning top dog at the moment. The above link will help to show you much about this... God warned the Israelites about the dangers of having a King. Just like the despotic rulers and Royal Families of today and yesterday, they are all evil and power hungry. To sum up they are all Eugenicist and Misanthropic. Murderers and haters of the ultimate creation of God brought about in His own image, MAN. They hate man but promote animals and the earth and all of the other lesser creations of God. The great duke of edinburgh calls humanity A PLAGUE!! I am sure that his wife agrees as do all the luciferian leaders especially those in control of the cash... THE BANKSTERS.. When the USA was set up in the 1770s and 80s, The leaders were aware of many of the pitfalls and tried to make a constitution to protect the USA citizens form oppressive governments such as they had experienced in Europe. These early leaders were nearly all Bible believing Christians and America quickly rose to world domination as a Super Power. However superpower also spells super corruption and now we are watching the taring down process allowed by God and perpetrated by satan. There is much you can all do to research on the internet and this brings me to my last and perhaps most important point. Recently I was getting very excited about the fact that I michael jaffray king had woken up while so many still seem to be asleep. Now I am beginning to realise that the enemy purposely wants many to wake up so that we will have two camps.. THE ENLIGHTENED... AND THE DUMBDED DOWN DRUGGED DOWN ASLEEP VARIETY... They actually want a Civil War in the USA and all over the world too. Sunny against Shia.. Protetstant against Catholic...the enlightened against those who are asleep. They want confusion because satan is the author of confusion. Maybe that is why AJ, Alex Jones is allowed to do what he is doing. In the master plan with a small m for satan, they want total confusion and civil war. All out war is bad enough but civil war is the cruelest and most shattering and frightening of all conflicts. So there you have it for this blog at the beginning of Feb. Yes it is a great deal later than you think and maybe instead of storing up food and Gold and Silver coins, you start developing a real living relationship with the ONE who has the whole world in HIS HANDS.. Dear Jesus Christ. Please come into my heart and take over my life completely and in every way imaginable. Help me to make YOU my very best friend as well as my LORD and MASTER! I want to walk with YOU beside me at all times. GBY and KGFG mjk.. PS They want to make you mad.. They want the TSA to stick their fingers into your genitals.. They want you to discover that 9/11 was an inside job... Sandy hook..Piers Morgan...Alex Jones...Oklahoma bombing...Senseless wars in the Middle East and Afghainistan..Corruption at all levels of leadership.. The Higher up you go the greater the corruption..They love for all their false flags to be uncovered..Operation Gladio.. the Bay of Tonkin.. They want to get you mad and yes they will come for your guns... WHY???????????????????? BECAUSE they want a civil war a destructive civil war. They want NATO and the USA to collapse and allow a temporary space for CHINA to rule.... 2013... lucky number 13 is going to be one heck of a roller coaster... Just you wait and see.. Please watch the above link and ba ware of what is going on... Do not be drawn stupidly into violence... The worst they can do is to kill you and then you go somewhere where the eye has not seen nor ear heard nor entered int ot he heart of man what God has promised for those who love HIM... Hang on tight... It is much later than you think... Keep chatting away with Jesus.. He loves you and wants to be your friend..

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