Friday 15 February 2013

The Final dots

Connecting the last dots! I am incredibly blessed by God.. It is a work of complete and total GRACE! (God's Reward At Christ's Expense), that I can see as well as I do. Why did God choose me and not the billions of others who see no further than their noses or their bank books? I really do not know the answer to this question but maybe and only maybe it has something to do with having an inquiring mind. There is still so much for me to discover! On that railway train snaking its way through West Sussex and then Surrey on its way to London Bridge station, I first had enough time on my hands to think. I do not remember praying, just thinking aloud to my soul. Why am I here? What the hell is this crazy life all about? My brother, 8 years my senior was already dead, having tragically lost his life in a sailing accident on May the 5th 1954. Three of my best friends at the Naval College were dead in plane crashes. I, who have been in involved in 4 serious air incidents, was still alive. The Osborne branch of the family were becoming fabulously wealthy, involved in designing wall paper allegedly getting their extraordinary designs while under the influence of LSD. Mary Osborne's illegitimate son, John Aspinall was busy killing off his zoo keepers under the false and extremely stupid belief that humans could bond with Bengal Tigers. Well God was listening in to these thoughts of mine just as He is listening to all yours too and He answered me without really being asked by showing me a simple child like faith in Jesus Christ. From there I have progressed in spiritual knowledge uncovering the GOOD and the evil and today I can tell you that without a single doubt that this world is ruled over by the devil and his luciferian disciples. Everyone at the top of the world pyramid of leadership is tainted with pedophilia, mass murder and satanic ritual worship which involves the killing of small children. These 6000 approximately, are to the man luciferian and to the man misanthropic. They hate the creation of God the human race and believe that they are elite. They believe that they have the right to cull us like they would an overgrown seal population. To these people, and half my family belongs to them, humanity is a plague..The words of the Duke of Edinburgh, husband to the queen of England. This is not just a recent trend in HIS STORY but has always been the case. If you do not believe me then do your own research which has been made extremely easy for you with the introduction and use of the internet. Now for a final word from Saint Raphael Baron who only lived 27 years on this earth. God Bless him and thanks dear Raphael for putting it so well. This is taken from today's Liturgical readings of the Roman Catholic Church and should be read along with Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 5:27-32. Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post. He said to him, «Follow me.» And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him. Then Levi gave a great banquet for him in his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were at table with them. The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus said to them in reply, "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners." Commentary of the day : Saint Raphael Arnaiz Baron (1911-1938), a Spanish Trappist monk Spiritual writings, 15/12/1936 (trans. 'To know how to wait', Mairin Mitchell) "Leaving everything behind, the man got up and followed him" Above the monastery some planes are cutting through the sky at tremendous speed. The noise of the engines frightens the birds who take shelter in the cypresses of our cemetery. In front of the convent and crossing the land is a tarred road along which lorries and carloads of tourists, for whom the sight of the monastery has no interest, run at all hours. One of the principal Spanish railways also runs through the fields of the monastery... People tell you that all this is freedom... But the man who reflects a little will see how deluded the world is in the midst of what he calls freedom... Where, then, is true freedom? It is in the heart of one who loves nothing more than God. It is in the heart of one who is attached neither to spirit nor to matter, but only to God. It is in that soul which is not subject to the “I” of egoism, which soars above its own thoughts, feelings, suffering and enjoyment. Freedom resides in the soul whose one reason for existence is God, whose life is God and nothing else but God. The human spirit is small, impoverished, subject to a thousand changes of mood, ups and downs, depressions, disillusionments, etc., and the body to so much weakness. Freedom, then, is in God, and the soul which truly, in soaring above everything, makes her abode in him, can say that she enjoys freedom to the extent that is possible for one still in the world to do so. Now for my last famous quote by Forest Gump.. """That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war."""

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