Thursday 4 December 2014


FOLLOW THE MONEY.... The motive for people doing the things they do is for money, usually that is. Many times they say it is religion but that is only a scape goat...There are exceptions to the MONEY TALKS BULLSHIT WALKS philosophy...My Christian faith is worth more to me than a ROTHSCHILD fortune. I cannot be bought for Five hundred trillion pounds sterling, which is said to be the total wealth of these modern king of the JEWS family...I hope I could stand up to torture, by the grace of God only could I do that... So what I am trying to say here is that whenever you see evil rearing its ugly head, be a Conan Doyle SHERLOCK Holmes and look for the motive... Let's take a few examples.... 9/11 What would bin Laden gain by striking the USA....??? Being bombed.....being hounded......never being able to live in peace again...he did not have the technology to run away to safety...motive out of 100.......0 On the other hand the government want to always extend their power over the people that they are meant to be serving...ALL POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY... BY staging 9/11 they can declare war on self imposed terrorism...the people will become afraid and will then allow restrictions and control like we see being done by the ridiculous TSA. JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING that has happened has been staged..IRAQ LIBYA AFGHANISTAN SYRIA UKRAINE mh17 and on and on it goes..TTL for the Internet and alternative media as now more and more are waking up. The next false flag will probably be a dirty terrorist bomb in Chicago or Detroit or somewhere not so the pentagon strike where a missile entered a part of the building that was the least important.. The twin towers too were getting old and a huge sum could be made from insurance...This has probably been planned ages ago. In history we can study the bay of Tolkin Nero burning down jerusalem and then blaming the CHRISTIANS...ISIS trained And funded by the west and ISRAEL again a ROTHSCHILD project....motive to instil fear in the population. CNN have just put out a warning about bombs going off at Christmas. CNN are controlled by JP morgan and goldmanSachs both agents of the king of the JEWS family R... THE PURPOSE OF THIS POST IS TO HELP US ALL LOOK FOR MOTIVES.. Just like Sherlock Holmes or really the excellent writing of Conan Doyle... HOPE THAT WAS A HELP,!!

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