Wednesday 26 December 2012

Dec 21st 2012...The beginning of a New Era not the end of the world

The beginning of a New Era! The 21st of December 2012 was not the end of the World as so many people seemed to imagine it would be, but I do think that this date will be remembered as the beginning of a New Era. What do I mean? I am now 74 years old. I have reached the average life expectancy for my gender. I was born just before the beginning of the 2nd World War a horrendous affair which I now know to have been completely staged by the so called Elite in their programme of Destruction and murder of the Human Race, and their quest for more money and more power. 25 years previously, they had organised and staged another terrible and extremely destructive World War, number 1, and so the 20th century ended as being the most horrific and violent 100 year page of HIS STORY since the beginning of HIS STORY. Now during most of my life time we have been free from World War but not at all free from violence and stupid and pointless wars on a smaller scale than those 2 World Conflagrations of the last 100 years. So what has really changed and what can we expect in this New Era? I think the most important change is that the dumbed down hypnotized and manipulated and drugged population of the Masses, are beginning to wake up. No longer do we blindly accept the fact that those at the top of the Pyramid are the good guys who have our interests at heart. We know that was and is written in the GOOD OLD BOOK THE HOLY BIBLE, to be absolutely spot on when it carefully explains that Satan rules and has always ruled the world. No longer do we think that the Royals, and the Megabankers and their Puppets the Politicians playing their Left Right or Center paradigm game of Politics deceiving the people that their particular brand of Politics is in control, are Christian at heart. We now know them to be in fact died in the wool fanatical Luciferians and in other words Satan worshipers and Satan followers. Saint John's Gospel Ch 10 verse 10 now makes complete sense when The Master and Creator of the Universe and all that is in it tells us clearly that Satan's job is to... STEAL KILL AND DESTROY while God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit wants to bestow on all of us an abundant life. Thanks largely to the Internet and the Information revolution we now know that the Mainstream Media is bought up by the Megabankers and tells only the manipulating rubbish that they are forced and permitted to put out to the generally half dead public. We now know that a lot of what we eat has been intentionally tampered with to slowly poison us to an early death and to diminish our IQ. The same applies to what we drink. We now know that the deadly vaccination programmes are designed to slow kill us and sometimes not so slowly. We now know that these so called elite number only about 6000 people and are out numbered by us drugged and hypnotized public by a million to one. They are rightfully terrified that this large imbalance will and can work against them especially when so many people are waking up to these facts. We now know that our weather is being tampered with by HARP, look it up, and that those Chem trails are not the natural contrails from passenger jets but are intentionally poisoning us and changing our weather. We now know that the False Flag Hegelian dialectic...look it up... is alive and well and is being practiced at every turn by the elite, almost on a daily basis.. Mind control has been and is being perfected and unless we wake up will take us all over. We now know that all the above and I am sure that I have left out some more important points, to be true, but let that suffice for now. These elite to whom I am personally related by blood as my Grandfather, Clement Samuel Horn, was a descendant of the last Catholic and rather wicked king James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland and whose eldest daughter brought into the world her second son John Aspinal the Misanthropic maniac who falsely believed that humans could bond with Bengal Tigers and went on to watch not one but 5 of his private zoo keepers die proving that his idea were diabolically stupid. John Aspinal was not the End of the story as now Lord Rothschild, the big white chief of the Banking world and thus the big white chief of the whole world...(Money talks and bullshit walks) has placed my cousin on the throne of the Chancellor of the exchequership a kind of Robin Hood in reverse, stealing from the impoverished masses and giving to the megarich. So what can we expect?? The elite are worried and fearful. Those who have no faith in the One True God and His Crucified Son Jesus Christ are always afraid and when they are afraid they react even more erratically and destructfully than normal. World war 3 is on the cards along with an economic crash that will force people through starvation to accept the New World Order plan of total control of the masses who will be reduced in number from 7 billion to about a more manageable half a billion. 90% of us will have to be eliminated in the next few years if all goes according to their diabolical plan. The USA will be reduced to below a 3rd world standard along with Europe and only China and Russia will enjoy a temporary place at the top. While the Masses, mass destruct themselves in Nuclear war the elite will bunker down in their underground cities already built and will then emerge with some kind of deadly plague which will wipe out all the brown and black, victorious Asians and Africans leaving them to do as they please without resistance. All this has not brought in a factor which has purposely been left out. GOD. He will be doing His part and the outcome will be a resounding victory not to the Mass controllers but to those who honour Christ and go to His Holy Mass, a carefully chosen play on words. Not Mass destruction only but Holy Mass where the sacrifice of Christ's Crucifixion and resurrection is performed every day around the world. When this Holy Mass is done away with which it will be by the decree of the NWO and a diabolical mass replaces the Holy Mass, then you will know exactly how many days are left until Christ takes over complete control in His New World Order of Peace, Justice, Forgiveness, Mercy and real Agape LOVE for ever and ever and ever. So in a nutshell you know what to expect in the future. I think that the Lord has allowed me to be pretty accurate. Let us wait and see. We will not have long to wait. GBY and KGFG and a very very happy exciting and eventful New Year as you place your 100% confidence in the King of Kings who incidentally has already won the battle at that famous victory won on a hill called Calvary 2000 years ago when satan was defeated game set match. He satan is only fighting a rear guard losing battle as he pretends with his deceitfulness to be winning.. Do not be deceived!!!! Once again GBY and KGFG michael jaffray king. Happy New Year being awake to all that will shortly take place and is even now well under way...

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