Friday 21 December 2012

The Proud and Godless are always full of fear and especially of their DEMISE!

THE PROUD AND GODLESS ARE ALWAYS FULL OF FEAR AND ESPECIALLY THE FEAR OF DEATH!!! My Weekend blog one day after the end of the world! I find this comforting...These really wicked people that rule over the world and have so much, fake made up cash running into the trillions of $, Euro, Pounds Stirling...are absolutely paranoid about their end. I was reading about one of the worst tyrants.. A mega Tyrant... Joseph Stalin...Responsible for millions of deaths...He was so fearful of death and being murdered that he would not tell even his bodyguard in which of several rooms he would use for sleeping. He went to bed at 4 in the morning, staying up drinking with forced friends to entertain him and keep him company. I am sure this is also true for all the leaders of the satanic luciferian banking leadership who are running our world today. Outnumbered by 1,000,000 to 1, they are terrified of their demise and they are terrified that the masses that they so despise will wake up and put them all on trial and send them to the firing squads or gallows or electric chair or deadly inoculation. It is natural to have some fear of death but remember the Word of God where Saint Paul says in his letter to the Philippians ch 1 v 21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. I find those words very comforting. At 74, death is closer than it was before. The first part of this verse is also very live is Christ... If you are doing your best to live for Christ and promoting Him at every opportunity then like Saint Paul we too can say "to die is gain". Stalin's daughter, who was there at his bedside “The death agony was terrible. He literally choked to death as we watched.” (Conquest, Stalin: Breaker of Nations, p. 312) I believe that these totally satanic and luciferian leaders are well aware of this and are scared out of their wits. We must pray that they will repent and turn to the Living God and His Son Jesus Christ. I look forward to your comments.. GBY and KGFG and please remember to send me a little financial help for Christmas and for my 74th birthday. As a full time Missionary I live entirely from donations. It is a great miracle how the Great God of the Universe so mercifully provides for my every need and often using people like you to do be a part. GBY and KGFG A very very Happy Christmas and a Happy and exciting New Year.. We are in for a Roller Coaster... He is able!!!!!!!! Especially when I am unable!!!!

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