Saturday 15 December 2012


GUNS!!!!! Why Guns are still in the hands of Civilians in the USA? Sunday Blog 16th December 2012. 5 days until the end of the world...Ha!!! To understand the 2nd amendment and the Gun Laws of the USA, it would be helpful to drift back into the 18th century and see what was going on in those British Colonies. Britain was ruling the waves and waving the rules. The Colonists were heavily taxed and dominated by England with its standing army. The King of England was the King of the The North American continent. Ideally a Government is meant to be servant of the people who elect it into position. Sadly this is very rarely the case and the Colonists knew this having escaped from the oppressive regimes in Europe for just that reason. The name Prime minister even means the Chief Servant and not the Chief Dictator. Sadly all through History even when Governments begin on the right foot, they soon become corrupt as all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This especially happens when the Money supply is taken away from the people, and their elected governments, and given to private individuals. The Federal Reserve bank and the Bank of England sound like Government controlled with their Government sounding names. They are not but are Private Banks run by the mega rich. Those early settlers had deserted Europe where they had been oppressed by overbearing and unjust governments to found a new land of hope. Most were Bible believing Christians and had been persecuted for their faith back in their homelands in Europe. The war of independence started when the British tried to take away the arms that were in the hands of the colonists. They won their independence and successfully threw out the Brits and began ruling themselves. There is nothing that a Government fears more than an armed population that they are trying to rule over. The founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson knew about this tendency for Governments becoming oppressive and so the people were allowed to- have arms to deter any Government from becoming totalitarian. The 2nd amendment specifically allows this. Even with their guns, still in tact, the money mad mega rich, lead from London, were able in 1913 to take over the money supply and thus gain control over the people. Mega banks especially under the control of the Rothschild families gained total control of the money supply and as the famous quote from this famous Luciferian family said..." If we control the money supply we do not care who makes the laws". Today as we have been trying to tel l you on so many occasions those same mega rich are trying to bring in their New World Order and take over complete Dictatorial control of the world under satan. I have also told you that about 20 families consisting of about 6000 so called elite are doing all they can to grab the world away from the 7 billion. To do this they are continually implementing their Eugenicist and Misanthropic demonic programmes. That is why we have so much war and financial crises. That is why we are so heavily taxed while the same mega rich pay no taxes. That is why the water supply is poisoned with Fluoride and other toxic waste. That is why the air is polluted on a daily basis by Chemical trails left by special aircraft who crisscross our skies. That is why we are getting involved in Regime change all over the Middle East and that is why the same Elkaida that is being blamed for 9/11 are now being funded to bring hell and destruction to first Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria an soon to Iran. That is why we have an orchestrated financial crisis and that is why our whole world is in such a hell of a mess. That is why Christianity is being persecuted and the Holy Bible is being thrown out of schools and Government run organisations. These school shootings and Theater shootings whether orchestrated or just pure coincidences are playing into the hands of the Governments who want to disarm their people. It is like saying that spoons are responsible for overweight people. Lets take away the spoons so overweight people cannot feed themselves, It is just that ridiculous. Personally as I try to follow Jesus Christ, I believe that he that lives by the gun whether they be Government or Private individual will also die by the Gun. We know the endgame. Jesus Christ will come back and utterly smash those evil demonic forces that have always been trying to take over complete control of the world ever since time immemorial. PLEASE TURN TO JESUS CHRIST TODAY BY ASKING HIM INTO YOUR HEART AND MAKE HIS HOLY BOOK,THE HOLY BIBLE, YOUR YARDSTICK AND GUIDE. It is much later than you think. Please pray for those poor wretched families who have been bereaved at this school shooting and through 9/11 and through the death and destruction of these wicked and totally unnecessary wars the rage around the world feeding the financial pockets of the Military Industrial Complexes which are totally under control of satan and the mega rich who worship him. Pleas get back to me and I would love to hear your reaction. Please send us some help for Christmas and continue to pray for us.

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