Saturday 11 October 2014


A FEW HOME TRUTHS... now that I am getting quite a bit of rather bad press BECAUSE, my two naughty daughters, whom I love unconditionally are making a scandal for the rest of their family in their bid for fame and fortune, on X FACTOR...THEY ARE IN THE FINALS, WHICH IS VERY EXCITING....IT MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO STATE A FEW HOME TRUTHS, MAINLY ABOUT MYSELF... HOLLYWOOD, the Pop Star music industry is quite a Mafia and of course EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND ONE OF MY VERY FAVOURITE SAYINGS... MONEY TALKS AND THE BULLSHITTERS WALK... This is how the world is run..In case you did not know and probably you already know this. THERE IS A WAY OUT OF THIS RAT RACE WHICH CAPTURES NEARLY EVERYBODY, FROM EARLY TEEN HOOD TO DEATH....?? ???? Fall madly in love with your and my creator and his son JESUS Christ and Holy MARY his and our mother.. THAT IS A SURE WAY OUT....I HAVE TRIED IT FOR NEARLY 50 years and it really works.. 13 years ago just after the birth of my 12th child in Poland my whole family converted to the Roman Catholic Church in a place called WROCTAW OR IN GERMAN BRESLAU... Here while continuing our never stopping C.I.A. (CHRISTIANS IN ACTION) CHRISTIAN activity of witnessing JESUS Christ to all and sundry, we did a one year catechism course at the Dominican monastery with father ANDJE BUNOVSKY...for sure spelt wrong but sounds phonetically correct.. HAVING BEEN MARRIED TWICE BEFORE of course my wife and I did not qualify for taking the Holy EUCHARIST so we agreed together, to live a life of other words Like brother and sister.. We had seven children between us and I was now getting pretty advanced in age a and as we did not believe in birth control or abortion, it made very good sense.. I remember well going to my first confession with Father Roman and it did take a long time as both I and my wife had been in a notorious sect, the Children of God for 25 many ways this sect was more Roman Catholic than most CATHOLICS as our new found priestly friend Polish Father CHRISTOPHER, who met us in Kiev UKRAINE, told us as he took us under his wing introducing us to Roman Catholicism. By many enemies the COG were called a sex cult and understandably so as we practised A VERY radical form of soul winning called FLIRTY FISHING..OUR PROPHET AND FOUNDER MOSES DAVID OR DAVID BERG LEAD US TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS WOULD BE PLEASED IF WE GAVE OUT FREE SEX TO THE LOST AND HURTING WORLD..This was done in a well organised way and actually won influential disciples and helpers for the movement.. No birth control was practised and resulting pregnancies and baby births were considered a privilege and the babies were called JESUS babies..As we lived a communal life of sharing like the early commune living church in Acts ch2:44&45, the babies were well taken care of.. In an ideal society which for sure does not exist on this earth, this system might have really worked but of course it was only a partial success and contributed to the break down of the natural families in the group. I had to do quite a bit of confessing for this activity before I could become a Roman Catholic. THIS HAS BEEN ELABORATED ON BY THE DAILY MAIL which is actually quite a respectable newspaper and thirty years ago I was a good friend of Leslie Watkins one of their reporters who was fascinated by our sect and wrote a great deal about this..As you from the Daily Mail are probably reading this you can do a little research and maybe Leslie Watkins is still alive but would most likely be in his 80s... I WILL WRITE MORE INSTALMENTS BUT THAT WILL HAVE TO DO FOR NOW....I hope you found that interesting...GBY AND KGFG. keep going for God...

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