Monday 27 October 2014


THE DAY MY WORLD CHANGED..IN FRONT OF MY OWN EYES... I KNEW THIS WAS COMING SINCE 1974, WHEN I DROPPED OUT OF THE MAINSTREAM WORLD AND BECAME A DROP OUT CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY... I was able to see the world through another's eyes.. The eyes of my creator..the blinds were taken off....I realised that what was being promoted as good was evil..very evil... Our governments which were elected to serve the common people had become our very deceptive masters and controllers....pretending to serve our interests they were plotting our total overthrow... Every BILDERBERGER meeting they planned and planned and planned our overthrow..With amazing cunning described in our book THE HOLY BIBLE LUKE CH 16:8 for the children of this world are in their generation wiser then the children of light. ALWAYS GO TO THE WORLD'S BEST SELLING BOOK..THE BIBLE FOR YOUR ANSWERS FROM GOD HIMSELF AND YOU CANNOT GO WRONG.. I understand perfectly and if you read your bible you should too. Our western world is run by lucifer. We have allowed him to be our ruler by turning our backs on God and his son Jesus Christ.. 50 million child abortion murders since Rowe v Wade.. Plus much much more.. There is a solution, not civil war which is just around the corner, but a return to a strong belief in the God of our Fathers. 2 Nd Chronicles ch 7:14 explains exactly what to do.. HERE IT IS PLEASE READ AND REREAD THIS KEY VERSE FOR OUR TIMES VERY CAREFULLY..IN FACT MEMORISE IT..LAY IT UP IN YOUR HEART... 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Bible) Viewing the 1611 King James Version.. If my people which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. However this perfect solution is unlikely to attract much attention but it might as Our God not the demon god allah is extremely merciful and for very few righteous people he was prepared not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah . Tighten you seat belts and pray as if everything depends on prayer...Why?????? Because it does!!!!!!!!

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